#northern cardinal


Northern Cardinals

Bird medley

A pair of mourning doves and a northern cardinal, also some glass warping in the middle oops

I love the bright red beauty of the Northern Cardinal in the fresh snow!

I love the bright red beauty of the Northern Cardinal in the fresh snow!

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 “Grey Day Gift” Northern Cardinal. 12"x16" oil on panel.I love that in winter

“Grey Day Gift” Northern Cardinal. 12"x16" oil on panel.
I love that in winter I can look around the grey, overcast yard, devoid of much color… and often, out there on a branch, glowing red, is one of our resident cardinals! For West End Gallery’s Spotlight Exhibition this month.

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When I want to express more abstract ideas or emotions, recently, I draw birds. This gynandromorph cardinal is for hope and resilience. Especially queer and trans hope and resilience.

…and a cardinal joins in to say “chp!”

I interrupt your regular cockatiel programming to present you this photo I took yesterday:

an absolute borb of a cardinal

Northern Cardinal (male)

Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis Source: Here

Northern Cardinal
Cardinalis cardinalis

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The cardinal in my neighborhood finally found a gf !! So much chirping lol
