#olderdamian wayne


Requested by Anon - Can I have an imagine with Batman Beyond Damian Wayne? Please? with sprinkles on top?

Requested by Anon - Older!Damian celebrating Valentine’s Day

Author’s Note - I combined these requests together. Also I assumed you mean Damian in the new Batman Beyond comics since he isn’t in the show? If not, let me know. 


Old Ra’s al Ghul led Damian down the steps into the mountain base where the League of Shadows had made it’s home. His breath still visible as they went deeper. They entered the throne room, which was empty except for the lone Shadow standing behind the throne. 

“I will retire now,” Ra’s said, glancing at his grandson. “You should as well.”

Damian nodded, lips pursed in a firm line. “I will shortly. There is a matter I have to see to first.” Ra’s nodded and slowly walked off. His staff cracking against the stone floor. Damian watched him go, willing him to go faster. Once Ra’s was gone, Damian allowed himself to relax. “Are my chambers ready?” he demanded of the lone Shadow.

“Yes Master.” The Shadow bowed quickly. 

“Good.” Damian turned and marched out of the room. He walked down the long hallways, nodding at each Shadow who stepped out of his way. They all bowed to him, showing proper respect. While he enjoyed the power this gave him, he wished they would disappear at the moment. 

Damian came to the kitchens. Several servants gasped at the sight of him, quickly stopping what they were doing to bow. However, the one servant washing dishes didn’t stop to bow. Damian almost smirked at the sight. “I require a meal brought to my room.” He looked at the head cook. The cook tittered, but nodded. The servant washing dishes stopped and turned to look at him. Their eyes were sparkling, yet their face remained expressionless. “Enough for two.” Damian kept his eyes on the cook. “I’ll be waiting.” 

With that, Damian spun and marched back out of the room. He heard whispers erupting from behind him, but he didn’t care. A smirk pulled at his lips. He wished he didn’t have to be so indirect, but in his position, he had no choice.


His room had been prepared as requested. Warm carpets covered the stone floors, tapestries lined the walls, adding color and keeping in the cold away. The fireplace had a roaring fire. He added another log to keep it going strong. 

A knock sounded on his door. “Come in.” He turned to see a servant with the food tray. They bowed before placing it on the table in the middle of the seating area. “Anything else, Master?” 

“No.” Damian narrowed his eyes. The servant bowed again and backed out of the room. Once the door was closed, Damian turned to take off his robe and armor. He tossed them on the nicely made bed. It looked even more comfortable than before. 

Suddenly, three quick knocks followed by two soft ones sounded from his door. Damian’s heart skipped a beat. The door opened revealing you, the dish washing servant. You slipped inside and quickly closed the door behind you. 

“Hello beloved.” Damian dropped his last gauntlet and moved to take you in his arms. You kissed him passionately, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands were dry from washing dishes all day. It angered him, but you wouldn’t allow him to move you to a different position. You didn’t want people to think you were sleeping with the Demon’s Head to make your way in the world. 

“Damian,” you whispered, pulling away from him. You panted slightly out of breath. Damian loved how flushed your cheeks got when he took your breath away. Your eyes dropped to his bare chest, running your hands down until they rested over his heart. “You didn’t need to put on such a show. You could have told me to meet you in usual way.” 

“TT.” He shook his head, taking your hand and leading you over to the seating area. He lifted the top of the tray to reveal the delicious meal inside. Your eyes widened. He knew it would be a treat for you. “I wanted you to come tonight and I did not have the time to leave the note for you under my dish.” 

You smiled, taking a tentative seat on the luxurious chair. Damian hated that you were uncomfortable, but knew you would recover from that once you started eating. He took a seat next to you, serving you. He left his shirt off once he caught you eyeing his abs.

“What is the occasion?” You licked your lips at the food. Damian nodded for you to eat before getting his own plate. 

“It is February 14th.” Damian smiled as you took a big bite of food. “Valentine’s Day. Highly commercialized in America. I never liked it, but it is an old custom to be with the one you love and show your love for them. I thought I should partake in this tradition for you.”

You looked at him, blinking softly with your mouth full of food. Damian took a bit of his own, bumping his knee against yours under the table. You swallowed before leaning over and kissing his cheek. “I love you too,” you whispered, glancing back at the door quickly. 

“No one will bother us.” Damian took your hand in his. “I gave orders not to be disturbed.” He kissed your knuckles. “Relax, beloved.” 

“If anyone were to learn that I am here…” You looked at him with fear in your eyes. His blood ran cold at the sight. “I am far below your station.”

Damian shook his head. “TT.” He smiled at you before leaning over to nibble your ear. “Like that matters to me and if I say so, you will be safe and no harm will come to you.” He felt you shiver from his breath in your ear. “After all, I’m allowed to chose my own lover.”

You smiled brightly before turning your head to catch his lips. He moaned as you pushed him back in his chair to climb into his lap. Your chest pressed against his. The food on the table left forgotten as you and Damian eventually made your way to the bed.


You woke to the feeling of someone stroking your forehead. Opening your eyes, you smiled to find Damian al Ghul Wayne watching you with a look of almost contentment on his face. You sensed you were one of the rare few to ever see that from him. Your heart glowed at the sight. “Good morning, beloved.”

“Wait, what time is it?” You sat up, panic filling you. “I have to be at the kitchens to start the morning meal.” You started to get out of bed, but Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you back. 

“It’s fine, beloved. I sent a message for you that you were tending to a personal matter.” Damian smirked. “Besides, I realize I haven’t completed the Valentine’s Day custom.” He turned away from you, reaching into the bedside table. You crawled back under the covers. The room had chilled since the fire died down during the night. 

Damian turned back around and set a beautiful wooden box in your lap. You blinked, tracing the design on the top. It must be priceless. You felt so unworthy. “Damian, I don’t know if I can have this.” 

“TT, open it before you say that.” You glanced up at him. His eyes sparkling a bright green. Your heart melted as you drew your attention back to the box. With only your fingertips, you open the box to find a ornate gold dagger inside. You stared at it in awe. “It is one of my mother’s daggers before she passed. It has the symbol of al Ghul.” He nodded to the hilt. 

“I can’t have this.” You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Thank you, I love it, but I can’t keep this.” You bit your lip at the disappointment that flashed in his eyes. “Damian, someone of my station can’t have something like this. It will be assumed that I stole it.”

He frowned deeply as you closed the box. “Having that knife will not cause you harm.” He kissed your cheek. “It shows you are mine. If anyone in the League gives you trouble, presenting this knife will stop them instantly because it shows you are my beloved.” 

You blushed. “So we don’t have to sneak around anymore? This will make our relationship clear to all?”

“Yes, and provide you safety.” Damian smiled as you opened the box again and took the dagger in your hand. “Also I wanted you to be able to defend yourself.” He laid his hand on yours, adjusting your grip on the dagger. “I’ll have to train you to use it, but I think it looks rather good.” 

“Thank you.” You turned to kiss his lips. “But I have nothing for you?”

“Your company alone is enough.” Damian stole another kiss. He moved your hand to put the knife back in the box before closing it and reached out to set it on the table. His lips stayed on yours. “I love you, (Y/N).”

“I love you, Damian.” You buried your fingers in his hair as he crawled on top of you. Time stopped as you both celebrated your love.
