#omegaverse nesting


Setting is the broad term to describe the dynamics instinctual homing behaviors. (Denning, Nesting, Cocooning)

The main traits that distinguish each is: 

Denning usually occupies two rooms, and it’s usually with one room inside the other

Nesting is an area scented primarily to the ground covered in comfort items for the Omega

Cocooning is a tube/tunnel like structure and is the smallest out of all the Setts

-Alpha’s denning is usually seen as a good thing, but what’s stigmatized is their smaller den that’s inside their bigger den. The smaller den is usually seen as something weak due to having things that the Alpha finds comfort in. So it wasn’t uncommon for Alphas in the older days to hide/keep their smaller dens secure and a secret from everyone else

-Denning structures have most of their scenting in higher places. Like shelves, bed posts, the light switch

-I can just imagine some short Alpha climbing up on the ceiling fan to scent it pfft 

-Nests being full of almost every single texture of blankets because a particular Omega likes it

-A Nest having lots of stones and rocks in it because the Omega likes collecting

-kiddies going through phases with their Setts

-Betas chilling on their phone in their Cocoon

-Alpha smaller Dens looking a lot like nests and their friends being okay with it and letting them feel open

-A Beta rolling around in their cocoon to get around 

-Cocoons got their name because they were first stood up/hanged like an actual cocoon

-A particular Nest being dark and a little gloomy

-Alpha’s being confused on where to put their Den due to there being so many rooms

-Betas are experts at wrapping usually due to having to wrap rightly for their Sett

-Omega’s having stores upon stores of nesting options!!

-There are scam companies that make super soft blankets but out of toxic materials

-Little small personal businesses that will take an Omega’s order and make it to their standards if they can’t find anything that suits them

-Alpha’s also having small business options.

-These started because of the stigma that Alphas don’t like softer things 

-An influx of Alpha denning stores or isles in stores are starting though!

-Beta’s usually are seen having the easiest when it comes for finding supplies

-Many make their Cocoons out of sleeping bags, or both a sleeping bag and a blanket!

-Though finding the right blanket can be challenging on its own

-There’s a few businesses though that make “Beta ready Blankets,” 

-These blankets were a instant hit for not only Betas but Omegas and even some Alpha

-This is because it’s not only thick, durable, breathable and soft, it’s moldable so it’s easier to cocoon

-Sometimes Omegas, Betas and Alphas that were raised in a close in large family, will show all these behaviors.

-Intersex Dynamics also show these behaviors

-Sometimes it’s 50/50/50 and sometimes it’s 20/50/30 or 50/20/20, split between them etc!

-The dynamics getting aggressive/defensive when someone steps/enters/messes with their Sett unannounced 

-An Omega mother teaching their pups and kiddies how to nest

-Beta’s helping their kiddies, Omega, Alpha and Beta on their Setts

-Alpha’s buying all these little things for their Alpha child

-Large packs having one large room they just call “Their Sett,” because they all just relax and let loose in there. It’s a combination of a Nest, Den, and Cocoon!

-Having Dens, Nests and Cocoons are a way for the dynamics can de stress and feel safe. And it’s more common these days to see everybody of every dynamic accepting and understanding that

Omega Nesting Headcanons

-Omega’s nests are often known for all the soft objects inside. But some individuals will keep things like pebbles or rocks inside as well to help situate the ‘base,‘ or ‘formation,’ of the nest better.

- Some Omegas will lowly growl if you come into their nest unannounced.

-Omega nests are often seen as something an Omega justcantbe away from for long. Which annoys many Omega’s because they can be away from their nest if needed.

-Stores usually have a section full of nesting supplies for Omegas. It’s sometimes hard for them to pick and can get overwhelmed. So bringing someone with them, is usually the best thing.

-Omegas that nest with those metal wires with the fluff attached to help hang lights inside.

-Omegas that have just a pile of smooth rocks inside because they like heating them up with a heating pad before laying on them.

-Unknowing Omega pups that follow their Omega parent instructions without knowing that their parent is teaching them.

-Omega’s that have been raised in a large pack that have been shown to nest, cocoon and den and keep everyone in the same room.

-Omega’s cuddling with their mates clothes, stealing them to smell their scent.

-Omega’s and Their mate(s) snuggling in their nest together. Finding it all warm and fuzzy inside.

-Omega’s that live in place that has more of a hot climate nest in these basket structures, clay structures or even just under a desk.

-They are more prone to start nesting at night.

-Omega’s that live in the mountains may have down feathers in their nest. As some villages have been shown to gather some down from birds nests to use. However they always make sure to leave enough to help warm the eggs.

-Nesting is a crucial part of an Omega’s development and if they aren’t allowed, their Omegan tendencies will be stunted. Some mild, some extreme.

-Some Omega’s will drag anyone that they find comfort or love in their nests to shower them with affection.
