

Knowing what ingredients are toxic, harmful, or poisonous is extremely important if you are to explore this. Many of these terms are referred to as the other, but from a medical safety standpoint, it is particularly important to discuss the specifications based on what you personally intend to create.

You should always contact a medical professional before ingesting a new substance into your body. Even if it says it is safe in all the research you find, you could still even be allergic.



A brew is a potion that requires heat to steep and activate the best effects, brews are made for the purpose of drinking hot, such as a coffee or tea. Brews specifically are classified only by the method of heat.


Decoctions are the liquid resulting from concentrating the essence of a constituent by mashing and then boiling it. This includes bark, rhizomes, and the roots of a plant. Pulverizing the plant first will allow for optimum dissolution, and then boil in water to extract the volatile organic compounds and chemical substances.


Curative concoctions in which the effects might shift or benefit selective biological properties to the drinking. They may contain alcohol to promote a proper digestive breakdown.


An infusion is characterized by being a plant or biological extract in water to be drank. Effects are based on which ingredients are chosen. Teas and coffees are examples of Infusions.


The word potion itself refers to a magickal liquid or substance that is intoxicating, and can lead towards positive, negative, or transformative effects based on purpose, intention, and ingredients.


A Poultice, also called a Cataplasm, is a damp patch of heated plant matter that is distributed on cloth and laid over the skin to treat an inflamed or aching section of the body. The intention a Poultice is to cool a spot of the body over a prolonged period by drawing heat out of the spot through the process of circulation and evaporation.

Lotions or Salves:

The simple difference between lotions and salves is that lotions are an oil or thicker cream, and salves are more creamy or gelatinous. Both are to be applied to the skin.


To define a tincture would be a plant extract including alcohol, it can either be made into a drink, or something to be applied to the skin such as lotion when diluted.
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Wealth, exorcisms, abundance, cleansing, love, banishment, prosperity, pleasure, fruitfulness, purifying, romance, accomplishment, and compassion.


Romance, attractiveness, cheerfulness, glamours, charms, pleasure, love, attraction, vitality, rejuvenation, hope, optimism, and happiness.


Fortification, restoration, desire, prophecy, defense, revitalization, curative, lust, pleasure, insight, protection, healing, sensuality, and divination.


Peace, romance, emotional healing, shadow work, harmony, love, soothing, cleansing, amorousness, physical healing, synchronization, calming, purification.


Wealth, desire, success, sensuality, security, romance, serenity, affection, harmony, fortune, lust, prosperity, protection, tranquility, love, and peace.


Protection, healing, purification, shield, homoeopathic, banishing, defense, healing, expelling, fortification, curative, and refinement.


Romance, protection, banishment, amorousness, safety, cleansing, love, defense, exorcisms, compassion, fortification, and warding.


Prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, affluence, happiness, fruitfulness, cleansing, romance, compassion, and achievement.


Prophetic dreams, divination, protection, grounding, warding, connection, enlightenment, psychic powers, strength, and astral projection.


Romance, luck, justice, wealth, amorousness, blessings, righteousness, prosperity, compassion, fortune, affluence, desire, success, and fairness.


Lust, protection, cleansing, wealth, sensuality, defense, purification, wealth, desire, fortification, dispelling, success, cleansing, and prosperity.


Wealth, happiness, lushness, cleansing, love, victory, prosperity, pleasure, fruitfulness, purifying, romance, accomplishment, and compassion.


Protection, vitality, intellect, romance, cleansing, sensuality, banishing, purification, vitality, cerebral control, and mental strength.


Revitalization, romance, intellect, healing, love, recognition, dexterity, freshness, knowledge, abundance, compassion, revitalization, cleansing, and wealth.


Healing, restfulness, psychic power, romance, courage, cleansing, calming, restoration, tranquility, amorousness, bravery, purification, and soothing.

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The Sun ☉

Chakra: The Root.
Number:Zero. (0)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

The Moon ☾

Chakra:The Sacral.
Number: One. (1)
Energies: Feminine. ♀

Mercury ☿

Chakra:The Throat.
Number:Three (3)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

Mars ♂

Chakra:The Navel.
Number:Four. (4)
Energies: Masculine. ♂

Venus ♀

Sign: Taurus and Libra.
Chakra:The Heart.
Number:Five. (5)
Energies: Feminine. ♀

Jupiter ♃

Chakra: The Third Eye.
Number:Six (6)
Energies:Feminine. ♀

Saturn ♄

Chakra:The Root.
Number: Seven (7)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

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Astrology: Aspects

In astrology houses are sections of a massive celestial circle around the Sun’s orbit, as seen from the earth, at the time and place of the horoscope in question. They function counter-clockwise, starting at the first house.


First House:

Appearance, individuality, and image.

Second House:

Possessions, wealth, and instruments.

Third House:

Interaction, expression, and education.

Fourth House: 

Domestics, stability, and household.

Fifth House: 

Maternity, romance, and innovation.

Sixth House: 

Wellbeing, procedure, and maintenance.

Seventh House: 

Association, partnerships, and marriage.

Eighth House: 

Passions, motive, and development of the soul.

Ninth House: 

Philosophy, adventure, ethics, and morals.

Tenth House: 

Achievements, skill, talent, and proficiency.

Eleventh House: 

Objectives, prospects, friendships, and ties.

Twelfth House: 

Imagination, creation, sanctuary, and solitude.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

Binding is a method to restrict or restrain an individual entity on a metaphysical level, often to prevent them from hurting themselves, you, or others. This is a more defensive form of protection magic as opposed to an offensive approach. I would recommend using this in a dire or dangerous magical situation. This does not harm the being, but it is affecting their will. As always, It is vital to be spiritually and psychically protected before, during, and after preforming this.

Brief Binding History:

The people of Ancient Greece practiced or preformed binding rituals through their own method called Katadesmos. The enactment of this was carving or inscribing a spell or curse onto a tone tablet. Do whatever you wish or need to do, but please be careful or cautious with yourself and this information (Especially if you lack experience in Binding.) 

Common Binding Methods:

A Binding related incantation, prayer, song, or chant. You can make one for yourself, or find one, and use it in thoughts when needing to be discreet.

Knot or braiding spells set with intention and activated through tightening the knots. Using intention towards the individual is a very key aspect of this. You can choose specific twine of varying strengths, even using their hair or a barbed wire is effective.

Visualization with intent whilst wrapping a poppet, jar, candle, or other vessel of representation of said entity with string or wax to seal the spell and confine their movement. You can also do this using a lid.

Inscribing, Drawing, Carving, or Tracing Binding Wards, Sigils, or Runes with intent onto a candle or scroll, proceed to wrap the item afterward. Dripping wax or scribbling on a Taglock of target.

Casting a Spell-jar or Bottle with something representing them, scroll with your intention. As aforementioned, seal lid and place in a shady spot. This is their vessel, so use something to constrain them.


Colors:Reds and Oranges.
Humor:Yellow Bile.
Signs:Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius
Tools:Candles and Cauldrons.


Colors: Greens and Browns.
Humor:Black Bile.
Signs:Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn.
Tarot:Coins or Pentacles.
Tool:Crystals and Herbs.


Colors:Pinks and Yellows.
Signs:Gemini, Libra & Aquarius.
Tool:Athames and Incense.


Colors: Blues and Purples.
Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces,
Tool: Chalices and Cauldrons

Tasseomancy or Tasseography is the practice and process of using tea leaves or coffee grounds to forecast, understand, or improve upcoming or current events. This can be used for planning ahead, or for personal growth, healing and development. One nearly finished a loose herbal concoction, and then flips the remaining biological powders onto a small plate. They then scry based off of the shapes or symbols the leaves lie in. Below are aspects to consider whilst using this method of divination.



There are numerous factors to consider from a representation approach. Which is why most use a plate and cup inscribed with key symbols with their corresponding location. That aside, animals, numerology, symbols, or signs also are important to be considered by the placement of the herbal remains as well.


Most practitioners divide their cup into segments of based off of the directions, zodiac signs, planetary symbols, and elemental aspects. Hence, the beautiful aesthetic from the almanac or legend of a Tasseography tea-set. Considering that each direction has its own element and meaning in countless cultures across the world, there is many ways to interpret this from the Feng Shui Bagua, the Pentagram, or Earth Medicine almanacs.

First Glance:

The first thing you notice or recognize as a symbol is something that is important to consider, although should not be your only takeaway. Intuition at its finest will help provide clarity because your first sight is just as important as your analyzed inquiry. Once both are considered and potentially seen as a synchronization, you will have your takeaway.


Considering this element is massively important because it is the method or process of seeing one’s entire life in a past, present, and future manner. This can be an essential aspect for those who are trying for introspection, emotional healing, or personal growth. The left is past influences, the middle is current events, and the right is upcoming occasions.




Fortune, positivity, wealth, travel, freedom,and a likely exploration.


Transformation, accomplishment, and pleasure.


Massive and sudden shifts or changes lie ahead of you.


Attainment, admiration, nobility, favour, and reserves.


