#jj maybank fics


cereal (jj maybank)

Requested by: No one, I just got inspired by a snippet I saw and came up with this
Pairing:JJ Maybank x reader




“Do you have a roommate?” you ask, trying to recall whether or not there was someone occupying the extra room in the apartment.

“What? No, I live alone. I told you that last time you were here, before we…you know,” he trailed off for a second, a deep tension building in his voice at the memory of what happened last time you came over. “Why?”

“You have no less than sixteen different boxes of cereal in your cabinet,” you point out, opening the cabinet door that you’d anticipated finding a glass in. “Seriously, I think you have more boxes of cereal in your cabinet than outfits in your closet.”

“Yeah, I like cereal. A lot,” he explains nonchalantly, opening a different cabinet and handing you a glass.

“I guess so,” you smile, filling the glass with water while silently observing his cereal choices. The majority of them were childhood classics like Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch and Fruity Pebbles, but there were a few healthier options like Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Shredded Wheats. Looking at the collection, you can’t help but wonder which ones are his favorite. You take a swig from the glass in your hand before placing it down on the counter, shooting him a content glance. You’d slept over the last time you came over too, but didn’t stick around long enough in the morning to get a real peak into his life. The cereal obsession he’s seemingly proud of makes you appreciate his gentle simplicity.

“Speaking of, I’m a shit cook, so if you’re hungry just pick whichever one you want, oh-uh except for the limited edition Cap'n Crunch-that’s uh, that’s mine,” he informs you, a serious but bashful look adorning his face. “I’ll kick your ass if you steal my Cap'n Crunch, that shit doesn’t stay in season for long. Anyway, the milk’s in the fridge behind the orange juice, you’re free to drink that too, if you want.” You blink at him with an amused glint in your eye, simply nodding in response, before pulling the Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch out of the cabinet.


Taglist: @thelocalpogue @maaybanks @drewstarkey @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @maebanks@poguemackin @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @marvel-writer@astrydis @hijohnd @pogueslandia @livinfullpogue @ifonlyyoucouldseeme @kookkyra@milkiane@scenesofobx

  • Warnings:angst, fluff, kind of enemies-to-lovers. Mentions of death, drugs, robbery, abuse, etc. Swearing as always.
  • Word Count: 4640
  • All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
  • If you guys see my works in other websites, let me know, please. I only have Tumblr.



The first time you ran away from each other was the same day you met. Your mother had decided to enrol you in kindergarten as her work kept her occupied for many hours. There, you met a hyperactive blond boy who attempted to lead all the other children. From that first moment, you decided that JJ Maybank would not be up to your liking.

He was the first one to try to get close to you. JJ saw you as a girl who seemed to have several difficulties when talking to the other children. And JJ was sure that he had never seen you in kindergarten, convinced that it was your first day there. However, JJ had his ways of trying to get close to other people, and you didn’t like it at all when the blond, hyperactive kid decided to grab as many insects as he could find, showing you all the ones he had.

“Look,” You were peacefully sitting down on the ground, playing in the sandbox. Turning around, you saw the blond guy running to you, a front tooth missing as he widely smiled in your direction. “Look what I found,” He sat in front of you in such a brute way that some sand got into your eyes. “I’ve captured ‘em all.” The 6-year-old blond opened a small metal box, which was loaded with various insects. “This one is a…” You stopped listening to what he was saying since your attention was drawn to the insects. Goosebumps covered your arms and legs.

“Get away.” Your voice sounded harsh. The boy was surprised by your demanding tone as he thought your voice would be as soft as cotton candy. “Get them away!” You insisted. Your eyes still glancing at the insects, begging that they would stop moving.

“Why?” His eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t like insects?”

You quickly shook your head, pushing your feet harder against the ground, your butt sliding farther from him. “No one likes insects.” You tried to justify the way your voice had cracked a little bit. “You are strange.”

Now, it was JJ’s turn to look at you with disgust, not believing that there was someone in this world who didn’t like bugs. “You are the strange one!” JJ felt hurt as he got up from the sand. The rapid movement provoked some of the insects to escape from the small metal box he was tightly gripping. He gasped, sad as the tiny bugs started walking or jumping away.

JJ was even more shocked when you screamed, getting up from the sand and trying to get away from him as quick as possible. Your body started itching just thinking of them. The blond also ran away from you, not believing that someone could be so heartless towards insects and so mean towards him.


During the years that followed your experiences, both of you appeared to be offended or repulsed by the past actions of the other. Of course, things didn’t get better. 

The second time happened when both of you were around ten years old. Coincidentally enough, JJ Maybank attended the same school as you. You both had your friends and avoided each other as much as possible. However, you would be lying if you didn’t admit that you were pretty curious whenever JJ would not attend school, which happened often.

You started hearing rumours related to the blond boy. Some people said that his mother had died. Others claimed she had left them for a rich man because JJ Maybank’s father was an abusive man who spent his days and nights drinking his problems away. You decided that whatever was going on with JJ wasn’t your problem. But once again, you were lying to yourself as deep inside you hoped that he was okay. 

The following day, JJ Maybank decided to go to school, but the stupid grin that always decorated his face had vanished. He almost seemed mad. Of course, during PE class, he decided to let his anger come out. JJ was in the opposite team, and as you both ran side to side, trying to be the first to grab the ball, the boy decided to use his arm to push you. You didn’t expect such strength as your right side collided on the ground.

Everyone stopped playing, shuffling closer to you to make sure you were alright. Some kid had left, claiming they would call the teacher who had disappeared for a couple of minutes. “Watch where you are going.” The blond stared down at you. You clenched your jaw, quickly blinking the tears that blurred your vision. JJ scoffed. “Oh c'mon, are you going to cry?” Some of his friends snickered as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Is that what you were doing while you didn’t come to school?” A girl helped you stand up, and you had to avoid groaning as your side grunted in pain. Due to your words, some of the kids gasped. It was your turn to grin. “Oh, that’s what you were doing, right?”

