#oc writing prompt


Which OC of yours is most likely to have a vindictive speech? Is this character evil? How did the other OCs react if not?

What kind of handwriting does your OC have? Is it neat and tidy, small and hard to read, big and loopy, full of misspellings or random errors, etc.?

Are any of your OCs LGBTQIA+?

Happy Pride Everyone!!!

Which OC would love to go on a date to a Museum? Who do they want to take them on the date? Anything memorable happen?

What flavour would you describe your OC to be?

Your OC was just given a generous sum of money; are they more likely to spend it all right away or save it? If they decide to spend it all, what are they buying with it?

Do you have any nicknames for your OCs? Not necessarily nicknames they go by in canon but something you call them or refer to them as yourself. (But their nicknames in canon are fine too!)

Sparkly baby Angel or Eldritch abomination Angel? Which more closely describes your OC? (Or both~)

Does your OC get excited for the Winter Holidays?

(This is assuming your OCs celebrate the same or similar holidays as we do.)

Do you have a guilty pleasure or cliche trope that you like to write in for your OCs? If so, what is it?

Do you have a “favourite” physical trait to give to your OCs? If so, what is it?

Who is your ‘oldest’ OC (as in how long since you created them, not their age in canon)? How long ago did you make them?

Your OC is seeing their family for the first time in many years, what is the reunion like for them? Why were they gone or separated for so long?

What (or who) is your OC most thankful for? If it’s a who, would they ever tell them? What would they say?

Is there any ‘staple’ item that your OC has to always have with them? What is it? Is there any significant reason behind it?

Your OC and their best friend are arguing; who started it? What is the argument about?

Which OC is happy and carefree no matter what happens to them or around them? The perpetual ray of sunlight.

What pre-existing fictional world would you have the most fun putting your characters into as an Alternate Universe?

Bonus: What type of role would they have in this world if they had always existed in it?

What word does your OC say into a fan because they find it amusing?

What is your OCs night time routine? What is it they do most nights (or days) before going to sleep?

Oc Dnd

A few companions and your oc sit around the table… what does your character do in dnd? Do they play a character class or possibly DM? What’s there reaction to this game, or do while playing the game? How skilled are they?

Roll the dice and see what occurs
