

Ten lbs and 5.25 inches I joined #teamWAG @workingagainstgravity. I had done flexible dieting before but never to this extent and never with such accountability and encouragement. 

No major changes to my diet (except maybe more carbs and a little less peanut butter, but not much!) No major changes to my fitness regime. 

Just one thing, and a lot of learning. Tracked all the food I ate diligently and very rarely gave in and cheated significantly (not to say I didn’t eat any junk food—I just made sure to account for it). Weighed everything. Learned that measuring is not nearly as accurate as the scale. 

Working Against Gravity has both redefined how I view food and how I eat and has definitely given me way more energy to put towards my workouts. I’ve always been hardcore about hitting the gym because I love it, but when your progress is elevated because your nutrition is on point and you have people behind you wanting you to succeed, you do what you can to not let them down.

I’m leaner and lighter than I’ve been in years (likely since high school—I am 29 fyi), my lifts either remain the same or have gone up. Since starting with the group my RX handstand push ups have improved, other gymnastics including ring dips, push ups, pull ups, and ab exercises also have improved. My endurance and cardio stamina feels better most days (and having asthma, I have struggled with this and don’t have a great engine).

Love this program, love tracking what I eat, love fuelling my body and giving it exactly what it needs to do well. Love trusting the process. Loveknowing and being confident in food and nutrition choices. Love that this will be an easy thing to maintain and keep with for awhile.
