#jj outer banks


cereal (jj maybank)

Requested by: No one, I just got inspired by a snippet I saw and came up with this
Pairing:JJ Maybank x reader




“Do you have a roommate?” you ask, trying to recall whether or not there was someone occupying the extra room in the apartment.

“What? No, I live alone. I told you that last time you were here, before we…you know,” he trailed off for a second, a deep tension building in his voice at the memory of what happened last time you came over. “Why?”

“You have no less than sixteen different boxes of cereal in your cabinet,” you point out, opening the cabinet door that you’d anticipated finding a glass in. “Seriously, I think you have more boxes of cereal in your cabinet than outfits in your closet.”

“Yeah, I like cereal. A lot,” he explains nonchalantly, opening a different cabinet and handing you a glass.

“I guess so,” you smile, filling the glass with water while silently observing his cereal choices. The majority of them were childhood classics like Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch and Fruity Pebbles, but there were a few healthier options like Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Shredded Wheats. Looking at the collection, you can’t help but wonder which ones are his favorite. You take a swig from the glass in your hand before placing it down on the counter, shooting him a content glance. You’d slept over the last time you came over too, but didn’t stick around long enough in the morning to get a real peak into his life. The cereal obsession he’s seemingly proud of makes you appreciate his gentle simplicity.

“Speaking of, I’m a shit cook, so if you’re hungry just pick whichever one you want, oh-uh except for the limited edition Cap'n Crunch-that’s uh, that’s mine,” he informs you, a serious but bashful look adorning his face. “I’ll kick your ass if you steal my Cap'n Crunch, that shit doesn’t stay in season for long. Anyway, the milk’s in the fridge behind the orange juice, you’re free to drink that too, if you want.” You blink at him with an amused glint in your eye, simply nodding in response, before pulling the Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch out of the cabinet.


Taglist: @thelocalpogue @maaybanks @drewstarkey @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @maebanks@poguemackin @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @marvel-writer@astrydis @hijohnd @pogueslandia @livinfullpogue @ifonlyyoucouldseeme @kookkyra@milkiane@scenesofobx

Summary: you’re on the way to the motel… Jj talks about hitting on you without him noticing that you’re behind

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


You are sitting on the HMS Pogue and are on the way to the motel from which you have the key.

It is a wrecked, run down motel. Everything is devastated by the storm.

(Jj whistles) “I thought the chateau looked bad.”

“This place is a shitshow” john b comments.

“Motel or meth lab?” Ki asks curiously

“Definitely meth lab” you say

“You be the judge” adds john b

“Doesn’t look like a place anyone with a Grady-White stays” says John b

“No, looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would be killed” says Pope

“Alright here we go. (This is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue comin in for landing)” says Jj pretending to talk into a radio.

Jj hops off the boat and gives a “Whoo!”. He begins to tie up the boat.

“We good?” asks John b

“Yeah, we good” replies Jj.

“Alright. Here goes nothing” says John b as he gets off the boat.

“Hey… don’t let him do anything stupid” says Pope pointing at Jj.

“Oh we will” says Jj and you give him a look

“Of course you will” you say and Jj smirks at you.

“I don’t make promises” says John b

“Oh man… Hey Y/N can’t you go with them?” says Kie

“Yeah, you can watch me” says Jj and winks at you with a smile

“they’ll be fine” you say and sit down.

“Be careful” Kiara says to John b and gives her the key.

“I mean it”

“Yeah” John b laughs and the two of them leave.

The two boys go up to the room.

“just be so careful john b” says jj as he touches john b in the face.

“God you’re so weird” John b pushes Jj away.

Meanwhile Pope convinces you to go up.

“Come on Y/N he only listens to you when it comes to him doing shit” says pope desperately.

“Okay okay…chill, I’m going” you say and head up the stairs.

You walk behind the two who don’t even notice you.

“What the hell was that about?” asks jjohn b

“I don’t know maybe she wants us to be careful” John b looks at Jj.

“Since she heard you’re being threatened with exile, she’s just been, like, "Oh be so careful John b” Jj massages John b’s shoulders.

“Get off” John b says annoyed.

“Oh, just give me that John D already” JJ moans and you have to hold back a giggle.

“When are you gonna swoop on that, man?”

“Bro you know the rule, no pogue on pogue macking”.

“Besides you’re the one always hitting on both of the girls” says John b

“Woah woah, I’m not hitting on both girls, if I am then Y/N. And of course I’m hitting on Y/N. She’s a super hot, rich chick slumming with us…. Why? I can’t figure it out either, but who cares bro?” says John b

“Yeah but you haven’t tried it out yourself have you?” says John b

“No dude I’m not going to ruin everything with her. But with Kiara you can’t mess anything up man…. she obviously likes you” says Jj

“You need help. Not a little help, but a lot of help” says John b

“It’s like, any girl that has a heartbeat, you’re like "uuuuh” as in Y/N" John b fakes a moan

“What, it’s not a big deal. And you can’t blame me bro, just look at her” says John b

“Is that us? 29?” says john b

“Interesting conversation you guys are having ” you say and stand next to them.

“Wait… what are you doing here?” asks John b, confused.

“Pope insisted that I keep an eye on Jj” you say.

“okay but since when…since when are you behind us?” asks Jj looking over at John b

“A while” you giggle

“That is… have you been listening to us?” asks Jj and you nod.

“Okay guys no time for that…. this is it” john b says pointing to the door.

Jj walks closer to the door and knocks on it a few times “Housekeeping” he says in a high pitched voice. He opens the door and you go in.

“Here’s a jacket… no name on the jacket” says Jj.

“It’s a nice jacket though”

“Jj we don’t steal anything” you say and give him a look

“Well…” says Jj

“Definitely over 50 he has New Balances” John b looks around.

Jj walks over to the bathroom with his flashlight.

“Coffee?” asks John b

“Yeah…standard…tissues for when you get lonely” says Jj

“Who leaves a hotel room like this?” you say as you follow Jj.

“Ooooh… here’s a great dopp kit you won’t let me steal” says Jj and you take it from his hand.

“Exactly Jay” you say and stand in front of him. He looks at you with a smile and puts something in his pocket.

“JJ” you say

“Shh” JJ holds his finger in front of your mouth and looks you in the eyes.

In the meantime John B opens the save with a number on a piece of paper.

“You’re gonna want to see this” he says and we get closer. John B holds up a bundle of bills.

“Dude dude dude” says jj as he pulls out a gun.

“Put the gun back Jj” says John b.

“this is a fucking spendy gatt man. Just… Bam! Bam!” Jj pretends to shoot.

“Jj we don’t steal anything” John b holds Jj by his top.

“Just take a pic of me. Right here” says Jj to John b

“You want me to take a pic of you? You wanna make our own incriminating evidence? Is that what you’re talking about?” says John b and you laugh while Jj looks confused.

“Jj you are such a fool” you say and roll your eyes.

Then you hear a noise and John b rushes to the window.

“Cops” he says and you all go out the window as fast as you can. John b goes to the right of the window and presses himself against the wall. While Jj follows you to the left. You stand with your back to the wall and Jj in front of you. Your bodies are pressed together.

“Jj remember I was supposed to have an eye-” you say but Jj holds his hand in front of your mouth and looks at you.

Jj looks at the window as he drops the gun. You all squint your eyes and the gun crashes to the floor with a loud noise.

“You’re unbelievable” you say and Jj smirks slightly.

After a few minutes you jump down and get on the boat.

“well that was fun” Jj laughs

“Could have warned us a little sooner”

“We could have, except Pope was on the math team” says Kie.

“You were on the math team?” asks Jj laughing.

“At least he has a brain and the ability to think unlike you” you say looking at Jj.

“Have you been keeping an eye on him? Did you at least find something?” pope asks you

“Well…” you say

“did we find anything? No, I don’t think so. Oh yeah, we did” Jj holds up the money and the gun

“Dude what? Why would you take that from a crime scene?” Jj stands up in a huff

“Better than the cops having it” says Jj.

“You’re such a dick” you say and look away. Jj sits down next to you.

“Yeah but you like that dick don’t you?” he smirks.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Short summary: you are at a party on the beach and topper and rafe talk shit about you. Jj is a little too protective of you though. He pulls out a gun and stuff…You two have a big fight and when you go to apologize Jj is sitting in a jacuzzi….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

You and Jj are happier than ever. He is the best you could ever have imagined. But for the last few days he’s been very strange. You know about his bail he has to pay because he sacrificed himself for Pobe of the police. But he is so reserved with you and so cold. You don’t know what to do. 

That night you had a party on the beach. A lot of people were there. Topper comes to you.

