#ojibwe wotd


20 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


s/he puts eye drops in
animate intransitive verb

Imaa oshkiinzhigo-mashkikiiwigamigongingii-ziinginiingwe.
I had eye drops put in at the eye doctor’s office. 

Breakdown: ziig- “moving liquid, pour, spill, flow” -n- “by hand” -iingw- “face” -e “[VAI]”

Note: although the root here is ziig-, the nasal from -iingw- has spread so that ziig- is pronounced -ziing- here. Note also the noun form, ziinginiingwaan, which simply means “eye drops.”

19 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


scoop it up
intransitive inanimate verb

Imaa akikoong onji-gwaaba’annibi waa-aabajitooyan ji-giziingwe’oyan. 
Scoop up some water from that bucket to use to wash your face.

Breakdown:gwaab- “scoop up” -a’ “by tool” -an “[vti]”

18 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


a hole, an excavated pit
inanimate noun

Iwidi biinjayi’ii waanikaaningate. 
It is there inside the pit

Breakdown:waan- “hollow, depression” -ike- “s/he makes something” -n “[noun]”

17 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


it rolls, goes around
inanimate intransitive verb

Ditibiseiw makizin. 
The tire isrolling

Breakdown: ditib- “roll” -se “fly, fall, happen spontaneously”

16 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


beyond the woods, on the other side of the forest
locative adverb

Awasaakwaaiwidi ingii-o-gabeshimin.
We went over to camp on the other side of the forest

Breakdown: awas- “beyond” -aakwaa “forest, woods”

15 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


respect, spare, go easy on h/

Gakina awiya gidaa-manaaji’aa.
You should respecteveryone.  

Breakdown:manaad- “respect, spare, honor” ‘ “[vta, cause h/ to act]

14 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


a traveler, tourist (pl: bebaamaadizijig)
animate participle

This is a story touriststell. 

Breakdown: from the verb babaamaadizi “s/he travels around,” babaam- “around, here and there” -aad- “a certain way of life” -izi “[vai]”

13 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


s/he crawls into a tight space
animate intransitive verb

He crawled in under the floor. 

Breakdown:zhegw- “in a tight space,” -oode “crawl”

12 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


s/he is so many years old
animate intransitive verb

Aaniin endaso-biboonagizid?
How many years old is she?

Breakdown:biboon- “winter” -ag- ?? -izi “[VAI ending]”

Note:biboonagizi is rarely used on its own, it is pretty much always combined with a number or daso- “a certain number”

11 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


carefully, properly, correctly
particle / adverb

Wewenigidaa-naanaagadawendam waa-izhichigeyan.
You should think carefully about what you are going to be doing. 

Breakdown: Uncertain. It’s a particle, so this is about as broken down as it gets. 

10 Binaakwii-Giizis | October 2020


s/he gets undressed, takes of h/ clothes
animate intransitive verb

After I got home, I got undressed and went to bed. 

Breakdown:From giit- “to remove, take off” and -ikonaye “s/he is dressed, has clothes”
