#obey me human world


Things Mc Probably has done in the Devildom Part 8

Mc, Diavolo, Mammon, and Solomon(He is the one recording) in the human world without supervision went like this…The Crackhead quad


scenario: So remember that one human kid Mammon took in? Well, what if Lucifer found out and is mad because it means a human was in Devildom without Diavolo’s knowledge and consent all this time. He tries to get a hold of the child, and oh boy is the Avatar Of Greed furious….

[ the series includes: angst, violence, mentions of past, trauma ]

|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 ||

{m.list }

[ taglist: @anotakugardener​,@celestisnothere​,@ice-icebaby​,@jungsh00ksworld​,@sutsuxan​,@crystal-freak24​,@kamiaka​,@cynthiarlan​,@moni-sama​,@angleapple​,@mmeowxd​,@obeythebutler​,@books-and-catears​,@otome-scribbles​,@absolutepokemontrash​,@books-and-catears​ ]


The hotel room they had taken temporary refuge in looked shadier than he liked. The floor was a crazy quilt of smooth marble, the wall paint chipped in a few places.

The flames in the brick fireplace cackled, exhaling wisps of light and dark smoke up the chimney. The reflection of the image was the only thing warming the boreal lifeless tint of Mammon’s eyes. His gaze was fixed on Cassie’s tiny figure snuggled into a heap of blankets on the bed. He lifted the bottle of cheap beer to his lips, the phantom weight of the gold watch he had traded for cash still lingering on his wrist. The bitter liquid did little to soothe the stinging ache in his chest, but it would have to do for now. To suppress the myriad of emotions from wreaking havoc on his mind until he could figure out his next course of action.

The whole situation still felt surreal, as if he were suspended in midair and waiting for the ground to come crashing and swallow him whole. It felt like another one of his tantrums to garner pity and attention, but it wasn’t. He had almost wrangled his own brother to death and walked out of the house without a single penny to his name. Despite his own warning, Mammon knew that there would be consequences. Not even demons from the most powerful aristocratic families with their vast wealth and connections could escape being razed by the wrath of Lucifer. His connection to the Morningstar was the sole leverage Mammon had over all those unfortunate souls, but it would be foolish even on his behalf to make that into his future’s foundation. Not after what he had just done.

The second born closed his eyes and tipped his head back on the headrest. No sound escaped his lips as he redirected his focus to his breathing. Ironically, it was easier to stay calm as the minutes stretched on than to lose control.

A shift in fabric snapped him out of his trance-like state of mind, and Mammon’s eyes shifted to the bed. Rubbing her eyes with the knuckles of her tiny fists, Cassie’s pink lips curved into a small ‘O’ as she yawned and stretched . She blinked rapidly as she tried to adjust to the new darkness in her surroundings, scanning over the entire room before locking eyes with Mammon sprawled on the loveseat. Watching her try to fix her adorable bed hair made a strange sense of tranquil wash over all of Mammon’s frantic postulations as he softly called out to her.

“Hey, sweetheart. Up so soon?”

He found himself naturally gravitating towards her, kneeling in front the bed’s edge and holding his arms out. And as if she felt the pull as well, Cassie crawled over to him. Her knees faltered once and she almost fell face first into the mattress, but strong palms quickly slid beneath her armpits to stabilize her.

“Where are we?” Her voice was so small, so fragile.

“The human world.”

Her eyes widened, her fists clutching his shirt tighter. Mammon simply shook his head slowly and kissed her forehead. “It’s alright. I am going to be here with you. You have nothing to be afraid of, ‘kay?”

Cassie nodded, sniffing lightly before standing up on the bed. “I’m hungry.”

Mammon couldn’t help the small smile creeping onto his lips. “Of course. Let’s go get some dinner.”


The tension in the house was so thick, one could slice it like butter with a knife.

Leviathan hated every second of it. It felt like he had swallowed brittle concrete, an uneasy damp sensation washing over his body. He couldn’t meet anyone’s gazes, nor could he get a grip on his own emotions. What he had just witnessed was…surreal. Something that had shook him to his core. When the eldest two had fought, it was as if the air around them had a life of its own. It was feral, tasted like madness on his tongue, and stabbed at his chest like nails being hammered down. The sheer barbarism of the fight was enough to stoke the first of his darker demonic instincts, which he wasn’t even aware of anymore after burying himself in heaps of anime for so long.

Tapping the badge on his jacket lapel to keep himself grounded, he sunk into a corner of the room. But this time, no one came to check on him.

Since the only person who ever did had walked out of the front door.

