#loki critical


Can pro Loki pro sylki pro Sylvie pro mobius etc actually engage in thoughtful, insightful, intelligent, valid counter arguments said about the Loki series?

…or are y’all going to hide behind the “internalized misogyny” “y’all biphobic” “y’all homophobic” “it’s not that serious” “mobius did nothing wrong” argument comments and only talk about those exclusively in regards to the criticism received by the Loki show? And how about the “actors deserve better”?

No because I’m getting bored from watching the same pro blogs especially pro sylki blogs call out those who rightfully criticize the show as “misogynist”; pitting everyone on the same bowl. Are there misogynistic fans? Yes. Ignore those because those are spewing meaningless “counter arguments” which only counts as hate.

But when a genderfluid fan makes a long ass post explaining the problematic aspects or a POC, suddenly those blogs are quiet. Suddenly your answering asks about fans complaining about the “misogyny”. Their whole blog is literally filled of nothing but praise and asks about “concerned fans”.

Don’t even get me started on the “anti antis”and their posts. When once in a while you see a post that says “misogynists always say the same thing about how Sylvie is a Mary Sue” and similar posts.

Imagine… not being able to go as far as not mention the writing or else some braindead 19 or 20 year old use some Twitter buzzword to insult you by doing so.

I sincerely don’t get this. I can’t count how many times I’ve been challenged in regards to a show or fandom I’m part of. And I appreciated every moment.

You guys are the boring toxic positivity fans the people are tired about. Switch up a bit.




I feel like a lot of the Sylvie hate is coming from a place of internalized misogyny. Like, a lot of people on here seem to dislike her because she’s a strong female character.

Ugh. Okay so if anyone has to use misogyny in any argument as something pro then obviously their argument is invalid.

But what about those who have actual counter arguments to the character,mm?

See you people posts stuffs like this (with anti tags especially; those never miss) and then have the audacity to have the comments disabled and if there was a chance to do so, will disable reblogs as well.

So I’m coming here, not as someone who hates Sylvie (at all) because she’s a woman, who have valid arguments to her creation as a character and her existence as whole.

I know many people who do as well.

It’s all about searching for yourself. Instead of posting bait like this.

Anti antis, the ball is in your court.

How is my argument invalid? A number of posts I’ve seen on here from people who dislike Sylvie have come down to disliking her because she’s a “Mary Sue” or because she’s a strong female character who is independent. Or because she kissed Loki and they don’t like that someone other than themselves kissed him. Not to mention the biphobia because they are a hetero appearing couple, despite both being bi. A lot of the hate towards Sylvie seems to be rather petty, honestly.

Are my comments disabled? Shoot. I forgot I had done that. I’ll open them up again. Sorry about that. I disabled them a little while ago and forgot about it.

I didn’t say your argument is invalid. I said if anyone has to use misogyny as a pro argument then it’s automatically invalid.

Ever take a step back and wonder why those are the reasons? Because many have written long dissertations (including myself). It’s not as easy as saying “she’s just all that ugh”. Nobody with a sense of dignity, who have a feeling to explain why&how, will spew bold reasonings unless they are going to back it up.

And it’s also unfair to lump those who make bold accusations (with all their right) with the ones who do and back it up. Just like I read long dissertations pro Loki series etc and pick them apart but still do my part to understand the other side, vice versa should occurred if we ever want to find a happy medium in this god forsaken fandom.

The Loki show and the aftermath of it all is going to be such great material for my communications major. I soon start to work for my Unis magazine and the whole shenanigans of its existence is enough to make a thesis out of it.

Excited (for once) to earn another Bach. Going to be an interesting two years.


I feel like a lot of the Sylvie hate is coming from a place of internalized misogyny. Like, a lot of people on here seem to dislike her because she’s a strong female character.

Ugh. Okay so if anyone has to use misogyny in any argument as something pro then obviously their argument is invalid.

