#obx jj


cereal (jj maybank)

Requested by: No one, I just got inspired by a snippet I saw and came up with this
Pairing:JJ Maybank x reader




“Do you have a roommate?” you ask, trying to recall whether or not there was someone occupying the extra room in the apartment.

“What? No, I live alone. I told you that last time you were here, before we…you know,” he trailed off for a second, a deep tension building in his voice at the memory of what happened last time you came over. “Why?”

“You have no less than sixteen different boxes of cereal in your cabinet,” you point out, opening the cabinet door that you’d anticipated finding a glass in. “Seriously, I think you have more boxes of cereal in your cabinet than outfits in your closet.”

“Yeah, I like cereal. A lot,” he explains nonchalantly, opening a different cabinet and handing you a glass.

“I guess so,” you smile, filling the glass with water while silently observing his cereal choices. The majority of them were childhood classics like Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch and Fruity Pebbles, but there were a few healthier options like Honey Bunches of Oats and Frosted Shredded Wheats. Looking at the collection, you can’t help but wonder which ones are his favorite. You take a swig from the glass in your hand before placing it down on the counter, shooting him a content glance. You’d slept over the last time you came over too, but didn’t stick around long enough in the morning to get a real peak into his life. The cereal obsession he’s seemingly proud of makes you appreciate his gentle simplicity.

“Speaking of, I’m a shit cook, so if you’re hungry just pick whichever one you want, oh-uh except for the limited edition Cap'n Crunch-that’s uh, that’s mine,” he informs you, a serious but bashful look adorning his face. “I’ll kick your ass if you steal my Cap'n Crunch, that shit doesn’t stay in season for long. Anyway, the milk’s in the fridge behind the orange juice, you’re free to drink that too, if you want.” You blink at him with an amused glint in your eye, simply nodding in response, before pulling the Cinnamon-Toast-Crunch out of the cabinet.


Taglist: @thelocalpogue @maaybanks @drewstarkey @ssjiara @bluebirdsbluebells @maebanks@poguemackin @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @marvel-writer@astrydis @hijohnd @pogueslandia @livinfullpogue @ifonlyyoucouldseeme @kookkyra@milkiane@scenesofobx

Yo guys if you want da best experience of reading this then listen to this  SONG BELOW! Thank you xx have fun :)

( lights down low (slowed) - by slow babe (yt))

Summary: After a party things get freaky between you and Jj and the next morning the others tell you they heard you.

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


“When are you going to make the move?” asks kiara as she sits on your bed.

“I don’t know what you mean” you reply cluelessly. Of course you know what she means, but you don’t like to talk about it.

“you and jj? Since we were at the motel, he doesn’t stop talking about you. Come on, he’s always hitting on you” says Kie with a smile.

“even if he does kie, i’m not making the first move. If he wants me he should show it” you smile wickedly. 

“Right right… Forgot you were a fucking bad bitch” Kie says laughing.

“I’ll take that as a compliment” you wink.

You actually wouldn’t be uninterested in Jj, but you’re the kind of girl who needs the boy to approach her. 

It’s not like you don’t like to make the first move, why not, you have nothing to lose. But you want to know if Jj has the guts.


It is evening and you are at a party at the Camerons. Jj and you don’t let each other out of your sight. Especially when alcohol is involved, it gets even more interesting for the two of you. 

You dance to the music in the living room. You’re wearing a slightly shorter tight dress and moving damn well to the music. 

You suddenly feel hands sliding over your hips.

“Hey baby girl” he says with a rough, deep voice.

“Hey Jj” you say without turning around. JJ slides his hands over your body and comes closer to your neck with his head. You feel his warm breath on your skin.

“Turn around” he whispers in your ear and you turn around. To provoke him, you put your arms over his shoulders. His hands are still on your hips as you dance together. You lean your head closer to JJ. Closer and closer to his lips. Just as he’s about to kiss you, you lean back again with a smile, and walk away.

“What was that dude?” says John B with a confused look and raised eyebrows. 

“I don’t know man this girl is driving me crazy” says jj and bites his lip.

After a while, y'all go home to the chateau, separated and staggered from each other. You all sleep there tonight. JJ insisted on accompanying you when you wanted to leave. On the way home there is a strange, tense silence.

When you arrive, JJ stands at the door of his room and makes a move with his head that you should come here. You go into his room and he slams the door. You get goose bumps. Jj looks you in the eyes while he takes off his shirt. His muscles and this sight makes you weak. 

“Make me,” you say. Jj looks to the side with a smile. Then he makes a movement with his hand so that you come to him. He takes off your dress and you stand in front of him in only your red underwear. He looks up and down your body as you are suddenly crashed against the door. Jjs hand goes higher and higher to your neck with some pressure. Jj comes closer to your ear as he goes down your body with his hand.

“I’m going to make you scream tonight” he says and then crashes his lips on yours. He takes off your underwear while you open his pants. He pulls down his pants.

Jj pushes you onto the bed right after and as wet as you are he pushes right into you. You cry out for a moment. 

He gets faster and faster while he slides his hand over your body.

“JJ” you moan 

“yeah, who makes your legs shake baby girl” moans JJ.

“you JJ, fuck” you groan.

You both fuck the whole night and notice nothing around you. The others are already home. And obviously the walls of the chateau are not the thickest…..


“Hey guys” you say the next morning as you go out to the others sitting on the porch.

“hey girl” says Kie as she gives you a weird look.

“What you got there?….right there on the neck” says Kie and the others look at you too.

“Oh…um yeah mosquito bite” you say. 

“Sure” says Pope laughing.

“And here comes the mosquito” you say smiling as Jj comes out as well.

“Well” says John b and the others respond the same.

“Why are you people looking at me like that? It’s because I look so good right” says Jj as he sits down on a chair.

“Nevermind” says Kie.

“So you two, how was last night?” asks John b curiously, looking over at Pope, Sarah and Kie.

“what are you talking about?” you ask with a questioning look.

“Wait wait wait… it went a little like this” says Pope and starts singing and making fake gestures and mimics with his face 

“Take it slow" 

"Put it down on me” Sarah adds 

“I said jump on it” says Kie

“Ride like a pony” says John b with a fake moan.

 They all just laugh.

„Oh JJ" groans John b laughing.

Jj bows, as if they were applauding.

„Okay but dude, like you guys should be proud of me, shouldn’t you?“ says Jj smiling at you 

"we could not not hear you guys you were so loud” John b laughs and the others admit.

“Yeah she was” says Jj quietly, in thoughts, kinda looking at you.

“What?” asks Pope

“What? Oh uh nothing” replies Jj

Jj sits down next to you and looks over to you.

“I knew you’d like that di-” says Jj but you interrupt him 

“Just shut up” you say as Jj gives you a smirk.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: you’re on the way to the motel… Jj talks about hitting on you without him noticing that you’re behind

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


You are sitting on the HMS Pogue and are on the way to the motel from which you have the key.

It is a wrecked, run down motel. Everything is devastated by the storm.

(Jj whistles) “I thought the chateau looked bad.”

“This place is a shitshow” john b comments.

“Motel or meth lab?” Ki asks curiously

“Definitely meth lab” you say

“You be the judge” adds john b

“Doesn’t look like a place anyone with a Grady-White stays” says John b

“No, looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would be killed” says Pope

“Alright here we go. (This is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue comin in for landing)” says Jj pretending to talk into a radio.

Jj hops off the boat and gives a “Whoo!”. He begins to tie up the boat.

“We good?” asks John b

“Yeah, we good” replies Jj.

“Alright. Here goes nothing” says John b as he gets off the boat.

“Hey… don’t let him do anything stupid” says Pope pointing at Jj.

“Oh we will” says Jj and you give him a look

“Of course you will” you say and Jj smirks at you.

