#orbiting gets a girlfriend


My girlfriend left the country and the night after she left i was like ‘fuck this’ and impulse bought plane tickets to see her during the holiday (which happens to be around my birthday)
I am now going to stay with her family,,,,,, people i’ve never met in my life,,,, for my 20th birthday


turns out we’ve both been pussy bitches for like 2 months now, we fell in love really fast then proceeded to then not say jack shit about it

Possible tmi warning idk

Getting a girlfriend has been one of the most ace affirming things i’ve ever experienced because now i kNOW that i’m sex positive and actually quite enjoy sex but? still no sexual attraction. It’s just not there. Sex is just fun

my girlfriend is staying with me for the week and SAKJH man i just wanna tell her i love her every day but i can’t do it (because i’m a coward)

but i really do love her so much

Can’t tell her i love her in words yet so i’ll show her in the way i look at her, the way i gently cup her cheek, move her hair behind her ear and kiss her as gently as humanly possible

i may not be ready to tell her but that doesn’t mean she can’t know

The absolute anxiety of sleeping next to your girlfriend for the first time and not being able to sleep coz you don’t wanna disturb her,,,,
