#nott the brave


My finished Veth “The Brave” Brenatto!! I love that my hair is long enough to cosplay her properly! I can’t wait to wear her at Renfaire next year and find other members of the Mighty Nein!!


gaslight gatekeep girlboss
(I missed them a totally normal amount)

(alt version under cut)

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thechekhov:They’re doin’ a think.


They’re doin’ a think.

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Ohoho, there’s a cosplay meme going around the internet. Here’s one for Nott!

The photo of me out of cosplay is from the night of Travelercon. I had mixed green drinks that were garnished with a whole-ass donut. I’m here for a good time, idk about a long time.


No new cosplay updates at this time, partially due to having to take care of my cat a bit extra for the past few days. He’s ok now, thanks to a vet visit and some medicine.

Here are a few random photos of my boy with me during mini/test cosplay shoots at home over the years. I even did a mediocre job of photoshopping him to look a little more like Frumpkin to go with my Christmas Caleb cosplay. :B

He’s a big fluff from the street that I think intimidates some people he meets, but inside he’s a snuggly mush. He comes running when I whistle for him or call his name.

I don’t know his real birthday, but I try to celebrate it on April 1st. This year he’ll be about 10, I think (not sure about his age). So consider this post part 1 of a little birthday celebration for my special lil guy.

Cosplay here is: Trickster Karkat, Christmas Caleb, Snufkin, and a little bit of Nott
All are by @photocaptor

mfw Fjord dunks on me for my button obsession or aquaphobia for the 1000th time.

Caduceus might be my fave but I have some things in common with Nott/Veth. I can’t swim and don’t much care for water, I love finding shiny little things and have weird collections and stashes…though if you also like Fallout, you’ll understand why I have a huge container of bottlecaps saved up.

Do you have any collections, especially of somewhat odd things? I think I’d like to turn into one of those people with a spoon collection, from places I’ve visited.

Nott: me
:@photocaptor // edits by me

You encounter this goblin in a dark alley! What do you do???

More Nott today! This was one of the nicer photos taken with the Nikon.

Nott: me
:@photocaptor // edits by me

Knifecat but make it a goblin rogue.

Here are some selections from my toy camera shoot yesterday. It’s kinda hard to take selfies with the new camera, especially without my glasses on, so I got my partner, Greg, to take a few photos for me.

I also like the closeups of the belt and button bag. Gritty, retro energy, right? The belt is the best part of wearing my Nott costume, and it was so much fun to make.

We also took a few ~nicer~ photos with the Nikon so I’ll post those soon. I’ve been learning about how to do makeup better for my eye shape (I’m pretty sure mine are hooded) so I’m hoping it translates as Better Makeup in my cosplay future.

Nott: me
: Greggo, With dumbass edits by me // Photos taken with a Ziegel toy camera :3

nott the brave

Imodna Widobrave

Ride or die besties with undefined tension between them

nott is so skilled with her crossbow im quitting my day job to be her permanent hype woman,, lets give this little goblin some love 

time to think about the slow and deliberate way Caleb addresses Mollymauk by his full name during the scene where Mollymauk is getting more and more agitated at how people are continuing to tie him to Lucien and his past despite him waiting nothing to do with it

I started a new campaign with a new group of friends and just like the last bunch, they’re all meme-

I started a new campaign with a new group of friends and just like the last bunch, they’re all meme-lords and idiots which naturally means we have some great out of context quotes and moments from the campaign.

Here’s my art of the party and we’ll do some little introductions (front to back)

Selune: Tiefling Paladin of the Moonweaver

Eduardo: Human Cleric of Sarenrae

Icarian: Half-Elven Ranger

Clarence: Feral Tiefling Rogue

Odaviing: Blue Dragonborn Fighter

Myllandrae: Fallen Aasimar Druid

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finally done with this sixfanarts art meme, suggestions courtesy of theron shan’s midlife crisis i’m

finally done with this sixfanarts art meme, suggestions courtesy of theron shan’s midlife crisis i’m definitely gonna post them separately another time, since there’s details that are hidden in this, but this was a fun little thing to work on!

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