#outer banks drabbles


cereal (jj maybank)

Requested by: No one, I just got inspired by a snippet I saw and came up with this
Pairing:JJ Maybank x reader




“Do you have a roommate?” you ask, trying to recall whether or not there was someone occupying the extra room in the apartment.

“What? No, I live alone. I told you that last time you were here, before we…you know,” he trailed off for a second, a deep tension building in his voice at the memory of what happened last time you came over. “Why?”

“You have no less than sixteen different boxes of cereal in your cabinet,” you point out, opening the cabinet door that you’d anticipated finding a glass in. “Seriously, I think you have more boxes of cereal in your cabinet than outfits in your closet.”

“Yeah, I like cereal. A lot,” he explains nonchalantly, opening a different cabinet and handing you a glass.

“I guess so,” you smile, filling the glass with water while silently observing his cereal choices. The majority of them were childhood classics like Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch and Fruity Pebbles, but there were a few healthier options like Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Shredded Wheats. Looking at the collection, you can’t help but wonder which ones are his favorite. You take a swig from the glass in your hand before placing it down on the counter, shooting him a content glance. You’d slept over the last time you came over too, but didn’t stick around long enough in the morning to get a real peak into his life. The cereal obsession he’s seemingly proud of makes you appreciate his gentle simplicity.

“Speaking of, I’m a shit cook, so if you’re hungry just pick whichever one you want, oh-uh except for the limited edition Cap'n Crunch-that’s uh, that’s mine,” he informs you, a serious but bashful look adorning his face. “I’ll kick your ass if you steal my Cap'n Crunch, that shit doesn’t stay in season for long. Anyway, the milk’s in the fridge behind the orange juice, you’re free to drink that too, if you want.” You blink at him with an amused glint in your eye, simply nodding in response, before pulling the Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch out of the cabinet.


Taglist: @thelocalpogue @maaybanks @drewstarkey @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @maebanks@poguemackin @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @marvel-writer@astrydis @hijohnd @pogueslandia @livinfullpogue @ifonlyyoucouldseeme @kookkyra@milkiane@scenesofobx