But what about those who have actual counter arguments to the character,mm?

See you people posts stuffs like this (with anti tags especially; those never miss) and then have the audacity to have the comments disabled and if there was a chance to do so, will disable reblogs as well.

So I’m coming here, not as someone who hates Sylvie (at all) because she’s a woman, who have valid arguments to her creation as a character and her existence as whole.

I know many people who do as well.

It’s all about searching for yourself. Instead of posting bait like this.

Anti antis, the ball is in your court.

Okay can anyone, other than mdcoochie since they blocked me, make sense of this lol

(please read the whole entire thing you won’t be disappointed…or maybe you will)

This is why I said what I said. Yes they used manipulation. Yes they are a villain! No it wasn’t for the same reasons; not even the same ways.

Loki caused all the ruckus by inviting Frost Giants to Thor’s inauguration because he wanted to not only sabotage it but to prove to Odin Thor wasn’t fit for the throne. In a mischievous and shitty way yes, but that was the goal. Because Odin raised Loki into a falsehood that he was meant to be king of Asgard when that was never going to happen, at least, not on purpose. Causing Loki to feel disregarded and always on Thor’s shadow. Odin’s goal of Loki was always to use raise him as a political pawn; his so called benevolence raised him like that to supposedly one day tell him his real origins so he can “peacefully” take over become king. Finding out his origins disrupted everything; what he believed, his true purpose, everything. Not to mention he then moved on from being Odin’s pawn to Thanos’.

Can someone finally realized that the way Loki will plan, manipulate, lie, kill after the fact would never be the same as Killmonger(please read my Killmonger analysis here then come back).

Killmonger goals are not the same. What if? gave an alternative to his plans which was always going to have the same outcome- to take over what he felt entitled to (because he was robbed of such opportunity for an ignorant reason) and come back to his rightful place (home) with later on intentions to help those who were in the same spot as him. The struggles he felt as a POC can’t be compared to Loki therefore their methods (and the why) can’t be either! Not when you downplay it like this to the point it doesn’t even make any sense!

Y’all this is why some of you need improve your critical thinking skills! It’s not about who murdered more, who ranks more as “evilier”, who’s more of a piece of shit. None of that will matter if you don’t make sense of why they used those methods to get where they are in the first place!

Just like Jimmy Woo said “an over simplification of events”.

Blocking me and telling me this afterwards isn’t making your argument any smarter.

I’m kinda glad I not so accidentally came across this. Stupid reason to get blocked because someone gave you more insight because they don’t hold the same supposed morality standards as you do but whatever it’s tumblr

Your point is that they used the same methods therefore they are equally bad because they even have the same motives. Like huuuh?

This is why I said in my In Killmonger’s Defense post on why not every POC story is meant to be understood by everyone.

I’m wondering if the Loki show has anything to do with this kind of thinking. Because after the Loki show, there was been this surge where people disregard fan favorite villains and the reason why they are understood (not praised for what they did). I’m willing to bet the whole argument this user talked about initially is probably made from their head so they can justify writing how they really felt about Loki. Just throwing a theory out there.



When people say all series have treated the characters the same I can’t help but laugh

Where we had Steven tell Marc he was just a kid and…

and WandaVision had a whole damn episode explaining Wanda’s past so that we could understand why she did what she did

and Hawkeye gave us this speech from Kate

and Clint got to burn the Ronin suit and forget about what he did


Bucky was told he had to make amends for things he had been forced to do by Hydra while under their control

and Loki, well…

They were all treated the same?


I’ve decided bears will be the Amora fan symbolism bc they mind their own business until u poke them and they’re constantly getting cock blocked

Get it bc the TVA turned him into a “good guy” and then he kissed Sylvie. Y’all get it? Because normal Loki wouldn’t ever, and normal Loki is considered to be “Evil” in the MCU so then the opposite would be good even though he was never rly ev- nvm…U wouldn’t get it.