Immense prosperity, wellbeing, and luck are ahead.


Deceit, deception, loss, probable illness, or deprivation.


Faithful love and romance, but jealous or lying friends.    


Defeats or failures from adversaries, possibly in a job sense.


Deceit, treachery, dishonesty, and deception, defeat, or loss.



If clear, trails and troubles are to come. If surrounded by dots, monetary success is coming.


Upcoming luck. The higher up its located, the sooner it will come.


Forthcoming impediments, obstacles, and challenges.


Rebirth, shifting, transformation, everlasting growth.


Prosperity, direction, growth, happiness, and luck.


The Moon:

Introspection, receptivity, compassion, and affluence.


Movement, action, progress, vigor, and lustful love.

The Sun:

Stamina, energy, vitality, triumph, and opportunities.


Romance, femininity, compassion, and love.



Stability, Stagnancy, permanence, and immobility.


Fortune, positivity, and potential true romance.


Health, longevity, academic or professional success.


Strength, intensity, lust, and scorching emotion.


Challenges overcome, victory and triumph.


Reunification, fellowship, familiarity, and support.


Containment, summer, light, and Litha.


A wonderful voyage to embark on lies ahead of you.


Enlightenment, guidance, illumination, and warmth.


Impending prosperity, fortune, and achievements.


Accountability, a sequence of occasions, and stagnancy.


Future prosperity, wealth, presents, or material gain.


If clear, trails and troubles are to come. If surrounded by dots, monetary success is coming.


Upcoming luck. The higher up its located, the sooner it will come.


Guidance, direction, backing, assistance, and support.


Introspection, receptivity, compassion, and affluence.


Delayed developments, troubles ahead, or possible loss.


Triumph, magnificence, incentives or gifts, and admiration.


Achievement, celebration, emotional healing, and purification.


Love, encouragement, assistance, and support from allies.

Downwards Arrow:

Mistaken direction, unpleasant choices, no.


Discord, tension, slander, defamation, and disharmony.


The journey and trials you have faced have been overcome.


Accomplishment, success, and achievement in general.


Affection, romance, love, passion, and companionship.

Horizontal Arrow:

Smooth advancement, solidity, and stability.


Fortune, luck, prosperity, and protection.


Imminent danger, hazard, threat, or upcoming obstacle.


Stability, victory in profession or corporate choice.


Apprehensions, concerns, tension, worry, and pressure.


Advancement, improvement, development, and progress.


Positive journey, movement, rebirth, and shifting.


Social status, wealth, prosperity, and admiration.

Peace Sign:

Harmony, synchronization, teamwork, and unity.


Stability, relaxation, luxury, tranquility, and serenity.


Success, fortune, strength, energy, and imaginative creation.


Unexpected prosperity, victory or luck lie ahead.


Transformation, Progress, positive advancement, and change.


Harmony, love, partnership, alliance, and marriage.


Arguments, disputes, separations, or possibility of ailment.


Livelihood, bliss, innovation, creativity, solutions.


Struggles, aggravations, provocations, and endurance.

Upwards Arrow:

Positive outcomes, a definite yes if you asked a question.

Other Links:

Divination: Casting Runes
Divination: Psychic Abilities

Numerology is a branch of divination and a knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers which can range from addition, patterns, repeating numbers, There are three stems of Numerology, Chaldean, Pythagorean, Kabbalah. Every system provides a unique insight and numerological interpretation of your life.

Pythagorean Numerology is sometimes called Western Numerology, as it originated in Ancient Greece.This is one of the most popular forms of numerology and is the most likely to be one that you have encountered before.

Pythagoras was a philosopher and mathematician who developed this system of numerology because he believed that everything in the universe could be reduced to numerical calculations. Pythagoras allocated the numbers 1-9 to different letters in the alphabet and designated two “master numbers” – 11 and 22.

Each number is connected to a different letter and to a different symbolic meaning. A distinctive feature of this form of numerology is that all numbers have positive and negative qualities.

Pythagorean Numerology:

Zero (0):

Infinite possibility and capability and cycles themselves. The end and beginning of a journey.

One (1): 

Beginnings, opportunities, determination, and independence. The embarking of a new path.

Two: (2): 

Balance, duality, coordination, partnership, polarity, and contrast. Harmony and similarities.

Three (3):

Delight, expression, communication, enjoyment, and education. Past, present, and future.

Four (4):

Stability, practicality, core concepts, reality, and finding solutions. The four main elements.

Five (5):

Embarking on a journey, transformation, positive shifts & changes. The peak of a journey.

Six (6):

Harmony, collective influence or events, unity, healing, and support, unlocking blockages.

Seven (7):

Spirituality, intellect, development, progress, sanctuary, & tranquility. Reformation.

Eight (8):

Authority, leadership, nobility, respect, prosperity & abundance. Infinite possibilities.

Nine (9):

Wisdom, completion, achievement, closure, healing & growth, reaching the end of voyage.

Runes are an Ancient Germanic Alphabet that many use for divination. They can also be used as sigils because each Rune holds its own meaning. Witches write out the Runic Alphabet on small stones, bones, or marbles and gently toss them into a vessel and scry based on where they land or what falls at all.

The Elder Futhark:

The Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the Runic Alphabet, and is consisted of three aspects of three different deities being Freyja’s, Heimdall’s, and Tyr’s Aetts. Each Rune has a meaning and its own correspondences. The Younger Futhark are also referred to as Scandinavian runes, is considered to be a reduced form of the Elder Futhark, but still remains a runic alphabet with sixteen characters. These were most prominently used through the ninth century.

Freya’s Aett:

ᚠ Fehu:

Freya’s Rune, domestic cattle, power and position gained by your own hand, earned prosperity or regard.

ᚢ Uruz: 

Auroch’s Horns, forces beyond our control are afoot, so stay serene and let it the process flow.

ᚦ Thursiaz:

Thor’s Rune, thorns and defense, protection within and around oneself or space, and security.

ᚱ Raido:

The Chariot, travel, intellect, logic, the arts, journey, action, effort, change, progress, and movement.

ᚲ Kenzaz:

The Torch, bending nature towards your will, paving your own way through with blazing passion..

ᚷ Gebo:

Sacrifice, substitution, replacement, exchange, trade, offering up something for something better in return.

ᚹ Wunjo:

Strength in bliss, companionship, splendor, delight, pleasure, happiness, company, and camaraderie.

Heimdal’s Aett:

ᚻ Hagalaz:

Precipitation, particularly Hail, Duality. Purging Chaos. The union of opposites. Fire and ice.

ᚾ Naudiz:

Determination, character, endurance, independence, desperation, self-reliance, force, and effort.

ᛁ Isa:

Ice, perfect stillness, introspection, sanctuary in seclusion, contemplation, being frozen.

ᛃ Jera:

Harvest, time, reaping what is sown, enjoying the fruits of your labors, abundance from work.

ᛇ Ahwaz:

Stability, reliability, firmly planted, grounded, connected, to be deeply rooted,    

ᛈ Pertho:

The grail, mystery, magick, femininity, secrets, reproduction, fertility, nether regions.

ᛇ Eiwaz:

Horns of a stag, labor and sacrifice for development and growth, high strength of will.

ᛋ Sowilo:

The Sun, transformation, productivity, maturity. movement, achievement.

Tyr’s Aett:

ᛉ Algiz:

Odin’s Rune, defensive protection, intellect and wisdom, divine connection, and interaction.

ᛏ Tiwaz:

Tyr’s Rune, authority, power, leadership, honor, admiration, regard, and reverence.

ᛒ Berkanano:

The Birch Tree, new beginnings, openings, and journeys ahead. Growth and cycles.

ᛖ Ehwaz:

Horses, coordination, movement, independent cooperation to achieve the same goal.

ᛗ Mannaz:

Memories, union, fellowship, connection, the collective of humanity, harmony and peace.

ᛚ Laguz:

Leek, fluidity, emotion, insight, subconscious, processing, & divinity of the lake’s waters.

ᛝ Ingwaz:

Masculinity, fertility, potential, new perspectives, and opportunities, ripe with chance.

ᛟ Othila:

The hearth and home, sacred family, ancestral property, stability, inheritance, and hospitality.

ᛞ Dagaz:

Duality, balance, union of opposites, the day and night, oppositions finding peace.

Other Links:

Divination: Psychic Abilities


Fire:Carnation, Marigold, Snapdragon, and Sunflower.
Earth: Ferns, Honeysuckle, Oleander, Primrose, and Tulip.
Air:Dandelion, Goldenrod, Lavender, and Lily of the Valley.
Water: Chamomile, Daffodil, Daisy, Jasmine, and Lotus.


Fire: Carrot, Celery, Fig, Leek, Lime, and Radish.
Earth:Corn, Oats, Pea, Potato, Turnip, and Wheat.
Air:Beans, Chicory, Mulberry, Pistachio, and Rice.
Water:Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Coconut, and Plum.


