#op fan art




Little Princess

Kid’s beaming face played in his mind. It made him feel a way he’d never felt before, and it was absolutely terrifying. But the warmth, the satisfaction, the closeness he felt with Kid now was much more satisfying than the realization of it all was terrifying, for some reason.

Go read this Kid/Law fic on archive (linked in title)! if you leave me a comment I will give you a forehead smooch, which if you didn’t know, is the highest form of love I can give.

I had the pleasure of working with @glooumnastas for this piece! His Kid/Law art is absolutely smashing, and it was no small feat to put this comic together with…everything. I’m pretty sure we are the last people to post for @opreversebang, but you bet your ass it was worth the wait


That’s a really REALLY GOOD fanfiction. Go and give it your attention!


Dead bird, LawSan, profiles.

I had so much fun with this.

I’ve also watched two movies about cycling, so now I’m almost a certified specialist on the topic.





A coloured version of Oda's black & white concept sketch for the new One Piece Film Red character "Sunny-kun", a small anthropomorphic creature with a child's proportions, a tufty foxlike tail, and a head like the Thousand Sunny's lion figurehead. It stands with its arms crossed and a strangely vacant smile on its face, peering to its left.ALT
A scribbly black & white comic of the new One Piece Film Red character "Sunny-kun", a small anthropomorphic creature which resembles the lion figurehead from the Straw Hats' Thousand Sunny ship. It stands and waves its hands enthusiastically in front of Luffy, Usopp, and Franky, dressed for Film Red's concert, who all stare agape at it as it says "Sunny!" repeatedly. In the next panel, the Thousand Sunny shipwright Franky, beginning to weep, scoops Sunny-kun in his hands and says "Chopper, what is he saying?" while the creature continues to repeat "sunny" in different intonations. Chopper, a small anthropomorphic reindeer with the proportions of a racoon dog and the ability to communicate with animals, pauses as Sunny-kun repeats itself out of view. In the final panel Chopper turns towards the others with a shrug and a perplexed expression as Sunny-kun continues to quote-unquote "speak".ALT

The One Piece Film Red twitter unveiled concepts for a new character named “Sunny-kun” and I’m a wee bit obsessed

Scribbly black & white comic of Robin and Shipwright Franky from One Piece. Robin smiles alluringly at Franky, hand on his chest and says "Franky... let's make a baby." Franky gasps in surprise. Franky raises his sunglasses to reveal his eyes soft and watering, mouth wobbling as he says "I thought you'd never ask". The final panel cuts to Franky and Robin wearing welding shields as Franky assembles Sunny-kun, a mysterious, small anthropomorphic creature from One Piece Film Red designed to resemble the Thousand Sunny pirate ship.ALT

I cannot stop

What if Luffy has his own design in the wedding collab with Placole?

(Disclaimer: it’s a fanart and has no actual association with the real collab)

The bouquet is full of Epiphyllum hybrid called ‘Wedding Bells’. And it’s a symbolic flower for a certain suregon…
