#not da





Okay, so he’s got a girly face, and he wears tights and some high boots. Sure.

But check out that noble steed. That’s one ready-to-kick-ass-and-take-names steed.

While other princesses just run away and leave nothing, Philip gets AN INVITE TO HER HOUSE. He gets a song, a dance, and a first date.

He comes home, just to tell his dad he’s not going to marry the princess because he’s in love.

No. Other. Reason. He rides in and is just like, “I met the girl I’m going to marry. Now I’ve got a birthday party to be at. Bye Dad.”

Now how much do you think his dad weighs? That short fat little man? Probably pretty heavy.Not a problem for Prince Philip.

And then he gets jumped by goblins, both hands tied behind his back

But that’s not enough to stop Prince Philip.Oh no.

He breaks his hands free and starts chuckinggoblins.

Look at that face. That face. The “BITCH JUST YOU WAIT” face. He may be tied down by a dozen goblins but he’s not gonna take no shit from this witch.

In fact, he’s so strong, she ends up keeping him chained to the wall, but he still fights back.

Now when he finally does get free–

He’s ready to go into battle UNARMED. He don’t need no shield or sword, he’s going to go punch Maleficent’s face in with his fist. If Flora didn’t stop him, he probably would have, too.

Backed up against a cliff edge, nowhere to go. Fighting off goblins. But there’s so many and just one Philip.


Gate closing?

who gives a fuck? certainly not prince philip.

Lighting hitting rocks around me?


Giant forest of thorns?

Bitch, get out of my way. I’ve got a princess to save.

Giant dragon of hell?


Fire? Dragon? Burning dry twigs? No. Fucking. Problem.

Just smack that bitch on the nose.

Sheer cliff face? Fire burning behind me? Back to a wall?

Calm down guys, I got this.


And fight the bloody beast from 500 feet high, with literally nothing to save me if I fall.

Lose the shield off the cliff?


Just chuck it. Straight through.

Then jump out of the way…

And survive. That’s what happens to bitches who mess with the woman I love.

Get the horse.

Get the girl.


that’s how he EARNED his happily ever after.

Srsly. The most bad. ass. prince. disney ever wrote.

I 1,000% never thought of it from this point of view before and am now screaming Too Hot, Hot Damn, Made that dragon wanna retire man.

Jeez, i barely remember all these details from the movie, but now you say that’s true, he’s a real hero!

heroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neuheroineimages: headspace-hotel:thecollectibles:Art by Jian Guo  Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neu




Art by Jian Guo 

Alignments: ∎ Lawful Good  ∎ Neutral good  ∎ Chaotic good  ∎ Lawful neutral  ∎ Absolute neutrality  ∎ Chaos neutrality  ∎ Lawful evil  ∎ Neutral evil ∎ Chaotic evil


Powerfully done…

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Bard: * casts vicious mockery * DONT. YOU. SASS. ME.

*gets one shot by beholder*


Baby owl nap

#not da    #too cute    #baby animals    
truebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysitruebluemeandyou:Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for AccessibilityAnxietyAutistic SpectrumDyslexiaPhysi


Do’s and Don'ts of Designing for Accessibility

  • Anxiety
  • Autistic Spectrum
  • Dyslexia
  • Physical or Motor Disabilities
  • Low Vision
  • Screen Readers
  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Find the PDFs for Do’s and Don’ts of Designing for Accessibility here.

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Some magic systems become more realistic if there is a consequence brought onto it’s user. Sometimes this can be as simple as balance— if you heal a life, another life must be given. Here are some ideas to get your mind churning on what consequences your magic could cause to its user.

1) Pain. If the magic is brute and aggressive (fire, lightning, mind control in a negative manner) the user feels all of that same pain they exerted onto someone else.

2) Emotional disconnection. The more the user plays with their power, the less emotion they can feel. Eventually, this could lead to complete disconnection from everyone they love and a decay into pure evilness.

3) Headaches. If the user has a mind-related power, giving them headaches could be a simple yet effective consequence. The headaches could make their power unstable, chaotic and truly dangerous. 

4) Years off their life. Every time they use their ability, it slowly takes days, months and years away from their life. If they’re immortal, they risk mortality. 

5) Slip into madness. The power either gets to their head or it has an evil origin thus causing them to become mad and insane overtime.