Fire:Basil, Bay Laurel, Dill, Mullein, Peppermint, and Rosemary.
Earth:Barley, Buckwheat, Honeysuckle, Mugwort, and Vervain.
Air:Bergamot, Clover, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and Meadowsweet.
Water:Catnip, Comfrey, Lemon Balm, Scullcap, Thyme, and Vanilla.

Spices and Resins:

Fire:Dragons-blood, Ginger, Mustard, Nutmeg, and Pepper.
Earth:Chile Powder, Fennel, Garlic Powder, and Patchouli.
Air:Allspice, Anise, Cinnamon, Citron, Clove, and Star Anise.
Water:Mimosa, Myrrh, Papaya, Sandalwood, and Sugar Cane.


Fire:Alder, Ash, Cedar, Hawthorn, Juniper, and Mahogany.
Earth: Cypress, Mandrake, Hawthorn, Oak, Rye, and Walnut.
Air:Acacia, Aspen, Hazel, Maple, Palm, Pine, and Slippery Elm.
Water:Birch, Cherry, Maidenhair, Myrtle, Willow, Yarrow, and Yew.

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The Sun:

Your Solar placement establishes what influence the Sun has on your personality, core, soul, livelihood, artistic taste, and character.

The Moon:

Your Lunar placement determines what influence The Moon has on your emotions, subconscious, secrets, habits, and instincts.


Your Mercury placement affects what influence Mercury has on your expression, education, intellect, communication, and exchange


Your Venus placement establishes what influence Venus has on your romance, trust, romance, maternity, adoration, harmony, and beauty.


Your Mars placement determines what influence Mars has on your rage, wrath, lust, love, passion, intensity, revolution, rapid flares, and motive.


Your Jupiter placement affects what influence Jupiter has on your health, prosperity, profession, abundance, career, and achievements.


Your Saturn placement establishes what influence Saturn has on your motives, goals, aspirations, destiny, maturing, and responsibility.


Your Uranus placement determines what influence Uranus has on your imagination, development, growth, education, goal chasing.


Your Neptune placement affects what influence Neptune has on your dreams, creativity, aspirations, and possibly illusions.


Your Pluto placement establishes what influence Pluto has on your growth, development, chapters of life, beginnings, and endings.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects

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While every single month’s Full Moon may be perceived and look analogous and similar from Earth, each individual one possesses their own names, foundational narratives, energies, qualities, and spiritual meanings gained throughout thousands of years.


The Wolf Moon:

The January Full Moon is frequently titled the Old moon, Ice moon, and the Wolf Moon, and speculations of the reasoning include the howls throughout the night during this period of the year for food was scarce for them and they were hungry. The wolf stands up for itself and others, being firm with its boundaries and provides food and protection when needed which is what this Full Moon embodies.


The Snow Moon:

The February Full Moon is called the Snow Moon since this is when some of the heaviest snow would fall. Various communities and tribes also dubbed this the Hunger Moon since food became very scarce this late into the winter. Although February’s Full Moon is indeed the Snow Moon, its spiritual meaning is all about heat, and setting our passions ablaze.


The Sugar Moon:

A Full Moon is in the sky during March, and the worms are uprooting from beneath the soil. The Sugarcane is easily at its most prominent stage of growth, and you feel spring waltzing around the corner. This Full Moon brings conclusions, movement, and emotional relief. The Earth around you is beginning to thaw, and life is about to emerge in abundance, go enjoy it!


The Pink Moon:

April’s Full Moon received its sobriquet from the Phlox flowers which bloom in North America throughout April and are among spring’s earliest blossoms. This prominently luminary celestial body is also called the Grass, Fish, and Paschal Moon since it occasionally aligns with Easter. This Full Moon promotes grounding, harmony, tranquility, and peaceful energies. Enjoy the fresh grass, and traveling fish,


The Flower Moon:

The Full Flower Moon in May is one magnificent springtime occasion to look forward to, and is a time for fresh beginnings, radical development, revitalization, optimism, extreme evolution, inspiration, and personal growth much like the sprouting and budding flowers all around us. Plant and sow your energetic seeds for this year now.


The Strawberry Moon:

This Full Moon that adorns the sky during June is known as the Strawberry and Honey Moon. This is because strawberries and honey production is flourishing, and afterwards being harvested in plenty for throughout the year. Like the sweet bliss of the first bites of strawberry, and the scent of honey alone, we can learn to be sweeter to ourselves and others, letting go of spite and embracing forgiveness.


The Buck Moon:

The Full Moon in July is called the Buck, Hay, and Rose Moon because at this time the antlers of male deer are most prominent, the roses have bloomed, and hay is ready for harvest. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, generating a greater and more impressive pair each time, and inspires us to release what is necessary for our personal optimal growth.


The Sturgeon Moon:

This Full Moon embodies thankfulness for the rewards of Earth and asks us to step into the rhythm and energies with awareness and gratitude for what you possess, your beginnings and present, and what is blooming around you now. The Sturgeon Moon and nature’s plenty can inspire us to embrace individualism and set basic adjustments to our lives.


The Harvest Moon:

The Harvest Moon, occasionally described to as the Corn Moon, is the nearest full Moon to the Autumnal Equinox. This Moon corresponds as the period of harvesting and gathering food for the colder months, often being corn. The Harvest Moon’s spiritual meaning is all about balance, fortitude, and abundance, a time to respect and appreciate.


The Blood Moon:

A Blood Moon can help give attention to traveling inwards towards unacknowledged feelings and thoughts. Blood Moon astrologically communicates the chance for an expressive reset and a purge of your emotive shadows. The Blood Moon is a time of encouragement for inner reflection, releasing, and healing your denied grimmer emotions.


The Beaver Moon:

The eleventh full moon of the year is known as the Frosty and Beaver Moon. The Beaver itself reminds us to harness the energies of imagination, innovation, collaboration, determination and accord within ourselves. The Beaver Moon holds its name since in November, beavers retreat to shelter.


The Oak Moon:

The December Moon is recognized as the Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Winter Moon, and Wolf Moon. This full Moon holds to energies of resilience, endurance, reincarnation, commitment, perpetuity, connection, clarity, and release of anguish. The Oak tree itself embodies strength, confidence, endurance, concentration, resistance, and knowledge.

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The Sun:

Angelica, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Peony, and Sunflower.

The Moon:

Calamus, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lily, Lotus, Moonflower, and Poppy.


Bergamot, Lavender, Lemon Verbena, and Lily of the Valley.


Aster, Daffodil, Geranium, Hibiscus, Iris, Lilac, and Rose.


Coriander, Holly, Houndstongue, Pennyroyal, and Snapdragon.


Cinquefoil, Dandelion, Honeysuckle, Hyssop, and Sassafras.


Comfrey, Lady’s Slipper, Morning Glory, Pansy, and Poplar.

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An often-wearable piece of jewelry precisely used or worn for protection and warding off ill intent. Examples are the Evil Eye and the Eye of Horus. Thousands of religions and cultures have their own and others are universal.


A magickal blade or dagger that is used exclusively for rituals and metaphysical work. An Athame can ward and protect a presence or vicinity from negative intentions You can also utilize this to cut energy cords.


The ring of a bell not only provides cleansing throughout an area but is an exceptional way to incorporate sound and the Air element into your practice. Witches Bells are bells that are often hanging over the entrance door, used for a vast amount of time as a protective caution, and purifying the energies of those who walk through the doorway.


A magickal broom particularly utilized to sweep and or swoop energies. This can be to cleanse, to guide smoke, or to remove stagnancy from oneself or dwelling. The Besom has been a tool for thousands of years.


An assortment of dried herbal sprigs that can be utilized by being hung or once burned. Please do not burn white mountain sage unless you are indigenous though, for it is a closed practice.


The spark of a candle can purify the air and can also be applied for divination. Candles can be engraved, anointed, infused, and beyond. They also are great for incorporating the element fire.


A fire safe dish or canister that can be used to brew potions, burn loose incense, or to boil a delicious meal. A classic staple for witches, a kettle is most used. Cauldrons also happen to incorporate every element.


A grail of a sort to be used for drinking brews personally, or offering concoctions to spirits, deities, or ghosts. They are commonly shaped comparably to a wine glass, but appearances can fluctuate


A small ornament or sachet charmed with a particular purpose that can be carried or worn by a person for a variety of affects. This can range from jewelry to small vessels and accessories.


Crystals are rocks that are formed organically from the earth or grown in a laboratory. Although many people prefer natural crystals, they are unaware the reasoning for them being made in labs. The Earth has limited supply of these crystals that are extracted or mined from the natural resources that we have to offer, if we as people do not resolve this, Earth will be entirely depleted of its own magickal gems.


Cartomancy has been used for thousands of years. There are three varieties of card decks in this aspect, the first being playing cards. The second is Tarot, and the third is Oracle cards. The origins of each vary; but the Romani people are mostly credited for the origins of Tarot.


A Grimoire is a personal journal in which a witch or spiritualist puts their research and all magickal related texts. Grimoires can include collages, birth charts, correspondences, pressed flora, and recipes. Some people consider this sacred and share with nobody, whilst others happily share their work. The choice is up to you if you want one and what you might wish to do with it.


