#not dbz




Today someone asked me what “semi-verbal” meant. I’m a semi-verbal autistic guy who is almost 30, I finally figured out how to express it. (Of course this is just me, we’re all different!)

For me speech is unreliable. I can’t count on it working, coming out the right way, or saying what I planned on. I have to voice everything I’m going to say to myself, in my head, to sort it out before it gets to my mouth, which is exhausting. Then the tone rarely comes out as intended and with stuttering the meaning can get lost quickly. I also tend to forget what I’m saying halfway through saying it, especially if I’m anxious.

I usually use typing and ASL to communicate, unless I need to mask/force myself to do my best for my safety. At home it’s a mix of gestures, sign, stimming, humming and noises, too. Anyway that’s what being semi-verbal means to me. Do you guys have a similar experience?

Thank you for coming to my neurodivergent TED talk™️ Have a nice day
