#roleplay community


Attention officialverse and other roleplayers

There is a user who has been making antisemetic, racist remarks and trying to pass them as jokes for a while now. He is severely inappropriate and any amount of criticism towards what he is saying has not changed his ways. I recommend that you block and report @borat-/official (without the /) and I recommend that you don’t interact with him, as he has been harassing many members of our community despite the fact that they made it clear we do not want to interact with him. He has found out one of our members main blogs and harassed them on there as well. Remember, report, block, and move around the clock. Try not to interact with this fucking sicko

Send my muse “You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!” for their reaction

Send :“You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid!” (For steamier reaction)

Send me a ⭐ if I’m one of your favorite mutuals and explain why

Tell me who do you think is my muse’s “type”

Send artist or a song you think my muse would love and my muse will react

How would you describe my muse’s fashion style

Send me a headcanon you have for my muse and I will respond by saying what headcanon I have of your muse

★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★

★ ·.·´¯`·.·★ [ Robbie Wadge ] ★·.·´¯`·.·★

Post link
xxvernalagniaxx:Indie,multifandom Multiship,original character named Vesna,owned by tonx.Vesna´s car


Indie,multifandom Multiship,original character named Vesna,owned by tonx.

Vesna´s carrd link here  X

rules link here :X

Vesna verses here:X

Permanent starter call here:X

Post link

Yknow what I think we need to start? Let’s actually use wish lists. Lets communicate about opens to start communication- even if it’s simple to send the Mun a post and say, “Hey, I was wondering if you mind me responding to this open. I was thinking about going in [Whatever Direction]!” Or “I’d love to try this plot with you!”

Not only would this help ease a lot of people’s nerves, I think it’s a great way to make communication happen in the RPC!

SUPER IN DEPTH CHARACTER MEME. Please do not reblog  - but repost. Though I would appreciate you liking this original post. Feel free to add and/or erase whatever you like. Blank post can be found here