An Incense a fragrant of biological materials such as powdered flora and resin or sap. Incense are used by burning them and allowing the smoke to create an aroma throughout your dwelling. There are three forms of Incense, Cones, Sticks, Loose Blends. A loose blend is a concoction of ground herbs as they are and usually require a charcoal to burn.

Mortar & Pestle:

The Mortar is a receptacle that is made of a tough material and formed like a bowl. The Pestle is the tool used to crush, grind, or powder the herbs. The Mortar and Pestle have been used for centuries in cooking, pharmaceuticals, and apothecaries.

Essential Oils:

Essential Oils are compounds extracted from plants into a liquid. This is like the essence and soul of said plant. Can be used for topicals and aromatic purposes. They are incredibly useful in potions that are not meant to be drank but sprayed or applied to the skin. Always make sure to use a bit of carrier oil and water with essential oils, as the potency can be acidic and will need to be diluted. Water alone however cannot properly mix it. Specific essential oils can be toxic and even lethal to animals, so it is imperative that you research it before use if you own any pets.


A pendulum is an item that is suspended from stationary position so that energy and gravity may cause it to swing. This is used for a variety of reasons from divination, communication, and alignment of beings or spaces. One might use a pendulum board to commune with spirits or deities in a precise manner, but you can also use your hand. Always make sure to vet before proceeding to ask questions. Vetting is the process of assessing the pendulum by asking yes or no questions; one true, and one false. If it answers correctly, it is safe to proceed, if not, I recommend closing the space, cleansing, and warding before trying again.


An enchanted liquid that can alter or transform one if drank. This is a sort of blanket term or a very brief word to use due to the various forms there are. Most are used from biological compounds such as essential oils or herbs, carrier oil, and a preservative. Potions can have remedies or poisons, all depending on the ingredients.


Runes are an Ancient Germanic Alphabet that many use for divination. They can also be used as sigils because each Rune holds its own meaning. Witches write out the Runic Alphabet on small stones, bones, or marbles and gently toss them into a vessel and scry based on where they land or what falls at all.


A sachet is a relatively small cloth bag with a pull string. For those who practice, these are incredibly useful. Sachets can be used as charms, to carry crystals or cards, or filled with herbs and carried around or used in the bath. These are also referred to as Muslin bags.


Scrying Mirrors are usually painted a reflective black and are used for divination purposes. In many cultures around the world, mirrors are portals, especially if two are placed parallel toward each other. Therefore, many practitioners ward, seal, or cover their mirrors when not in use. You never have to do that, but I recommend it.

Singing Bowls:

The singing bowl is a kind of bell created in Tibet and Himalayan cultures that produces healing frequencies and vibrations that are not only powerful but cleanse a space and person. Singing bowls can range in materials from forms of metals such as brass, or carved crystals.


You might be wondering why I added an eating utensil to this list. This is because there are so many ways to use this magically in mundane and ritualistic actions. I have a specific spoon set aside for scooping and stirring herbs in spells, and I recommend having one too. The way you stir or grind something has intention as well, you can stir it clockwise to attract something towards you, and counterclockwise to deter something. This can be applied to tea, coffee, or food before drank.


Mist and spray bottles bring a different degree of efficiency and genius to potions, infusions, and enhanced magickal oils. These can be applied to charms, sprayed on a surface or general space, used as perfume, or sprayed on linens and clothing for numerous and different intentions.


A talisman is an item, often a piece of jewelry that has religious or magickal properties through charming, charging, enchanting in order to bring the wearer protection, beauty, fortune, or discomfort. Examples of this are a rabbits foot, the seal of Solomon, or a pentacle necklace.


A Veil is a hair accessory that is charmed and worn to shield and protect an individual’s energies. Most are scarves or bandanas, but you can get creative and use hairclips, scrunchies, or your hair itself. Empaths particularly can benefit from veiling as to not be subject to the energies around them and keep their thoughts and feelings and theirs alone.


A hand-held stick or rod that holds magickal properties and essence and can be used to cast spells. I like to use wands to write sigils, runes, or symbols on auras, tools, doors, and mirrors. Most wands are made of wood or crystals, but the materials can vary.

The Sun:

Basil, Bay Laurel, Lovage, Rosemary, and St Johns Wort.

The Moon:

Chickweed, Eucalyptus, Lemon Balm, Mugwort, and Passion Flower.


Dill, Fennel, Flax, Lemongrass, Marjoram, Mint, and Peppermint.


Buckwheat, Burdock, Catnip, Coltsfoot, and Columbine.


Basil, High John the Conqueror, Mustard, Nettle, and Thistle.


Agrimony, Dock, Liverwort, Meadowsweet, and Witch Grass.


Boneset, Buckthorn, Hemlock, Mullein, Scullcap, and Slippery Elm.

#witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witch community    #witches of tumblr    #witchcraft101    #baby witch    #witchblr    #planets    #planet magic    #saturn    #jupiter    #mercury    #the moon    #the sun    

When reading a Birth Chart, its important to consider that the most occurring element is their dominant element, not the element of their Solar Placement. Each sign has their associated element that can delve into ones demeanor.



Placements:Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.
Dominants:Fire dominants are generally ravishingly enthusiastic, resourceful, and brightly burning in their mannerisms.


Placements:Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Dominants: Earth dominants are often dreamers, yet maintain a sensible, conscientious, and determined aptitude.


Placements:Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Dominants: Air dominant people are coordinated, practical, ingenious, captivating, and luminous with their demeanor.


Placements:Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
Dominants: Water dominants are very impassioned, innovative, creative, ambitious, and romantic souls at heart.

Other Links:

Astrology: Aspects


Astragalomancy or Astragyromancy is a procedure of divination cast by throwing five dice, teeth, or bones engraved with celestial symbols, numbers, or letters. The placement and symbolism of each particular thrown item matters. In prehistoric times, mammal knuckles were primarily used in Astragyromancy.


A structure of divination used by monitoring and examining the passage, performance, and landing of arrows during and after being shot off by a Bow. Different structures of arrows and materials should also be taken into account. This is not to be mistaken for or confused with Rhabdomancy’s use of arrows.


The use of playing cards, tarot, or oracle decks to gain insight into current, past, or future personal affairs. Crucial in personal development and individual progress from a spiritual standpoint. Each suit in playing cards represents a suit in tarot, with different elements and senses of their own.


A form of divination in which one is to cast a lot based off of random chance or divine will. “Casting a lot” is often gently tossing objects with their each individual significant meanings to analyze the pattern in which they land. There are so very numerous unique varieties and procedures to this.

Cowrie Shells:

Cowrie shells have been used for numerous purposes throughout different cultures across all time, created in Arica ranging from West Africa, Santeria, and Candomblé. There are effectively several different procedures to use these stunning shells for divination as well.


This technique of Cleromancy involves casting a lot employing beans. The origins of Favomancy come from the Ubykh of Russia. However, most archaic methods were lost through the passing of time and are now open to interpretation. I must admit I wish I knew more about this fascinating concept.


The use of bone casting for divinatory purposes or perspective. Each distinct bone has covers a specific aspect of your life, and are thrown in order to determine your current position. Certain bones have specific values but the arrangement of the bones also should be considered.


Rhabdomancy is a kind of Cleromancy including the use of casting rods, wands, branches, or something similar. There are various ways to do this, but is most frequently used to cast lots for answering questions or insight. The items could range from arrows to dowels which I find incredible from a possibility prospect.


Rune casting is a process of divination in which a practitioner uses small items such as stones, crystal tumbles, or chips in order to determine ones current circumstances and upcoming opportunities. Runes are also extraordinarily commonly used as words of power and sigils but are predominantly established for this.


A technique of divination developed by just about polishing off your cup of loose tea, and then flipping the tea leaves onto a plate for evaluation. Representation plays key to reading tea leaves, and all figures, characters, and placements account for something. Can also be preformed with coffee grounds or wine fragments.


Divination involving animals through either observing their movements, reactions, or demeanor’s shifts. Wildlife themselves have intuition and abilities that are easier for them to stay connected with. Almost all of these are also forms of Augury.

Other Links:

Divination: Casting Runes
Divination: Psychic Abilities


Deities: Hecate and Vulcan.
Elements:Air and Water.
Flowers:Cosmos, Freesia, and Marigold.
Gemstones:Opal and Tourmaline.
Moons:Harvest or Hunter moon.
Signs:Libra and Scorpio.
Trees:Ash, Ivy, and Oak.


Deities:Hades and Isis.
Elements: Water and Fire.
Flowers:Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, and Peony.
Gemstones:Topaz and Citrine.
Moons:Beaver or Frosty Moon.
Signs: Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Trees: Reeds, Ash, and Oak.


Deities:Zeus and Kione.
Elements: Fire and Earth.
Flowers: Carnation, Holly, and Narcissus.
Gemstones:Turquoise, Tanzanite, and Zircon.
Moons:Cold or Oak moon.
Signs: Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Trees:Evergreen, Holly, and Oak.

