#oc backstory


I’ve been saying that Solrina is a Falsely Fallen Angel for quite some time, I should explain her story a little clearer.

Every year, Heaven tallies up all the angels for the tradition of the Extermination. Every angel is excited for this tradition to get rid of as much evil they can, all but one angel.

Solrina wasn’t much for fighting, rather she was a Healing angel that prefers to help through other means. This year proved she was gonna do much more than ‘healing’. Her name was posted on the board as fellow recruits for the Extermination.

Many angels congratulated her on the task, all but one. The angel wanted nothing more than to get rid of the damned souls that wondered Hell’s Pride ring and knew if a position was opened up, he could get in.

Solrina happened to be an easy target due to her constant shifting from the training grounds to the infirmary. Her want to do so much was the perfect means of framing her.

The angel then suspected Solrina of suspicious activity as she traveled from the training grounds to the infirmary, saying that she might be trading weapons or medicine without permission.

This lead to Solrina being kicked out of Heaven and the angel taking Solrina’s position as an Exterminator. Despite their want, they treated the position too lightly. They had unleashed a meteor on a collision course for Earth, which caused mass hysteria in Heaven; so much so that Extermination Day was delayed because even the Exterminators had to help with the falling space rock.

Despite her banishment, Solrina went back to Heaven to assist in stopping the meteor. Her rapid ascension through Heaven and space had burned, but the change she went through ailed the burns. Her want to save the humans despite knowing none of them promoted her to an Archangel, granting her strength to destroy the meteor and saved the Earth.

The angel that released the meteor was caught and severely punished for framing an innocent angel and the rash decision of releasing the meteor.

As for Sol, she refused the position of Archangel and decided to stay in Hell with those who need her most. She was also able to keep her Healing Angel powers as a reward for stopping the disaster and lives happily with Striker and I.M.P.

Here’s my graduation picture celebration!! I did Ethan and his crew’s graduation picture when they were in high school! Class of 1988 ❤️

So, thanks to a cover of Misty Mountains Cold, I now have an idea for new character. Dunno if I’ll use/mention him often, but I’m up for showing off his backstory.

This is a dragon that, instead of hoarding gold, snatches up scrolls to read. He’s been pouring countless hours into them. Legends of old, languages long past (though he may not know that), and legit records of what his ancestors said or did. Among all the fantastical creatures he’s learned about, however, none has impressed him more than the Dwarves. Their iron will and ability to craft things with the gems they find makes him wish to talk with one face to face. And if they do not wish to be friendly? Fine by him. At least he’ll have died singing their praises in their home tongue… And I meansinging.
