#on life



haley heynderickx, oom sha la la / celia pym, catalogue of holes/@seravph / madeline miller, circe / patrick bergsma / natalie shapero, a space to train and exit / @madeleinejubileesaito / jennifer willough, the sun is still a part of me

Some people get paid to pretend they’re ejoying having sex, some don’t.

forever is a lie

pjirawat \ sue zhao \ trois couleurs: bleu [“three colours: blue”]dir. krzysztif kieślowski (1993)via@ouugg \ ourbrokenbeatinghearts \ james lipnickasa place that could have been (2021) \ adonis selected poems (tr. khaled mattawa)via@weltenwellen \ salvador dali the persistence of memory (1931) \ samuel menashe samuel menashe: new and selected poems: “forever and a day” \@catilinas


sometimes life doesn’t feel real

rae armantrout bees\ jackie mathey paper puddle \ thomas james letters to a stranger: “tom o'bedlam among the sunflowers” \ robert hass sun under wood: new poems: “iowa city: early april” \ edward hopper automat(1927)



Creator to creator: It’s okay to share knowledge.

People are so afraid of being copied, facing competition, losing attention, or losing profit.

These are all valid concerns but get this: The people that love your work, will continue to support you even if someone comes along and does something similar. There’s more than enough room for everyone.

If you help someone and they copy you, that speaks on their lack of creativity. If you help someone and they take what you shared and do it better- be proud of them, be envious, but don’t be bitter. There is always room for improvement. You helped them succeed, and someone else will help you succeed.

We need community made tutorials in order to thrive together. And, when we thrive as a community, everyone profits. Simblr is the main hub for content because we made it so. We supported one another. We reblogged. We shared. When one of us fails, we fail as a community because we’ve stubbed out someone’s potential before they even had a chance to grow.

shitpostsampler:Your Cat Beaute Routine pattern was a big chronic illness mood, so I made it into a


Your Cat Beaute Routine pattern was a big chronic illness mood, so I made it into a pillow! It does not match my couch but it does match my heart <3

Post link

Pablo Neruda,The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems//@sunsbleeding//Anaïs Nin, from Henry & June; A Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1932–1934) // Kailah Figueroa, from “june 4th, new york city,” published in Homology Lit