You will find that there are many common varieties of flowers (or any plant for that matter,) that are poisonous, toxic, or venomous. There are a few relatively safe ways to still use them (without touch or consumption) in your craft if you so wish.

There are plants that can cause organs to stop functioning, including your lungs, kidneys, and heart. This is why it is so important to research properly, and understand how to safely handle it if desired. Do not leave these within the reach of pets or children.

Do NOT ingest these flowers or consume them in any way. This includes burning them for smoke cleansing. In fact, please don’t put anything on or in your body without research, identification, and consulting a medical professional about it first.

Consumption Alternatives:

Contained Vessels:

After properly drying these plants, you can use these plants in sealed sachets and bottle spells, or leave them hanging in a safe place to have a consistent and fluid stream of their energies. Please handle with gloves.


If you possess a pet or small child, this is probably not the suggestion for you. Many practitioners use dried foliage because it preserves better and is flammable if desired. However, having a growing and alive plant around also can attract the intentions you desire if done strategically with intent. Please handle with gloves.

Baneful Magic:

Applying the aforementioned methods I’ve laid out, you can sometimes use toxic plants in these forms to do Baneful Magic. Any positive attribute a flower can bring can also be used to revoke or withdraw it, alongside the already toxic energy. Please handle with gloves.

Toxic Flower Magical Properties:


Prosperity, honesty, contentment, dignity, prosperity, honor, gratitude, wealth, great fortune, humility, thankfulness, and blessings. Toxic.


Romance, intelligence, courage, veneration, experience, compassion, admiration, valor, reverence, love, adoration, and knowledge. Toxic.


Love, visions, cheerfulness, rebirth, innocence, divination, blissfulness, romance, transformation, beginnings, happiness, and simplicity. Toxic.

Cuckoo Flower:

Fertility, romance, persistence, sensuality, conception, love, perseverance, lust, fecundity, tenacity, endurance, and fruitfulness. Toxic.


Positivity, prosperity, fertility, love, restoration, vitality, good luck, romance, abundance, hopefulness, healing, fortune, and revitalization. Toxic.


Romance, concentration, prosperity, knowledge, composure, warding, dexterity, focus, sensuality, abundance, lustfulness, and love. Toxic.


Prosperity, defense, adoration, romance, bounty, potential, protection, abundance, affluence, luxury, opportunity, and good fortune. Toxic.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Poisonous

You will find that there are many common varieties of flowers (or any plant for that matter,) that are poisonous, toxic, or venomous. There are a few relatively safe ways to still use them (without touch or consumption) in your craft if you so wish.

There are plants that can cause organs to stop functioning, including your lungs, kidneys, and heart. This is why it is so important to research properly, and understand how to safely handle it if desired. Do not leave these within the reach of pets or children.

Do NOT ingest these flowers or consume them in any way. This includes burning them for smoke cleansing. In fact, please don’t put anything on or in your body without research, identification, and consulting a medical professional about it first.

Consumption Alternatives:

Contained Vessels:

After properly drying these plants, you can use these plants in sealed sachets and bottle spells, or leave them hanging in a safe place to have a consistent and fluid stream of their energies. Please handle with gloves.


If you possess a pet or small child, this is probably not the suggestion for you. Many practitioners use dried foliage because it preserves better and is flammable if desired. However, having a growing and alive plant around also can attract the intentions you desire if done strategically and intent. Please handle with gloves.

Baneful Magic:

Applying the aforementioned methods I’ve laid out, you can almost always use poisonous plants in these forms to do Baneful Magic. Any positive attribute a flower can bring can also be used to revoke or withdraw it, alongside the already toxic energy. Please handle with gloves.

Poisonous Flower Magical Properties:


Elegance, knowledge, abundance, beauty, majesty, intelligence, blessings, magnificence, great fortune, splendor, gracefulness, and wisdom. Poisonous.

Bleeding Heart:

Love, enthusiasm, cleansing, healing, soothing, rebirth, purification, inspiration, romance, compassion, creation, and the space betwixt boundaries. Poisonous.


Purification, community, delightfulness, hopefulness, unification, cleansing, friendship, vitality, happiness, camaraderie, and compassion.Poisonous.


Healing, vitality, happiness, blessings, mischief, fertility, cheerfulness, inspiration, adventure, sacredness, beginnings, holiness, and possible duplicity. Poisonous.


Strength, revitalization, honesty, protection, healing, fortitude, restoration, warding, power, good fortune, honor, and abundance. Poisonous.


Protection, empathy, graciousness. longevity, warding, joyfulness, defense, fortification, fortitude, happiness, devotion, positivity, and passion. Poisonous.


Intuition, protection, inspiration, vitality, insightfulness, warding, ambition, fortitude, and imagination. Poisonous.


Banishment, luck, affluence, divination, healing, success, warding, restoration, insightfulness, cleansing, forecasting, and prosperity. Poisonous.


Happiness, commitment, confidence, warding, romance, protection, delightfulness, love, vitality, cheerfulness, peacefulness, and beauty. Poisonous


Hex-breaking, gratitude, alliance, purification, communication, collaboration, thankfulness, deep-rooted cleansing, unification, and community. Poisonous.


Divination, harmony, intelligence, purification, romance, communication, pyrrhic power, abundance, courage, and knowledge. Poisonous.


Justice, divination, warding, insightfulness, remembrance, protection, psychic strength, security, forecasting, integrity, and legal matters. Poisonous.

Morning Glory:

Cheerfulness, soothing, motivation, exuberance, serenity, optimism, peacefulness, inspiration, tranquility, hope, and radiant positivity. Poisonous.


Banishment, purification, fortune, cheerfulness, warding, abundance, cleansing, protection, happiness, prosperity, and affluence. Poisonous.


Soothing, fecundity, fortune, cheerfulness, prosperity, romance, fertility, admiration, extravagance, pleasure, calming, and relaxation. Poisonous.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Toxic

Dragon Magic is a very hard topic to find resources for, and therefore, it can be extremely difficult to find specific offerings for them. However, if you know more about the kind of dragon and its potential clan or elemental classifications, you can find even more distinct and personal offerings.

Offerings are never a necessary thing, and neither is working with any kind or form of spirit. Although offerings are incredibly helpful in displaying faith and appreciation if you wish to or currently do maintain a partnership with a Dragon

Below are an assortment of concepts of offerings that most general dragons would enjoy, ranging from free to costly ideas. I truly hope this is beneficial for those who desire information on this topic. Feel free to use this for other spirits if desired.

General Dragon Offerings:


Dragons often appreciate any form of art from any medium, especially about them. There is no bad form of art. Examples include carvings, illustrations, painting, reading, sculpting, sewing, sketching, and writing.


Although dragons love any stone to gem, there are shapes they enjoy as well. Shapes such as dragons, eggs, palm stones, skulls, and spheres. Specific gems they generally enjoy (from my experience) are Apophyllite, Dragon’s Bloodstone, Labradorite, Petrified Wood, Selenite. and Quartz.


Artwork, crystals, dragon statues, flowers or herbs, sea shells, skull figurines, or magical instruments even can always serve as a decorative offering (especially if you use it in rituals for or with them.)


Not only is Divination one of the only ways to communicate with Dragons, but it is one of their favored forms of spell casting. Methods range from Astral Travel, to Meditations, Osteomancy, Pendulums, Rune casting, Tarot Readings, and Tasseomancy.


In my personal experiences, I've found Dragons quite enjoy the sound of classical music, cackling fires, strummed harps, Hertz frequencies, meditation music, thunderstorms, running water, and heavy winds.


There are very few things Dragons appreciate more than the pursuit of knowledge and traits of intelligence. Researching alongside them, or the topic of Dragons directly, is a phenomenal offering if you desire to please them.

Spell Work:

You will often find that if you work with Dragons, they will more often then not be willing or even desire to join you in hands on magic and spell work. Dragons can immensely amplify the energies or even give suggestions if you just ask them.

Other Links:

Dragon Magic: I
Dragon Magic: Classifications I
Dragon Magic: Classifications II


Hex-breaking, gratitude, alliance, purification, communication, collaboration, thankfulness, deep-rooted cleansing, unification, and community. Poisonous.


Warding, uncrossing, humility, cleansing, hospitality, dispelling, protection, purification, blessing, honor, wellbeing, spiritual health and energetic hygiene. Toxic for animals.


Divination, harmony, intelligence, purification, romance, communication, pyrrhic power, abundance, courage, and knowledge. Poisonous.


Divination, prosperity, relaxing, romance, abundance, calming, psychic power, spirituality, forecasting, harmonization and serenity.


Soothing, healing, protection, charging, contentment, loyalty, tranquility, love, restoration, romance, amplification, and happiness.

Lemon Verbena:

Magnificence, enchantment, majesty, cleansing, attraction, charming, glamours, purification, romance, splendor, warding, and protection. Toxic to animals.


Banishment, serenity, happiness, warding, passion, tranquility, cleansing, peaceful, protection, enthusiasm, and spirituality.