“Hey you sweet princess, can I get you a nice drink?” he asks laughing. 

“Topper watch your mouth!” says Jj as he comes towards you

“Or what? Will the little princess be defended again?” says Rafe as he looks at Topper and laughs, pretending to be a crying baby with his hands.

Jj runs to him and slaps him in the face and he does not stop 

“I SAID WATCH YOUR MOUTH! ” Jj yells and punches the shit out of Rafe.

“JJ STOP” you say worried.

“GO Away” he yells.

You step in and try to get Jj out as you get a punch from Rafe.

“FUCK, Rafe I swear you wish you were dead right now” says Jj as he hits harder and harder. 

“Your girlfriend looks really hot for a Pogue JJ” says Rafe out of breath as he takes your hand and pulls you towards him.

Jj takes a gun out of his trousers and points it at Rafe. 

“I swear to you, don’t touch her! say one more word…” says Jj 

“Omg JJ” cries Kiara.

“Put the fucking gun down” says Pobe 

Jj does not listen to any of this and continues. He shoots in the air.

“WHAT TO FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” you shout to Jj when you can no longer hold on. 

The gun falls out of his hand and he looks over at you while he is still sitting on Rafe. 

“What the hell is wrong with you” you say again

He now gets up and walks towards you. 

“what did you say?” he says with a look you have never seen on him before.

“you could have killed someone, you don’t realize that. ‘damn it!’ you say aloud

"I was just trying to protect you. What the fuck are you trying to tell me?!” he says angrily.

“JJ, why are you like this? What’s going on with you?’ you say. 

He comes closer with an aggressive look. 

"NO go away from me!” you scream loudly. You were scared.

“Wow. So you don’t want me to touch you anymore. OK PRINCESS I’ll walk away from you, but don’t come crying to me later… you stupid bitch” he says pissed 

“JUST FUCK YOU JJ” you scream in tears and run away. 

“FUCK” yells JJ and kicks his foot in the sand.


You haven’t seen each other since that day. It’s been a week and a half…


At JohnBs


“JJ come out you must eat” shouts JohnB through his cabin.

“Leave me the fuck alone JohnB” he says angrily

JohnB pulls him out and they sit down on the porch.

“JJ why don’t you go and see her? It’s been a long time since you’ve seen each other. Why do you wait so long, go to her. I can see how it hurts you” says JohnB

“I can’t… Shit I have to pay for restitution, I have to deal with my dad, I have to go to my girlfriend and make everything alright … "I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE. Fuck it, I mean nothing fucking matters any more,” says Jj and goes home.


At Kiaras


“I think I’ll go and see him now. It has been so long and he is not coming. Damn it. I must go to him." 

It’s already dark and you’re going to his place. 

When you get there, you see a hot tub? Yeah, a hot tub. And JJ’s in it. 

"What the fuck? JJ, did you buy that?” you say angrily

“heyyyyyy you..yes I did” he says laughing.

He’s sitting there with a bottle of champagne in his hand in his sunglasses. He has his golden chain on which you find so attractive. He is obviously drunk. 

“How much did that cost?” you say

“Um… well with the generator, the petrol and oh express delivery… pretty much all of it.” he says 

“ALL OF IT? You spend all the money in one day?" 

"yeah burned a whole right through my pocket….but I mean like, come on, like, look at this” he says smiling.

  “so what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’… (he starts to sound whiny)… I mean like… you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the cats ass. Come on….That’s what I named her” says JJ

“Oh I almost forgot”

He is turning on a glowing disco ball that is hanging from a tree.

“Yeah that’s right. I know…Disco mode…That’s right baby.” he says with a desperate smile. 

“Are you kidding me? You could’ve paid for restitution. You could have done anything to help people or to help YOU. "Anything would have been better”, you say angrily.

Jj looks away with his hand going over his face.

“Okay well you know what? I didn’t do that!” he yells.

Meanwhile he stands up and you see an unbelievable amount of bruises and injuries on his upper body. 

“I got a hot tub. For my friends. You know what, screw friends. I got a hot tub for you, my family.” he says and he starts to cry a little while talking. 

“What the hell” you say

“I got this for you! Look what I did for you babe. All right? Look at this! 

"JJ” you say with a worried look and tears in your eyes. 

“no just stop being emotional. It’s fine okay.” he says crying

“I mean it’s sweet-right? Everything. Just get in” he sobs as you come and hug him 

“I just couldn’t do it.. I CANT TAKE HIM ANYMORE” he says and cries out loud.

“I was gonna kill him” he says as he collapses and bursts into tears.

“I just wanted to do the right thing you know”

“I know baby…I know” you say also sobbing while holding him in your arms.

“Baby” says Jj

“Yeah, baby?” you say.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I called you that and I got so mad, I just… I wanted to protect you. I couldn’t stand to lose you,and I couldn’t live with myself. You’re the only person who can give me a hold. I couldn’t hold myself back because I can’t stand anyone hurting you or talking to you like that,” says Jj still tearfully.

“Baby, it’s all right. I’m sorry too I shouldn’t have overreacted like that. Jj I am always here for you. I will always stand behind you, you know that. You won’t lose me. I was only worried about you because you had a gun and I was scared,” you say desperately. 

“scared of me.” Jj answers with tears in his eyes.

“No… I-I… you came at me so aggressively, I…" 

"Oh my god…baby you thought I was gonna hit you. Hurt you? YOU?…..I’m becoming my dad. I am my dad. I can’t take this any more. I can’t take it. You’re too good for me,” he says sobbing and walks away from you.

“No,baby,wait… wait” you call after him" 

“How could you think I would hurt you? How can I be such a bad person that I make you feel like I’m going to hurt you? Baby… I… I can’t do this. I would never do anything to hurt you. You’re my life,my world,my angel. "Babe, I’m such a piece of shit…” he says. 

“No Jj stop. Stop it. You are not a piece of shit. I love you baby i was scared for you. I always will be. And I couldn’t stop myself. Only you got so aggressive, I was just scared,” you say. 

“Babe I don’t know how to apologize. I’m so sorry,I just… just…”

“Say it” you say and look at him 

“I hate him. He is to blame for everything. He turns me into this person who calls you a fucking bitch. I mean, how?” he says. 

“Baby I know. I know. But you have me. I’m all yours and that’s not gonna change." 

"You’re only mine, right?!” he says worriedly

“Forever” you promise him.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.


Here you can find PART1andPART2 

Summary: at a party, Kie blurts out that you start liking Jj. After Jj and you ignoring e/o, the Pogues decide to leave you alone on the boat to sort things out….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

Today is a party at Sarah’s. Well, what does party mean. Her parents are at the Bahamas and the six of you want to hang out. 

When you arrive, you sit outside on the veranda. Jj gets you a couple of beers and you have fun.

“I think we need to toughen up a bit” Sarah says as she stands up and grabs some tequila from the shelf. All you can hear is cheering. Tequila is your weakness. You love it but you shouldn’t drink too much of it.

“I’m so in today,” says Ki and drinks from the bottle.

“Woah easy Ki” says Pobe and takes the bottle from her hand. 

After a few shots and a lot of beer you are all pretty drunk. But not as drunk as Ki. You could say she really got into it.

Kiara stands in front of you all the time and dances wildly. It’s funny. And sometimes you join in. 

“Hey you guys… you’re… cute” she says dancing and looking at you and Jj. You just sit next to each other. Nothing special.

“Thank you” says Jj and looks at you.

“Guys guys I’ve never seen her SO drunk.” Says JohnB and laughs

“You know what’s funny. No…. not funny but I think it’s so cute because Y/N is soooo into JJ.” Says Ki still dancing

“Ou…” you hear Pobe and JB say from the side. 

You can’t believe what she just said. Everyone is quiet. Your heart beats faster and you blush. You see JJ’s shocked face from the side. 

“No… what? That… is not true” you say.

“Yes it is… you just don’t want to admit it… but you always come up to me and you’re like "omg Ki Jj looks so hot” or “I miss Jj”. I swear she would want to have sex with you" Ki says drunkenly as she realises that was too much.

“Oh really?… man I didn’t know that…” says jj laughing and looking at you.

“Ugh fuck that” you say, getting up and walking away. 

Jj follows you.

“Wait wait wait… where are you going Y/N?” asks Jj and you stop.

“Home.” You reply. 

“So…” says Jj but you interrupt him.

“This is not something I want to talk about right now, I’m pissed as hell at Kiara and I want to go home Jj!” You say annoyed and keep walking 

“Okay. Good. But I’m definitely not letting you go alone. I’ll go with you” says Jj and takes you home.


