

Bad habits

I like dating many guys so I don’t get attached with any of them.

What I like about it? Well… Many guys leads to many personalities and each one fills me the way I want to. I think my point of view can be very materialistic or superficial but I have a guy for anything that I want to do, like hooking up, going to the cinema, drink wine, go to expensive restaurants, go to a bar, drink beer while watching tv, etc.

But these days are hard ones, as I have become too fat, I don’t have as many boys as I need to don’t get my feelings envolved. That’s what happened with “lion” (lets call him that way).

We met, we hooked up (not sex) and then 100% friends, we talked everyday until halloween because I felt him quite distant so I thought about giving him some days until he comes back. Guess what? Three days later a photo with his new girlfriend. My respects, I didnt know he played the game just as I like to do it, I didn’t expect that he took me by surprise and with no man.

rebeccaemilythinks: Have a sexy Halloween Tumblr


Have a sexy Halloween Tumblr

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Don’t be shy let your freak flag fly!! Jump in my inbox





Don’t be shy let your freak flag fly!! Jump in my inbox