JJ was the one clenching his jaw this time, shuffling closer to you. “You should be a little more respectful, don’t you think?” Your expression conferred a great confusion. “I don’t think your new dad will like how you talk.” Your heart was crazily beating. How did he know that? Did rumours run so fast in the Outer Banks? “Yeah, I know.” Everyone seemed curious about what the boy was implying. “Your dad died a month ago, and your mom didn’t wait much to find a new husband.” He spat. “Even worse, you are now a Kook.” Everyone gasped as they started whispering. You have spent all your life being a Pogue, someone who didn’t have much money and of course, you lived where all the rest of the Pogues did. Your mother had married a Kook a couple of months ago, and even though you were now living in a better place, your mom was able to convince her husband to let you stay in this school, knowing that all your friends were here.

“Gosh, I touched a Kook.” The girl who had helped you from the ground whined. 

“Be careful!” Another child claimed. “She might talk to her parents because a dirty Pogue touched her, and we will get in trouble.”

“I’m a Pogue.” You attempted to keep the strength in your voice, not wanting to sound like you were on the verge of breaking down.

“Not anymore.” JJ scoffed. “I’m pretty sure you have a big room with light yellow walls, big gold mirrors, a gold bed…”

“That sounds stupid!” You defended yourself. However, you did have a big bed in a room for yourself. Everyone laughed, starting to get farther from you. “Well, at least my mom didn’t leave me, right?” JJ almost choked on his spit. “You aren’t much different from me if it’s true that your mother left you and your dad to marry a Kook. The only difference is that my mother loves me!”

It was at that time that you thought JJ would hit you, but it was both of you that started pushing each other, insulting. It also seemed like the teacher had seen the last moments of your fight, and she demanded both of you to be in the same team in hopes of the sport making you act as teammates, ignoring your differences.

“I won’t be in the same team as a sickening Kook.” He walked to the other team as you walked to the other one. However, no one seemed to want to be in the same team as a sickening Kook.


The third time was when both of you were around fifteen. You had developed a love for the sea and surfing, something your dad used to treasure too. When he died due to cancer, his ashes were thrown into the sea. Surfing became your tranquil place, the only moment and area where you were able to remember your dad. And sometimes hide the tears running down your cheeks as you deeply missed him.

But of course, JJ Maybank was a great surfer, something it stung to admit. He was always there. Moments of tension had happened between both of you before. The blond guy made it his mission to steal your waves as much as possible, which clearly stated that both of you disliked each other. Everyone knew that surfers who respected each other also respected other surfers’ waves.

However, this time other people were involved even more. Your mom’s husband was someone who had fed and clothed you these past years. As soon as your mother married him, he had convinced her to stop working as he could perfectly support both of you. It was rare. Your mother loved to gain her own money. She loved to work, but then she just stopped.

Michael, your mother’s husband, had tried to stop you from surfing, claiming that someone of your social status shouldn’t do those types of activities. You wanted to scream at him that you were still a Pogue, and you did. However, he had hit you, your mother not doing anything as she glimpsed at the ground while Michael stated all the facts that made you a Kook and not a Pogue. All those facts related to him. You were surviving thanks to him, and he had given both your mom and you a home that you would only be able to dream about.

You had talked to Michael, asserting your ground and letting him know that you would never stop surfing. Your mom, surprisingly enough, had claimed that you weren’t doing anything wrong and that surfing was good for your mental health.

Nevertheless, you were shocked when your mother and her husband had appeared on the beach where you were getting ready to surf. You grunted to yourself as you groaned, hoping they wouldn’t cause a scene. Mainly when the so-called JJ Maybank and his friends were so close.

“W-What are you two doing here?” You placed the board on the ground.

Your mom glanced at Michael, to later look at you, offering you a tiny smile. “Well, I convinced him to come to watch you surf so he would see how passionate you are about it!” You knew your mother had good intentions, but Michael was someone who didn’t do anything out of passion or love if it wouldn’t generate more money for him.

You nodded your head, swallowing and as you gave them a last glance, you grabbed your surfboard. As you stepped away from them, your feet touching the water. “Hey,” You halted when hearing Michael’s voice. “You are getting in the water now?” His eyebrows were furrowed. You quickly nodded your head. When his gaze moved to something or someone not far from you, you glanced in the same direction. JJ and his friends were getting in the water. “Shouldn’t get in the water with dirty Pogues.” He spat loudly, making a shiver run through your body.

“Then she can get out.” You didn’t need to look behind you to know it was the blond’s voice. Staring at your mother, you hoped she would see the mistake she had committed. And you also hoped that she would tell Michael to be respectful or stop being stupid. Nevertheless, you knew that wasn’t going to happen. “The beach isn’t a place for Kooks anyway.” JJ could only see your back, but he was shocked by your silence. You always answered back.

“Don’t worry about that.” Michael spat on the sand, stepping forward and grabbing your arm forcefully. “She isn’t going to get in the same water as some fucking dirty Pogues.”

“Kind of funny of you to say that when you are fucking one.” You gasped as JJ answered back, referring to your mother.

Turning around, you glared at him. “Shut the fuck up.” You walked up to him. “Respect my mom, you fucking-.”

“Let’s get out of here, right now.” Michael’s voice echoed. You continued glaring at the blond, who was now smirking. “RIGHT NOW, Y/N!”

“Have fun in your mansion.” He whispered, and you noticed how close your faces had been. As you walked backwards to Michael and your mom, he walked back to get deeper into the sea, where his friends waited for him.


JJ Maybank and you were always running away from each other. Or maybe that’s what you both wanted to believe. I mean, there was a time where you both run to each other. A time where everyone noticed that the Maybank boy and you didn’t seem to hate each other as much as you had made everyone believe. But there were several times where you two had run to each other without noticing. Let me explain.

The first time happened when both of you were six years old, there was a storm while both of you were at kindergarten. Parents were worried as the roads were flooded, and the NEWS had advised people to stay inside. Therefore, every child had to stay there until the storm would go away. This happened a couple of weeks after JJ had tried to befriend you with his horrible tiny insects.