Today is a party on the beach. 

Ki apologized multiple times now but you didn’t answer.

You have not continued to talk to Jj about what Ki said. 

You just got into a conversation with a boy. 

“Hey, can I get you anything?” says a boy, daniel, with whom you have often talked, leaning against a tree. 

“No, but thanks” you say 

“So why is a pretty girl like you here all alone?” he asks and smiles 

“Oh, I was just gonna get a drink”

“I’ll fix you something” he says and winks at you 

“Oh thank you” you answer smiling  

Jj looks at you. You see how jealousy goes up in him when he sees you with the guy. 

“Jj are you okay?” says JohnB

“I’m fine” Jj says without taking his eyes off you. 

“What are you looking at? Did something happen between you two?” asks Pope 

“no, why should it” says Jj and looks over to the others 

“you’ve been staring at them all evening” says Ki

“It just makes me sick,” says Jj 

“I can’t understand why she even talks to him,” he explains. 

“I mean, nobody can. She hated him back then” admits JohnB. 

“She still does,” says Jj angrily 

“Doesn’t look like it,” Pope notes 

Jj looks over to you. You hug the guy and you laugh together. 

“Hey guys” you say smiling 

“So you and that guy there,” Jj says without even looking at you. 

“He has a name Jj. It’s daniel” you say annoyed 

“Oh sorry miss. So you two? You and DANIEL?” Jj replies

“Yeah, we like to hang out together. We’re not together or anything,” you say 

“fucking bullshit” says Jj and looks at you

“What do you have now. That’s none of your business”

“You obviously like him.” Jj says angrily 

“It’s so wrong” says Jj and kicks his foot in the sand

“why wrong?” you say 

“Oh my God, we’re certainly not going to talk about that now” says Jj annoyed 

“what the hell is wrong with you” you say out loud

“Nothing.. just maybe I thought that I’d mean something to you. But turns out, I don’t” says Jj 

“I’m gonna go guys, I’ll see you later but I really don’t need to do that to myself” you say and go back to the guy who was obviously waiting for you


So the others notice that you both like each other. But neither of you has managed to start a conversation. No one wants to make the first move. Even though Jj wanted to fight for you, and did, he doesn’t see the point of chasing after you after all this. And you don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to explain to him that you kind of like him too. 

“Guys, we have to do something,” Johnb says to Pobe, Sarah and Ki.

“What are you talking about, you idiot?” asks Sarah with a laugh.

“I mean about Jj and Y/N…. it’s so obvious that they like each other and we know that. But they both don’t have the balls to do anything,” JohnB says.

“Yeah right… what do you have in mind?” asks Pobe curiously.

“Maybe we go for a ride on HMS Pogue and say we have a problem on the boat. Jj’s dad’s boat. It’s still in the water here at the chateau” says Ki

“Yeah… yeah and then have them help us and then we jump off the boat and drive away. We’ll leave them there to talk,” says Sarah.

“You girls are really great at making plans” says JohnB laughing.

“Good idea though,” adds Pobe.

And so they did. They planned everything and told you they needed help. They pick you up and drive you to the boat.

You get on it.

“What’s the problem?” says Jj

“Well, somehow the Phantom won’t start” says Sarah.

„The Phantom? Nah this baby works all the time. It’s like this girl is brand new guys" says Jj as he starts looking at the engine. You join in. Meanwhile Sarah and Johnb jump off the boat and drive away with the others on the HMS pogue.

“Guys she works. Everything normal here” says Jj as you two notice them driving away 

“HEY WHAT THE HELL” you scream and run forward.


You want to jump into the water but Jj stops you.

“Y/N it’s no use… they’re already gone” he says.

“ugh” you say and sit down. You sit there with just your bikini top and shorts. And Jj sits a little further away, topless and in his shorts.

At first you don’t talk. Jj is kind of pissed and you are pissed because he is pissed. 

After a while it gets dark and you get some lights from the boat and put them on the deck. 

Jj rolls a joint and smokes it.

“Ugh Jj, you can go away with that. I don’t want the smell” you say annoyed.

“Sorry… I’ll put it away” he says and throws the joint into the water.

“You don’t have to throw it away” you reply.

“Yes… it bothered you” he says.

Kind of sweet. Jj always cared about how you were and made sure you were okay. Even now.

By now it’s dark and you’re laying on cover under the open sky on the boat. You look at the stars.

“Hey Y/N” says Jj

“Yes” you say

“What was that yesterday?” he says as he turns to face you. 

“You mean you got mad at me for talking to a kook?” you reply, still not looking at him.

“yes Y/N I am or was pissed as shit. Kooks are all the same. And fuck he just wants to fuck you. That’s just how they are” he says

“Oh wow Y/N don’t be prejudiced. Why are you reacting like this?” you ask and turn to face Jj.

“What the fuck Y/N? I thought you liked me? I thought it was worth fighting for you and that I had managed to get you when Ki blurted out the stuff,” Jj says, slightly angry.

“I… I know.”

“I’m sorry but I just wanted to distract myself a bit after that” you say.

“Distract? From what, me?” asks Jj slightly hurt.

“Yeah… yeah, kinda” you say.

“What was that Ki said yesterday? Do you really like me? Or do you still think I’m a player?” asks Jj.

“no… I mean yeah… so Ki was right Jay. I do like you. You fought so hard for me and you took it all so seriously I never expected that. You made me change my mind. I believe you. And I like you. I believe you Jj” you say 

You see the relief in Jj’s eyes. He looks so happy.

“So you want to go through this with me? Do we want to get serious?” asks Jj

“Yes… yes I will go through with it with you” you say smiling.

“That is… no wait” says Jj and stands up. He kneels down in front of you.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks with a smile.

“Of course Jj. Yes” you say laughing and he hugs you.

“I wanted to ask you that for so long” he smiles

“Y/N I promise to always be by your side” says Jj.

“Thank you Jay” you say

He comes closer and gives you a loving kiss

“It feels so good to know that you are mine now” Jj says with a smile and looks you in the eyes.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.


Summary:Jj tells you how he feels after seeing you with john b and getting jealous. But you don’t want to get more serious because Jj is known to be shitty with girls.

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

You and Jj keep doing your ‘thing’. The others don’t know about it but they’ve always noticed something with you. Nothing sexual but you are always together somehow.

You always sit together, always laugh together and there are almost no days when you don’t see each other. You are always teasing each other.

Besides, it’s kind of your thing to fight. Just for fun. Kind of wrestling. That’s your thing.

But now you can’t keep your hands off each other, especially in private. You don’t know what it is with you two. Or what it’s going to be. How it’s gonna work out. You’ve never talked about it. 

You’re at the chateau right now. You’re hanging out, having a few beers.

JohnB and Sarah are fighting. For now. They haven’t seen each other in a very, very long time. It’s pretty out of character for them. But oddly, JohnB didn’t really seem like he cared. He seemed more… like he didn’t have a girlfriend. Like he forgot about it for a second. That’s not like him.

But you don’t know anything about it because you just got here.

But you can see that Johnb is weird.

“Hey JB, what’s up? Are you alright?” You ask JohnB as you join him on the couch. The others are in the kitchen.

“Yeah… yeah… I mean I’m fine… I’m fine” he says.

“Okay, no. That was one too many. I know there’s something wrong with you” you say and take his hand.

“You know… Sarah and I had a fight. Or rather, we’re still fighting. All the time I’m thinking: It’s okay and I’m fine. So I try to at least act like I am, but I’m not.” He says and looks down

“I’m so sorry about that… what’s the argument about? What’s the problem?” You ask worriedly

“It’s stupid. It really is. It was about Topper and him still coming to her and still being attached and all that shit.”

“Oh man. That sucks.” You say and hug him.

Jj has been watching you from the kitchen the whole time. He looks very annoyed. But he tries to hold it in.

“Nah let’s forget about it now. Do you want to go out with me for a bit?” He asks and stands up.

“Yeah sure” you say

You go outside and talk a bit. You practise a bit how JohnB could apologise to Sarah.

“Sarah… I’m sorry. I was stupid and didn’t think…. is that good?” JohnB asks. You just laugh.

“That wasn’t even close to enough. What do you think when you see her? Tell me. But tell it to me like I’m Sarah. So you can tell her too. Okay?” You say and smile

“Okay then…. Sarah… you are the most beautiful girl in the world

Meanwhile, Jj stands by the door. He is listening to you. But at the wrong time, of course.

…..You’re so pretty, so sweet, you turn my head. And god you’re so sexy. Um… I love…” says JohnB as Jj runs towards you.

