#number magic


Numerology is a branch of divination and a knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers which can range from addition, patterns, repeating numbers, There are three stems of Numerology, Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalah. Every system provides a unique insight and numerological interpretation of your life.

Pythagorean Numerology is sometimes called Western Numerology, as it originated in Ancient Greece.This is one of the most popular forms of numerology and is the most likely to be one that you have encountered before.

Pythagoras was a philosopher and mathematician who developed this system of numerology because he believed that everything in the universe could be reduced to numerical calculations. Pythagoras allocated the numbers 1-9 to different letters in the alphabet and designated two “master numbers” – 11 and 22.

Each number is connected to a different letter and to a different symbolic meaning. A distinctive feature of this form of numerology is that all numbers have positive and negative qualities.

Pythagorean Numerology:

Zero (0):

Infinite possibility and capability and cycles themselves. The end and beginning of a journey.

One (1): 

Beginnings, opportunities, determination, and independence. The embarking of a new path.

Two: (2): 

Balance, duality, coordination, partnership, polarity, and contrast. Harmony and similarities.

Three (3):

Delight, expression, communication, enjoyment, and education. Past, present, and future.

Four (4):

Stability, practicality, core concepts, reality, and finding solutions. The four main elements.

Five (5):

Embarking on a journey, transformation, positive shifts & changes. The peak of a journey.

Six (6):

Harmony, collective influence or events, unity, healing, and support, unlocking blockages.

Seven (7):

Spirituality, intellect, development, progress, sanctuary, & tranquility. Reformation.

Eight (8):

Authority, leadership, nobility, respect, prosperity & abundance. Infinite possibilities.

Nine (9):

Wisdom, completion, achievement, closure, healing & growth, reaching the end of voyage.