6) Freedom. The power is actually an entity of its own and while the user thinks they have control over this awesome ability— it’s really controlling them. Over time, it forces them into doing things or hurting people and one day they just become a soulless puppet. (Makes me think of a parasite ) 

7) Increased aging. The speed at which you age is increased, but the user doesn’t realize it until they start seeing grey hairs or wrinkles. 

8) Blood loss. The magic draws upon the users blood and they have to wait for it to restore before using their abilities— if they don’t, or use a large surge of their ability, it can drain them of blood.

9) Memory loss. The wear and tear on the users mind causes them to slowly forget their lives until they have nothing left to remember. Alternatively, maybe the power needs to use these memories as source of energy.

10) Decay. The users body slowly begins to wither. Nails rotting, skin peeling, eyes drooping, knees weak… mama’s spaghetti. 

11) Extreme exhaustion or tiredness. The power keeps them up at night and takes a ton of energy to use. This renders the user constantly exhausted which can lead to death either from exhaustion, or from making fatal mistakes because they’re so tired.

12) Sacrifices. The power requires some sort of sacrifice to the gods or else they take their power back. An animal, a conjuring of different herbs and items, blood… a life. 

13) Addiction. Similar to foods or drugs, magic can become addictive and deadly at high dosages. 

14) Bad luck. The magic brings upon bad luck. The more magic you use, the worse luck you’ll receive.

Some interesting power + consequence combinations (from the top of my head and from literature/movies): 

  • The healer who is constantly bleeding internally.

  • The rebelled servant who has finally gained his freedom but becomes slave to the magic itself.

  • A magical ring that brings someone back from the dead. Every time this person comes back from the dead, they lose their compassion and humanity bit by bit. (The Vampire Diaries)

  • A witch brings someone back from the dead and as a consequence, the person begins to see dead people and can interact with them. (The Vampire Diaries)

  • The power induces OCD— after using their power they feel a compulsion to do something. Sometimes it’s as small as drinking a beer and other times it’s as intense as breaking their own bones. (Darker than Black)

  • Magic gained from a celestial source (the moon, a star, etc) causes earth to become painful to the magic users. In extreme cases, they are pulledtowards that celestial body and need to weigh themselves down/tether themselves to something or else they will drift upwards. (The Anubis Gates)

Pt. 2 — Coming Soon! Because it’s really fun to just sit here and brainstorm and research magical consequences! I feel like the possibilities are endless!

Instagram: coffeebeanwriting


☕ Official Blog: www.byzoemay.com



A lot of the substances we think of as protection against the supernatural (e.g. salt, silver, garlic) are actually antibacterial, and would have helped stave off infections and illnesses that people once attributed to supernatural influence.

Based on this, I want to see a story where vampires are repelled by hand sanitizer.

The power of Christ compels you!

*throws ballons filled with Fabuloso at the vampire” 

planeswalker-umbral: mautlyn:teamrocketing:i’m so glad i live in 2016 so i dont have to deal witplaneswalker-umbral: mautlyn:teamrocketing:i’m so glad i live in 2016 so i dont have to deal witplaneswalker-umbral: mautlyn:teamrocketing:i’m so glad i live in 2016 so i dont have to deal witplaneswalker-umbral: mautlyn:teamrocketing:i’m so glad i live in 2016 so i dont have to deal wit




i’m so glad i live in 2016 so i dont have to deal with these massive terrifying animals except the blue whale, but shes gentle and good

wait is it really called Hell Pig

1. The reaction of the scale model to the Hell Pig

2. The scale model of the crocodilian one being dressed like Captain Hook

3. The large animal in the whale one actually being the modern one.

4. Armadillos are really 45lbs? I assumed they were 15 at most.

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Someone made up dinosaur sounds without ever hearing them.




Maybe it’s just because I’m Jewish but I do truly believe that life gets ten times better when you learn to complain cheerfully

I think a part of it is that it lets you acknowledge that something sucks, which is actually really good in a culture that wants us to pretend that everything is fine and we’re soldiering through all the time. Like, no, my grocery bag breaking and spilling all over the floor is not fine. I’ve had a long day and I’m really upset and on the verge of tears because I can’t handle one more thing and pretending like it’s fine only means breaking down later.