“Hey what the fuck are you doing?!” Says JJ aggressively and pushes JohnB away from you.

“Jj chill it wasn’t like…” you say but are interrupted.

“Oh really? That’s what you’re going with? What the… JohnB what is this?” Jj asks him. Just as JohnB was about to tell the truth to calm Jj down, Jj interrupts him.

“So your little girlfriend dumps you for a while and you go straight for Y/N?” Says Jj and JohnB snaps. That was too much Maybank.

Johnb punches his best friend in the face.

“THINK BEFORE you throw something like that at someone BRO” he says and walks away.

“So you like JohnB… wow okay… that’s cool” jj says to you pissed off

“What? Jj. No! Oh my god we were just practicing. Well. How can I put this. JohnB wants to apologise to Sarah and I wanted to help him. He should practice it on me.” You say and roll your eyes

“Oh…” says Jj

“Yeah… oh… and even if. Like what the. Jj what does it have to do with you if I like someone. There’s nothing emotional about us Jj. We’re not together or anything. Just physically… right?” You say upset

That hurt Jj. Deep in his heart. He knew it but he always hoped you two were a 'thing’. Something that would last. But apparently not. He’s quiet. And his eyes are a little glassy.

“Right. Only physically,” he says, pissed off, and leaves.

“Jj wait. Why is this hitting you so hard?” You ask, turning him towards you by his arm.

“Because… I mean why? Why is it only physical? What’s stopping you from getting more serious?” Jj asks in a broken voice

“Jj I… I didn’t know you thought that but… I can’t. Okay? I can’t” you say

“Why? Tell me.”

“Because I don’t want to get hurt again, okay? Jj you are one of the biggest fuckboys I know. And you know it. You usually fuck a girl and then leave. Not because you’re a shitty person, but because that’s who you are. You don’t need anything serious. And you’ve made that very clear many times.

I mean, the others are already surprised that you can put up with me for so long. You are simply THE player jj. And I can’t do that. I’m too scared.” You say and somehow a stone falls from your heart. But somehow it doesn’t.

Jj stands there. Totally shocked by what you just said.

“That’s what you think of me?” Jj says and tears come to his eyes.

“This is what everyone thinks about you Jj” you say.


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: Jj teases you when you are with the others and you decided to pay him back….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

So you and Jj are… kind of a thing. But also kind of not. You’ve been having sex a lot since the other day. But no one knows. You’re your own little secret. It’s just physical. Nothing emotional or anything. But sometimes it’s hard to keep it all a secret. 

Today you want to go swimming. 

You’re meeting at the chateau. 

“Hey, Jb, how’s it going?” you say as you walk in.

“pretty good. As usual. How about you?” he asks and gives you a hug.

“Me too” you say and put your things down.

You go over to Jj who is sitting on the couch.

“Hey my queen” he says smiling and hugs you.

“So today we’re going swimming?” you ask as Ki and Pobe walk in the door.

“looks like it” says Pobe

“Well, I’m going to go and get changed” you say and disappear into the bathroom. You take off your shorts and top and get out your bikini. You put it on. It is white and quite tight. But you don’t mind. 

“damn. Hola madame” says Jj as you come out of the bathroom. He looks you up and down and stands there with his mouth open. 

You then go to the HMS Pogue.

 You’re on JohnB’s boat and you’re going for a little ride. When you find a place, JohnB attaches the boat and you go swimming.

You then feel a slap on the ass. 

“Jj” you say as you turn around.

“Sorry couldn’t help it” Jj says and smiles at you.

You are about to go into the water when Jj runs up behind you and lifts you over his shoulder.

“Watch out” he shouts and jumps into the water with you. Dumbass.

He can’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.

After a while, everyone goes back up to the boat. You have a few beers and just have fun. 

You sit on Jj’s lap. As always.

“I like your new bikini. It suits you. You look really hot in it.” says jj. 

“Thanks Jay,” you say, looking at the others.

Jj always wants to tease you a bit, he can’t help it.

He runs his hand along the clasp of your bikini top.

“Jj we are not alone here. The others see us,” you whisper nervously.

“I know princess… chill a bit” he says and runs his wet hand further down your body. God, this turns you on. 

He now moves his hand forward to your belly and up to your bikini top. 

“Jj!” you whisper. 

“What? The others won’t notice” he says in your ear.

“Oh yes we do notice” says JohnB and the others nod.

“You guys are unbearable” says Ki.

Jj is always teasing you. You want to get back at him. 

After swimming you go to the wreck. The wreck has long since closed, but Kiara brought you in because her father is the owner. So you are alone there. Sarah has also joined you. 

Ki gets some snacks from the kitchen and takes a pack of cards from the shelf. 

“So guys, up for a game of cards?” Ki asks as she sits down at the table with you. You agree. 

JohnB and Sarah sit on the chairs. Kiara and Pobe each sit at the end of the table, and you and Jj sit on the bench next to each other. 

You play a round of cards. Pobe wins. Of course he does, he is the genius of you all.

You start the next round. You decided to tease Jj a little. You go to his pants with your hand. He looks right at you. With big eyes. But he doesn’t seem to think it’s bad. You move your hand to his dick. You move your hand just the way he likes it. Jj looks at you in surprise and then tries to concentrate on the cards again.

“Jj, it’s your turn” says JohnB. 

“What…oh…yeah yeah sure” he says and lays a card.

“What are you doing?” Jj asks quietly to you 

“I don’t know what you mean J” you reply innocently.

“God…” says Jj

You keep moving your hand in the same motions. Then you put your hand near the zip of his trousers.

“Stop it Y/N please” he whispers to you but you just laugh.

You continue and Jj even has to moan once. The others all just look at him strangely and then continue.

“Listen, you’re sexy and all, but can we do this later?” he says nervously.

“I’m not doing anything Jj” you say provocatively and continue.

You open his trousers and move your hand inside. You start to move your hand up and down his dick. You see how this makes him weak. He asks you to stop but you don’t stop. You notice that he also finds it kind of horny. You move your hand faster and faster but always so that the others don’t notice.

“Fuck” says Jj. 

“What’s going on with you man?” asks Sarah, the others just laugh. 

“Baby I’m about to cum” says Jj quietly to you. He never called you baby before.

You smile and make him come.

“Damn” says Jj.

“That’s what you get for teasing me all the time” you say and smile.


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: Jj interrupts you while you are changing your clothes…..

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

Today is a windy day. It stormed yesterday and the Outer Banks is pretty devastated. You and the Pogues spent last night at Sarah’s. She snuck you in because her house is the safest. Whatever. You want to go surfing today because the waves are perfect for it. It was Jj’s idea, of course, but you’re up for it, even if it’s a bit dangerous. You have arrived at the beach.

Everyone is there. Even Sarah. JohnB has persuaded her. After a few laps on the surfboard you get out of the water. Jj follows you.

“Hey what are you doing?” he asks. When you turn around you see him standing there with his surfboard under his arm. In his swimming trunks in his hot body. He runs his hand through his wet hair. Wait, what?

“Hello Y/N is anyone there? The sight is too hot to think straight, right?” he says laughing. 

“You jerk. I was about to go back to the chateau.” you say. 

“Oh okay… I’ll come with you” he says and runs to you and hugs you from behind. 

“Hey guys we’re going back to JohnBs” Jj calls and you leave.

The others call out that they will join you later.

What was going through your mind just now? Jj is your best friend… not your crush. You are even each other’s wingman. Well. 

You’ve arrived at the chateau and you’re going in. You go to JohnB’s room, where your clothes are, to change.

“Privacy please?” you say to jj as you take off your bikini top.

You sit on the bed and look questioningly over at Jj who is leaning against the door frame. He takes off his shirt and sits down next to you.

“What… what are you doing Jj?” you ask in surprise. 

“I want to undress now" 

"I know” he says and looks at you. He bites his lip and looks down your body. He runs his hand along your stomach. 

“But it’s not like I can’t keep you company” he whispers.

He moves his hand further and further down and has now reached your bikini bottoms. You are breathing heavily and his movements make you weak. What is happening right now? He goes further down and puts his hand inside your bikini bottoms. 

“Jj…what…what are you doing” you moan lightly. 

“The others are about to come" 

He now guides his fingers inside you and makes you moan. Then he stops.

"What why…..why do you stop” you ask.

“I mean… You’re right… the pogues are about to come” he says smiling and walks out of the room.

“I’ll kill you Maybank” you say and throw a pillow at him. You only hear him laughing.

In fact, the others arrive a few minutes later, by which time you have changed. You and Jj go out and sit by the hammocks. The others join you.

“So what did you do when we weren’t here?” asks JohnB as he sits down with a beer. 

