#not me tho


Flashbacks to earlier this year when I made a post about Caduceus and all my AroAce fellows were in my tags. It was like they were whispering to me. No one actually reblogged with a full response, but so many other aro ace people were in the tags, like little ghost people

I think about y'all sometimes, I hope you’re doing well, wherever you’ve tagged off to



miss when u were a kid and u could just walk up to someone and be like. let’s be friends and they would be like ok

like when you were 8 and you would be at like a function or whatever and your parents would come and check in with you and you would say like yeah this is greg my best friend my pet dragon my lieutenant my squire my copilot my dearest companion my blood brother we met half an hour ago

Hmm. My autistic ass can’t relate


So no one told you life was gonna be this way *Phantom of the Opera overture*