That day JJ Maybank had noticed that whenever a thunder burst, you shook. You were on a corner of the classroom, your back against the wall as you sat on the ground. There was a pink table in front of you with a couple of blank sheets and some colours. You had felt JJ’s gaze on you.

The boy got up from where he was sitting on the other side of the classroom, grasping some glue and scissors. He made his way to a green table that was close to yours. You observed him as he sat down, still stealing some glances. You bit your lower lip, grabbing your sheets and colours as you decided to walk to his table, sitting down next to him as you started to draw.

JJ tried to hide his smile as he took one of your blank sheets, using your colours to draw too. You had distracted yourself while drawing to the point where your body had stopped shaking.

That day you had run towards JJ Maybank, and he had run to you.

Thesecond time you ran to each other was when you were around ten years old. A few days after the big fight you had with JJ, you were at recess, sitting on a bench alone while you ate the snack that Nana had prepared. Nana was the woman who was in charge of cooking at your house, the woman you spent most of your time with because your mother was too busy with her new husband, going to parties and forgetting about traditions that you both shared and that you had promised to respect forever.

You missed the food your mother prepared, and even though Nana always managed to prepare the foods you liked the most, it was not the same as when your mother did. Lately, you had asked her to start preparing your snack again and that all the children in your class brought desserts that their parents had cooked and sometimes shared them, trying to show that their parents made the best desserts. However, Michael had made it clear to you that your mother would never have to set foot in a kitchen again since they could afford an entire catering.

And really, who would you share dessert with? Nobody wanted to be with a sickening Kook, right? Therefore, you couldn’t help but be surprised when JJ Maybank was loudly complaining about how there were no available seats to sit down and eat his snack. You were even more surprised when he decided to sit on the same bench as you. You chose not to look at him, but you asked yourself why he had sat next to you when there were other free spots even though he had said there weren’t.

Even when you noticed that JJ was looking at your food, you didn’t turn to look at him. You didn’t turn around either when he offered you a small plastic cup with bananas, strawberries, and whipped cream. You didn’t say anything when you realized he had another one for him, and you wondered if all that had been on purpose. You also didn’t turn around when you split your sandwich, offering him half.

JJ Maybank had woken up earlier that morning to make two desserts when he noticed that you never had one. JJ Maybank had run to you that day, and you had let him, approaching him slowly.

Thethird time was when both of you were around fifteen. Rumours in the Outer Banks spread fast, and it was no surprise that everyone had found out what had happened to you that day. The same day that Michael and your mother had gone to the beach to watch you surf was the same day that at night you decided to run away from home, tired of Michael’s constant criticism. But that day had been horrible, especially since Michael had hit you in the face again because you had yelled at him. You only shouted at him because he had spoken ill of your father, and your mother was not even able to say anything.

You sighed, feeling your heart throbbing. You weren’t a huge fan of Michael, but he treated your mom well the first few years they started dating. But you will never forgive your mother for not defending your father. Growing up, you were sure you wanted to find someone who would treat you like your father treated your mother. As if she were the only woman in her life. It’s hard to believe that there was a time when your parents were young and couldn’t stand each other.

You felt like someone sitting next to you in complete silence. You didn’t have to look to your side to know that it was JJ Maybank. You were both quiet for a couple of minutes, close to each other while your eyes were lost on the horizon.

You didn’t need words. JJ got up from the sand after placing his jacket around your shoulders. Seeing that he had gotten up, you resolved to glance at him. But JJ was looking away, and when you followed his gaze, you saw that he was staring at his friend’s truck. JJ was trying to tell you that he would take you home, and there was no need for words as you got up from the sand, walking beside him.

That night, JJ took you home without saying a single word, shook his head when you tried to give him back the jacket and didn’t leave until he saw that you were safely inside your house. That night you both ran to each other.


The time it was obvious that JJ and you run to each other happened in a terrifying way for both of you. You were both around nineteen years old, and it happened after one of the famous Midsummers in which JJ seemed to be working as a waiter, and in which you were in a gorgeous dark green dress. But you didn’t feel very comfortable in a place like that. You never felt comfortable in a place like that.

In the last two years, your mother had changed a lot, and Michael had become someone with whom it was impossible to live. You had begun to be subjected to his orders and many of them were ridiculous and disrespectful towards your mother and you. For example, the time he demanded you to get rid of the vinyl records that you had inherited from your father, saying that you already had a father, him. Of course, the conversation did not end well when you decided to make it clear that you only had one father, and unfortunately, he was dead.

When you were tired of the party, and after Michael decided to seize your arm tightly in front of everyone, you chose to leave, regardless of the night, the cold, that your house was far away and that your heels would damage your feet.

“Hey princess,” You bit your tongue as you kept walking, without turning around because you already knew whose voice it was. “Tired of not being the star of the party?” You clenched your jaw, attempting to ignore the way JJ walked behind you.

“Maybank,” You grunted. “I’m starting to think that you don’t hate me as much as you try to pretend.” You finally turned around to look at him. “Go back to the party. Someone has to serve those drunkards.”

Before you could keep walking, JJ grabbed your arm. “I’m not the one who started off being rude.”

Your eyes widened as much as your mouth. “Get over it, JJ. We were like five years old, and you came up to me the first day in a brusque way, showing me a box of insects. What’s your problem?” You sighed. “I wasn’t the one who said he didn’t want to be around a Kook, right?” Before he could speak, you continued. “Fuck you, JJ Maybank.”

“You insulted my mother.”

“You insulted me, and everyone stopped approaching me because of it.”


Before the both of you could continue arguing, a speeding car stopped next to you. JJ didn’t like what was going on as he quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you closer to him. However, before you could do or say anything, the doors of the car opened, a group of four men coming out with black ski masks on their heads. Two of them were holding a bat, the other was holding a knife, and the last one didn’t hold any weapon.

