#solrina orbit

disneyfangirl774-blog: Solrina the Angel Here’s my take on Solrina the angel for @cowboyimp-and-cana


Solrina the Angel

Here’s my take on Solrina the angel for @cowboyimp-and-canaryangel

I hope she turned out great because I was told she was hard to draw.

Solrina: Ahh reminds me of my time when I lived in Heaven! You did such a good job on the picture! ^^

Post link

Again, I was inspired by @rhues drawings of the boys in maid outfits and thought about drawing Solrina in a maid outfit. She probably thought it was super cute to wear, but I think there’s another reason she decided to wear it. Looking at that bite mark down there. >;3c

Anyway, who’s hungry?!

I’ve been saying that Solrina is a Falsely Fallen Angel for quite some time, I should explain her story a little clearer.

Every year, Heaven tallies up all the angels for the tradition of the Extermination. Every angel is excited for this tradition to get rid of as much evil they can, all but one angel.

Solrina wasn’t much for fighting, rather she was a Healing angel that prefers to help through other means. This year proved she was gonna do much more than ‘healing’. Her name was posted on the board as fellow recruits for the Extermination.

Many angels congratulated her on the task, all but one. The angel wanted nothing more than to get rid of the damned souls that wondered Hell’s Pride ring and knew if a position was opened up, he could get in.

Solrina happened to be an easy target due to her constant shifting from the training grounds to the infirmary. Her want to do so much was the perfect means of framing her.

The angel then suspected Solrina of suspicious activity as she traveled from the training grounds to the infirmary, saying that she might be trading weapons or medicine without permission.

This lead to Solrina being kicked out of Heaven and the angel taking Solrina’s position as an Exterminator. Despite their want, they treated the position too lightly. They had unleashed a meteor on a collision course for Earth, which caused mass hysteria in Heaven; so much so that Extermination Day was delayed because even the Exterminators had to help with the falling space rock.

Despite her banishment, Solrina went back to Heaven to assist in stopping the meteor. Her rapid ascension through Heaven and space had burned, but the change she went through ailed the burns. Her want to save the humans despite knowing none of them promoted her to an Archangel, granting her strength to destroy the meteor and saved the Earth.

The angel that released the meteor was caught and severely punished for framing an innocent angel and the rash decision of releasing the meteor.

As for Sol, she refused the position of Archangel and decided to stay in Hell with those who need her most. She was also able to keep her Healing Angel powers as a reward for stopping the disaster and lives happily with Striker and I.M.P.

Inspired by @ladyanaconda making a Pokemon team for Striker, I decided to make a team for Solrina! Sol isn’t one for fighting, rather she would avoid fighting and instead would most likely be a healer you’ll find on routes. Of course, that doesn’t stop certain trainers from wanting to fight her.

Wooloo’s habit of running (or rolling) away from conflict fits Solrina’s fleeing nature when she knows something is wrong. Not to mention is a clear reference to “God’s Sheep” (Before you ask, “Why didn’t you put Mareep?” Solrina suffered electric shocks because of a certain Overlord, so electric types are a big no-no for her).

Both Meganium and Chansey represent the healing aspect of Sol, whether it be damage on a person, physically or emotionally, or the Earths greenery.

Togekiss’s Pokedex entry say they bring blessings, something many people in Hell receive from Sol whether they realize it or not. Even I.M.P. and Striker notice the ‘warm’ feelings they get when they’re around her.

Galarian Rapidash is mostly a reference to her horse that Sol get’s later in the future. 'Course, it’s probably not as fluffy as this horse, but it’s kind of required if you have to keep up with Striker out in the fields.

Speaking of Striker, Garchomp is actually a Pokemon Striker gave her as a means of fending herself against trainers who want to fight her (which explains the odd one out choice of Pokemon). Level 100, all the best stats maxed out, excellent moves and strategy. Consider it the perfect guard dog for the precious being that is Striker’s wife.

And before you ask, yes all of Sol’s Pokemon have nicknames:

Wooloo - Cardigan

Chansey - Sunny

Togekiss - Rainbow

Meganium - Hibiscus

Rapidash - Cotton Candy

Garchomp - Baby Shark

With the colder weather finally getting where I live (it takes longer to get here), I wanted to draw Solrina is sweaters. Thing is, ho can someone wear sweaters when you live in Hell, the hottest place in existence? Either one of two things happened, 1. Hell froze over, or 2. The angel and her little cowboy decided to go to Earth’s coldest places to witness the Northern Lights.

Either way, poor Striker’s gonna get too cold for his liking and is likely gonna need to stay in bed all day with Sol as company.

The drawing with Striker and the restored Applejack plush was based on @rhues’s picture of the Helluva characters as babies with the MLP characters (which BTWs is adorable) and @detectiveashcroft was the one to bring it up.


Blitzo: … … … *is smugly holding back laughter as he’d side eyes Striker, who is covering his face*

Moxxie: “…Wait, isn’t that song abo…” *Millie covers his mouth, also smiling smugly as she side eyes Striker*

*Loona, also smugly smiling a lil shit, is recording the performance to upload later*

Thank you @detectiveashcroft for these reactions XD

I mostly wanted to experiment with angles with this one, but I don’t think I did a good of a job as I wanted. Someday angles will be mastered!

