#once there were dragons zine


Hi! The previews from the Once There Were Dragons Zine have finally come through! I’m so happy with how mine turned out, and that I finally have something to post. 2020 was wild; thanks to school, covid, and the overall stress of existance right now, I haven’t been nearly as motivated as I’d like. But I;m happy to say that seems to be changing :D

Don’t forget to purchse a copy of the zine while you still can! Proceeds go to charity, and there’s plenty more pictures, fics, and merchandise to go with it!



Preview of my fic for the @oncethereweredragonszine!!!

I’m honestly quite proud of this one!! This zine is very big, and the mods gave us a lot of words to work with, and I think it turned out very well!! I hope you guys like it too!!

There are so many AMAZING art pieces and fics in this zine, for all the movies, and even the show and the books!! I can’t help beaming at all the wonderful pieces everyone made. If you like httyd, I really don’t think you’ll regret buying this!!! It may be one of the last zines of this caliber made for it!!

A HUGE thank you to the amazing mods who put all this together!!! They have worked SO hard on this, and are just incredibly kind, wonderful people!!

(I’ll put a link to where to buy your copy in a reblog, since tumblr’s weird about links, but you can always just look at the zine blog too!!)

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to order a copy!!!!