“Hey, what’s going on?” JJ was quick in asking. His right hand placed on your lower back while his left hand grasped one of your arms, pulling you closer to his body. He was agile enough to push you behind him as the men seemed to shuffle closer in your direction. “What are you doing?”

Your body shook as your hands gripped the back of JJ’s white shirt, terrified by just glancing at the four men who seemed to get even closer. “J,” JJ didn’t know if he had shivered due to the nickname or by the situation in which both of you seemed to be stuck. “What’s going on?” Your voice shook as much as your body did. The Maybank boy just gripped you tighter as he continued placing you behind his body.

“What do you want?” JJ continued asking, hoping that they would answer so he could give them whatever they wanted and leave them alone. “If you want money, I don’t have much, but I will give it to you right now.” One of his hands left your body, taking his wallet out and grabbing a couple of bills. “This is all I gained the last two nights working.” The man who didn’t have any weapon walked closer, abruptly seizing the bills from JJ’s hand. “That’s all we have. She isn’t wearing a purse or pockets. That’s all we have, dude.”

The men continued to get closer. It was in mere seconds when two of the men had pulled you away from the blond boy. You had tried to grab him, and he had done the same, not wanting to be separated from you. However, while two of them grabbed you and pulled you away, the other two did the same with JJ.

You were pushed onto the ground, one of the men getting on top of you as he started maniacally laughing while showing his knife and pulling it close to your face. You started kicking your feet, trying to free yourself from the man. A couple of seconds later passed when the tears started dropping.

JJ had another man on top of him, holding the bat against his neck to keep him on the ground. However, he didn’t seem to care about what was happening to him as his wide eyes followed you. His mouth drying as he yelled. “Let her go!” He attempted to free himself. “You fucking cowards! Four versus two!” The men laughed. “Leave her alone, you fucking motherfuckers.” The Maybank boy received a punch on his cheekbone, and he was sure it would leave a mark. It wasn’t the first time JJ Maybank got hit in that exact place.

Several thoughts invaded your mind. Thoughts terrifying enough to make you shake even more. You had tried not to tremble, hoping to look stronger in front of these men. However, you couldn’t help but furiously tremble.

“Are you going to pee yourself, princess?” The man who sat on top of you laughed. He had pulled his mask up, letting you see his mouth. “Oh, should I call you by your name?” The others laughed along. You furrowed your eyebrows. “Y/N.” It was at that moment when you recognized his voice. Rafe Cameron. Your eyes widened even more as he took the black ski mask off, evilly smirking. Glancing to your side, Topper was the one sitting on top of JJ, and when the blond spat on his face, he received a punch on the stomach. “This is a lesson for you, Y/N.” Rafe made you look at him again. “You are a Kook now. Be proud of it because you don’t want to be a dirty Pogue.”

“I am a Pogue.” You snapped, and the smile left his face. Perhaps because Michael was convinced that you two would make a good couple, which was mostly based on how his business could be better if related to Cameron’s business. Of course, you had refused such an idea. “Always was,” You peeped at JJ. “Always will be.”

Before Rafe could do anything to you, the sound of distant cars made them nervous as they quickly scrambled away, getting in the car and driving again. They demanded both of you to keep silent about the encounter if you wanted to avoid another similar meeting.

A couple of seconds passed, but your body was still shaking from the scare. JJ Maybank called your name multiple times. He didn’t have the strength to move neither, mostly because his stomach was killing him after being punched.

“I’m a Pogue.” You whispered, head moving to glance at the blond boy.

He nodded his head, swallowing. “You are,” He grunted as he sat on the ground, gaze focused on you. “You were, and you will always be.” His voice was soft and inviting. Perhaps that’s what made you crawl to his lap, being embraced by him as one of his arms rested tightly around your waist while his other hand was lost in your hair, pulling you close to his chest as he breathed in.

You sobbed. “I am.” He continued affirming as he rocked his body, pulling you along as he strived to calm you down. His arms pulled you away from his chest as he examined your face and body, making sure that those fuckers hadn’t left any mark on your precious skin. Your eyes met. “That was scary.” He nodded his head, sighing and resting his forehead against yours.

That was the time both of you run to each other. Notwithstanding, you gave the first step, and he gave the second as he embraced you and kissed your naked shoulder. No one would have thought that your lips would meet in short passionate kisses. Those types of kisses you both wanted to make even more intense, wet, intimate, longer. Those kisses where your lips seemed to get attached.

And yeah, as I said, it was the first time you officiallyrun to each other, but not the last.

  • Warnings: Rafe Cameron (your brother) is a manipulative shit. Angst, fluff, kind of enemies-to-lovers. Mentions of death, drugs (reader is forced to consume them), guns, abuse, induced vomit (reader gets help to vomit), etc. Swearing as always. CHANGES FROM ‘YOU’ TO ‘I/ME’ T MAKE SOME SCENES MORE REAL. NOT PROOFREAD.
  • Word Count: 5103
  • All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
  • If you guys see my works in other websites, let me know, please. I only have Tumblr.


Sarah Cameron seemed to be a name that you couldn’t escape at all. A name everyone seemed to pronounce whenever you were close or not. Perhaps it was related to the fact that you both shared the same last name or that Sarah was never scared of freeing herself. Of course, it hadn’t been easy. But she had the Pogues, people who helped her come out of her world and see that the so-called Kooks weren’t as good, and the so-called Pogues weren’t as bad.

You didn’t have so much luck, or maybe you just weren’t as brave as Sarah. Sarah was everything you weren’t.

Rafe Cameron, your brother, liked that. He approved that you weren’t similar to Sarah, and he reminded you every day. Rafe considered that your sister was someone who had betrayed the Camerons, deciding to date and be friends with dirty Pogues. You just nodded your head, letting it be saturated with what Rafe declared regarding the Pogues. Nevertheless, sometimes you asked yourself what was like to be Sarah. What was it like to be deeply loved by friends who accepted you?

