


You discovered that your house is haunted, but instead of fleeing you decided to profit. Bleeding walls? Collect for bloodbank. Rodents of Unusual Size? Butchered and sold. Ectoplasm? Glowstick factory. You call a family meeting to discuss brainstorm ideas for the other manifestations.



y'all! imagine the fem octotrio wearing these outfits!

everyday i’m gayer.

I know someone already drew this, but i couldn’t hold myself back. The idea dug itself into my brain and i had to do it. I had no other choice

(I added a few accessories because i thought it’d look neat)


they look even hotter with the accessories! ✨O✨

my gay ass cannot take such beauties.

thank you so much, dear @kariishu , for drawing that silly little idea i had.

They all would be a recipe for disaster together but that’s precisely why I want this crossover They all would be a recipe for disaster together but that’s precisely why I want this crossover

They all would be a recipe for disaster together but that’s precisely why I want this crossover

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