“Nothing, we were just… talking I guess” says Jj. Jj looks at you and takes your hand. He points to his lap and you sit down on his lap.

As the others talk about the waves and how great the surfing was, Jj whispers something to you. 

“You looked hot in your bikini” he whispers and makes you smile.

“I mean… you looked pretty good too Jay” you say back.

You both just look at each other, not even noticing that the others are no longer talking

“We can hear you.” says ki 

“God it’s like you’re Rose and Jack. So inseparable” says Pobe and everyone laughs. 

Rose and Jack. Yes, that fits somehow.


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: you’re on your period and Jj takes care of you

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

You met the Pogues a few weeks ago. Or rather Jj first. And now you and him are inseparable. You’re part of their little crew now.

Jj is your best friend. You are inseparable and do everything together. At first you two didn’t like each other. Or rather you hated each other. But now you are the best friends.

You are not well at all today. You got your period this morning and you have very bad cramps. It’s already evening and you’re sitting in your bed. Suddenly there is a knock at the window.

It’s jj. He often comes to your window in the evening to do something with you, to go for a walk or just to talk. 

You open the window.

“Hey you, do you want to go to the beach for a while? The waves are awesome,” Jj says with a smile.

You and Jj often go surfing at night. It’s kind of become your thing. You love this ‘thing’. Most of the time the sky is pitch black and you can see lots of stars. The moon always shines on the water and glitters so beautifully. Well. 

“What? Are you afraid of losing to me?… or what?” says Jj and nudges you. 

“I don’t know, I don’t think that’s a good idea today Jay” you say and squeeze your eyes shut because you’re having a big cramp right now.

You see that he looks a bit worried and he sits down next to you in bed.

“Hey R what’s up?” he asks worriedly. R is kind of a nickname. The others always call you and Jj Rose and Jack because you are so 'inseparable’. Cheesy shit. But you like it when he calls you that nice. It’s kinda cute.

“Nothing… I just… oh, never mind” you say shyly.

“You know I don’t believe you, right?” he says and looks you in the eye.

“I just got my period this morning and I’m cramping pretty bad…” you say. 

“Well that can be fixed” he says and winks at you. He goes out of your room and gets you something. When he comes back into your room a few minutes later he has a hot water bottle in his hand and also a tray with chocolate and tea. 

“Sooo I have a little warmth for your tummy. Then your favourite chocolate… that’s it, isn’t it? And then some tea. I’d be really good as a boyfriend, wouldn’t I?” he says with a smile. 

“Thank you so much J you are the best” you say and give him a hug

“I know I know. Jk, I’ll do anything for my little rose…” he says and sits down with you again. 

You sit together in bed until late at night and talk, eat and watch a film. Jj doesn’t leave your side.

“Is everything all right with you? Are you feeling better? Or is there anything else I can do?” Jj asks worriedly.

“No Jj everything is fine. You’ve done enough already. Besides, I’m feeling a little better.”

“Always better when you’re here,” you add.

He smiles at you and covers you up. He stays with you all night without going home. He just wants to make sure you’re okay and safe. He always wants that.


Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Here you can find PART1andPART2

Summary: you and Jj are getting along very well. He wants to help you with your fear and so he does. He is always by your side

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Jj and you are getting along very well now. I think you two just didn’t look at each other properly or only saw each other’s bad sides without really knowing who they were. 

“Hey bro” says JohnB as he sits down next to Jj.

“Hey man” he says

“So you and Y/N seem to be getting along all of a sudden” he says.

“Yeah…” says Jj

“How did it come about. What happened there last week when we were going out on the boat?” asks JohnB

“Nothing… I just realised I never really got to know her” he says.

“But Jay. You’re my best friend. And to be honest I’ve never seen you like when you’re with her. You’ve never been like this…so mean to anyone. Is it possible that you were just being mean to her because you actually like her?” JohnB asks with a smile

“What? Dude no” says Jj 

“Come on Jj I know you” says JohnB and nudges Jj.

“Man no. For real… I mean I honestly didn’t like her…or so I thought. Meanwhile I kinda have a thing for her. I mean she’s really hot. And actually really nice. Maybe I did it unconsciously but I really didn’t like her in the beginning. But I found her interesting all along,” Jj says with a smile.

“I knew it man. Why don’t you tell her?” Says JohnB

“Naaah things are going so well at the moment. I would ruin everything. I’ll just deny it. Like always man. Deny deny deny.” Says Jj laughing

“Well but she’s probably not ready for what’s disguised under my clothes anyway. No one is ready for a bit of Jj” says Jj who is dancing like a stripper and pulling his shirt up. The two just laugh.

“You idiot. So you won’t even try” says JohnB

“sure I will man. If she feels the same then…. Bro she will be mine one day. I’ll make sure of it.” Says Jj laughing 


You’re still not good with boats. And not really with the sea either. But Jj always helps you because he’s the only one who knows your whole story. 

“Are you ready?” Jj asks

“Ready for what?” You ask in amazement

“We are going to the beach now. I told you I would make your fears go away. There’s bound to be a boat somewhere on the beach…I’ll help you” he says.

“Oh Jj I don’t think that’s a good idea” you say

“But come on. You wanted to overcome your fears too. Don’t be afraid.” He says and makes a gesture with his face that you should come.

“OK then” you say and stand up. 

You both go to the beach and there is a small boat. It looks a bit like the HMS Pogue. Jj takes your hand and you walk to the water. He pushes the boat a little further out into the water so that it is further away. He goes into the water so that he is up to his thighs in water. 

“Come here. Just to me,” he says.

You go into the water. So far everything is fine, after all you are still in the water with both feet on the ground. That’s totally OK.

“Now come with me onto the boat. I’ll help you” says Jj and sits down on the boat. You follow him and sit down next to him. That still works too.

“Are you okay?” he asks

“Yes…yes I think so” you say. You drive a bit out to sea but not too far. After all, it’s wavy and you shouldn’t put yourself in too much danger. Suddenly a wave comes and pushes the boat to the side. You almost fly out. That’s it for you.

“Jj” you scream and hold on to him.

“I can’t do this, I… I… can we get out quickly?” you say crying and Jj drives back as fast as he can. You sit down on the beach.

“I’m sorry. I’m so stupid. It must sound so crazy that I’m afraid to be on a normal boat,” you say, sobbing.

“Hey, Y/N. It’s all good. Nothing sounds stupid. You have some kind of trauma. That’s normal. I mean it’s not just the boat but you’re also associating bad memories and the last memory of your dad with it. It’s fucking hard, I know. But we can do it,” he says.

“Thanks Jj. you know after everything…. we were kind of enemies and now you help me so much” you say with a smile

“I’ll stay with you Y/N” he says looking into your eyes.

He hugs you and you feel safe. Somehow. It’s funny that you couldn’t even stand each other a week ago.



Thank u sm for reading xx


Hey guys, so here’s part 2.

If you haven’t readPt1 HERE you can find it!

Summary: after a few more arguments and disputes over truth or dare, you want to go boating. But you can’t and tell Jj your biggest fear, whereupon he tells you his….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Jj remains a dick. As always. You don’t really know why you hate each other. Although… somehow you do. He’s so full of himself and such a player. Superficial. 

You’re outside the chateau. It’s already dark and you’re having a drink. Just talking, drinking, having fun.

“Anyone want a beer?” you ask as you grab one.

“Yeah, just give one to everyone” says Pope 

You take five beers and give them to everyone. Except Jjs, which you throw at his feet. 

“So tomorrow we leave on HMS Pogue?” asks Sarah.

“No, Sarah, we’re swimming there, you know?” says Jj wryly.

“Funny” says Sarah

“Yeah, so we’re leaving around noon tomorrow” says JohnB.

“Yeah, I don’t know if I’m coming yet” you say.

“Why is that?” asks Ki

“I don’t know, I’m not that into boating” you say.

“But we need you. Think about it” says Pope.

After about an hour, you’ve all had a few beers. Music is playing, you dance from time to time, it’s actually fun. 

“Anyone up for a round of Truth or Dare?” asks Jj.

“Of course my boy” says JohnB and everyone else just nods.

“So truth or dare Kiara?” asks Jj.

“Dare” she says

“Dance for us” says Jj.

“Typical” you say and roll your eyes

“I better drink” says Kiara laughing

“My turn. I ask you Jay, truth or dare?” asks JohnB

“I’ll say truth” he says

“What’s your problem with Y/N?” asks JohnB

“Dude the game is supposed to be fun” says Jj annoyed

“Answer” says JohnB

“I’m not going to discuss all this right now. Besides, you know” he says

“Oh, actually I don’t know” you say and look at Jj.