Rafe Cameron was manipulative and obsessed to carve you into the female version of himself. Yeah, it was fucked up. But it was the only love you had experienced while growing up, which modified your concept of it.

“Rafe,” You whined, your hands gripping his right arm before he could take another step. Of course, he didn’t seem to like your intervention as he spun around, looking deeply into your eyes and making you cower. He demanded with his gaze for you to continue. “I thought we were just going to have fun.”

“This will be fun.” Your brother gritted his teeth, a tiny smirk forming after. “What?” He wasn’t as stupid to not notice the expression that decorated your face. “Do you think we should leave them alone when they had entered our territory?” There wasn’t time for you to shake your head. “Is that what is happening here?” His head mentioned your grip on his arm. You let him go. “Are you starting to become like Sarah, uh?” He shook his head. “Are you going to leave me too? Are you going to choose them over your own blood?”

“Stop saying things like that!” You were agitated. “You are my brother. I will always be there for you and be on your side.” Your gaze moved to the two guys who were walking through Kook territory.

“Good.” His hand ended on your cheek, making you glance at him one again. “I know you aren’t like Sarah. I sometimes get scared you will change your mind.” No, you weren’t like Sarah. No, you wouldn’t change your mind because Rafe would always be there to remind you.

“C'mon,” Topper patted Kelce’s back as he started walking towards both boys. Barry followed them as you and your brother did too. Rafe had let you go. “Let’s teach them a lesson.”

“Hey!” You didn’t have to look at your brother to know that there was a smirk decorating his face. The same smirk that meant that trouble was approaching. But this was Rafe Cameron. Trouble followed him everywhere. “Aren’t these my two favourite Pogues?” He spat, stopping in front of the two boys who seemed to examine the situation. Five versus two. Well, four. “Haven’t I already told you not to come here?”

“Some of us need to work, Cameron,” Pope answered back, and you were surprised as it was the first time you had seen him replying to your brother. However, you could notice the fear as his tone hadn’t been aggressive. “We will finish our job and go away.” He tried to step forward, but Topper blocked his way. “Stop.”

Barry whistled. “Did the roles change?” He laughed aloud, stepping closer to Pope and grabbing the box he tightly gripped, throwing it to the ground. “Seems like you can’t finish your job now.” The others laughed as you stood behind them, not moving. Were you even breathing? “What’s up, JJ? Nothing to say?” The blond boy was always the one stepping forward, fighting back and protecting his friends. However, this time he stood silent with clenched fists and jaw.

“Who would have thought that JJ Maybank would keep his mouth shut?” Your brother grinned, stepping closer to the blonde, getting quite close to his face. “What happened, JJ?” The blond didn’t back away. “Did daddy finally cut your tongue, or does he just hit the shit out of you?” You lowly gasped as your brother’s minions laughed. “I admire your old man for doing the job that half the Kooks wish to do on you.” The smirk had left as he got even closer to JJ’s face. What no one expected was for JJ to spit on your brother’s face. Rafe used his arm to wipe his face. “So you are into spitting, uh?”

“I don’t know,” He finally answered back. “Ask your sister.”

Then, it happened.

Rafe turned his head, glancing your way. “Did you get close to him?” The rage was evident. “Did you get close to these fucking Pogues and lied to me?” You quickly shook your head, attempting to swallow. Your brother’s face was red as he stared at JJ once again. “You are dead, motherfucker.” Pope ended up restrained by Topper and Kelce as Barry grabbed JJ’s arm, giving Rafe easy access to repeatedly punch him on the stomach.

He didn’t stop. You didn’t stop him.

JJ had ended up on the floor, groaning and clutching his stomach. A bloody mouth from one of your brother’s hooks. Pope, kneeling next to him on the ground, worried. Your brother and his friends leaving as you stood there for a couple of seconds, glancing at the two boys.

“What.” Pope snapped at you. He believed that you were to blame as much as Rafe because you just stood there, gazing at your brother and his friends while they beat JJ. Pope was just mad. He knew that not even you could do anything to stop Rafe Cameron from being a fucking asshole.

“I…” You took a deep breath, body shaking. Your eyes met those of the blond one, which were a bit squinted due to the discomfort. “I-I’m s-,” Why was it so hard? Before you could try to apologize, Rafe had yelled for you to keep up with their pace. Offering both Pogues a last glance, you ran away.

You were the first one who didn’t apologize.


You groaned, clenching the soft blankets between your fingers and slightly moving your head so it would rest under your pillow, attempting to get away from the noise that seemed to invade the comforts of your bedroom. The noise seemed to stop, but only for a couple of seconds as it came back, holding you back from falling asleep once again.

Someone was calling you. Turning around and extending your arm, you blindly sought for your phone. “Yes?” Your voice was harsh as your mouth was dry. You couldn’t even see who was calling you. The light from the phone was too bright against your eyes, so you just decided to answer.


“Rafe?” You woke up a little bit after hearing his rushed voice. “W-What is going on? What time is it?” With some difficulty and squinting your eyes, you were able to look at the time. 3.33 a.m. “What the…” Placing the phone against your ear, you sat down on the bed. “Rafe, what is going on?”

“I need you to come to get us.” His voice was still rushed. “We are five streets down from home. I will send you the direction, alright?” Your mouth opened and closed, not knowing what was happening. “And I need you to come fast. Like right now, Y/N.”

Your heard noise in the background. “Are the boys with you?” You were pretty sure you had detected Barry, insulting someone.

“Stop asking all these fucking questions, Y/N.” He grunted, sighing after. “Now, Y/N.” You nodded your head as if he could see you, hanging up and deciding to wear a hoodie. You didn’t change your shoes or pyjama pants, terrified of Rafe being in trouble, which probably was why he had called you.

When you arrived at the destination place, you found your brother and some of his friends getting physical with the Pogues. You quickly parked your car, getting off and running towards Rafe, gripping his arm before it would punch John B in the face. “What is going on?” You whispered as your heart beat madly, inflicting pain in your chest.