Transformation, fecundity, purification, divination, fertility, protection, enlightenment, harnessing, development, and psychic power.


Magnificence, compassion, allure, desirability, love, attraction, elegance, romance, glamour, attractiveness, and magnetism.


Reconciliation, protection, love, understanding, banishment, romance, forgiveness, sympathy, graciousness, warding, fortification, and cleansing.


Justice, divination, warding, insightfulness, remembrance, protection, psychic strength, security, forecasting, integrity, and legal matters. Poisonous.

Morning Glory:

Cheerfulness, soothing, motivation, exuberance, serenity, optimism, peacefulness, inspiration, tranquility, hope, and radiant positivity. Poisonous.


Romance, magnificence, benevolence, grandeur, veneration, majesty, love, attractiveness, affluence, lavishness, extravagance, and attraction.


Divination, magnetism, compassion, admiration, romance, elegance, attraction, psychic power, grandeur, splendor, love, and attractiveness. Seeds are Toxic.


Banishment, purification, fortune, cheerfulness, warding, abundance, cleansing, protection, happiness, prosperity, and affluence. Poisonous.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: Poisonous
Flower Magic: Toxic

#orchid    #morning glory    #marigold    #mallow    #maidenhair    #lemon verbana    #lavender    #jasmine    #flower magic    #flower magick    #flowers    #witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witch community    #witches of tumblr    #witchcraft101    #hyssop    #hydrangea    

Cuckoo Flower:

Fertility, romance, persistence, sensuality, conception, love, perseverance, lust, fecundity, tenacity, endurance, and fruitfulness. Toxic.


Positivity, prosperity, fertility, love, restoration, vitality, good luck, romance, abundance, hopefulness, healing, fortune, and revitalization. Toxic.


Divination, wellbeing, manifestation, spirit work, happiness, inspiration, revitalization, psychic power, healing, vitality, and delightfulness.


Amplification, warding, brilliance, restoration, immunity, inspiration, revitalization, charging, protection, encouragement, and motivation. Poisonous to Animals.


Warding, bravery, eternal love, loyalty, romance, daring, allegiance, manifestation, deep devotion, courage, valor, nobility, and true love.


Mental strength, wellbeing, psychic powers, understanding, clarification, restoration, dexterity, healing, soothing, insight, and warding.


Protection, illumination, maternity, soothing, warding, fertility, clarification, healing, understanding, fortification, maternal love, and rebirth.


Spirituality, tranquility, love, compassion, harmony, healing, peaceful, romance, soothing, restoration, harmonization, and serenity.


Fruitfulness, beauty, fortune, protection, love, fertility, compassion, warding, romance, healing, and beauty.


Prosperity, divination, affluence, insightfulness, prophetic visions, abundance, lushness, spiritual strength, and good fortune. Toxic to Animals.


Shielding, great fortune, security, wealth, fortification, abundance, warding, excellent luck, protection, and weather manipulation. 


Banishment, luck, affluence, divination, healing, success, warding, restoration, insightfulness, cleansing, forecasting, and prosperity. Poisonous.


Divination, glamour, desirability, sensuality, magnificence, psychic gifts, romance, lustfulness, forecasting, and attractiveness. Poisonous to Animals.


Abundance, visions, protection, psychic power, fortitude, prosperity, divination, good fortune, spiritual prowess, connection, and luck. Only some varieties of the petals are edible, and all parts are Poisonous for Animals.


Happiness, commitment, confidence, warding, romance, protection, delightfulness, love, vitality, cheerfulness, peacefulness, and beauty. Poisonous.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: I
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Poisonous
Flower Magic: Toxic

#hyssop    #hydrangea    #hyacinth    #honeysuckle    #hibisicus    #heliotrope    #heather    #goldenrod    #geranium    #gardenia    #feverfew    #eyebright    #euphrasia    #edelweiss    #echinacea    #flowers    #flower magic    #flower magick    #witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witchblr    #witch community    #witches of tumblr    #witchcraft101    #cuckoo flower    #daffodil    #dandelion    


Banishment, healing, purification, divination, uncrossing, protection, cleansing, restoration, psychic power, dispelling, and warding. Root is poisonous if not dried.


Elegance, knowledge, abundance, beauty, majesty, intelligence, blessings, magnificence, great fortune, splendor, gracefulness, and wisdom. Poisonous.


Money, revolution, clarity, affluence, transformation, understanding, prosperity, insightfulness, development, authority, and pursuit.

Bleeding Heart:

Love, enthusiasm, cleansing, healing, soothing, rebirth, purification, inspiration, romance, compassion, creation, and the space between boundaries. Poisonous.


Prosperity, honesty, contentment, dignity, prosperity, honor, gratitude, wealth, great fortune, humility, thankfulness, and blessings. Toxic.


Purification, community, delightfulness, hopefulness, unification, cleansing, friendship, vitality, happiness, camaraderie, and compassion. Poisonous.


Security, abundance, repellant, resilience, opulence, fortification, prosperity, defense, great fortune, protection, healthiness, attraction, and fortitude.


Wealth, compassion, abundance, reverence, romance, prosperity, nobility, compassion, good luck, intense desire, and affluence.


Strength, revitalization, honesty, protection, healing, fortitude, restoration, warding, power, good fortune, honor, and abundance. Poisonous.


Calming, tranquility, love, psychic power, purification, prosperity, soothing, divination, affluence, spirituality, peacefulness, and prophetic visions.


Protection, empathy, graciousness. longevity, warding, joyfulness, defense, fortification, fortitude, happiness, devotion, positivity, and passion. Poisonous.


Income, divination, protection, relaxation, prophetic dreams, prosperity, peacefulness, affluence, fortification, and warding.


Romance, intelligence, courage, veneration, experience, compassion, admiration, valor, reverence, love, adoration, and knowledge. Toxic.


Healing, vitality, happiness, blessings, mischief, fertility, cheerfulness, inspiration, adventure, sacredness, beginnings, holiness, and possible duplicity. Poisonous.


Love, visions, cheerfulness, rebirth, innocence, divination, blissfulness, romance, transformation, beginnings, happiness, and simplicity. Toxic.

Other Links:

Flower Magic: II
Flower Magic: III
Flower Magic: Poisonous
Flower Magic: Toxic

#angelica    #corcus    #columbine    #cinquefoil    #chrysanthemum    #chamomile    #carnation    #camellia    #calendula    #buttercup    #bluebell    #bergamot    #flower    #flower magic    #flower magick    #witch community    #witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witches of tumblr    #witchcraft101    #azelea    #bleeding heart    #cowslip    

Acai Berry:

Nourishment, happiness, energizing, motivation, productivity, healing, and blissfulness.


Banishment, abundance, affluence, healing, dispelling, warding, prosperity, and protection.


Gratitude, tranquility, harmonization, contentment, understanding, balancing, and healthiness.


Growth, ambition, accomplishment, inspiration, rebirth, hopefulness, and transformation.


Illusions, nourishment, glamours, healthiness, energizing, distortion, and energy manipulation.


Healthiness, romance, elegance, purification, healing, cleansing, majesty, and sensuality.


Blessings, fortification, invocation, healing, summoning, warding, conjuration, and protection.

Goji Berry:

Longevity, growth, motivation, vitality, ambition, expansion, lasting life, and motivation.


Happiness, enlightenment, joyfulness, sacredness, delightfulness, transformation, and spirituality.


Protection, wealth, defense, insightfulness, fortune, warding, affluence, and enlightenment.


Creation, fortune, beauty, wealthiness, good luck, attraction, prosperity, and potential.


Calculation, abundance, intelligence, prosperity, patience, introspection, strategy, and good wealth.


Warding, romance, kindness, protection, admiration, fortitude, compassion, and true love.


Compassion, courage, kindness, romance, bravery, generosity, insight, and awareness.


Romance, purification, magnificence, kindness, cleansing, elegance, and sensuality.

#blackberry    #blueberry    #boysenberry    #cloudberry    #cranberry    #elderberry    #gooseberry    #huckleberry    #lingonberry    #mulberry    #raspberry    #salmonberry    #strawberry    #witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witches of tumblr    #witch community    #witchcraft101    #witchblr    #witch tumblr    #fruit magic    #berry magic    #berries    


Protection, immortality, romance, longevity, adoration, endurance, warding, happiness, and love.


Admiration, compassion, cheerfulness, devotion, bliss, love, happiness, romance, and optimism.


Compassion, adoration, contentment, optimism, pleasure, romance, happiness, lasting love, and positivity.


Fruitfulness, affluence, s*xuality, lustfulness, fertility, prosperity, passion, bounty, sensuality, and desire.


Resurgence, reawakening, prosperity, revival, rebirth, sensuality, romance, rejuvenation, and fortune.


Purifying, revolution, rejuvenating, reawakening, exclusion, cleansing, transformation, and banishment.

Dragon Fruit:

Conquest, opulence, strengthening, excellent luck, victory, energizing, achievement, and success.


Extravagance, lushness, prosperity, fruitfulness, magnificence, regard, bountifulness, fertility, and luxury.


