#anyway yeah


Been looking through my asks and I have quite the amount… Might answer some at some point but yk…

Some of ya’ll most deffo forgot I existed XDD

Now to try and answer some asks! :D

destiny-smasher:“This is where we get into trouble. You’re meant to know only as much as you can h


“This is where we get into trouble.
You’re meant to know only as much as you can handle.
When you wander outside of your realm is when we end up fighting.”

~ Mr. Robot

[ Max / Other Max doodle by @mollifiable (who I made watch both seasons of a certain amazing show recently) ]

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craziest thing about my life is how much of it comes back to Sanders Sides. How did I meet my online friends who I’m still close with after 2 years? Sanders Sides. What got me into writing? Sanders Sides. 100k words on AO3 of what? Sanders Sides. My small stint in cosplay? Sanders Sides. I have no clue what was in that show but I was high on it


like it’s literally always fucking tuesday……………. i can’t go a week without there being a tuesday

lordhellebore: robb-greyjoy:chrisjoshington:No offense but when are these takes trying to provid




No offense but when are these takes trying to provide some “defense” for bullying because the objects of the bullying were “too weird” going to stop. Like people don’t usually develop these kinds of “strange” or anti-social behaviors in a vacuum anyways. I knew a girl in middle school who did the growling thing and she had been bullied since the 3rd grade, long before she got into anime. She did the growling thing because kids would physically harass her and teachers wouldn’t do anything about it, but they stopped when she started doing that. She told me it was easier to stomach getting made fun of for doing “weird” things/having “weird” interests than it was to have inherit facts about herself mocked.  

Like I know some Anime Kids in school were invariably dicks but you still can’t ultimately use odd or “cringy” behavior to justify the cruel choices of other people to mock and torment others. So many of these kids have tons of trauma from being mocked just for having a particular interest or sense of style. Was a kid wearing a raccoon tail to school because they thought it was fun and cute really worth mocking them to the point of self-hatred? If kids were getting bullied to the point of tears in this year because they liked to do Fornite Dances in the lunchroom would you think it’s funny and that the kids deserve bullying for being weird? 

And this shit was also just like an excuse to even more safely pick on people who were already on the ‘to-bully’ list. Think about how many people from this group were fat or not white or gay or neurodivergent and how that played into how they were ostracized in the first place. A lot of these kids would’ve gotten bullied even if they weren’t into anime/doing These Particular Weird Things because that’s what bullies do. That’s what bullies were doing before they “got into weird stuff” and it’s what they would’ve continued doing. Stop trying to make it a funny joke that people decided to traumatize their classmates because their classmates tried to commit the crime of having “abnormal” fun or having “abnormal” ways of dealing with harassment. 

“y’all got bullied for this otherreason” 

great, you still shouldn’t have bullied these kids. the magical mystical reason behind it doesn’t change the fact there was bullying.

also making peculiar noises, movements or over-imitating special niche interest behaviors are all characteristics that could be symptoms of neurodiversity.

“we didn’t bully jack for his weird interest, just because we’re ableist” is a more accurate picture, at this point.

It’s almost as if all “reasons” people cite for bullying are just excuses for: “We just wanted to be jerks and feel superior by hurting someone.”

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@nicolauda has been one of my favorite Doctor Who fic writers since 2016-ish when I was Goin’ Throug@nicolauda has been one of my favorite Doctor Who fic writers since 2016-ish when I was Goin’ Throug

@nicolauda has been one of my favorite Doctor Who fic writers since 2016-ish when I was Goin’ Through Some Things. She’s the reason I got into Good Omens; she wrote a lovely fic for me when I was having some gender blues; she has really fun drawing prompts; and she’s very seriously influenced my writing style and ability. All in all a great person whose writing has always made me feel emotions.

I realize I’m not actually that great at commenting on fics. So instead to make up for it here’s a loose, done-in-one-day appreciation comic of the first scene of her fic Dauger,or at least, loosely how I imagined it. Please read the full thing! [NSFW]

A big thank you and shoutout to Nicola for being a very cool person and fun writer!

Find her fics on ao3 as yonderdarling and give her a sub!

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90% of arguments about media could just be solved by saying “different people like different things in their stories” and leaving it at that

this person probably humanizes cops/racists, rape, child abuse, incest etc as long as its fictional lol

this is a good and normal leap in logic to make from this post!

I certainly hope they do, and not just when it’s fictional. Humanizing them is an important step in stopping the actual real-world harm.

If you recognize that they’re human, then you can understand it’s an issue of rationale and perspective, not Inherent Evil - and you can learn to think like an adversary. This is the first step in developing a good security mindset. That mindset, in turn, is the first tool you need to build functional safety measures and protections for your community.