“Haven’t I told you often enough” he says and looks at you too

“How about you tell us all. JohnB seems to be interested” you say

“so you just come into our lives. Live with JohnB. Annoy us all. You’re just there all of a sudden and now you think you can be so bitchy to me?” he says.

“I don’t care what people think, I’ll do anything,” you say.

“Oh and what about the fact that you don’t like me because I have money huh?” you say.

“Question answered” says Jj and turns away again.

“Unbelievable” you say

“Okay, Sarah, truth or dare?” asks Pope. 

“Dare” she says

“say one thing that bothers you about Ki” says Pope

“Oh that’s easy. I think you’ll all agree she’s a bit of a bitch sometimes” says Sarah with a laugh.

“hey” says Ki laughing

“Truth or dare Y/N” says Jj

“Dare” you say annoyed

“I dare you to kiss me” he says looking you in the eye

“in your dreams” you say

“Oh what’s wrong miss "I don’t care and I’ll do anything”?“ asks Jj provocatively

"k then” you say and stand up

“Woah” says JohnB from behind 

Jj also stands up and comes closer to you.

You get closer and closer to his face and feel his warm breath on your skin.

“You really thought” you say and walk into the chateau. 

“Bitch” says Jj and sits down again.


The next day you go out on the boat to try out the camera. 

“Hey guys” says JohnB 

“You coming? We want to go” says Pope while JB, Pope, Sarah and Ki get into the boat.

You stand still. 

“Y/N why don’t you come?” says Jj.

“None of your business” you say

“Okay sorry” he says and continues walking. But then he stops and turns back to you.

“Come on” he says

“I don’t want to” you say a bit scared and Jj notices your voice breaking

“Why?” he asks

“Just because okay?!” you say and sit down. Tears come up your eyes.

“What the fuck Y/N are you okay?” he asks as he walks over to you.

“What do you care?” you say

“I’m not a monster okay?” he says.

“Guys where are you” shouts JohnB

“We’ll be there in 10 minutes. Just wait” calls Jj. You sit down in front of the chateau.

“Why are you staying with me?” you ask, crying.

“I’m not staying with you, I want to know what’s going on and then get you on the fucking boat” says Jj. Typical. 

“I can’t tell you. I’ve never told anyone before” you say.

“Okay so we’re not best friends but I really want to go now so tell me. What could be so bad about a boat huh” he says a little mean. 

“When I was little we went on a boat trip. My dad, my mum and me. My brother and sister weren’t born yet. My dad was driving the boat and it got stormy. The weather got worse and worse and we were all very scared but I was sure my dad would save us. But he didn’t. My dad and my mum had been fighting for weeks before that boat trip. My dad left. He saved himself from the boat and drove away on his jet ski. While we were there alone without knowing how to drive a boat at all. I fell into the water. I almost drowned. My mum tried everything to get me out. I just screamed for my dad all the time but he drove away. My mom made it out. But it was close. A lifeboat came to pick us up. I haven’t been on a boat since. I’m scared.” you say

Jj sits there shocked. His eyes are wide open and he looks at you. There is silence for a moment.

“Wow… Y/N I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that… well, how could I? But that’s really terrible. Sorry you have to deal with something like that” he says.

“Well it doesn’t matter” you say and quickly wipe away your tears. As you stand up Jj pulls you back down by your arm.

“Wait. It does matter. You know, while we’re at it… I’ll tell you something about me. I have problems with my dad too. Well….more than just problems. (Jj begins to stutter) 

My dad doesn’t think much of me. Well… he beats me up every day. Every day anew he beats the shit out of me and insults me. He tells me what a piece of shit I am and that I’m worthless, that he would rather never have had a child and stuff like that.” Jj says and his eyes glaze over as well.

“But it’s okay…I mean I’m lucky to have a dad right?” He says in a broken voice.

“I’m sorry Jj, I didn’t know. All this time I’ve been so mean to you while you have to deal with something like this.” You say

“No, I’m sorry. I was an asshole to you. We don’t have to be best friends… but we don’t have to hate each other in our circumstances, do we?” He says and smiles slightly.

“Yeah right” you say and nod.

“Now come on. We’re going on the boat. You can do this. I’ll help you.” He says and holds out his hand.

That was the first time you looked Jj in the face and liked him. The first time he was nice to you. You were even a bit shocked at how nice you found him. You kind of saw him through different eyes now that you know what’s behind all this. Maybe there is a bloody loving heart behind it?


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.


Hey guys, so if you have any requests just write them here in the comments. I’d love to hear your ideas!! Also if you wanna stay anonymous just write to me personally.




Outer Banks


㋡ - smut

♛ - salacious ones ( no smut)

❥ - fluff

ꕥ - Angst

☾ - Jealousy

★ - the ones you (and people from WP) like best

Summary: You run into Jj and you two don’t really like each other…
Summary: you live at the chateau bc you know JB. Jj and you are hating e/o but after you two reveal your secrets/past you start to like e/o
Summary: you’re on your period and Jj comforts you
Summary: Jj interrupts you as you are undressing
Summary: Jj gets jealous when he sees you with john b. You two have a physical relationship but Jj wants to get more serious. You can’t because Jj has a reputation as a player and you don’t want to get your heart broken. But Jj fights for you.
Summary: you are at a party on the beach and topper and rafe talk shit about you. Jj is a little too protective of you though.(involves gun) …You two have a big fight and when you go to apologize Jj is sitting in a jacuzzi….
  • ㋡ ♛ Take it slow - PT1-PT2
Summary: Jj always hits on you and then talks about you with John b when you were behind them…Then after a party things get hot between Jj and you and the others hear you….

Summary: you have a mission to get the camera from the junkyard where Jj’s dad used to work. But you and Jj have to stand guard and get into a fight

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


You’ve been living with JohnB for 3 days now and it’s actually really cool here in OuterBanks. It’s so nice of JB to let you stay here and the chateau is really great. The only thing that bugs you is the blond boy. You just can’t stand fuckboys like that. You have already had experiences with them and they were not very good. They are all the same. But he doesn’t like you very much either. Probably because you are a ‘kook’ and he can’t stand that. Anyway.

“Hey JohnB what’s the plan now?” you ask as you all sit in the chateau talking about the royal merchant’s gold.

“We’re going to get that underwater camera. Me and Pope are going to get it. Sarah and Ki you will distract the guard and Jj and Y/N you will keep watch and see if anyone comes” says JohnB.

“What the hell JohnB why with her?” asks Jj

“Come down Maybank” you say

“What’s the big deal?” asks Pope

“Well just the fact that I can’t stand her?” says Jj rolling his eyes.

You just look away, annoyed.

“oh yeah we know that Jj. but chill okay?” says JohnB.

“oh yeah that’s what you say. You don’t have to put up with their bullshit all the time!” says Jj.

“it’s not like it’s an honor to be with you” you say disgusted.

“miss perfect can you please shut the fuck up” says Jj

“Say that again” you say and stand up

“what? Huh? That you are a fucking bitch?” says Jj and stands up too

“Nice to say when you are a little bastard yourself” you say


“Sit down. What the hell is wrong with you two man” says JohnB

“It’s gonna be done just like he said, no arguments” says Kiara.

You absolutely can’t stand JJ. The way he acts, the way he talks…just everything.

So it’s evening and you’re at the junkyard to get the camera.

“So we’re going to split up now. Everybody knows what they have to do?” says JohnB

You all just nod.

Jj and you go to your positions. Jj takes out a joint and smokes it.

You roll your eyes.

“What?” he says

“Nothing” you say and look away

“Am I disturbing you?” he asks and comes closer

“Can you smoke your fucking weed somewhere else and not blow it right in my face thank you” you say

“Ugh you are exhausting” he says and walks a few steps away

Jj throws the joint on the ground and crushes it with his foot.

“Oh wow good for the environment” you say

“Girl shut up” he says

“If you weren’t smoking your cheap-ass weed in here, I would” you say.

“My cheap-ass weed?!” he says.

“Yeah, that’s it” you say annoyed.

“Oh sorry miss PERFECT . Then I will smoke my cheap stuff somewhere else soon. Who should I turn to for better weed? You?” he says and comes closer

“ugh Jj I don’t care go and die from it” you say even if you don’t mean it exactly.

“sorry i can’t afford expensive weed like you kooks” he says

“just shut the fuck up” you say

“what did you say princess?” he says

“SHUT UP JJ” you say.

“SORRY COULDN’T HEAR YOU. I think my ears are too bad for that” he says

“Oh my god just fuck you” you say.