Cleansing, invigorating, cunning, purification, dexterity, refreshing, intelligence, and banishing.


Regeneration, cleansing, stimulating, sustenance, transformation, revitalization, purification, energizing, and transformation.


Good fortune, sophistication, love, attraction, wealth, excellent treasure, elegance, romance, splendor, and abundance.


Cheerfulness, success, happiness, delightfulness, prosperity, pleasure, abundance, and blissfulness.


Camaraderie, coherence, cleansing, harmonization, restoration, purification, collaboration, synchronization, and healing.


Escalation, inspiration, contemplation, love, prosperity, and compassion, attraction, introspection, and romance.


Vitality, perseverance, rejuvenation, wellbeing, spiritual rebirth, vigor, fertility, longevity, vitality, and fecundity.


Synchronization, intelligence, wellbeing, affluence, endurance, harmonization, healthiness, prosperity, and longevity.


Decadence, magnificence, affluence, knowledge, abundance, understanding, good luck, and opulence.


Fruitfulness, attraction, majesty, magnetism, lushness, fruitfulness, splendor, magnificence, and fecundity.


Relationships, accomplishment, dignity, reward, triumph, desire, connections, success, honor, bounty, victory, and lustfulness.


Great fortune, fecundity, profusion, fertility, abundance, bounty, lushness, opulence, potency, multitude, and good luck.

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Dragons are very reserved and private creatures that do not like disclosing information about themselves, especially when someone is sharing this information without permission. Dragon and Draconic Magick both incorporate dragons into their workings. The key difference is Dragon Magick is working with the dragons directly, and Draconic Magic is working primarily with the symbolism, draconic aspects, and the overall virtues of these incredibly fierce beings.

Dragons are primal and fundamental beings, recognizing nine elements throughout their presence. These nine elements are extraordinarily linked to them in every manner. These nine elements are Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Spirit, Dark, Light, Storm, and Chaos.

Each of the nine dragon elements have a primary ruler, who thrives in each element and oversees all dragons of aforementioned element. There are also Planetary, Sabbat, Metallic, Fae, and Aspect dragons, all of which still fall under the authority of their corresponding elemental leader.

The Elemental Ruler Dragons prefer to be called their respective elements and will sometimes share private names with colleagues. When a bond is created you can ask for a name if desired, although they vary, or may not give you a title at all.


TheFireElemental is recognized for determination, enthusiasm, wrath, temper, passion, cleansing, protection, sexuality, courage, transformation, power, war, warmth, banishing, survival, and justice.

TheEarthElemental is known for strength, defense, healing, endurance, wealth, restoration, possessions, material gain, luck, justice, advancement, growth, rebirth, renewal, death, and graves.

TheAir Elemental is well-known for enterprise, education, knowledge, wisdom, agreements, weather, expression, exchange, flight, travel, clarity, communication, literature, composition, and sound.

TheWaterElemental is recognized for healing, feelings, nurturing, relaxing, purifying, compassion, growth, affection, reawakening, fury, receiving, revoking, movement, peace, adaptability, and fluidity.

TheDarkElemental is well-known for night, cold, secrets, yin, lunar, introspection, negative, water, earth, baneful, and passive. This is not evil. Dragons are beyond such concepts.

TheLight Elemental is commonly known for light, day, warmth, seen, revealed, reflected, fire, air, positive, active, logical, and stern. This is not complete virtue, dragons are beyond such concepts.

TheSpiritElemental is known for overseeing the coming and going of all energetic aspects, unification, magic, change, alchemy, transformation, fate, life, death, transcendence, ascension.

TheMaelstrom Elemental is known for power, energy, change, growth, advancement, advancement, transcendence, transformation, revolution, and change. Maelstrom is also commonly considered “Storm.”

TheChaos Elemental is known for creation, construction, duality, rebirth, destruction, demolition, anarchy, turmoil, confusion, clarity, truth, and knowledge. The Chaos Element is believed to reign supreme over all these.

The Sun:

Copal, Frankincense, Gum Arabic, Saffron, and Sandalwood.

The Moon:

Aloe Vera, Camphor, Copal, Mallow, Myrrh, and Sandalwood.


Frankincense, Gum Mastic, Licorice, and Sandalwood.


Aloe Vera, Dragons blood, Frankincense, and Sandalwood.


Aloe Vera, Dragons Blood, Sanicle, and Wormwood.


Frankincense, Licorice, Saffron, and Sarsaparilla.


Asafoetida, Dodder, Fumitory, Kava Kava, and Mimosa.

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Chakra: The Root.
Number:Zero. (0)
Planet:The Sun.
Energies:Masculine. ♂


Sign:Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Chakra:The Sacral.
Number: One. (1)
Planet:The Moon.
Energies: Feminine. ♀


Chakra:The Navel.
Number:Four. (4)
Energies: Masculine. ♂


Sign: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Chakra:The Throat.
Number:Three (3)
Energies:Masculine. ♂


Sign: Sagittarius.
Chakra: The Third Eye.
Number:Six (6)
Energies:Feminine. ♀


Sign: Taurus and Virgo.
Chakra:The Heart.
Number:Five. (5)
Energies: Feminine. ♀


Chakra:The Root.
Number: Seven (7)
Energies:Masculine. ♂

Grounding or “Earthing” is the exercise of adjusting your energy and body to the Earth’s frequency. The Earth continually pulsates at the frequency of 7.83 Hertz, which is called the Schumann Resonance. This frequency is generated in the Earth’s electromagnetic field by the electrical collaboration between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.

There are many ways to ground yourself or promote grounding energies around you. The possibilities of techniques are nearly boundless which is inspiring. Everywhere you could possibly be is on this planet, meaning you can ground at any moment you desire.

Common Grounding Methods:


Using color magic, you can incorporate colors around and within yourself to ground. One can preform this with their wardrobe, crystals, candles, thread, hair color, makeup, artwork, interior designs. The Root Chakra is correlated with the color Red, whilst the hues Brown and Black embody Earth itself. You can visualize your body filling with a warm light that is brown, red, or black.


Whilst on the idea of color magic, you can choose stones of the particular aforementioned colors for grounding purposes as well. However, every single gem comes from the Earth, and thus works. My personal recommendations would be Moss Agate, Tiger’s Eye, Bronzite, Dendrite, Garden Quartz, and Tree Agate. You can do this by wearing or carrying stones with you.


Growing, cooking, or simply eating foods that grew beneath the Earth’s surface can assist in attuning you with Earth’s frequency or energies. This ranges from vegetables to spices. Ginger Root, Turmeric, and Galangal also can work phenomenally.


Body scanning is the process of taking the time to observe how each and every segment of your body feels to connect with yourself and the present moment. I recommend starting with the bottom of your feet, noticing how they feel. Are they sore, or maybe dry? Once you’ve felt it entirely, move upwards until you’ve focused on your entire body.


Certain aromas will also influence you to become grounded, especially when done with intention. From oil rollers to diffusers, there are many ways to apply scent in your home. If essential oils are not your favorite, you can always use fresh flowers or leaves in a potpourri.


There are a vast range of methods that may incorporate sound into grounding. This includes but is not limited to listening to Hertz Frequencies directly. Alternatively, there are guided visualizations and meditations throughout the internet to use as well. If those do not resonate with you, listening to animals, winds, storms, or fires always work as well.


Walkingbarefoot on the Earth is one of the most conventional methods of grounding out there. The Earth maintains an electrical potential on its surface, and when you are in direct contact with the ground, the Earth’s electrons are conducted to your body, and thus attuning it to the same electrical frequency.

You do not have to have every crystal or herb under the sun to be a valid, skilled, or talented witch. what matters is your intention, dedication, and focus on what you, yourself, are casting. You are your most sacred tool and asset. You, Yourself, hold the power you need. Other tools can absolutely assist you though!

It additionally highly varies on the sort of magic you want to do. This is a time of introspection, if you want to work with candles, crystals, herbs, or all of the above, glimpsing into places to find those can be helpful. If you intend on grinding herbs into powders, then you’ll most likely require a mortar and pestle. Can you, and do you desire an altar, or tarot cards to read? It completely boils down to what you would like, and what you may possibly intend to do.

Methods and Mannerisms:


You can use practically everything in your magic that you choose to. Everything has magical capability and correspondences. You can enchant regular objects like clothing, pillows, and jewelry to allure in magical effects. This is an excellent approach if you have to be super discreet, the possibilities and potential are accurately endless.


There are also numerous ordinary household objects that have their own strengths that can be employed in magic. Occasionally people already possess supplies in their residences that can be utilized, such as spice racks, jars, produce, paper, and candles.


Use the time of day, week, or year to your advantage, each have their own correspondences, and the same marvelous thought can be put towards weather like basking in the sunlight or charge or cleansing yourself in the rain. Universally intention-based colors are White, Grey, Black, and Brown and thus can all be used for any purpose you seek from color magick. Clear Quartz, Selenite, and Obsidian can work with any intention you seek from crystal magic.