From behind the elongated couch, Asmodeus gauged both the first born and the fourth born with skeptical rose gold eyes. His perfectly manicured nails dug into his forearms, an action sure to leave marks. But he was too on the edge to be bothered. The situation felt like a balloon stretched to its limits; one wrong blow and it would burst with a deafening roar.


Satan’s voice was level, but there was an unusual amount of depth in it.

But the brother he had called out to was too lost in his own thoughts. His face had solidified into a scowl like stone, his shoulders heaving at a slow pace. His fists clenched at his sides, making the brothers tense in their positions. But nothing happened; instead, he exhaled heavily and turned his back towards them, the sound of the heavy coat draped over his shoulders shattering the silence of the previously quiet hall.

“Clean this mess up. I have to go and inform Diavolo.”

The clicking of his shoes faded out of the room, giving the remaining demons space to breathe and ease.

Belphegor pursed his lips in mild distaste. “So…now what?”

Asmo chuckled lowly and nervously. “I-It’s not like it’s the first time Mammon’s acted out like this…”

Amethyst eyes pierced both his soul and the remainder of his words. “But that was scary, wasn’t it?”


Satan is the first one to break it. “Well, we should probably give him some time to cool down. Even for Mammon, that was one hell of a tantrum.”

The fifth-born’s vice-like grip on his forearms slacks, and he lets them drop to his sides like deadweights. “Y-Yeah. We can talk to Luci till then.”

Belphegor nibbles on the nail of his thumb. “You’d have to have a death wish for that. Lucifer will probably slice Mammon’s hands off the net time he sees him. So yeah, give it a century or two.”

Asmodeus groans. “Man, why did that idiot have to do this? It was just a kid, for fuck’s sake!”

Satan sighs softly, unconsciously slipping into his critically analytical mode. “Well, he’s always desperate for attention, isn’t he? Children are the best means for that, with the way they cling to their guardians. My best guess is that Mammon found her on the streets or something, and judging by the way the child was clinging to him, she must’ve bought his façade of greatness in a moment of vulnerability—”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, just shut up already.”

The piercing deep voice from the corner of the room makes everyone’s heads turn. Beelzebub is crouched near Leviathan, looking down at his fingers intertwined with the panicked otaku’s. The look on his face is different from usual; a furious grimace that varies from his apathetic one. But the look he directs at the fourth-born has him backing.

“Can you even hear yourself talk right now, Satan? Attention?Façade? Do you really think so less of the only brother who was even willing to raise you?”

Satan’s emerald eyes widened in shock at the words, his lips parting but no sound escaping them. 

“What happened today was not a tantrum. It was something very well due. Lucifer may be the one who was punishing him, but we are all responsible for what things with Mammon have come down to. And most of all,” Beel’s grip subconsciously tightened in his anger, making Levi wince, “I am responsible for not standing up for him when you all were being fucking assholes to him.”

Belphegor didn’t know what was holding his voice back, the surprise at hearing his twin’s raw emotions after so long or the guilt choking down his words. But all that escaped his mouth was, “Beel, no—”

“Beel,yes. Stop shielding me from my mistakes, I am not a baby.” He turned back to the blonde. “Did you not see the way he defended the girl? She obviously meant something to him. Would a demon desperate for attention go up against practically royalty for someone expendable?” A sarcastic chuckle escaped his lips as he scanned the group scattered across the room. “Oh, but what would I know? I’m just the dumb guy who eats for a living, right?”

Asmo’s eyes shut in defeat, unable to watch the scene unfolding in front of him. It stung to hear such unkindly true words come from one of the youngest in the family, precisely why the narcissist didn’t want to listen to them any more than he had to.

“He may have done some not so nice things because of his sin, but haven’t we all? Shouldn’t we at least be a bit grateful that despite all his shortcomings, Mammon stuck with us? Kept us all together? If not all the things he’s done for us throughout his life, the fact that he defended a human childfromLucifer should prove that he is not a scumbag. Not in the slightest.”

For the first time in a long long while, Satan felt petrified by the fury in the glare Beelzebub fixed him with.

“So instead of your head, for once try and think with the heart that you didn’t get when you spawned out of Lucifer.”

Once the Avatar of Gluttony was done talking, he gripped the third-born’s shoulders to provide him support and helped him to his feet, ignoring the bewildered looks burning into his back and helped him up the stairs. But not before he looked over his shoulders one last time, a look of determination hardened in his eyes.

“I am going to look for Mammon. And if he refuses to come back, I’m staying with him. I won’t let him fall alone apart any longer than he already has.”