“I don’t make promises” says John b

“Oh man… Hey Y/N can’t you go with them?” says Kie

“Yeah, you can watch me” says Jj and winks at you with a smile

“they’ll be fine” you say and sit down.

“Be careful” Kiara says to John b and gives her the key.

“I mean it”

“Yeah” John b laughs and the two of them leave.

The two boys go up to the room.

“just be so careful john b” says jj as he touches john b in the face.

“God you’re so weird” John b pushes Jj away.

Meanwhile Pope convinces you to go up.

“Come on Y/N he only listens to you when it comes to him doing shit” says pope desperately.

“Okay okay…chill, I’m going” you say and head up the stairs.

You walk behind the two who don’t even notice you.

“What the hell was that about?” asks jjohn b

“I don’t know maybe she wants us to be careful” John b looks at Jj.

“Since she heard you’re being threatened with exile, she’s just been, like, "Oh be so careful John b” Jj massages John b’s shoulders.

“Get off” John b says annoyed.

“Oh, just give me that John D already” JJ moans and you have to hold back a giggle.

“When are you gonna swoop on that, man?”

“Bro you know the rule, no pogue on pogue macking”.

“Besides you’re the one always hitting on both of the girls” says John b

“Woah woah, I’m not hitting on both girls, if I am then Y/N. And of course I’m hitting on Y/N. She’s a super hot, rich chick slumming with us…. Why? I can’t figure it out either, but who cares bro?” says John b

“Yeah but you haven’t tried it out yourself have you?” says John b

“No dude I’m not going to ruin everything with her. But with Kiara you can’t mess anything up man…. she obviously likes you” says Jj

“You need help. Not a little help, but a lot of help” says John b

“It’s like, any girl that has a heartbeat, you’re like "uuuuh” as in Y/N" John b fakes a moan

“What, it’s not a big deal. And you can’t blame me bro, just look at her” says John b

“Is that us? 29?” says john b

“Interesting conversation you guys are having ” you say and stand next to them.

“Wait… what are you doing here?” asks John b, confused.

“Pope insisted that I keep an eye on Jj” you say.

“okay but since when…since when are you behind us?” asks Jj looking over at John b

“A while” you giggle

“That is… have you been listening to us?” asks Jj and you nod.

“Okay guys no time for that…. this is it” john b says pointing to the door.

Jj walks closer to the door and knocks on it a few times “Housekeeping” he says in a high pitched voice. He opens the door and you go in.

“Here’s a jacket… no name on the jacket” says Jj.

“It’s a nice jacket though”

“Jj we don’t steal anything” you say and give him a look

“Well…” says Jj

“Definitely over 50 he has New Balances” John b looks around.

Jj walks over to the bathroom with his flashlight.

“Coffee?” asks John b

“Yeah…standard…tissues for when you get lonely” says Jj

“Who leaves a hotel room like this?” you say as you follow Jj.

“Ooooh… here’s a great dopp kit you won’t let me steal” says Jj and you take it from his hand.

“Exactly Jay” you say and stand in front of him. He looks at you with a smile and puts something in his pocket.

“JJ” you say

“Shh” JJ holds his finger in front of your mouth and looks you in the eyes.

In the meantime John B opens the save with a number on a piece of paper.

“You’re gonna want to see this” he says and we get closer. John B holds up a bundle of bills.

“Dude dude dude” says jj as he pulls out a gun.

“Put the gun back Jj” says John b.

“this is a fucking spendy gatt man. Just… Bam! Bam!” Jj pretends to shoot.

“Jj we don’t steal anything” John b holds Jj by his top.

“Just take a pic of me. Right here” says Jj to John b

“You want me to take a pic of you? You wanna make our own incriminating evidence? Is that what you’re talking about?” says John b and you laugh while Jj looks confused.

“Jj you are such a fool” you say and roll your eyes.

Then you hear a noise and John b rushes to the window.

“Cops” he says and you all go out the window as fast as you can. John b goes to the right of the window and presses himself against the wall. While Jj follows you to the left. You stand with your back to the wall and Jj in front of you. Your bodies are pressed together.

“Jj remember I was supposed to have an eye-” you say but Jj holds his hand in front of your mouth and looks at you.

Jj looks at the window as he drops the gun. You all squint your eyes and the gun crashes to the floor with a loud noise.

“You’re unbelievable” you say and Jj smirks slightly.

After a few minutes you jump down and get on the boat.

“well that was fun” Jj laughs

“Could have warned us a little sooner”

“We could have, except Pope was on the math team” says Kie.

“You were on the math team?” asks Jj laughing.

“At least he has a brain and the ability to think unlike you” you say looking at Jj.

“Have you been keeping an eye on him? Did you at least find something?” pope asks you

“Well…” you say

“did we find anything? No, I don’t think so. Oh yeah, we did” Jj holds up the money and the gun

“Dude what? Why would you take that from a crime scene?” Jj stands up in a huff

“Better than the cops having it” says Jj.

“You’re such a dick” you say and look away. Jj sits down next to you.

“Yeah but you like that dick don’t you?” he smirks.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Short summary: you are at a party on the beach and topper and rafe talk shit about you. Jj is a little too protective of you though. He pulls out a gun and stuff…You two have a big fight and when you go to apologize Jj is sitting in a jacuzzi….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

You and Jj are happier than ever. He is the best you could ever have imagined. But for the last few days he’s been very strange. You know about his bail he has to pay because he sacrificed himself for Pobe of the police. But he is so reserved with you and so cold. You don’t know what to do. 

That night you had a party on the beach. A lot of people were there. Topper comes to you.

“Hey you sweet princess, can I get you a nice drink?” he asks laughing. 

“Topper watch your mouth!” says Jj as he comes towards you

“Or what? Will the little princess be defended again?” says Rafe as he looks at Topper and laughs, pretending to be a crying baby with his hands.

Jj runs to him and slaps him in the face and he does not stop 

“I SAID WATCH YOUR MOUTH! ” Jj yells and punches the shit out of Rafe.

“JJ STOP” you say worried.

“GO Away” he yells.

You step in and try to get Jj out as you get a punch from Rafe.

“FUCK, Rafe I swear you wish you were dead right now” says Jj as he hits harder and harder. 

“Your girlfriend looks really hot for a Pogue JJ” says Rafe out of breath as he takes your hand and pulls you towards him.

Jj takes a gun out of his trousers and points it at Rafe. 

“I swear to you, don’t touch her! say one more word…” says Jj 

“Omg JJ” cries Kiara.

“Put the fucking gun down” says Pobe 

Jj does not listen to any of this and continues. He shoots in the air.

“WHAT TO FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” you shout to Jj when you can no longer hold on. 

The gun falls out of his hand and he looks over at you while he is still sitting on Rafe. 

“What the hell is wrong with you” you say again

He now gets up and walks towards you. 

“what did you say?” he says with a look you have never seen on him before.

“you could have killed someone, you don’t realize that. ‘damn it!’ you say aloud

"I was just trying to protect you. What the fuck are you trying to tell me?!” he says angrily.

“JJ, why are you like this? What’s going on with you?’ you say. 

He comes closer with an aggressive look. 

"NO go away from me!” you scream loudly. You were scared.

“Wow. So you don’t want me to touch you anymore. OK PRINCESS I’ll walk away from you, but don’t come crying to me later… you stupid bitch” he says pissed 

“JUST FUCK YOU JJ” you scream in tears and run away. 

“FUCK” yells JJ and kicks his foot in the sand.


You haven’t seen each other since that day. It’s been a week and a half…


At JohnBs


“JJ come out you must eat” shouts JohnB through his cabin.

“Leave me the fuck alone JohnB” he says angrily

JohnB pulls him out and they sit down on the porch.