“Your fucking brother placed drugs on one of Pope’s deliveries.” John B spat, glaring at you as if you had anything to do with it. “He prepared a trap, and he called the cops on us.”

“Hey, hey,” Barry called out, a smirk decorating his stupid face. “It’s your fault for having those drugs.” Before they could get into a more physical argument, the cops had arrived, asking for explanations.

Yeah, Rafe Cameron had set a trap for the Pogues. However, this time they were prepared as there had been witnesses when your brother and his friends had beaten JJ and Pope. Someone had been recording.

“You all coming with us for drug possession.” Your heat ached, but Rafe remained still, knowing that your dad would take you out as soon as he knew. Glancing at the Pogues, you noticed the relief in his eyes. Perhaps they doubted if they could win against some Kooks. You were startled when someone had grabbed your wrists. “C'mon, ma'am. You are coming too.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you claimed that you had nothing to do with what had happened. “You were with these boys in the video. We must take you until we confirm all the information.” As your head was pulled down as you were forced into the car, JJ Maybank’s gaze met yours.

He never apologized for not stating that you had nothing to do with what had happened.

“You should have come faster.” Rafe’s thigh hit yours as both of you were sitting in the police car. “This is your fault.”


You were lying on the cold floor of your bedroom, eyes closed and chest peacefully rising as music invaded your bedroom, granting a feeling of freedom that you never had the opportunity to experience.

Of course, that peacefulness was interrupted as Rafe barged into your safe place. Your bedroom’s or hitting the wall, and you reminded yourself to check the wall to make sure he hadn’t left a mark.

“I need your help.” You already didn’t like what was going on. “Dad is going to check my room for drugs because of what happened a week ago.” The night you both spent in jail because there was no one to bail you out as your father had disappeared for the night. You had tried to convince Rafe to use your chance of a call to call Sarah, but the way he had glared at you, determined what he thought about what you said. “I need to hide this.” He showed you a tiny transparent bag that had four pills inside.

“He will search mine too.” You never did drugs. It was just something you wanted to avoid. “He had been searching mine too because of what had happened.” You crossed your arms over your chest, glancing directly into your brother’s eyes.

“I know.” He stepped closer. “That’s why I need you to swallow them.” What. “I already took some. I can’t take more.”

You shook your head. “Then throw them away, Rafe.”

“You know how much I paid for this shit?” His volumed rose. “I’m not throwing this away. Are you seriously going to make me waste all that money and not help me?” He was doing it again. He was manipulating you. “After all the things I’ve done for you? Who was there when Sarah left us for the Pogues? Who beat those kids who used to bully you in school? Who was the one that took you to eat your favourite ice cream when we were kids? Who was the one who stopped Maverick Mathers from sticking his hand under your skirt?” When he regarded the expression you did whenever you were overthinking, he smiled.

You swallowed the four pills.


You weren’t sure if it was due to the heat that your body felt weak. You felt like collapsing in the middle of the road. However, you also knew that it was due to the drugs you had taken.

Where were you going? Far from Rafe and Ward Cameron.

Was it a good idea? Not really. Or yes. You weren’t sure.

You didn’t have an exact location on your mind. You didn’t have an exact place where you would go, hoping for someone to grab your arms and pull you up and comfort your trembling body. But you had ended in front of the Chateau, staring at the door as if someone would notice your presence and pull it open.

And someone did. A mess of blond hair and curious eyes with a hint of something more stared back at you. He noticed your shape. Guessing that he wouldn’t say anything, you stepped forward. Your mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Biting your lower lip, you madly blinked, wishing the tears would disappear. “Is…” You paused for a couple of seconds, attempting to calm your breathing. “Is Sarah home?” Home. What a strange word. How does it feel? Sarah had learnt that home wasn’t a place. You, sadly, would probably never understand that. JJ shook his head. “C-can I wait inside for her?” You saw the anger in his face. “Just for a couple of-.”

“Who is it?” A voice sounded from the inside. Seconds later, the door opened a little bit more, showing John B. His eyes widened as he saw you. “Oh, Y/N.” You couldn’t help but notice how his eyes glanced behind you, expecting to see Rafe.

You opened your mouth once again. Though, words didn’t seem to make an appearance. Why would they help you? All the things Rafe did to them fell on you too, because you were always there. Never stopping him. Never offering the Pogues a helping hand. So what the heck were you expecting?

You swirled around, swallowing your tears as you decided to walk away without saying anything. “Fuck.” You felt like falling on the ground and curling and screaming and crying and perhaps dying.

“Y/N,” You ignored John B’s call. “Sarah went out with Kiara.” He paused while you still walked, slowly as everything seemed to be moving. “She might be here soon. Want to wait for her inside?” His tone was softer, and you wanted to punch him. You wanted to punch him for being so nice to you when you never were. “I’m sure Sarah will be happy to see you.” Your heart ached, or was it your entire body? “She always says how much she misses you.” You stopped, turning around and meeting their eyes. John B’s stare was sincere, soft and protective. JJ’s was encouraging, and he seemed ready to jump forward…to attack? Or to help?

The next thing you knew, you were sitting on their couch in silence. John B had asked several times if you wanted something to eat, but the mere mention of food made you want to vomit. Finally, you had opted to let him give you some cold water. He wasn’t far away but being alone with JJ was intimidating.

“Hey,” Glancing back, you met a pair of eyes that weren’t blue. John B placed a glass filled with water on top of a small table. “Are you okay?” Why was he asking? Maybe because even though the weather was scorching, you embraced yourself as your body quivered uncontrollably. “You are scaring us, Y/N.” Shifting your gaze, you observed how close JJ had gotten, concern in both of their faces.

“W-when will S-s-sarah come?”

