
fanart of Killmonger the fashionable villain!!!

fanart of Killmonger the fashionable villain!!!

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Okay can anyone, other than mdcoochie since they blocked me, make sense of this lol

(please read the whole entire thing you won’t be disappointed…or maybe you will)

This is why I said what I said. Yes they used manipulation. Yes they are a villain! No it wasn’t for the same reasons; not even the same ways.

Loki caused all the ruckus by inviting Frost Giants to Thor’s inauguration because he wanted to not only sabotage it but to prove to Odin Thor wasn’t fit for the throne. In a mischievous and shitty way yes, but that was the goal. Because Odin raised Loki into a falsehood that he was meant to be king of Asgard when that was never going to happen, at least, not on purpose. Causing Loki to feel disregarded and always on Thor’s shadow. Odin’s goal of Loki was always to use raise him as a political pawn; his so called benevolence raised him like that to supposedly one day tell him his real origins so he can “peacefully” take over become king. Finding out his origins disrupted everything; what he believed, his true purpose, everything. Not to mention he then moved on from being Odin’s pawn to Thanos’.

Can someone finally realized that the way Loki will plan, manipulate, lie, kill after the fact would never be the same as Killmonger(please read my Killmonger analysis here then come back).

Killmonger goals are not the same. What if? gave an alternative to his plans which was always going to have the same outcome- to take over what he felt entitled to (because he was robbed of such opportunity for an ignorant reason) and come back to his rightful place (home) with later on intentions to help those who were in the same spot as him. The struggles he felt as a POC can’t be compared to Loki therefore their methods (and the why) can’t be either! Not when you downplay it like this to the point it doesn’t even make any sense!

Y’all this is why some of you need improve your critical thinking skills! It’s not about who murdered more, who ranks more as “evilier”, who’s more of a piece of shit. None of that will matter if you don’t make sense of why they used those methods to get where they are in the first place!

Just like Jimmy Woo said “an over simplification of events”.

Blocking me and telling me this afterwards isn’t making your argument any smarter.

I’m kinda glad I not so accidentally came across this. Stupid reason to get blocked because someone gave you more insight because they don’t hold the same supposed morality standards as you do but whatever it’s tumblr

Your point is that they used the same methods therefore they are equally bad because they even have the same motives. Like huuuh?

This is why I said in my In Killmonger’s Defense post on why not every POC story is meant to be understood by everyone.

I’m wondering if the Loki show has anything to do with this kind of thinking. Because after the Loki show, there was been this surge where people disregard fan favorite villains and the reason why they are understood (not praised for what they did). I’m willing to bet the whole argument this user talked about initially is probably made from their head so they can justify writing how they really felt about Loki. Just throwing a theory out there.