“JJ why don’t you go and see her? It’s been a long time since you’ve seen each other. Why do you wait so long, go to her. I can see how it hurts you” says JohnB

“I can’t… Shit I have to pay for restitution, I have to deal with my dad, I have to go to my girlfriend and make everything alright … "I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE. Fuck it, I mean nothing fucking matters any more,” says Jj and goes home.


At Kiaras


“I think I’ll go and see him now. It has been so long and he is not coming. Damn it. I must go to him." 

It’s already dark and you’re going to his place. 

When you get there, you see a hot tub? Yeah, a hot tub. And JJ’s in it. 

"What the fuck? JJ, did you buy that?” you say angrily

“heyyyyyy you..yes I did” he says laughing.

He’s sitting there with a bottle of champagne in his hand in his sunglasses. He has his golden chain on which you find so attractive. He is obviously drunk. 

“How much did that cost?” you say

“Um… well with the generator, the petrol and oh express delivery… pretty much all of it.” he says 

“ALL OF IT? You spend all the money in one day?" 

"yeah burned a whole right through my pocket….but I mean like, come on, like, look at this” he says smiling.

  “so what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’… (he starts to sound whiny)… I mean like… you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the cats ass. Come on….That’s what I named her” says JJ

“Oh I almost forgot”

He is turning on a glowing disco ball that is hanging from a tree.

“Yeah that’s right. I know…Disco mode…That’s right baby.” he says with a desperate smile. 

“Are you kidding me? You could’ve paid for restitution. You could have done anything to help people or to help YOU. "Anything would have been better”, you say angrily.

Jj looks away with his hand going over his face.

“Okay well you know what? I didn’t do that!” he yells.

Meanwhile he stands up and you see an unbelievable amount of bruises and injuries on his upper body. 

“I got a hot tub. For my friends. You know what, screw friends. I got a hot tub for you, my family.” he says and he starts to cry a little while talking. 

“What the hell” you say

“I got this for you! Look what I did for you babe. All right? Look at this! 

"JJ” you say with a worried look and tears in your eyes. 

“no just stop being emotional. It’s fine okay.” he says crying

“I mean it’s sweet-right? Everything. Just get in” he sobs as you come and hug him 

“I just couldn’t do it.. I CANT TAKE HIM ANYMORE” he says and cries out loud.

“I was gonna kill him” he says as he collapses and bursts into tears.

“I just wanted to do the right thing you know”

“I know baby…I know” you say also sobbing while holding him in your arms.

“Baby” says Jj

“Yeah, baby?” you say.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I called you that and I got so mad, I just… I wanted to protect you. I couldn’t stand to lose you,and I couldn’t live with myself. You’re the only person who can give me a hold. I couldn’t hold myself back because I can’t stand anyone hurting you or talking to you like that,” says Jj still tearfully.

“Baby, it’s all right. I’m sorry too I shouldn’t have overreacted like that. Jj I am always here for you. I will always stand behind you, you know that. You won’t lose me. I was only worried about you because you had a gun and I was scared,” you say desperately. 

“scared of me.” Jj answers with tears in his eyes.

“No… I-I… you came at me so aggressively, I…" 

"Oh my god…baby you thought I was gonna hit you. Hurt you? YOU?…..I’m becoming my dad. I am my dad. I can’t take this any more. I can’t take it. You’re too good for me,” he says sobbing and walks away from you.

“No,baby,wait… wait” you call after him" 

“How could you think I would hurt you? How can I be such a bad person that I make you feel like I’m going to hurt you? Baby… I… I can’t do this. I would never do anything to hurt you. You’re my life,my world,my angel. "Babe, I’m such a piece of shit…” he says. 

“No Jj stop. Stop it. You are not a piece of shit. I love you baby i was scared for you. I always will be. And I couldn’t stop myself. Only you got so aggressive, I was just scared,” you say. 

“Babe I don’t know how to apologize. I’m so sorry,I just… just…”

“Say it” you say and look at him 

“I hate him. He is to blame for everything. He turns me into this person who calls you a fucking bitch. I mean, how?” he says. 

“Baby I know. I know. But you have me. I’m all yours and that’s not gonna change." 

"You’re only mine, right?!” he says worriedly

“Forever” you promise him.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.


Here you can find PART1andPART2 

Summary: at a party, Kie blurts out that you start liking Jj. After Jj and you ignoring e/o, the Pogues decide to leave you alone on the boat to sort things out….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

Today is a party at Sarah’s. Well, what does party mean. Her parents are at the Bahamas and the six of you want to hang out. 

When you arrive, you sit outside on the veranda. Jj gets you a couple of beers and you have fun.

“I think we need to toughen up a bit” Sarah says as she stands up and grabs some tequila from the shelf. All you can hear is cheering. Tequila is your weakness. You love it but you shouldn’t drink too much of it.

“I’m so in today,” says Ki and drinks from the bottle.

“Woah easy Ki” says Pobe and takes the bottle from her hand. 

After a few shots and a lot of beer you are all pretty drunk. But not as drunk as Ki. You could say she really got into it.

Kiara stands in front of you all the time and dances wildly. It’s funny. And sometimes you join in. 

“Hey you guys… you’re… cute” she says dancing and looking at you and Jj. You just sit next to each other. Nothing special.

“Thank you” says Jj and looks at you.

“Guys guys I’ve never seen her SO drunk.” Says JohnB and laughs

“You know what’s funny. No…. not funny but I think it’s so cute because Y/N is soooo into JJ.” Says Ki still dancing

“Ou…” you hear Pobe and JB say from the side. 

You can’t believe what she just said. Everyone is quiet. Your heart beats faster and you blush. You see JJ’s shocked face from the side. 

“No… what? That… is not true” you say.

“Yes it is… you just don’t want to admit it… but you always come up to me and you’re like "omg Ki Jj looks so hot” or “I miss Jj”. I swear she would want to have sex with you" Ki says drunkenly as she realises that was too much.

“Oh really?… man I didn’t know that…” says jj laughing and looking at you.

“Ugh fuck that” you say, getting up and walking away. 

Jj follows you.

“Wait wait wait… where are you going Y/N?” asks Jj and you stop.

“Home.” You reply. 

“So…” says Jj but you interrupt him.

“This is not something I want to talk about right now, I’m pissed as hell at Kiara and I want to go home Jj!” You say annoyed and keep walking 

“Okay. Good. But I’m definitely not letting you go alone. I’ll go with you” says Jj and takes you home.


Today is a party on the beach. 

Ki apologized multiple times now but you didn’t answer.

You have not continued to talk to Jj about what Ki said. 

You just got into a conversation with a boy. 

“Hey, can I get you anything?” says a boy, daniel, with whom you have often talked, leaning against a tree. 

“No, but thanks” you say 

“So why is a pretty girl like you here all alone?” he asks and smiles 

“Oh, I was just gonna get a drink”

“I’ll fix you something” he says and winks at you 

“Oh thank you” you answer smiling  

Jj looks at you. You see how jealousy goes up in him when he sees you with the guy. 

“Jj are you okay?” says JohnB

“I’m fine” Jj says without taking his eyes off you. 

“What are you looking at? Did something happen between you two?” asks Pope 

“no, why should it” says Jj and looks over to the others 

“you’ve been staring at them all evening” says Ki

“It just makes me sick,” says Jj 

“I can’t understand why she even talks to him,” he explains. 

“I mean, nobody can. She hated him back then” admits JohnB. 

“She still does,” says Jj angrily 

“Doesn’t look like it,” Pope notes 

Jj looks over to you. You hug the guy and you laugh together. 

“Hey guys” you say smiling 

“So you and that guy there,” Jj says without even looking at you. 

