#oracle decks


NOLA Lenormand with diverse photography and pronoun cards?? I would love to see this deck get more support! I love the creative decisions on replacements that are more true to the atmosphere of New Orleans.


@winebrightruby Don’t know if you’ve seen this but I thought of you

(Note: I don’t know this deck creator at all, just wanted to boost a project that struck me on a personal level.)

Today’s Tarot Card is: “The Knight of Pentacles.”Meaning:A knight in full armor si

Today’s Tarot Card is: “The Knight of Pentacles.”

Meaning:A knight in full armor sits atop a black horse. In his outstretched hand, the knight holds a pentacle which he contemplates with a serious expression. The horse and knight are not in motion. In stillness, they regard the work ahead. The furrowed field behind them is well tended. The powerful, sturdy horse seems meant for labor. Meanings: Toil, sustained effort, trustworthy, acceptance and execution of responsibility, composed in the face of crisis, deliberate, stoic.

Source: Tarot Pro for iPhone

Shop for your own tarot cards & divination supplies at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace

Post link

Tarot Readings are Open

I’ve found myself with an abundance of time and more than enough energy to do several readings.

I have 3 tarot decks and 2 oracle decks

Prices are as follows;


$5- 3 cards

$10- 6-7 cards

$15 - 8-10 cards

Oracle + Tarot

$5 - for an oracle card & two tarot for clarification

$10- for 2 oracle cards & 4 tarot for clarification

$15 for anything more, additions will cost.


Additional tarot cards cost $1

Additional Oracle Cards cost $3

How do I get a reading?


  1. First send me a message here or on my Instagram @ the happiestpumpkin letting me know you’d like a reading- and what size
  2. Then we will figure out a time that works for the both of us for you to give me information, ask your question & send payment
  3. Then after I’ve received your question, additional information and payment I will send you pictures, descriptions & possibly video (if I can figure that out) of your reading. I will answer a couple questions based on how much energy I have left.

Please understand that tarot is taxing and I am still working at another job so scheduling is very important! Make sure you’ve got 2-3 times you’re available!

For information about my tarot decks- check my pinned post for tarot profiles!

Thank you!

~ Maevyn