Anyway, after getting the bullet out and patching Striker up, the two planned on leaving the motel as soon as first light peaked through since it wasn’t safe for the two to stay in that area for too long, especially after the death of an overlord.

Despite the need to get to bed early, Striker couldn’t sleep and not because of Sol’s glowing hair, rather… just her actions were keeping him up; despite being an imp, she treats him as her equal, perhaps as something sacred to her. Maybe not all angels act as if they’re above everyone… Either way, she’s too heavenly and she needs to get back to Heaven somehow.

After Sol was rescued from Valentino, she found out that Striker had been shot in the ordeal. Being the stubborn imp that he is, he brushes her off, telling her he needs to get her somewhere safe, otherwise more demons are gonna try and take her away and do Satan knows what to her.

Once they get to a motel, she persists she get the bullet out, afraid that he might get infected from the bullet.

Knowing she was gonna pester him about it, he finally agreed to let her get the bullet out. Even though Sol’s an angel, the process was still gonna hurt like Hell.

My first time drawing Blitz, let’s goooo!!!! \(owo)/

Solrina has been accepted as a Mom friend. Lowkey though, why does Striker look jealous of Blitz here?

Well, episode 7 was a crazy roller coaster of a ride wasn’t it? Seeing how it was a major roast fest, I wanted to have Sol have a shot against Ozzie. My guess is Ozzie roasted her choice in someone to have ‘lustful desires’ for, but all that time with Striker’s made her learn she’s not going to take it lying down.

Lyrics: By what definition could I do better?
With my cowboy I’m always happier
You say only the weak sing with their heartstrings
But I think it’s 'cause you’re left with nothing but the hurtful stings

You heard me
An angel I may be
But that doesn’t mean I can’t spit fire
You speak a lot about desire

But where it’s really counts is where it lacks
You’ve never felt anything above your slacks
So unless I see you wrangling hogs
Or chopping down them wooden logs

You ain’t getting one single thrust
He’s someone I trust

Told you I was gonna upload the other color variants. All these colors strangely enough fit Solrina really well and that’s what caused me to get really conflicted on choosing a color for her dress.

The black one I was able to exclude because black is a wedding color in the Hazbin/Helluva universe (But who’s to say she doesn’t get married in that dress), but I did wanted to see how Sol would look like in a black dress so I’d say it’s a win-win.

So I had the option to draw Solrina as a Southern Bell or a Burlesque Dancer, and the verdict was Southern Bell (it fits her the most anyway).

Let me tell you, choosing the color was the hardest part of drawing this because the experimenting with hues was an absolute nightmare (a good one mind you)! I’ll upload the other colors later because ya’ll are gonna suffer with me! Also she floofs :>

Funky little monkey
She’s a twisted trickster
Everybody wants to be
The sister’s mister

Coca-Cola rollercoaster
Love her even though
I’m not suppose to

She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
She keeps me up
(I keep you up)
All night!
(All night!) - “She Keeps Me Up” by Nickelback

I kind of have to blame @helluva-hazbin-stuck’s (I don’t blame you though, this was fun to draw) post about Striker listening to Nickelback. Seeing as I listened to a lot of Nickelback back in the day, I found a song that seemed a little fitting.

Sol’s been wanting to surprise her cowboy for quite sometime but she was never able to figure out how. Thanks to a few of her friends (Angel Dust and Verosika), and a few lessons, Sol surprised him with a private show. >:3c

Before Solrina was banished from Heaven, this little angel was bound for Hell for business rather than a move. She was drafted for Extermination Day and was dreading it for quite some time. The thought of raising a weapon just felt… wrong to her. Maybe she wasn’t cut out of this? She just wished there was something that would help her get out of this?

Before Striker took Solrina in, she was still left roaming the seven rings with a means of contacting him. Almost running out of the money, she knew she was going to have to look for a means of work. Along comes an overlord who over hears her about her money situation, offering a job and a place to stay.

Being the naïve little angel that Sol is, she happily accepted right away, only to feel faint shortly after. The next thing she knew, she was in a cage with a ball and chain on her ankle. What she didn’t know was that the Overlord that offered to ‘help’ her was Valentino, and boy… did he have plans for the little angel.

Despite owning Strip Clubs in Hell, Valentino never used Solrina as a dancer or had her pleasure his customers. Rather, he had her on display like a trophy that everyone could look, but they couldn’t touch. Occasionally he would have her display those wings of hers, but if she were to disobey, she would receive a shock to stimulate her wings to extend (his smoke never worked on her). The voltage increasing with time just for sick kicks for the Moth demon.

At times like this, Solrina wondered when her Cowboy would come and save her.

Sometimes an angel just needs to hear the heartbeat of the imp who saved her life. Nothing more. Even if he won’t admit he loves the attention.

SA little something for @chihuhuafire:3

Their OC, Skill is such a bean and I love them. Check out their art stuff too, they’re really great! :D

More chibis! @whenimgoodandready thought it would be cute if I drew both Chibi Striker and Chibi Solrina together, this was the result.

I feel like this represents their dynamic perfectly; Solrina blissfully ignorant of the danger she’s in, meanwhile Striker just killed a target behind her back to keep her safe.