While you were arguing a man walked right in to Pope and JohnB because you didn’t notice him because you were arguing so much.

JohnB and Pope come running towards you.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. COME ON!” yells Pope and you all run back to the chateau. Out of breath you arrive.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” says JohnB, looking at the two of you.

“What man” says Jj


“You had ONE job” adds Ki.

“She distracted me with her bullshit lines” says Jj.

“I distracted YOU. Oh yeah I’m the one who talked about me like I was from another galaxy right?” you say.

“STOP. Because of your bullshit fights JB and I almost got caught” says Pope.

“Yeah, sort your shit out” says Sarah and they all go into the chateau. You and Jj stand out there.


Now guys thank u sm for reading.

Here you can find Part2andPart3


Summary: you’re new to the obx and run into the blonde boy at a shop and he tries to flirt w/y. You two instantly don’t like e/o and then on top of that you’re staying at John b’s for a while bc your parents are out of town and you know John b from your past.

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Your name is Y/N. You are new in town. In the Outer Banks.

Your mother and father are separated because your father left when you were only 3 years old. You have two brothers and sisters. Your little brother, Chris, is 5 years old and your little sister, Lara, is 3.5 years old.

You live with your mother and stepfather, Dan. He is definitely not the best stepfather you could wish for. But oh well. You moved to the Outer Banks yesterday. And you have no idea how good this town is gonna be for you.

You’ve been clearing out your stuff all day and you want to unwind a little. You go downtown, to the newsstand, and get some cigarettes. You don’t really smoke because you’ve had bad experiences with drugs, but right now you need it badly, especially because your stepfather and your mother are fighting all day again.

“A pack of cigarettes, please,” you say to the man at the counter and give him the 8 dollars.

You walk out of the shop and in all the stress you run into a guy.

“Whoa a little fast on the road today?” the guy says and looks at you.

“If you weren’t standing in the way I wouldn’t have run into you man” you say annoyed and want to keep going

“You must be having a stressful day, huh? I know that… It’s always good to cool off with a cigarette” he says laughing. What a player, you think to yourself and go on.

“Wait, wait, can’t I even know your name?” he asks.

“Nope” you say and give him the middle finger as you walk away.

A stressful day, and then on top of that some weird guy comes and flirts with you. Great city.

But you can’t really get him out of your head, this boy. He has blond hair, was wearing a grey tank top and shorts. He smelled like grass, but that doesn’t bother you. Whatever. Just a typical wannabe fuck boy, you think to yourself.

Later in the day you want to look around a bit. You decide to go to the beach. It’s actually really nice here, you think to yourself. You walk along the beach and see quite a few people. It looks like a party or something. It looks fun, but it’s not really something you want to do right now. You are about to turn back and someone is coming towards you.

“Hey, we’ve met before, right?” someone says. It’s the blond boy. He looks a bit drunk and has a red cup in his hand. It’s probably beer.

You give him a questioning look and turn around again. But he is walking with you.

“The kiosk? Today at noon. Don’t you remember?” he asks.

“Oh yeah, sure. How could I forget the blond boy from the kiosk who talked to me so nicely?” you say ironically.

“Wowowow you were the one who was so rude to me” he says

“Yeah I was. Entitled” you say and stop.

“Oh my god okay then. Never seen you here before.” he says

“moved here yesterday. Moved so many times in my life that I don’t really care anymore.” you admit

“I can tell you’re gonna love the Outer Banks. I’m Jj. May I know your name now?” he asks.

“Yeah I don’t mind. I am Y/N. Nice to meet you Jj.” you say

Then there is a group of people walking towards you.

There are four people.

“Hey Jay. Who’s this here? New hookup?” A brunette girl asks while rolling his eyes.

“Ugh definitely not” you say, disgusted, because Jj already looked like he was a player and it looks like he actually is.

“Wait…. Y/N?” Asks a brown haired boy.

“JohnB? No way” you say.

“Wait… you know each other?” Asks a blonde girl while you hug JB.

“Yeah babe we always played together when we were children and our parents are friends.” Says JohnB

“This is my girlfriend, Sarah. This right here is Kiara aka Ki and the boy with the cap here is Pope.” Says JohnB

They all look very nice actually and they all greet you very nicely.

“So how do you two know each other?” asks JohnB.

“He tried to flirt with me at the kiosk today,” you say with a smile.

“Yeah, the way you’re going I shouldn’t have done that. But you liked it anyway” he says.

“you’re not as great as you think you are man” you say back and look at him.

The others laugh.

“Oh remember you’re a tough woman then. Might be the perfect match for you Jj, right?” says JohnB laughing.

“No way” you say and leave.

“Wait… if you’re leaving so early, do you want to go boating with us tomorrow? We’ll pick you up” JB says as he follows you.

“No… I would rather go to the beach” you say

“Then we’ll do that” JohnB says

“JohnB? I have a question and its totally fine if you say no but my mother is away for a few weeks and I really don’t want to live with my stepfather the next weeks… Can I live at yours just for like 3 weeks?” You ask

“Of course you can. But Jj kinda lives there too… Just so that you know” says Johnb

“Ugh great… No but really thank you so much!” You say, hug him and go home.


Hey guys, so thank you for reading… next parts are up on my channel so I’d be so happy for a share or a like :)
Also requests are always open!!

Little Sister

Based On: Outer Banks

Warnings: none

Characters: Reader x JJ Maybank, John B

w/c: 500ish

Summary:No pogue-on-pogue macking has always been a rule for the friend group. Fortunately, JJ and Y/N have never been ones to follow the rules.

“John B!” Y/N hollered from her bedroom as she shoved on her shoes, “I’m leaving now! Not sure when I’ll be back, but I’ll call if I need you to pick me up,” She threw her bag over her shoulder and made her way into the living room when her brother was sitting.

“Oh, so now I’m just your personal driver, Huh?” he joked, looking up from his spot on the couch, “I’m surprised you’re not asking me to drive you there,”

She rolled her eyes at her older brother’s empty taunts, “Alright, I’ll see you tonight,”

“Where you going?” JJ poked his head into the room from the kitchen.

“Meeting up with this guy I met the other night at the boneyard,” she said nonchalantly.

“You don’t even know him?” JJ stood up a little straighter at her words.

“Ugh, JJ don’t be weird,” she scoffed, “Anyways why do you care? Do you just want me to pretend that I don’t see the blonde tourist chicks you sneak off with at every party? Do you know them?” Y/N shot back.

“I’m just looking out for you-”

“Well thanks, JJ,” she gave him a small smile as she pushed open the front door and stepped outside, “But I can take care of myself,” she said over her shoulder.


John B had gone to bed a few hours ago, but JJ hadn’t moved from the position he’d taken on the couch after Y/N had left. His leg bounced anxiously as he ran his hands through his hair.

It was getting late and Y/N had yet to come back home. He wasn’t really worried for her- hell, he’d learned the hard way that she was more than capable of handling herself and could throw a nasty punch if needed. Instead, he couldn’t stop his mind from racing with thoughts of what she could be doing with this guy.

He clenched his jaw tighter at the thought. His hands on her- his lips on hers. He didn’t know the kid, but he was already convinced that he was nowhere near good enough for Y/N.

He all but jumped from his seat when the front door clicked and was shoved open, revealing Y/N.

“God- JJ!” She jumped slightly at the sight of him, “The hell are you doing up?”

He shrugged her off, “Just wanted to make sure you got home alright… so how’d the date go?”

She eyed him suspiciously for a second, not really sure what to make of his explanation. She tossed her bag to the floor and plopped down next to JJ on the couch, “Terrible,” you said frankly, “The whole night he just talked about himself- I swear if I hear one more word about a lake house in Washington or how the stock market is the best way to invest and get cash I might actually vomit,”

JJ laughed, not missing the way that deep down he felt some sense of relief at the fact that you hadn’t enjoyed this guy’s company, “Well, did he at least pay for your food?”

She groaned and tossed her head back, “No! The guy talked all night about how much money he made through his “amazing” investments then didn’t pay- he wasn’t even going to leave a tip! I had to use the rest of my cash!”

“That’s tough,” wrapped his arm around Y/N, offering her his beer with his other hand, which she gladly accepted, “Why are you even looking for a guy right now? It’s summer, and you’ve got me,” he joked, though deep down he wasn’t really kidding.

“Oh, yeah?” You scoffed, raising a brow at the boy, “You sure you’ve got time for me with all though tourists practically throwing themselves at you?”

JJ’s heartbeat sped up as she played along, “I think I’ve had about just as much luck with tourists as you did with your date tonight,” he said with half a smile. “God, it would just be so much easier if we could date,” his tone made his words come off as a joke, but the way he was intently watching her and waiting for any reaction showed that to him it was much more than that.