There’s an added bonus, too - if you recognize that they’re people, you’ll notice that not many people are villains in their own narratives. They aren’t choosing to be evil,they’rerationalizing their harmful choices. And you start asking questions.

If you recognize that cops are people, you learn to ask yourself “Am I being reactionary, authoritarian, and needlessly violent?”

If you recognize that racists are people, you learn to recognize and unpack the racist lessons you were taught.

If you learn that rapists are people, you learn to actively verify consent.

By recognizing that terrible people are not Inherently Bad, but choosing to do terrible things for reasons they think justify them, you get better at protecting yourself from them - and protecting everyone around you from your worst tendencies. It’s a difficult and ongoing process, but it’ll protect you far better than any list of specific Bad Things to watch out for.

There’s a flipside to this, of course, and it’s important:

Anyone who tells you that your enemies are inhuman monsters is using you.

Either they’re trying to convince you that they couldn’t possibly be an Enemy because they’reanormal person… or they’re trying to keep you from noticing the little rationalizations. To convince you that atrocity is okay when you do it.

Don’t fall for either lie.

#if you believe that some people are born evil#then you run the risk of doing evil things#because you don’t understand#that evil is a choice#and that includes choices you can make#you are not the exception

how dare you hide this in the tags


don’t you know it’s not good for your hair to wash it every day. you have to use sulfate and paraben free shampoo. you have to wash your hair with conditioner instead. you should stop washing your hair for a month because actually your scalp has the natural ability to maintain itself. greasy hair can make your acne worse so make sure you wash it every day. you have to use this three step regiment on your face EVERY SINGLE night. buy this $70 serum and use it with the 10 other serums you have but don’t combine them. don’t use anything on your face except a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. do NOT use moisturizer on your face you are DESTROYING your skins natural moisture barrier! acne is just for teenagers you’ll grow out of it :) oh no but adult acne is sooooo common. just take birth control and your acne will go away. cut out all sugar and dairy and your acne will go away. actually those studies are fake, get light therapy treatments instead. take accutane and your acne will go away, only a couple of those kids killed themselves! shave your armpits because it looks better. if you shave your armpits you’re not a feminist. actually shaving your armpits is for HYGIENE. wax your legs. wax your bikini line. but waxing any part of your body can give you ugly ingrown hairs and permanently damage your skin and follicles and besides that’s the patriarchy. (but get laser hair removal instead.) don’t have an eating disorder because that’s too much but definitely do intermittent fasting. don’t eat carbs. don’t eat sugar. don’t eat fat. actually your brain uses carbs as its main energy source. actually fat is necessary but only good fat. you have to DRINK MORE WATER!!! drinking 8 glasses of water per day is a myth. burn fat and get toned by doing these exercises. but cellulite is natural and 99% of women have it so you HAVE to embrace it. take diet pills. ummm don’t you know those are meth?? take NATURAL diet supplements for weight loss. take THESE vitamins to cure your depression and clear your skin and make you better at sex and make your vision better and speed up your metabolism and make your digestion better and make you focus better. i know the ONLY right answer but you have to pay me for it. follow my blog! listen to my podcast! subscribe to my email newsletter! buy my snake oil!!

not my fanciest room by a long shot but I MADE IT y'all can i have Leo hugs irl too please–

while i appreciate the idea of stede and aziraphale being best friends, it seems everyone has forgotten that the two of them are prissy old “men” who bitch when their scarves are eggshell and not off white. i honestly think their partners would be the better friends. meanwhile, the two blonde bitches would judge each other because “THATS THE GUY WHO BOUGHT THE CRAVAT I WANTED”

anyway here’s my rendition of how the dynamic is

Here it is! A glimpse at half the reason for my absence, and into the world of these four delightful dumbasses!!

This took me so long and then I saw the timestamp and Deflated a little lol. But ah well that’s just the way of animatics





exchanging headcanons and AUs with friends like


ok but what about:

but sometimes also


getting emotional over robin’s coming out scene again. like she could’ve just told steve that she didn’t like him in that way, but she felt comfortable enough with him that she came out to him. usually whenever the fandom talks about this scene it’s all about steve and his character growth since the first season, but can we just talk about how st is set in the 80s when there was a lot of hate surrounding the lgbtq community and yet robin took that chance and came out to steve?? i can’t even imagine what that must’ve been like for her.

Possible tmi warning idk

Getting a girlfriend has been one of the most ace affirming things i’ve ever experienced because now i kNOW that i’m sex positive and actually quite enjoy sex but? still no sexual attraction. It’s just not there. Sex is just fun