“He has a name Jj. It’s daniel” you say annoyed 

“Oh sorry miss. So you two? You and DANIEL?” Jj replies

“Yeah, we like to hang out together. We’re not together or anything,” you say 

“fucking bullshit” says Jj and looks at you

“What do you have now. That’s none of your business”

“You obviously like him.” Jj says angrily 

“It’s so wrong” says Jj and kicks his foot in the sand

“why wrong?” you say 

“Oh my God, we’re certainly not going to talk about that now” says Jj annoyed 

“what the hell is wrong with you” you say out loud

“Nothing.. just maybe I thought that I’d mean something to you. But turns out, I don’t” says Jj 

“I’m gonna go guys, I’ll see you later but I really don’t need to do that to myself” you say and go back to the guy who was obviously waiting for you


So the others notice that you both like each other. But neither of you has managed to start a conversation. No one wants to make the first move. Even though Jj wanted to fight for you, and did, he doesn’t see the point of chasing after you after all this. And you don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to explain to him that you kind of like him too. 

“Guys, we have to do something,” Johnb says to Pobe, Sarah and Ki.

“What are you talking about, you idiot?” asks Sarah with a laugh.

“I mean about Jj and Y/N…. it’s so obvious that they like each other and we know that. But they both don’t have the balls to do anything,” JohnB says.

“Yeah right… what do you have in mind?” asks Pobe curiously.

“Maybe we go for a ride on HMS Pogue and say we have a problem on the boat. Jj’s dad’s boat. It’s still in the water here at the chateau” says Ki

“Yeah… yeah and then have them help us and then we jump off the boat and drive away. We’ll leave them there to talk,” says Sarah.

“You girls are really great at making plans” says JohnB laughing.

“Good idea though,” adds Pobe.

And so they did. They planned everything and told you they needed help. They pick you up and drive you to the boat.

You get on it.

“What’s the problem?” says Jj

“Well, somehow the Phantom won’t start” says Sarah.

„The Phantom? Nah this baby works all the time. It’s like this girl is brand new guys" says Jj as he starts looking at the engine. You join in. Meanwhile Sarah and Johnb jump off the boat and drive away with the others on the HMS pogue.

“Guys she works. Everything normal here” says Jj as you two notice them driving away 

“HEY WHAT THE HELL” you scream and run forward.


You want to jump into the water but Jj stops you.

“Y/N it’s no use… they’re already gone” he says.

“ugh” you say and sit down. You sit there with just your bikini top and shorts. And Jj sits a little further away, topless and in his shorts.

At first you don’t talk. Jj is kind of pissed and you are pissed because he is pissed. 

After a while it gets dark and you get some lights from the boat and put them on the deck. 

Jj rolls a joint and smokes it.

“Ugh Jj, you can go away with that. I don’t want the smell” you say annoyed.

“Sorry… I’ll put it away” he says and throws the joint into the water.

“You don’t have to throw it away” you reply.

“Yes… it bothered you” he says.

Kind of sweet. Jj always cared about how you were and made sure you were okay. Even now.

By now it’s dark and you’re laying on cover under the open sky on the boat. You look at the stars.

“Hey Y/N” says Jj

“Yes” you say

“What was that yesterday?” he says as he turns to face you. 

“You mean you got mad at me for talking to a kook?” you reply, still not looking at him.

“yes Y/N I am or was pissed as shit. Kooks are all the same. And fuck he just wants to fuck you. That’s just how they are” he says

“Oh wow Y/N don’t be prejudiced. Why are you reacting like this?” you ask and turn to face Jj.

“What the fuck Y/N? I thought you liked me? I thought it was worth fighting for you and that I had managed to get you when Ki blurted out the stuff,” Jj says, slightly angry.

“I… I know.”

“I’m sorry but I just wanted to distract myself a bit after that” you say.

“Distract? From what, me?” asks Jj slightly hurt.

“Yeah… yeah, kinda” you say.

“What was that Ki said yesterday? Do you really like me? Or do you still think I’m a player?” asks Jj.

“no… I mean yeah… so Ki was right Jay. I do like you. You fought so hard for me and you took it all so seriously I never expected that. You made me change my mind. I believe you. And I like you. I believe you Jj” you say 

You see the relief in Jj’s eyes. He looks so happy.

“So you want to go through this with me? Do we want to get serious?” asks Jj

“Yes… yes I will go through with it with you” you say smiling.

“That is… no wait” says Jj and stands up. He kneels down in front of you.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks with a smile.

“Of course Jj. Yes” you say laughing and he hugs you.

“I wanted to ask you that for so long” he smiles

“Y/N I promise to always be by your side” says Jj.

“Thank you Jay” you say

He comes closer and gives you a loving kiss

“It feels so good to know that you are mine now” Jj says with a smile and looks you in the eyes.


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
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Summary: You realise that Jj is taking this more serious than you thought he would. He really fights for you…

You can find PART1 HEREandPART3 HERE

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

After your conversation there was silence between you and Jj. He left and left you standing there. Somehow understandable, but somehow not. It was weird yesterday. You two have never talked about anything like that before. And was so jealous and everything.

You sit in your bed and think. The doorbell rings and you go to open it. When you open it, Jj is standing there. 

“Hey… sorry I ran off. It just kind of messed me up, what you said and everything. Although you’re right.” Says jj and looks at you

“It’s okay” you say 

“Look… I know I don’t have a good image. And all you hear about me is stuff like that. But I’m not a player anymore. Okay, I was. I admit that, but y/n believe me I saw you and everything changed. I like you Y/N” Says Jj

“How am I supposed to believe you, please?” You ask rolling your eyes.

“I promise you."  He says and takes your hand

"Okay Jj no. I can’t. I can’t believe this” you say and take your hand away.

“You know what? That’s okay. CauseI will make you believe me. Y/N I will fight for you until I have you. I will do anything to make you believe me. Anything.” Says JJ and your heart does a few spins.

After saying this, JJ turns and walks away again. You are shocked. And his words have made you smile. He likes you……but you can’t. Not now.


The next day you all want to go to the beach together. You go out with your surfboard and go to the beach. Once there, you see the crew. Jj comes up to you.

“Hey, you pretty girl. I have something for you” says JJ as he brings a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. They are red roses. Your favourite flowers. 

“I know these are your favourite flowers so…” he says and gives you the flowers.

“Omg Jj thanks… for what?” you ask in amazement 

“Just because. You deserve it.” says Jj and winks at you. 

Moments like this happened many times over the next few weeks. Jj always brought you something. Whether it was your favourite chocolate, flowers, a bracelet, a note, or just a hug. You can always tell. That he fights for you. 

You’re still seeing each other. But you haven’t had sex since the conversation. And that was a few weeks ago. 

You’ve heard that phrase a lot in the last few weeks:

“We don’t have to have sex for me to enjoy my time with you. Let’s just talk and watch movies or something, I like that better right now." 

Jj is very attentive and always listens to you. But that was also the case before. He was and is always there for you… and you start to worry. 

You are unsure of what you want, how you feel, and what you should do. So you call Kiara to come over. She arrives 20 minutes later and you both sit on your bed talking.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?” Kiara asks as she sits down.

“I’m okay, I guess…” you reply uncertainly.

“What’s bothering you?” Ki asks, looking you in the eye.

“It’s jj… you know he told me he likes me. And that he wants to fight for me. And I admire all that and appreciate it very much. I thought it was just a joke at first, but he’s really serious about it. And I’m starting to think that I like him too. Quite a lot, actually.” Do you say

Only Kiara knows about it. But she doesn’t know that you two had a ‘thing’ together. That you had sex and stuff. Nobody knows that. 