You can gather stones, pine needles, branches, pinecones, foraged vegetation, nuts, pine needles, feathers (Look into local laws), or other tools. Fallen leaves, flowers, herbs, seeds, and such can become offerings if desired additionally. This essentially depends on where you reside. If you have your home in the desert, you can work with the sand, stones, and vegetation around you. If you live near a body of water, you can revel in its purifying properties, collect sand, shells, sand dollars, star fish, and hagstones if possible.


There is also always the possibility of making tools yourself with what you already possess or could gather around you. From my perspective, the more effort and time you personally put into a magickal utensil, the more of your individual strength it will harness and channel. Therefore, with this notion it can be said that handmade items and trinkets are immensely powerful with your energy and all that resided before you.


The Dollar store also has so much to offer, wax burners, candles, chalices, and journals, and salt. This way you can spend less income whilst simultaneously acquiring more utensils. You can also always find free methods online to get Horoscopes, Tarot, Pendulum, or various methods of evaluations from another if you do not have access to a form of divination


Abundance, healing, motivation, protection, vitality, amplification, energizing, revitalization, inspiration, boosting, prosperity, success, and regard.


Fertility, warding, adoration, bliss, psychic ability, protection, unity, fortune, happiness, romance, fecundity, union, and compassion.

Bay Laurel:

Victory, prosperity, justice, power, psychic ability, warding, transformation, amplification, wealth, respect, protection, and divination.


Courage, warding, confidence, vitality, ambition, banishment, valour, protection, loyalty, longevity, magnificence, determination, and purification.


Abundance, amplification, confidence, speediness, romance, luck, protection, glamours, happiness, wealth, protection, and courage.


Empowerment, warding, abundance, positivity, luck, achievement, confidence, attractiveness, glamours, optimism, hope, protection, and triumph.


Fortification, restoration, desire, prophecy, defense, revitalization, curative, lust, pleasure, insight, protection, healing, sensuality, and divination. 


Luck, protection, balance, manifestation, regard, security, attraction, warding, fortune, harmony, shielding, affluence, and fortitude.


Hex-breaking, healthiness, banishment, sensuality, prosperity, purification, healing, longevity, lustfulness, attraction, and dispelling.


Banishment, romance, sensuality, cleansing, hex-breaking, attraction, love, abundance, prosperity, compassion, adoration, and expelling.


Restoration, prosperity, tranquility, longevity, cleansing, elegance, glamours, beauty, healing, abundance, luck, calming, and purification.


Protection, spirituality, fortune, alignment, generosity, affection, romance, magnificence, sensuality, warding, security, and connection.


Activation, protection, connection, hex-breaking, purification, shielding, energizing, banishment, warding, charging, and fortifying.

Star Anise:

Divination, prosperity, awareness, abundance, protection, warding, prophetic dreams, psychic power, insight, affluence, wealth, and connection.


Confidence, purification, fertility, abundance, protection, banishment, hex-breaking, cleansing, wealth, fortune, warding, and safety.

#turmeric    #star anise    #pepper    #paprika    #nutmeg    #ginger    #galangal    #coriander    #cloves    #cinnamon    #cayenne    #bay laurel    #allspice    #spices    #spice magic    #green witch    #green magic    #witchcraft    #beginner witch    #witch community    #witchcraft101    #witches of tumblr    #pagan witch    


Protection, psychic powers, integrity, perseverance, shielding, insight, veracity, dedication, defense, spiritual strength, and honor.


Longevity, wellbeing, affluence, the ocean, holiness, protection, introspection, transformation, warding, spirituality, vitality, and healthiness.


Eloquence, dexterity, rebirth, gallantry, interaction, perseverance, expression, ingenuity, renewal, heroism, communication, and endurance.


Understanding, consciousness, development, closures, knowledge, coordination, realization, awareness, growth, harmony, and honor.


Transformation, cleansing, beginnings, potential, purification, protection, rebirth, banishment, development, exorcisms, and warding.


Affluence, strength, protection, fortune, purification, prosperity, restoration, fortification, abundance, cleansing, and healthiness.


Transformation, warding, nourishment, healing, comforting, immortality, hope, cycles, soothing, mourning, loss, protection, and growth.


Profusion, binding, wellbeing, shielding, good fortune, restoration, comforting, banishment, rejuvenation, abundance, and healthiness.


Adoration, stability, bravery, understanding, romance, balance, courage, boundaries, crossroads, relationships, harmony, daring, astral travel, and knowledge.


Delight, fruitfulness, romance, devotion, defense, affection, enjoyment, fertility, trustworthiness, protection, love, happiness, fecundity, loyalty, and protection.


Fortune, fertility, protection, attraction, intelligence, inspiration, wealth, determination, good luck, wisdom, and ambitions.


Magnificence, practicality, strength, shielding, effectiveness, dexterity, glamours, intelligence, desirability, attraction, and protection.


Endurance, replenishment, recovery, warding, connection, divination, perseverance, protection, maternal love, and elegance.


Cleansing, peacefulness, faithfulness, soothing, dignity, relaxation, devotion, purification, honor, tranquility, reliability, stability, and harmony.


Splendor, exhilaration, longevity, serenity, optimism, romance, happiness, tranquility, anticipation, attraction, contentment, calmness, and memory.


Longevity, abundance, romance, healthiness, balance, generosity, intelligence, flexibility, wellbeing, prosperity, love, and vitality.


Fertility, amplification, holiness, wellbeing, protection, wealthiness, healing, good luck, warding, sacredness, effectiveness, and potency.


Strength, triumph, fertility, tranquility, potency, vitality, success, immortality, serenity, fruitfulness, amplification, independence, and honor.


Warding, recognition, purification, prosperity, healing, protection, awareness, cleansing, understanding, abundance, and wealthiness.


Divination, success, creativity, serenity, transformation, development, protection, fortification, change, peacefulness, and warding.


Serenity, stability, optimism, affection, protection, love, healing, romance, hope, restoration, affection, harmony, shielding, adoration, and faith.


Communication, vitality, life and death, regeneration, rebirth, divination, renewal, transformation, spirit work, longevity, and mourning.

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Amphipteres generally were said to have light-colored feathers like a sunrise, a serpentine body similar to a lindworm, bat-like wings with feathers covering most of the forearm and often greenish in coloration, and a long tail much like a wyvern’s.


Drakes are wingless dragons, often portrayed with four feet. There are several cultures originating with the term “Drake” translating to “Dragon,” including German, Dutch, Germanic, Latin, and Ancient Greek.


Eastern dragons possess many animal-like forms such as turtles and fish, but are most oftentimes potrayed as four-legged snake like creature. The Dragon is also a beacon of strength, and good fortune, and power, for those who are worthy in East Asian cultures.


Hydras are Dragons that possess more than one head, the exact amount varies, but is often three to five heads. Tiamat, the Mesopotamian Dragon Mother Goddess is a five headed Hydra, each head being a different kind of Metallic Dragon.


A Lindworm is a Dragon that creature is depicted on widespread basis as a wingless serpentine bodied dragon, with dragon’s head, and two clawed frontal legs. Traditions often imply that Lindworms do not walk, but slither and utilize their arms for traction.


The Western Dragon is typically depicted as a massive aliferous scaled lizard. European dragons are capable of breathing fire, and possess horns, spikes, four legs, a long tail, and wings that vary in description.


Wyrms are considered to be sea serpent like Dragons, often without limbs, legs, or wings. Wyrms are a universally depicted species. Leviathan, Jörmungandr, and the Loch Ness Monster are Wyrm Dragons.


A Wyvern is a Dragon with two hind legs and a pair of wings. Wyverns oftentimes have large wings and short legs. It is a common creature in European folklore, and is actually rarely capable of breathing fire.

Other Links:

Dragon Magic: I
Dragon Magic: Classifications I
Dragon Magic: Offerings

Some of the collective are naturally given these gifts. That does not mean another is incapable of developing or harnessing them, because you definitely can with practice and homing in on private intuition and perception.

There are flashes of time where these gifts can become disrupting or challenging to live with, which is why I believe it crucial to understand how to ward, ground, and veil oneself before studying this. There are several methods to expand each of these faculties which I will cover later, for now here are the classifications.

Psychic Ability Classifications:


The ability or aptitude of being able to distinguish things outside of standard sensory in a sight-based approach, often upcoming circumstances, or incidents, such as visions or premonitions.


The skill or talent of being able to perceive things beyond normal sensory in an auditory manner, often future situations, or events, such voices, or echoes. These noises can be current, future, or from earlier.


The dexterity or capacity of being able to comprehend things ahead of conventional sensory in an emotional manner, often with people around us or future situations, or events. Many refer to this as being an empath.


The expertise or flair of being able to observe things further than ordinary sensory in an intellectual and logical manner, often with insight, perception, instinct, awareness, insight, and intuition.


The ability or aptitude of being able to distinguish things outside of standard sensory from a taste-based approach, often upcoming circumstances, or incidents, such as visions or premonitions.

Other Links:

Divination: Casting Runes
Divination: Pendulums