She laughed softly, raising her brows as she pondered it for a second, “I mean you aren’t wrong,”

JJ’s heart nearly stopped at her words.

“But John B would literally kill us-and so would Kie,”

“Yeah, probably,” JJ agreed, “But, I mean, they aren’t here… They don’t have to know,”

She looked up at him, feeling butterflies in her stomach at his suggestion. It would definitely be a lie if she said she hadn’t thought of doing anything with JJ before, but she’d always told her that he was off-limits.

“This is gonna piss off John B so much,” she held back a laugh as she leaned forward to kiss the blonde in front of her, “But I am his little sister- it’s basically my job to make him mad,”

Smooth Move

Based On: Outer Banks (no spoilers for s2)

Characters: JJ Maybank x Reader

Warnings: nope

WordCount: 440

Summary:JJ comes over to stay the night with Y/N after a rough night at home.

Your eyes snapped open with the sound of rapping on your bedroom window, panic surging through you. But you felt a wave of relief as you saw the messy blonde hair through the glass, knowing it was just JJ.

“God JJ,” you sighed as you crawled out of bed and unlatched the window so he could climb in, “Would it kill you to send me a heads-up text? One of these times on gonna have a heart attack,”

“I would, but that’s not nearly as fun as scaring you half to death,” he said with a grin, “Plus it’s literally only 11, I didn’t think you’d be in bed already- since when did you turn into an old lady?”

You rolled your eyes and jumped back into bed, making space for JJ to crawl in next to you, “I know it’s shocking, but some people actually value a good night sleep,”

“Yeah- old people do,” JJ deadpanned, plopping himself down next to you, “Why didn’t you go out with me and John B tonight? It was fun,”

You shrugged, “Just not feeling it I guess, plus Kie wasn’t going and she always makes it more fun,”

He punched you playfully in the shoulder, “Dang, so me and John B aren’t good enough for you?”

You laughed him off, reaching for your TV remote, “Wanna watch a movie?”

“Duh- but none of that sappy romantic crap that you and Kie always watch,”

You shook your head slightly, “Come on J it’s just me, you can admit it. I know you love them,”

He hesitated for a moment, before finally admitting the truth, “Okay fine. They aren’t all the bad- but if you ever tell John B or Pope I will kill you,”

“Ha! I knew it,” you smirked, “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me,” You skimmed through the movies before landing on A Quiet Place. “Scary movie?”

JJ nodded, scooting closer to you, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe,” You rolled your eyes at the boy and pressed play.

A few minutes through the movie, JJ “yawned” raising his arms above his head.

You glanced over at him, jokingly glaring because you knew exactly what he was doing. “Do you really think I’m dumb enough to fall for that?” You asked as his arm wrapped around your shoulder and he pulled you a little closer.

JJ raised his eyebrows, “Well, you’re not exactly telling me to get the hell off, so…”

You shook your head and rolled your eyes once again at the stupid blonde sitting next to you, but you couldn’t deny the butterflies in your stomach as you rested your head on his shoulder.


Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader

Warnings: Drug Use, Alcoholism, Langauge, Terrible Coping Mechansims, Death, Angst

Word Count: 500

Summary:Everyone copes in different ways, some are healthier than others. Unfortunately, JJ isn’t the best with dealing with the loss of a best friend.

A/N:not sure if im ready to start writing as much as i used to yet, but i was inspired and wrote this tonight, so enjoy.

i didnt proofread (sorry) so all mistakes are mine

You took a shaky breath, standing in front of the chateau. You’d been there hundreds of times, shared so many memories with your best friends, and come to love the house and the people inside as your own, but things were different now.

You shook your head at yourself, deciding it was better not to think about it and let yourself inside.

“JJ,” your voice called as you peered around the front room. You sighed, your mind trailing off to the many laughs you and your friends had experience under this roof, “J?” You repeated, stopping in front of the guest room JJ usually stayed in.

You softly tapped on the door, but received no reply. “JJ?” You let yoursef in to see the mess that JJ was living in.

Discarded beer bottles littered the room and the strong smell of weed seemed to be seeping from the walls. Blankets and dirty clothes were strewn across the room, and some of the pictures that had previously lined the walls had been ripped down by an angry force. But what really caught your eye were the small orange bottles lined up on the nightstand.

“Y/N?” JJ muttered, clearly out of it as he lifted his head up so he could get a better look at your figure in the doorway.

“The hell is that?” You snapped, startling him at your change of attitude as you walked over and snatched on of the bottles from the table, only to discover it was empty.

“God- Y/N, screw off!” JJ groaned, rolling his eyes as he rolled over so his back was facing you.

“You’re joking right JJ?” You glared daggers into his back as you spoke, “After everything, you do this?” You shook your head, eyes filling with tears, “JJ, you know what this shit can do! You’ve seen how it hurts people! How… how could you?” You seethed at the boy who was now sitting up slightly and looking at you with an emotionless expression. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you thought of what your dad had put you through with his addiction. JJ had seen firsthand how it broke you, and he had been there to pick up the pieces and put you back together. How could he do this knowing how much hurt it had caused you?

You gathered the rest of the bottles in your hands and stormed out of the room toward the bathroom.

“Y/N! Hey! Stop- What are you doing?”

You ignored JJ’s yells as you slammed all the bottles except one onto the sink. You held the one in your hand with and iron grip, anger and hurt coursing through your veins and you untwisted the cap and dumped the contents into the toilet.

“HEY!” JJ snapped from the bathroom’s doorway, “What the hell, Y/N?”

You grabbed another bottle, but this time JJ grabbed hold on your wrist, forcing you to face him, “Cut it out,” his voice was low and his eyes were wild as he eyed the pills in your hand.

“JJ, I can’t let you do this to yourself… JJ, you know what happened to my dad, I can’t let-”

“It’s not your job to take care of me, I can do that myself,” JJ spat, “And anyways, I’m fine-”

“You’re fine?” You mocked, “You’re popping pills and drinking instead of actually coping! Kie and I haven’t seen or heard from you in weeks-”

“Don’t come in here and act like you’ve got you’re shit together!” JJ cut you off, “You’re really gonna lecture me after you just dropped off the face of the Earth the second we heard about John B- did you ever think about us… about me? How maybe I needed you-”

“Oh,” you scoffed, “So you’re saying this is my fault? I needed a break and you fell apart because I wasn’t here to hold you together?” You laughed dryly, “We were all falling apart JJ- not just you. And last time I checked, none of us decided to give up and become alcoholics or drug addicts-”

“Screw you Y/N!” JJ screamed, your words clearly leaving a mark.

You wiped your tears and took a breath, “I love you JJ, I really do, and I want to help you, but this…” You shook your head, defeated, “I can’t help you when you refuse to help yourself,”

JJ opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t give him the chance to speak.

You threw the orange bottle at his chest, “Keep you’re stupid pills. But when things get bad- and trust me, they will get bad, I can’t promise I’ll be here for you,” you turned back on him and left before more tears began to fall, feeling like you were about to loose another best friend.

Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel

I am pleased to announce that the Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel will be called…

“How Rich is a Treasure We Posses”

JJ and Y/N are coping with the loss of two of their best friends- John B and Sarah. Y/N claims that she’s done looking for the gold, that the pain it’s caused could never be worth the amount of money. JJ, forever reckless and motivated, wants to keep looking.

As they start their new school year, they are met with a series of challenges: Rafe Cameron is running around OBX, a murderer and a free man, Pope and Kie have some weird fling going on and JJ and Y/N try to love through their loss.

Will they stay strong? Will they crumble under pressure? What else will they discover along the way?

No matter what, they will learn how rich the treasure is they already posses: each other.


catch up on series 1 now



(moodboard by @tcmhollnd​)

A foot in both worlds, that was the only way to describe Y/N. But attending the Kook Academy and being invited to benefits at the Golf Club wasn’t that appealing to a Pogue.

Y/N would much prefer to spend her days sun bathing with Kie, debating around the bonfire with Pope, driving the HMS Pogue through the Marsh with John B and doing just about anything with JJ.

But love is hard at the best of times, especially in the midst of a treasure hunt.

(Completed 12 June 2020)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4 

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18 

Check it out, shoot me a message to join the tag list and please send me any feedback you have! always appreciate the support xx 

Now that season two is on its way… continue this series

i love jj with my whole heart but stop painting him as an angel who has done nothing wrong in his life when he’s one of the most violent people in the show. i get where the anger and the need to let it all out comes from but the kid needs to see a psychologist asap.