“Want me to call her?” He was already taking his phone out of his back pocket. He touched his screen a couple of times, pressing his phone to his ear. “Sarah? Are you close?” You glanced from one boy to another. “Uhm, your sister is here. No, Y/N. She is here.” Your teeth ticked. “She is asking for you.” Your body started shaking even more violently, alarming the boys. “Sarah…” He hesitated. “I think something is wrong. Come fast, please.” His calm voice didn’t match the expression on his face.

You felt hands on you. Hands, grabbing your cheeks, forcing you to meet a pair of blue eyes. “Did you consume?” His question was sharp. You were surprised by his recognition. Has he ever been in such a horrible situation? Willingly? “I need you to tell me if you had consumed anything, Y/N.” You were scared. What would they think of you?

“Y/N…” John B gently urged, hand resting on your shoulder. You quickly nodded your head. “What did you consume?” You shook your head. “Y/N, we need to know what you consume-.”

“Rafe.” You interrupted them.

JJ glanced at his friend, eyes lost, trying to decipher your answer. “Rafe gave them to you?” You nodded. “You don’t know what he gave you?” Again. “Were they pills?” Your body shook too much. Dizziness overcoming you. JJ’s hand quickly grabbed your right one. “Squeeze two times if it was pills.” One. Two. “How many? Y/N, how many did you take?” One. Two. Three. Four. “Shit.” His other hand went through his locks.

“What do we do? Do we call an ambulance? Do we-.”

“No,” The blond bit his lower lip. “Someone will have to go get her. Either Rafe or Ward.” You whimpered. “We make her vomit.” His hands grabbed your arms. “Help me, dude.” John B just listened to his friend, knowing he had more experience with this type of thing.

You ended in front of the toilet, sitting on the cold ground. JJ was sitting behind you, his chest against your back. He ordered John B to grab your hair. “Cmon, Y/N. Don’t hold back.” Your sister’s boyfriend seemed worried for you, deeply worried.

You shook your head. You couldn’t.

Maybank’s body trembled behind yours. “Y/N, we need you to vomit.” His breath caressed your ear. “If you don’t do it, we will have to take you to the hospital.” With much effort, you turned around to look at him. “Can I?” You sighed, nodding your head. “Okay, Okay.” His own body pushed yours closer to the toilet. “Open your mouth.” He shared a look with John B as he inserted his fingers inside your mouth, pushing them as far as possible. He felt your gags. “It’s okay. Let it go.” He continued encouraging you as his fingers went deeper. “Yes, yes.” His fingers hurriedly left your mouth as he felt the most powerful gagging motion.

You left before Sarah could arrive, even if John B pleaded for you to stay, and JJ stayed silent as he observed you. You left without apologizing for pulling them into your mess.

Several days had gone by since you had appeared on the Chateau. You hadn’t been answering Sarah’s calls, too embarrassed. You ignored the Pogues’ glances when you were out.

“Wake up.” Rolling on your bed, you sighed, bothered by whoever was trying to wake you up. “I said wake up.” It was when you felt something on your forehead that you decided to open your eyes. A gun. A gun was tightly pressed against your sweaty forehead. A gun was held by no other than Rafe Cameron. “Topper saw you leaving the Chateau a couple of days ago.” His jaw was clenched. “I don’t need to ask what you were doing there. Traitor.” He spat. "Worst thing, I already knew. I tried to see if you were going to turn around, but you continued towards the Chateau.“ He chuckled. "I have a device on your phone. I know where you are all the time, and I saw you. I saw you.”


“Don’t you fucking dare, Y/N.” He pressed the gun farther into your skin, demanding for you to get up. “You really wanted to see Sarah?” Rage. “Did you so badly wanted to see the person who left us? Not caring about us at all.”

“Rafe,” I swallowed, hands up in surrender. “It’s not what you think. I don’t know how I ended th-.”

“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” He spat all over my face. “You wanted Sarah,” His face moving closer to mine. “I will give you Sarah.” From his pants, he took a rope, cuffing my hands behind my back. Also, covering my eyes with a rag as he grabbed my arm. The gun once again pressed to my body. This time-pressed to my side as he manhandled me.

“Rafe.” I sobbed, terrified as my naked feet felt the ground against my feet. “Rafe, where are you taking me?” He didn’t answer as he pushed my body inside his car. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He didn’t accept my apology as he got in the car, turning it on. “I swear I didn’t mean to end up there. I was drugged, I-.”

He chuckled. “So now you are blaming me?!” He yelled. “You are the one who wanted to go back to the person who abandoned us for some dull filthy Pogues.” He was going fast.

I didn’t know how long I was inside his car, nor where I was. I just knew I was terrified, a feeling that seemed to be present whenever Rafe was around. A sensation that was eating me from the inside, screaming at me to do the same. To yell. To shatter my lungs until someone would hear me, hoping to be saved, hoping to be heard.

I was forcefully taken from the car, and while I cried, he remained silent, pulling my body around and urging me to walk to, perhaps, my death.

Minutes later, after walking on the ground, cold tiles and stepping downstairs, he pushed me again. I fell to the ground with a yelp, and that’s when another voice was heard. “Rafe, please. Please let me go. Please, don’t do this.” Sarah? She was weeping, and I was pretty sure her body was shaking.

“Oh, c'mon,” He laughed. “I’m not the bad boy here. I’m helping you both see each other. You guys have a lot of things in common. The sisters who abandon their family for dirty Pogues and non-blood-related people.”

“Y/N?” She asked between sobs. I nodded my head, looking in the direction I thought she was. Then, I thought that maybe her eyes were covered too, and I weakly said ‘yes’.

“Enjoy your sister bonding time.” He grunted. “It won’t be long.” He stepped forward, and the bandage was taken off from my eyes. I blinked a couple of times, ignoring his figure retrieving and leaving the room.

My eyes adjusted to the light. Sarah was staring at me with wet cheeks and red eyes, her bottom lip trembling and her body shaking as I guessed. “Oh fuck, are you okay?” I nodded my head. “Is he…Is he going to kill us?” Perhaps. We were talking about Rafe Cameron. You never knew how fucked up his mind was or the type of thoughts that invaded his brain. “Oh my god,” She sobbed, violently. “What are we going to do? How are we going to get out of here?” We seemed to be in a basement. Where? Not sure. Not a clue. Not a fucking clue. “I’ve been screaming and,” She choked. “I don’t think anyone can hear us. I don’t think they can.”