“Oh sweetie… I know. You think I didn’t know that. You’ve always secretly liked him. You always come up to me and tell me how hot he looks and stuff. Maybe you should tell him?” Says Ki

“No.. no. I want to wait. And you won’t tell him either.” you reply

“No no don’t worry Y/N” says Ki


I really hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HEREif you have any.
You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: Jj teases you when you are with the others and you decided to pay him back….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

So you and Jj are… kind of a thing. But also kind of not. You’ve been having sex a lot since the other day. But no one knows. You’re your own little secret. It’s just physical. Nothing emotional or anything. But sometimes it’s hard to keep it all a secret. 

Today you want to go swimming. 

You’re meeting at the chateau. 

“Hey, Jb, how’s it going?” you say as you walk in.

“pretty good. As usual. How about you?” he asks and gives you a hug.

“Me too” you say and put your things down.

You go over to Jj who is sitting on the couch.

“Hey my queen” he says smiling and hugs you.

“So today we’re going swimming?” you ask as Ki and Pobe walk in the door.

“looks like it” says Pobe

“Well, I’m going to go and get changed” you say and disappear into the bathroom. You take off your shorts and top and get out your bikini. You put it on. It is white and quite tight. But you don’t mind. 

“damn. Hola madame” says Jj as you come out of the bathroom. He looks you up and down and stands there with his mouth open. 

You then go to the HMS Pogue.

 You’re on JohnB’s boat and you’re going for a little ride. When you find a place, JohnB attaches the boat and you go swimming.

You then feel a slap on the ass. 

“Jj” you say as you turn around.

“Sorry couldn’t help it” Jj says and smiles at you.

You are about to go into the water when Jj runs up behind you and lifts you over his shoulder.

“Watch out” he shouts and jumps into the water with you. Dumbass.

He can’t keep his eyes off you the whole time.

After a while, everyone goes back up to the boat. You have a few beers and just have fun. 

You sit on Jj’s lap. As always.

“I like your new bikini. It suits you. You look really hot in it.” says jj. 

“Thanks Jay,” you say, looking at the others.

Jj always wants to tease you a bit, he can’t help it.

He runs his hand along the clasp of your bikini top.

“Jj we are not alone here. The others see us,” you whisper nervously.

“I know princess… chill a bit” he says and runs his wet hand further down your body. God, this turns you on. 

He now moves his hand forward to your belly and up to your bikini top. 

“Jj!” you whisper. 

“What? The others won’t notice” he says in your ear.

“Oh yes we do notice” says JohnB and the others nod.

“You guys are unbearable” says Ki.

Jj is always teasing you. You want to get back at him. 

After swimming you go to the wreck. The wreck has long since closed, but Kiara brought you in because her father is the owner. So you are alone there. Sarah has also joined you. 

Ki gets some snacks from the kitchen and takes a pack of cards from the shelf. 

“So guys, up for a game of cards?” Ki asks as she sits down at the table with you. You agree. 

JohnB and Sarah sit on the chairs. Kiara and Pobe each sit at the end of the table, and you and Jj sit on the bench next to each other. 

You play a round of cards. Pobe wins. Of course he does, he is the genius of you all.

You start the next round. You decided to tease Jj a little. You go to his pants with your hand. He looks right at you. With big eyes. But he doesn’t seem to think it’s bad. You move your hand to his dick. You move your hand just the way he likes it. Jj looks at you in surprise and then tries to concentrate on the cards again.

“Jj, it’s your turn” says JohnB. 

“What…oh…yeah yeah sure” he says and lays a card.

“What are you doing?” Jj asks quietly to you 

“I don’t know what you mean J” you reply innocently.

“God…” says Jj

You keep moving your hand in the same motions. Then you put your hand near the zip of his trousers.

“Stop it Y/N please” he whispers to you but you just laugh.

You continue and Jj even has to moan once. The others all just look at him strangely and then continue.

“Listen, you’re sexy and all, but can we do this later?” he says nervously.

“I’m not doing anything Jj” you say provocatively and continue.

You open his trousers and move your hand inside. You start to move your hand up and down his dick. You see how this makes him weak. He asks you to stop but you don’t stop. You notice that he also finds it kind of horny. You move your hand faster and faster but always so that the others don’t notice.

“Fuck” says Jj. 

“What’s going on with you man?” asks Sarah, the others just laugh. 

“Baby I’m about to cum” says Jj quietly to you. He never called you baby before.

You smile and make him come.

“Damn” says Jj.

“That’s what you get for teasing me all the time” you say and smile.


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: Jj interrupts you while you are changing your clothes…..

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

Today is a windy day. It stormed yesterday and the Outer Banks is pretty devastated. You and the Pogues spent last night at Sarah’s. She snuck you in because her house is the safest. Whatever. You want to go surfing today because the waves are perfect for it. It was Jj’s idea, of course, but you’re up for it, even if it’s a bit dangerous. You have arrived at the beach.

Everyone is there. Even Sarah. JohnB has persuaded her. After a few laps on the surfboard you get out of the water. Jj follows you.

“Hey what are you doing?” he asks. When you turn around you see him standing there with his surfboard under his arm. In his swimming trunks in his hot body. He runs his hand through his wet hair. Wait, what?

“Hello Y/N is anyone there? The sight is too hot to think straight, right?” he says laughing. 

“You jerk. I was about to go back to the chateau.” you say. 

“Oh okay… I’ll come with you” he says and runs to you and hugs you from behind. 

“Hey guys we’re going back to JohnBs” Jj calls and you leave.

The others call out that they will join you later.

What was going through your mind just now? Jj is your best friend… not your crush. You are even each other’s wingman. Well. 

You’ve arrived at the chateau and you’re going in. You go to JohnB’s room, where your clothes are, to change.

“Privacy please?” you say to jj as you take off your bikini top.

You sit on the bed and look questioningly over at Jj who is leaning against the door frame. He takes off his shirt and sits down next to you.

“What… what are you doing Jj?” you ask in surprise. 

“I want to undress now" 

"I know” he says and looks at you. He bites his lip and looks down your body. He runs his hand along your stomach. 

“But it’s not like I can’t keep you company” he whispers.

He moves his hand further and further down and has now reached your bikini bottoms. You are breathing heavily and his movements make you weak. What is happening right now? He goes further down and puts his hand inside your bikini bottoms. 

“Jj…what…what are you doing” you moan lightly. 

“The others are about to come" 

He now guides his fingers inside you and makes you moan. Then he stops.

"What why…..why do you stop” you ask.

“I mean… You’re right… the pogues are about to come” he says smiling and walks out of the room.

“I’ll kill you Maybank” you say and throw a pillow at him. You only hear him laughing.

In fact, the others arrive a few minutes later, by which time you have changed. You and Jj go out and sit by the hammocks. The others join you.

“So what did you do when we weren’t here?” asks JohnB as he sits down with a beer. 

“Nothing, we were just… talking I guess” says Jj. Jj looks at you and takes your hand. He points to his lap and you sit down on his lap.

As the others talk about the waves and how great the surfing was, Jj whispers something to you. 

“You looked hot in your bikini” he whispers and makes you smile.

“I mean… you looked pretty good too Jay” you say back.

You both just look at each other, not even noticing that the others are no longer talking

“We can hear you.” says ki 

“God it’s like you’re Rose and Jack. So inseparable” says Pobe and everyone laughs. 

Rose and Jack. Yes, that fits somehow.


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Summary: you’re on your period and Jj takes care of you

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx

You met the Pogues a few weeks ago. Or rather Jj first. And now you and him are inseparable. You’re part of their little crew now.

Jj is your best friend. You are inseparable and do everything together. At first you two didn’t like each other. Or rather you hated each other. But now you are the best friends.

You are not well at all today. You got your period this morning and you have very bad cramps. It’s already evening and you’re sitting in your bed. Suddenly there is a knock at the window.

It’s jj. He often comes to your window in the evening to do something with you, to go for a walk or just to talk. 

You open the window.