1. Name:
2. Nickname:
3. Alternate/secret identity:
4. Age:
5. Location of home:
6. Type of home:
7. Lives with:
8. State of life (during story):
• Occupation (if applicable):
◦ If not, future occupation goals:
9. Social class/financial situation:
1. Gender:
2. Face shape:
3. Body:
4. Skin:
5. Hair:
6. Eyes:
7. Eyebrows:
8. Nose:
9. Lips:
10. Teeth:
11. Height:
12. Weight:
13. Significant features:
14. Attractiveness:
15. Clothing style:
16. Footwear:
17. Accessories (practical or decoration):
18. Make up:
19. Right or left hand:
20. Fitness level:
21. Illness, disease, disabilities, allergies:
22. Physical habits:
23. Major injuries (past and present):
Characteristics and Attitude:
1. Main characteristics/quality (good and bad):
2. What they see as their best quality:
3. What they see as their worst quality:
4. Their best quality:
5. Their worst quality:
6. Commonly used expressions:
7. Their most prominent quality:
8. Habits:
9. Self-confidence level:
10. Self-image (how they see them-self):
11. Appearance importance:
12. Introvert or Extrovert:
13. Thoughts on “lesser” people:
14. Thoughts on “better” people:
15. Judgemental-ism level:
16. What they judge others on:
17. Attitude towards parents:
18. Attitude towards siblings:
19. Attitude towards extended family:
20. Attitude towards significant other:
21. Attitude towards offspring (having or had):
22. Attitude towards kids (theirs or others):
23. Attitude towards elders:
24. Attitude towards their peers:
25. Attitude towards new things/change:
26. Attitude towards old things:
27. Attitude towards working (with and without pay):
28. Attitude towards money:
29. Attitude towards crowds:
30. Attitude towards being alone:
31. Attitude towards life:
32. Attitude towards death:
33. Attitude towards sex:
34. Attitude towards love:
35. Attitude towards marriage:
36. Attitude towards love at first sight:
37. What it takes to make them hate:
38. What it takes to make them love:
39. Types of people they like:
40. Types of people they don’t like:
41. Friendliness towards new acquaintances:
42. Friendliness towards old acquaintances:
43. What it takes for them to be open with someone:
44. What it takes for them to trust someone:
45. Sarcasm level:
46. Humour level:
47. Jealousy level:
48. Generosity/ Selfishness level:
49. What they want most:
50. How they plan to get what they want:
51. What they want least:
52. How they plan to avoid what they least want:
53. What they fear most:
54. How they deal with their fear:
55. What they fear least:
56. How they came to not fear it:
57. Reason for life:
58. Religion/faith:
59. Reason for religion/faith:
60. Intensity with religion/faith:
61. Morality level (Okay or not okay? Are their exceptions to the rule?)
◦ Murder:
◦ Stealing:
◦ Disobedience:
◦ Lust:
◦ Greed:
◦ Hatred:
◦ Violence:
◦ Lying:
◦ Manipulation:
◦ Other ________:
62. What it takes for them to break the rules:
63. What it takes for them to go against their morality:
64. What it takes for them to go against their parents/family:
65. What it takes for them to go against the established law/government:
66. What it takes for them to go against popular society:
67. What it takes for them to go against their close friends:
68. The person most important to them:
69. The person least important to them:
70. The person they look up to most:
71. The person the least want to be like:
72. How they treat animals:
73. What it takes to put them in a bad mood:
74. What it takes to put them in a good mood:
75. What it takes to make them mad:
76. What motivates them:
77. Their main goal:
78. What they see as success:
79. Pessimistic or Optimistic:
80. Most irritating thing:
81. Spontaneous or planned:
82. Prejudices:
83. What offends them most:
84. The worst thing someone could do:
85. The worst situation someone could be in:
86. Ability to kill:
87. Ability to injure (How seriously and under what circumstances?):
88. Ability to knowingly do wrong:
89. What they are willing to die for:
90. What they would never ever do:
91. How they act when stressed:
92. Claustrophobic or not:
93. Honesty with themselves:
94. Honesty with others:
95. Are they artistic, mathematical, scientific, linguistic, musical…etc:
96. Hobbies:
97. Best natural skills:
98. Best trained skills:
99. How others would describe them:
100. Maturity level:
101. Risk tolerance:
102. Speaking style:
103. Social skills:
104. What it takes to make them cry:
1. Food:
2. Drink:
3. Activity:
4. Game:
5. Song:
6. Artist:
7. Album:
8. Genre of music:
9. Books:
10. Animal:
11. Colour:
12. Season:
13. Media:
14. Entertainment:
15. Holiday:
16. Weather:
17. Clothing:
18. Place:
19. Possession:
20. Place to shop:
21. Way to spend their free time:
22. Other: __________:
Family, Friends, Lovers and Others:
1. Father:
2. Mother:
3. Brother(s):
4. Sisters(s):
5. Aunt(s):
6. Uncles():
7. Cousin(s):
8. Niece(s)/Nephew(s):
9. Grandmother(s):
10. Grandfather(s):
11. Other family members ________:
12. Relationship with parents:
13. Relationship with siblings:
14. Relationship with extended family:
15. Relationship with grandparents:
16. Close friends:
• Length of friendship:
• Type of friendship (easygoing, deep…etc):
17. Who they trust most:
18. Who they trust least:
19. Type of friend they are to others:
20. Type of friends they want:
21. How many lovers they’ve had (include names):
22. How/why previous relationships ended:
23. What they look for in a relationship:
24. How much commitment they want (to have and to give):
25. How long they want to know someone before entering a relationship:
26. Are they searching for love?:
27. Mentor (if applicable):
28. Boss/leader:
29. Neighbours (Personalities? Relationship with character?):
1. Birthplace:
2. Birth-date:
3. Brief childhood description:
4. Brief teen years description:
5. If and when they rebelled:
6. Best childhood friend:
7. Best childhood memory:
8. Worst childhood memory:
9. Childhood regrets:
10. How they see their childhood self:
11. The kind of child they were:
12. Atmosphere of home:
13. How they were treated as a child:
14. Education (with who, about what, where):
15. How they felt about their education:
16. How they did in their education:
17. Who they looked up to:
18. What they wanted to be:
19. Favourite activities:
20. Most embarrassing moment:
21. Most accomplished moment:
22. Worst disobedience:
23. How they were punished by parents:
24. How their past shaped their future:
25. Significant events in their life:
26. Extensive studies:
27. Dream for their future:
28. If they could change anything, it would be:
29. Chores/work:
30. How much attention they received (Spoiled? Ignored?):
31. How quickly they matured:
32. When they had their growth spurts:
33. When they stopped growing:
34. The period when they grew the most in maturity:
35. The biggest thing they took from growing up:
36: Superstitions:
