

I was approached by this blog and asked to share so I thought I would. Here goes:

I stopped shaving the day after I was raped. I was raped by a man who I knew and was friends with. I spent months and months depressed by what happened to me, so much so that I had made a plan to end my life.

Enter radical feminism. I know that there’s a lot of hate and drama around radfem discourse, but it truly saved my life. It was a place I found that had women who were just like me. Who had been where I was. They were telling me it was alright to be angry. It was alright to stop performing femininity. It was then I stopped wearing makeup, wearing bras (I wear sports bras during the summer, sweatshirts or my flannel in the winter).

Anyhow, back to my legs. I have shaved, do shave occasionally. Though I am no longer embarrassed by my natural state. It’s given me a lot more strength. It’s also extended to other parts of my body where hair naturally grows. I don’t shave my armpits or my pubis. Things have stopped itching (from razor burn). It’s been awesome as far as how my body feels. Though I do often get asked by family if I shower (as if not shaving is somehow dirty) and an ex asked if I was going to start a forest fire!

Anyway, I’m glad to be part of this. Keep strong everyone! Much love!