“Hey you, do you want to go to the beach for a while? The waves are awesome,” Jj says with a smile.

You and Jj often go surfing at night. It’s kind of become your thing. You love this ‘thing’. Most of the time the sky is pitch black and you can see lots of stars. The moon always shines on the water and glitters so beautifully. Well. 

“What? Are you afraid of losing to me?… or what?” says Jj and nudges you. 

“I don’t know, I don’t think that’s a good idea today Jay” you say and squeeze your eyes shut because you’re having a big cramp right now.

You see that he looks a bit worried and he sits down next to you in bed.

“Hey R what’s up?” he asks worriedly. R is kind of a nickname. The others always call you and Jj Rose and Jack because you are so 'inseparable’. Cheesy shit. But you like it when he calls you that nice. It’s kinda cute.

“Nothing… I just… oh, never mind” you say shyly.

“You know I don’t believe you, right?” he says and looks you in the eye.

“I just got my period this morning and I’m cramping pretty bad…” you say. 

“Well that can be fixed” he says and winks at you. He goes out of your room and gets you something. When he comes back into your room a few minutes later he has a hot water bottle in his hand and also a tray with chocolate and tea. 

“Sooo I have a little warmth for your tummy. Then your favourite chocolate… that’s it, isn’t it? And then some tea. I’d be really good as a boyfriend, wouldn’t I?” he says with a smile. 

“Thank you so much J you are the best” you say and give him a hug

“I know I know. Jk, I’ll do anything for my little rose…” he says and sits down with you again. 

You sit together in bed until late at night and talk, eat and watch a film. Jj doesn’t leave your side.

“Is everything all right with you? Are you feeling better? Or is there anything else I can do?” Jj asks worriedly.

“No Jj everything is fine. You’ve done enough already. Besides, I’m feeling a little better.”

“Always better when you’re here,” you add.

He smiles at you and covers you up. He stays with you all night without going home. He just wants to make sure you’re okay and safe. He always wants that.


Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

You can find my MASTERLIST HERE.

Here you can find PART1andPART2

Summary: you and Jj are getting along very well. He wants to help you with your fear and so he does. He is always by your side

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Jj and you are getting along very well now. I think you two just didn’t look at each other properly or only saw each other’s bad sides without really knowing who they were. 

“Hey bro” says JohnB as he sits down next to Jj.

“Hey man” he says

“So you and Y/N seem to be getting along all of a sudden” he says.

“Yeah…” says Jj

“How did it come about. What happened there last week when we were going out on the boat?” asks JohnB

“Nothing… I just realised I never really got to know her” he says.

“But Jay. You’re my best friend. And to be honest I’ve never seen you like when you’re with her. You’ve never been like this…so mean to anyone. Is it possible that you were just being mean to her because you actually like her?” JohnB asks with a smile

“What? Dude no” says Jj 

“Come on Jj I know you” says JohnB and nudges Jj.

“Man no. For real… I mean I honestly didn’t like her…or so I thought. Meanwhile I kinda have a thing for her. I mean she’s really hot. And actually really nice. Maybe I did it unconsciously but I really didn’t like her in the beginning. But I found her interesting all along,” Jj says with a smile.

“I knew it man. Why don’t you tell her?” Says JohnB

“Naaah things are going so well at the moment. I would ruin everything. I’ll just deny it. Like always man. Deny deny deny.” Says Jj laughing

“Well but she’s probably not ready for what’s disguised under my clothes anyway. No one is ready for a bit of Jj” says Jj who is dancing like a stripper and pulling his shirt up. The two just laugh.

“You idiot. So you won’t even try” says JohnB

“sure I will man. If she feels the same then…. Bro she will be mine one day. I’ll make sure of it.” Says Jj laughing 


You’re still not good with boats. And not really with the sea either. But Jj always helps you because he’s the only one who knows your whole story. 

“Are you ready?” Jj asks

“Ready for what?” You ask in amazement

“We are going to the beach now. I told you I would make your fears go away. There’s bound to be a boat somewhere on the beach…I’ll help you” he says.

“Oh Jj I don’t think that’s a good idea” you say

“But come on. You wanted to overcome your fears too. Don’t be afraid.” He says and makes a gesture with his face that you should come.

“OK then” you say and stand up. 

You both go to the beach and there is a small boat. It looks a bit like the HMS Pogue. Jj takes your hand and you walk to the water. He pushes the boat a little further out into the water so that it is further away. He goes into the water so that he is up to his thighs in water. 

“Come here. Just to me,” he says.

You go into the water. So far everything is fine, after all you are still in the water with both feet on the ground. That’s totally OK.

“Now come with me onto the boat. I’ll help you” says Jj and sits down on the boat. You follow him and sit down next to him. That still works too.

“Are you okay?” he asks

“Yes…yes I think so” you say. You drive a bit out to sea but not too far. After all, it’s wavy and you shouldn’t put yourself in too much danger. Suddenly a wave comes and pushes the boat to the side. You almost fly out. That’s it for you.

“Jj” you scream and hold on to him.

“I can’t do this, I… I… can we get out quickly?” you say crying and Jj drives back as fast as he can. You sit down on the beach.

“I’m sorry. I’m so stupid. It must sound so crazy that I’m afraid to be on a normal boat,” you say, sobbing.

“Hey, Y/N. It’s all good. Nothing sounds stupid. You have some kind of trauma. That’s normal. I mean it’s not just the boat but you’re also associating bad memories and the last memory of your dad with it. It’s fucking hard, I know. But we can do it,” he says.

“Thanks Jj. you know after everything…. we were kind of enemies and now you help me so much” you say with a smile

“I’ll stay with you Y/N” he says looking into your eyes.

He hugs you and you feel safe. Somehow. It’s funny that you couldn’t even stand each other a week ago.



Thank u sm for reading xx


Hey guys, so here’s part 2.

If you haven’t readPt1 HERE you can find it!

Summary: after a few more arguments and disputes over truth or dare, you want to go boating. But you can’t and tell Jj your biggest fear, whereupon he tells you his….

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Jj remains a dick. As always. You don’t really know why you hate each other. Although… somehow you do. He’s so full of himself and such a player. Superficial. 

You’re outside the chateau. It’s already dark and you’re having a drink. Just talking, drinking, having fun.

“Anyone want a beer?” you ask as you grab one.

“Yeah, just give one to everyone” says Pope 

You take five beers and give them to everyone. Except Jjs, which you throw at his feet. 

“So tomorrow we leave on HMS Pogue?” asks Sarah.

“No, Sarah, we’re swimming there, you know?” says Jj wryly.

“Funny” says Sarah

“Yeah, so we’re leaving around noon tomorrow” says JohnB.

“Yeah, I don’t know if I’m coming yet” you say.

“Why is that?” asks Ki

“I don’t know, I’m not that into boating” you say.

“But we need you. Think about it” says Pope.

After about an hour, you’ve all had a few beers. Music is playing, you dance from time to time, it’s actually fun. 

“Anyone up for a round of Truth or Dare?” asks Jj.

“Of course my boy” says JohnB and everyone else just nods.

“So truth or dare Kiara?” asks Jj.

“Dare” she says

“Dance for us” says Jj.

“Typical” you say and roll your eyes

“I better drink” says Kiara laughing

“My turn. I ask you Jay, truth or dare?” asks JohnB

“I’ll say truth” he says

“What’s your problem with Y/N?” asks JohnB

“Dude the game is supposed to be fun” says Jj annoyed

“Answer” says JohnB

“I’m not going to discuss all this right now. Besides, you know” he says

“Oh, actually I don’t know” you say and look at Jj.

“Haven’t I told you often enough” he says and looks at you too

“How about you tell us all. JohnB seems to be interested” you say

“so you just come into our lives. Live with JohnB. Annoy us all. You’re just there all of a sudden and now you think you can be so bitchy to me?” he says.