My eyes widened as I gasped. “My phone.” Sarah glanced at me, confused. “He planted a tracking device on my phone. It’s in the front pocket of my pyjama pants.” How didn’t he notice?

“Oh my god,  I can’t believe your habit of sleeping with your phone is going to help us for the first time.” She used to get mad at me for sleeping with my phone, claiming it was dangerous for my health. “Come closer to my back. I will try to grab it.” I did as I was told, and after a couple of sighs and curses, she was able to grab it. “I can’t see the screen. Guide me, Y/N.” I nodded my head, still sobbing. “Okay. Is this number 5?”

“Wait,” I leaned forward. “Tell me the number.” She started telling me John B’s number as I marked it with my nose, having some complications hitting the numbers.

We both cried, praying forJohn B to answer. “Yes? Who’s this?” Sarah gasped, a heart-breaking sound accompanied by a teary laugh. “Sarah? Is that you?” He recognised her without even hearing her talk. “Where are you? You said you would be here in 10 minutes, and it’s been 20 min-.”

“John B, please.” She stopped him. “You need to listen. I’m calling from Y/N’s phone. Rafe has kidnapped us. We don’t know where we are, but my sister claims that Rafe placed a tracking device in her phone. I’m sure Pope can figure it out.”

“Sarah, is this a joke?” We heard voices behind him. The other Pogues could hear us now.

“N-not a joke,” I spoke. “He tracked my phone before. I didn’t know until today.” I glanced at my sister, who smiled at me. I had missed her. “He has a gun,” I whispered. I heard a male voice in the background cursing, JJ.

“Okay, we will figure this out, okay?” His voice shook. “We will take you both out of there. We will figure it out.”

I heard footsteps. “Sarah,” I cried. “He is coming back. He is-.”

“Hang up!” JJ screamed. “Listen to me, Y/N. Hang up ad kick the phone far from you. Now!” The call ended.

“Aw, look how close you both got.” He smirked, making a chill run through my body. “Who would have thought that the sisters would end together again.” His stare turned towards me. “Not me for sure.”

“Rafe…” I started.

“Tell me, Y/N.” He swirled the gun around his fingers. “I don’t care about this bitch anymore. I’m over it.” No, he wasn’t. “I’m over her changing us for filthy pogues.” He stepped closer to me. “But I can’t believe youwould do it, Y/N.” His glare deepened. “Was it because of Sarah? Did you miss her? Was she a better sibling than me? Because it was me who was there for you.” His voice rose. “I was always there FOR YOU!” I flinched. “Or was it for the blond shit, uh?” I had complications swallowing. “Yeah, I saw how you looked at him on Midsummers. I saw how you wanted to walk up to him when we did something to them.” I remained silent. “Did you want to suck his dick?” I felt disgusted by his words. “I get it. A bitch has needs too. But for him? Do you know how long Barry has been trying to get in your pants? I’ve been trying to help him. I was trying to see if my onlydecent sister would settle down with a friend of mine, someone I can trust.”

I was tired. “You and your friends can’t be trusted.” I spat. Sarah begged me to keep silent. I couldn’t. I was quiet for so long. “You are bullies.” Not my best insult, but I was just warming up. “You are a fucking psychopath who has puppies sucking your balls and following you everywhere out of fear. You have abandonment issues that you created by yourself because you are a manipulative bitch who wants to have everyone under your control.” The back of the gun hit my mouth, and I whined in pain, spatting blood on the ground as Sarah screamed.

“Go to hell, Y/N.” The gun was pointing between my eyes, and he didn’t seem to hesitate.

“Then I will see you again, Rafe.”

Before he could pull the trigger, blue and red light shone on the outside. Rafe panicked. We heard screams and other noises. The door opened, and officers came in, restraining Rafe. Sarah and I cried even harder, out of relief.

Other officers freed our hands and Sarah’s legs as they started questioning us. We answered with trembling voices as our hands found each other, squeezing.

“Sarah” She glanced at me with tears in her eyes. “I’m so so sorry.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry for everything. I never wanted to hur-.”

“No, no.” She shook her head, pulling me into her embrace. “I’m sorry for not taking you out of there. For not making you see that you were being manipulated and-.”

“Oh my god,” Someone gasped. Looking up, I saw Sarah’s friends, who race to her. John B being the first one grabbing her face, making sure she was alright and kissing her multiple times. “Sarah, god. Oh my god.” My sister cried even harder, feeling the comfort of her…family. Kiera cried while placing her head on her shoulder, glad to have her friend safe. Pope offered reassuring smiles, and JJ blinked fast, trying to hide his tears.

John B quickly turned his head to glance at me, and that’s when I noticed that JJ was looking away. He was attempting not to meet my eyes. “She’s okay, JJ.” John B whispered. “Mouth is bleeding. Bruise on her forehead.”

The blond boy finally swung around, meeting my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I spoke. “I’m sorry for everything. I hope one day you would be able to forgive me for everything I’ve done.” I wept. “I should have stopped them. I’m so sorr-.”

Arms. Strong warm arms embraced me. I saw a tiny bit of blond hair before closing my eyes while hugging him back. “I’m sorry,” His voice cracked. “We should have done something to take you away from someone like that. We saw how he treated you. That last day should have been enough for me to do something, and I didn’t.” He put some space between us. His hands grasping my cheeks and he didn’t seem to care about the blood in my mouth as his lips met mine.

Moments later, more arms were around me. We apologized. I was welcomed by the Pogues.

I had Pope.

I had Kie.

I had John B.

I had Sarah. My sister. Her name wasn’t something I wanted to escape now.

I had JJ Maybank.

I had a home. A family.