But if you let yourself complain, if you let yourself swear terribly and creatively, and you stare down at the bruised vegetables like they’ve personally disappointed you, and you make yourself smile because this is really just so, so stupid, you feel a little better. There’s a power to acknowledging that something sucks and making yourself feel better anyways. There’s a power to going “and THEN my bag broke, and it’s like—seriously? my day was bad enough” and doing it with a smile.

You shouldn’t have to pretend things are fine when they aren’t. You shouldn’t have to force yourself to smile through things that make you feel terrible. But if you can make yourself laugh by staring down at some strawberries that have decided to revolt, and give them a lecture on why they’re just terrible, really, and that makes you smile—then maybe that’s a good thing.

I cannot overstate how freeing it can be to simply say “oh fuck off” at the object that falls off your counter of its own volition after you spent 10 minutes preventing items from falling off and breaking on they other side.

OP is so right about the power of laughing at your misfortune.


professors of hogwarts ‍♀️‍♂️

Art by Vladislav Pantic




the joy of annoying and being annoyed by the people you love

they’re so infuriating. you want to beat them senseless just for some peace and quiet. they tell you to cut it out before they leave and never come back, and that’ll show you, and make no attempt to move away. you’re both still smiling despite yourselves. you’re both laughing even as you mime tearing them to pieces with your bare hands. you love them so much you could never truly mean a word of it, and they mercilessly take advantage of this. you know they love you so much that they would never leave you over something as small and silly by comparison as being a little irritating, and you have no problem proving it to them. you know each other’s boundaries well enough to never actually worry that you’re hurting each other. you’re safe, and you revel in it.

“i hate you so much” (affectionate, adoring, the loveliest lie of all)




What is your favorite fairy tale and why?

“The buried moon!! I’m just a sucker for the moon lady who got curious and caused a little trouble by doing so.”

What is your inspiration(s) for your work?

“I really like human depictions of celestial bodies like stars, the sun, and the moon so I took that route the most visually! there was also the obvious traditional story-book linework inspiration in there too!”

What is your most “famous” work?

“Even though my final isn’t as painterly as this, I still love the softness of this one and hope I carried that vibe into my final!”

Cynvii is one of our artists for this zine! Thank you for your continued interest!


me: they hurt me!! I’m gonna be distant! that’ll show them!









I made a generator to find out about your supernatural partner because human partners are out of fashion now

Sensitive giant that loves to cuddle. They daydream about marrying you.

Patient witch who brings you flowers every week. They feel that you light up their world.

OP this is so freakin cute

So venom uh

“Quick-witted demigod who lives in the shadows. They love the way your mind works.”

Honestly, this may be my fiancé

I am 100% an elf girl


you fall in love with the little things about someone, like the sound of their laughter and the way their smile forms.

inkedfairytales: Our Indiegogo Campaign is Live! Thank you all for your continued support and your pinkedfairytales: Our Indiegogo Campaign is Live! Thank you all for your continued support and your pinkedfairytales: Our Indiegogo Campaign is Live! Thank you all for your continued support and your p


Our Indiegogo Campaign is Live!

Thank you all for your continued support and your patience! The wait is finally over, our zine is live on indiegogo! Please consider backing us, it would mean the world to us.

The campaign will run until January 11, until 11:59pm EST so there is plenty of time to support us!

Stretch Goals:

We have some stretch goals in place!

  • At 3.5k we are fully funded and each participant gets a free copy of the zine
  • At 5.5k the zine gets upgraded to hardcover
  • At 10k we have a mystery stretch goal which will be revealed once the inital stretch goal is unlocked!

Thank you for your time and once again please consider backing us!

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I have to travel to Buffalo for my grandmother and father’s funerals and would like some additional funds to be able to make it comfortably/safely. If anyone has money to spare or wants a Tarot reading… I’d be grateful.

I currently have about 200 dollars in my bank account and get paid on Friday, but need to make the drive on Thursday.


 “There’s a belief among some Sunfire Elves that the inferno-tooth tiger can sense the purity  “There’s a belief among some Sunfire Elves that the inferno-tooth tiger can sense the purity

“There’s a belief among some Sunfire Elves that the inferno-tooth tiger can sense the purity of one’s heart, like the light of the Sun itself.”

(Janai and Amaya, drawn for @ripplesofaqua for the 2020 Chocolate Box exchange)

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