“I don’t care what people think, I’ll do anything,” you say.

“Oh and what about the fact that you don’t like me because I have money huh?” you say.

“Question answered” says Jj and turns away again.

“Unbelievable” you say

“Okay, Sarah, truth or dare?” asks Pope. 

“Dare” she says

“say one thing that bothers you about Ki” says Pope

“Oh that’s easy. I think you’ll all agree she’s a bit of a bitch sometimes” says Sarah with a laugh.

“hey” says Ki laughing

“Truth or dare Y/N” says Jj

“Dare” you say annoyed

“I dare you to kiss me” he says looking you in the eye

“in your dreams” you say

“Oh what’s wrong miss "I don’t care and I’ll do anything”?“ asks Jj provocatively

"k then” you say and stand up

“Woah” says JohnB from behind 

Jj also stands up and comes closer to you.

You get closer and closer to his face and feel his warm breath on your skin.

“You really thought” you say and walk into the chateau. 

“Bitch” says Jj and sits down again.


The next day you go out on the boat to try out the camera. 

“Hey guys” says JohnB 

“You coming? We want to go” says Pope while JB, Pope, Sarah and Ki get into the boat.

You stand still. 

“Y/N why don’t you come?” says Jj.

“None of your business” you say

“Okay sorry” he says and continues walking. But then he stops and turns back to you.

“Come on” he says

“I don’t want to” you say a bit scared and Jj notices your voice breaking

“Why?” he asks

“Just because okay?!” you say and sit down. Tears come up your eyes.

“What the fuck Y/N are you okay?” he asks as he walks over to you.

“What do you care?” you say

“I’m not a monster okay?” he says.

“Guys where are you” shouts JohnB

“We’ll be there in 10 minutes. Just wait” calls Jj. You sit down in front of the chateau.

“Why are you staying with me?” you ask, crying.

“I’m not staying with you, I want to know what’s going on and then get you on the fucking boat” says Jj. Typical. 

“I can’t tell you. I’ve never told anyone before” you say.

“Okay so we’re not best friends but I really want to go now so tell me. What could be so bad about a boat huh” he says a little mean. 

“When I was little we went on a boat trip. My dad, my mum and me. My brother and sister weren’t born yet. My dad was driving the boat and it got stormy. The weather got worse and worse and we were all very scared but I was sure my dad would save us. But he didn’t. My dad and my mum had been fighting for weeks before that boat trip. My dad left. He saved himself from the boat and drove away on his jet ski. While we were there alone without knowing how to drive a boat at all. I fell into the water. I almost drowned. My mum tried everything to get me out. I just screamed for my dad all the time but he drove away. My mom made it out. But it was close. A lifeboat came to pick us up. I haven’t been on a boat since. I’m scared.” you say

Jj sits there shocked. His eyes are wide open and he looks at you. There is silence for a moment.

“Wow… Y/N I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that… well, how could I? But that’s really terrible. Sorry you have to deal with something like that” he says.

“Well it doesn’t matter” you say and quickly wipe away your tears. As you stand up Jj pulls you back down by your arm.

“Wait. It does matter. You know, while we’re at it… I’ll tell you something about me. I have problems with my dad too. Well….more than just problems. (Jj begins to stutter) 

My dad doesn’t think much of me. Well… he beats me up every day. Every day anew he beats the shit out of me and insults me. He tells me what a piece of shit I am and that I’m worthless, that he would rather never have had a child and stuff like that.” Jj says and his eyes glaze over as well.

“But it’s okay…I mean I’m lucky to have a dad right?” He says in a broken voice.

“I’m sorry Jj, I didn’t know. All this time I’ve been so mean to you while you have to deal with something like this.” You say

“No, I’m sorry. I was an asshole to you. We don’t have to be best friends… but we don’t have to hate each other in our circumstances, do we?” He says and smiles slightly.

“Yeah right” you say and nod.

“Now come on. We’re going on the boat. You can do this. I’ll help you.” He says and holds out his hand.

That was the first time you looked Jj in the face and liked him. The first time he was nice to you. You were even a bit shocked at how nice you found him. You kind of saw him through different eyes now that you know what’s behind all this. Maybe there is a bloody loving heart behind it?


Well guys thank you for reading again.. Hope you liked it. Feel free to leave any comments or REQUESTS HERE if you have any.

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Hey guys, so if you have any requests just write them here in the comments. I’d love to hear your ideas!! Also if you wanna stay anonymous just write to me personally.




Outer Banks


㋡ - smut

♛ - salacious ones ( no smut)

❥ - fluff

ꕥ - Angst

☾ - Jealousy

★ - the ones you (and people from WP) like best

Summary: You run into Jj and you two don’t really like each other…
Summary: you live at the chateau bc you know JB. Jj and you are hating e/o but after you two reveal your secrets/past you start to like e/o
Summary: you’re on your period and Jj comforts you
Summary: Jj interrupts you as you are undressing
Summary: Jj gets jealous when he sees you with john b. You two have a physical relationship but Jj wants to get more serious. You can’t because Jj has a reputation as a player and you don’t want to get your heart broken. But Jj fights for you.
Summary: you are at a party on the beach and topper and rafe talk shit about you. Jj is a little too protective of you though.(involves gun) …You two have a big fight and when you go to apologize Jj is sitting in a jacuzzi….
  • ㋡ ♛ Take it slow - PT1-PT2
Summary: Jj always hits on you and then talks about you with John b when you were behind them…Then after a party things get hot between Jj and you and the others hear you….

Summary: you have a mission to get the camera from the junkyard where Jj’s dad used to work. But you and Jj have to stand guard and get into a fight

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


You’ve been living with JohnB for 3 days now and it’s actually really cool here in OuterBanks. It’s so nice of JB to let you stay here and the chateau is really great. The only thing that bugs you is the blond boy. You just can’t stand fuckboys like that. You have already had experiences with them and they were not very good. They are all the same. But he doesn’t like you very much either. Probably because you are a ‘kook’ and he can’t stand that. Anyway.

“Hey JohnB what’s the plan now?” you ask as you all sit in the chateau talking about the royal merchant’s gold.

“We’re going to get that underwater camera. Me and Pope are going to get it. Sarah and Ki you will distract the guard and Jj and Y/N you will keep watch and see if anyone comes” says JohnB.

“What the hell JohnB why with her?” asks Jj

“Come down Maybank” you say

“What’s the big deal?” asks Pope

“Well just the fact that I can’t stand her?” says Jj rolling his eyes.

You just look away, annoyed.

“oh yeah we know that Jj. but chill okay?” says JohnB.

“oh yeah that’s what you say. You don’t have to put up with their bullshit all the time!” says Jj.

“it’s not like it’s an honor to be with you” you say disgusted.

“miss perfect can you please shut the fuck up” says Jj

“Say that again” you say and stand up

“what? Huh? That you are a fucking bitch?” says Jj and stands up too

“Nice to say when you are a little bastard yourself” you say


“Sit down. What the hell is wrong with you two man” says JohnB

“It’s gonna be done just like he said, no arguments” says Kiara.

You absolutely can’t stand JJ. The way he acts, the way he talks…just everything.

So it’s evening and you’re at the junkyard to get the camera.

“So we’re going to split up now. Everybody knows what they have to do?” says JohnB

You all just nod.

Jj and you go to your positions. Jj takes out a joint and smokes it.

You roll your eyes.

“What?” he says

“Nothing” you say and look away

“Am I disturbing you?” he asks and comes closer

“Can you smoke your fucking weed somewhere else and not blow it right in my face thank you” you say

“Ugh you are exhausting” he says and walks a few steps away

Jj throws the joint on the ground and crushes it with his foot.

