#oscar isaac hernandez estrada


Another thing that Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac have in common besides talent and beauty are very rideable thighs

Dont hate me on this, but I really was on the verge of leaving the mcu fandom. Back then, i was really excited because of the neverending connections between the movies and the plot building to one character/movie for the next phase, but then i became really overwhelmed with all of the new marvel series. (hawkeye, falcon and the winter soldier, etc. im not hating on the series tho)

Then i heard about The Moon Knight, it was very refreshing to see it as a standalone series, It’s like a relief. it didn’t show any cameos/connections from any other past characters of mcu (except that one thing about it being related to the black panther).

If they will continue season 2 and build a connection there to the other characters of mcu or continue it as a standalone series; either of the two, i will still watch it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
