#dungeons and dragons meme

I started a new campaign with a new group of friends and just like the last bunch, they’re all meme-

I started a new campaign with a new group of friends and just like the last bunch, they’re all meme-lords and idiots which naturally means we have some great out of context quotes and moments from the campaign.

Here’s my art of the party and we’ll do some little introductions (front to back)

Selune: Tiefling Paladin of the Moonweaver

Eduardo: Human Cleric of Sarenrae

Icarian: Half-Elven Ranger

Clarence: Feral Tiefling Rogue

Odaviing: Blue Dragonborn Fighter

Myllandrae: Fallen Aasimar Druid

Post link

I made an art twitter! https://twitter.com/MJAnders_Art

If any of you lovely people who have stuck around and follow me on good old tumblr here would like to follow my new twitter art account I would be greatly appreciative. 

It will be mostly art of my own dungeons and dragons campaigns as well as some critical role stuff thrown in there every now and then.

It’s a whole new venture for me in this new year and I’m excited to see how it all turns out :) 
