#its just


moonlight by agust d is such a fucking personal and incredible song i’m never going to get over his music





Cute music terms to name your children:

  • Viola
  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • Cadence
  • Carol
  • Hymn
  • Celeste
  • Clef
  • Agitato
  • Oboe Player
  • F Sharp
  • Barbaro
  • Plagal
  • Smorzando
  • ii♭ 6-4
  • Canon in inversion and augmentation

World Heritage Post

@ the music gang @daisylincs@justanalto@would-die-for-fitzsimmons@browneyedgenius@destroyer-of-days4@missinglittlebritishfriend@the9muses

you meant violin right

I’ll be honest with you all, the reason I post so little here is that 98% of what I draw daily is nsfw

my english teacher who doesn’t know i play violin asked me to define vibrato today and i was like “i got this ez” and then i realized

i don’t know what vibrato means

“It’s a Supers thing.” Happy spooky month, everyone! I nearly missed this cause I was supposed to be finishing a Bat Brothers animatic, but ran out of time, so I drew this just now in godspeed mode once I got home from a family trip! You can even see that its the same format for Damian as one of my old art and that’s sort of embarassing. To make up for it, I experimented on colors a bit more, what do you guys think?



I was wondering in tumbrl and saw this goodness of lineart @skesgo ’s masterpiece mega detailed lineart and wanted to color for her! I hope she likes it ❤️





Guys let’s be real. Remus Lupin was so not the mother hen of the marauders- that bitch would skip meals to study and refuse help after full moons and laugh at his friends when their pranks would backfire.

The real mother hen was James “Remus stop picking at that scar you’re going to make it bleed, Sirius you’re not too punk for breakfast sit down and eat your eggs, Peter as much as I approve of your chess skills you need to stop and do your Charms homework” Potter.

Imagine once Sirius runs away to live with the Potters, Sirius is doing something ridiculous and James and Mrs. Potter walk in at the same time, and scold him at the same time in the same tone of voice, and all the color just drains out of James’ face and he goes to his room and won’t come out for supper because he can still hear Sirius and Mrs. Potter roaring with laughter and he knows he’ll never live this down because oh god he’s become his mother.

Oh my god I can totally see this. Not just with the other marauders but with Lily too and I think this is one of the reasons Lily was annoyed by him at first like “Evans don’t run like this around the common room, I know Sirius pranked you and you want to take him down but you’ll get hurt” “SHUT UP POTTER” or “stop defending this slytherin, he’s TOXIC and he doesn’t worth your time” “None of you business Potter! ” or just like “this is your forth plate of pudding this evening Evans, you’ll get sick” “I’ll have as many puddings as I want Potter, shut up”.

No but dudes, can you just imagine him STILL being this way among his fellow Order of the Phoenix members? I can just picture him going around the hideout offering people hot tea after a late night meeting. “Now Mad-Eye, i know you said you’re not thirsty but green tea is good for– *dodges flying tea cup* Aren’t you too old for tantrums?” Or trying to keep moral up. “Don’t fret MArlene, i’ve known Peter for years. Yes, he’s been acting distant and strange lately, but hasn’t this war been getting to us all. We need to be there for each other.” Or even just draping a blanket over Dumbleore when he finds the old wizard in rare form asleep in a cosy chair, because he sees him in that moment as a very powerful but very tired old man just doing his best.


they’re so obvious it hurts


A little Mac + Desi softness in belated honor of @refinedbuffoonery’s birthday


two new hella exciting things in my shop coming up watching out

i posted them separately to keep it clean :)


“I never meant for you to fall with me,” Cas uttered, the words drowned out into the night as the fireflies darted around them.

Dean whipped around, startled from the book he was reading with the warm glow of the fairy lights as he stared at Cas. “What are you talking about?”

Looking down in shame, Cas fiddled with the stem of the sunflower that Dean had shyly given him a few hours ago as the sun dipped below the horizon. “When I fell from Grace, I didn’t mean to drag you with me.”

“Drag?” Dean dropped his book down onto the grass as he shifted to rest his knee against Cas’ thigh. “Cas, you didn’t drag me into anything.”

“I did,” Cas muttered, half-reaching out to touch Dean’s knee, but hesitating at the last second and pulling away. “You were the best of humanity, and I corrupted you because I wasn’t the Angel I was supposed to be.”

Opening his mouth, Dean tried to find the words, but instead he shook his head. Closing the distance, Dean slipped his hand into Cas’. “Honey, I was corrupted long before you put your hand on me,” Dean teased, then, softer this time, he said, “You saved me, Cas. In more ways than one. The only falling I did when it comes to you is falling in love with you.”

Cas tilted his head, looking at Dean from underneath his lashes. The look was pure innocence, and Dean leaned forward to press a feather light kiss to the corner of Cas’ mouth.

“If anything, it’s me who should be apologizing to you. I never meant for you to fall from Heaven,” Dean admitted, squeezing Cas’ hand. “I never meant to drag you down and make you lose your place with the Angels; to fall to Earth.”

“Dean,” Cas murmured, placing his other hand on Dean’s shoulder, right over the imprint he’d left many years ago. “Falling from Heaven was my choice, and I’d do it again and again, without any hesitation. My home is here with you.” Cas paused, leaning forwards to brush his lips against Dean’s temple. “I didn’t fall. I just found my way to you.”

Dean felt his heart ache in his chest, and he reached up to brush the back of his knuckles along Cas’ cheekbone and down his nose. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart.”

Together, they made their way to their room. Curling up under the sheets, Dean held Cas close, and Cas settled with his head on Dean’s chest, listening to his beating heart as they fell asleep wrapped up as one.

I’ll never tire of reading them having this sort of conversation.

The fallen angel and the broken man who fault themselves for tearing the other down when all they do is mend each other.

The angel who lost his faith and the man who rediscovered his.

The angel who had to fall to learn how it truly feels to fly, and the man who’s afraid of flying and fell harder than he ever thought possible only to find that some scorched wings would catch him.

I love Walter Bernhard. I hate his name. I also love his name? I hate and love the fact that they gave him the least sexy name possible and then they made him…

-they made him like this.

Do you think they named him first? Told Kojima to create a design for a man named “Walter Bernhard”? Or did she do this lovely design and they said: “…Walter… that’s his name.”

I love that his name is Walter Bernhard and still I am simping for him, that is power.

Rewatching Kings Tide, and like, King there are multiple games that require a large number of players, you could have said capture the flag or football or soccer, you didn’t have to make one up. Heck, you could have done hide and seek and just asked for more players.




So…I paid a pretty penny to get this printed on a blanket.

My husband is still cackling

I am that bitch. Unapologetic fan. Defender of minor characters.



I’m honored you wanted a blanket with the painting really, it’s mind-blowing to see it there I’m. COMBUSTING

May it warm your heart as well as your little self uvu ❤️❤️

the longer I go without drawing, the more transparent it becomes that I did it largely because it was the safest and easiest way to feel likeable.  outsourced all my self-worth to my work.

learning to make my own at home has been good, but I do wonder if I’ll ever find a new fuel for art


leverage season 2 is just the crew breaking into Nate’s apartment and filling his fridge w orange soda

thinking about an anon i got a couple years ago that thought i was white like babygirl. people of color use the internet too