“Oh wow good for the environment” you say

“Girl shut up” he says

“If you weren’t smoking your cheap-ass weed in here, I would” you say.

“My cheap-ass weed?!” he says.

“Yeah, that’s it” you say annoyed.

“Oh sorry miss PERFECT . Then I will smoke my cheap stuff somewhere else soon. Who should I turn to for better weed? You?” he says and comes closer

“ugh Jj I don’t care go and die from it” you say even if you don’t mean it exactly.

“sorry i can’t afford expensive weed like you kooks” he says

“just shut the fuck up” you say

“what did you say princess?” he says

“SHUT UP JJ” you say.

“SORRY COULDN’T HEAR YOU. I think my ears are too bad for that” he says

“Oh my god just fuck you” you say.

While you were arguing a man walked right in to Pope and JohnB because you didn’t notice him because you were arguing so much.

JohnB and Pope come running towards you.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. COME ON!” yells Pope and you all run back to the chateau. Out of breath you arrive.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!” says JohnB, looking at the two of you.

“What man” says Jj


“You had ONE job” adds Ki.

“She distracted me with her bullshit lines” says Jj.

“I distracted YOU. Oh yeah I’m the one who talked about me like I was from another galaxy right?” you say.

“STOP. Because of your bullshit fights JB and I almost got caught” says Pope.

“Yeah, sort your shit out” says Sarah and they all go into the chateau. You and Jj stand out there.


Now guys thank u sm for reading.

Here you can find Part2andPart3


Summary: you’re new to the obx and run into the blonde boy at a shop and he tries to flirt w/y. You two instantly don’t like e/o and then on top of that you’re staying at John b’s for a while bc your parents are out of town and you know John b from your past.

Also guys requests are always open, so just comment them HERE or text me xx


Your name is Y/N. You are new in town. In the Outer Banks.

Your mother and father are separated because your father left when you were only 3 years old. You have two brothers and sisters. Your little brother, Chris, is 5 years old and your little sister, Lara, is 3.5 years old.

You live with your mother and stepfather, Dan. He is definitely not the best stepfather you could wish for. But oh well. You moved to the Outer Banks yesterday. And you have no idea how good this town is gonna be for you.

You’ve been clearing out your stuff all day and you want to unwind a little. You go downtown, to the newsstand, and get some cigarettes. You don’t really smoke because you’ve had bad experiences with drugs, but right now you need it badly, especially because your stepfather and your mother are fighting all day again.

“A pack of cigarettes, please,” you say to the man at the counter and give him the 8 dollars.

You walk out of the shop and in all the stress you run into a guy.

“Whoa a little fast on the road today?” the guy says and looks at you.

“If you weren’t standing in the way I wouldn’t have run into you man” you say annoyed and want to keep going

“You must be having a stressful day, huh? I know that… It’s always good to cool off with a cigarette” he says laughing. What a player, you think to yourself and go on.

“Wait, wait, can’t I even know your name?” he asks.

“Nope” you say and give him the middle finger as you walk away.

A stressful day, and then on top of that some weird guy comes and flirts with you. Great city.

But you can’t really get him out of your head, this boy. He has blond hair, was wearing a grey tank top and shorts. He smelled like grass, but that doesn’t bother you. Whatever. Just a typical wannabe fuck boy, you think to yourself.

Later in the day you want to look around a bit. You decide to go to the beach. It’s actually really nice here, you think to yourself. You walk along the beach and see quite a few people. It looks like a party or something. It looks fun, but it’s not really something you want to do right now. You are about to turn back and someone is coming towards you.

“Hey, we’ve met before, right?” someone says. It’s the blond boy. He looks a bit drunk and has a red cup in his hand. It’s probably beer.

You give him a questioning look and turn around again. But he is walking with you.

“The kiosk? Today at noon. Don’t you remember?” he asks.

“Oh yeah, sure. How could I forget the blond boy from the kiosk who talked to me so nicely?” you say ironically.

“Wowowow you were the one who was so rude to me” he says

“Yeah I was. Entitled” you say and stop.

“Oh my god okay then. Never seen you here before.” he says

“moved here yesterday. Moved so many times in my life that I don’t really care anymore.” you admit

“I can tell you’re gonna love the Outer Banks. I’m Jj. May I know your name now?” he asks.

“Yeah I don’t mind. I am Y/N. Nice to meet you Jj.” you say

Then there is a group of people walking towards you.

There are four people.

“Hey Jay. Who’s this here? New hookup?” A brunette girl asks while rolling his eyes.

“Ugh definitely not” you say, disgusted, because Jj already looked like he was a player and it looks like he actually is.

“Wait…. Y/N?” Asks a brown haired boy.

“JohnB? No way” you say.

“Wait… you know each other?” Asks a blonde girl while you hug JB.

“Yeah babe we always played together when we were children and our parents are friends.” Says JohnB

“This is my girlfriend, Sarah. This right here is Kiara aka Ki and the boy with the cap here is Pope.” Says JohnB

They all look very nice actually and they all greet you very nicely.

“So how do you two know each other?” asks JohnB.

“He tried to flirt with me at the kiosk today,” you say with a smile.

“Yeah, the way you’re going I shouldn’t have done that. But you liked it anyway” he says.

“you’re not as great as you think you are man” you say back and look at him.

The others laugh.

“Oh remember you’re a tough woman then. Might be the perfect match for you Jj, right?” says JohnB laughing.

“No way” you say and leave.

“Wait… if you’re leaving so early, do you want to go boating with us tomorrow? We’ll pick you up” JB says as he follows you.

“No… I would rather go to the beach” you say

“Then we’ll do that” JohnB says

“JohnB? I have a question and its totally fine if you say no but my mother is away for a few weeks and I really don’t want to live with my stepfather the next weeks… Can I live at yours just for like 3 weeks?” You ask

“Of course you can. But Jj kinda lives there too… Just so that you know” says Johnb

“Ugh great… No but really thank you so much!” You say, hug him and go home.


Hey guys, so thank you for reading… next parts are up on my channel so I’d be so happy for a share or a like :)
Also requests are always open!!

Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel

I am pleased to announce that the Don’t Forget Where You Belong Sequel will be called…

“How Rich is a Treasure We Posses”

JJ and Y/N are coping with the loss of two of their best friends- John B and Sarah. Y/N claims that she’s done looking for the gold, that the pain it’s caused could never be worth the amount of money. JJ, forever reckless and motivated, wants to keep looking.

As they start their new school year, they are met with a series of challenges: Rafe Cameron is running around OBX, a murderer and a free man, Pope and Kie have some weird fling going on and JJ and Y/N try to love through their loss.

Will they stay strong? Will they crumble under pressure? What else will they discover along the way?

No matter what, they will learn how rich the treasure is they already posses: each other.


catch up on series 1 now

Stress Release- John B

(Not my gif, credit for whoever created it!)

Summary: Friends with benefits; Two friends who trust each other enough to engage in sexual activity without fear of hurting the other’s feelings.

Word count: 1,912

Warnings: Mentions fwb, sex, and underage drinking.

You rested on your stomach, textbook in front of you as John B joined your side. You two had been chosen to be partners for a Chemistry class project, but neither of you two had actually paid enough attention to figure out what you two we’re doing.

You guys sat in silence for a minute before you exhaled loudly. “What’s with the sigh?” You ground loudly, flipping yourself over and laying on your back.

“It’s my senior year. I should be out in the world not giving a single fuck about anything, but I’m stressed out of my mind and I have no clue how to get rid of it.” You ranted, grabbing the nearest pillow and screaming into it. John B looked at you with a confused look. “What? I’m a screamer. Not sexually, just at life in general.” “I can make that sexually.” He said, earning a smack from the pillow.

“Therapy?” “Tried.” “Painting?” “Tried.” “Going to the gym?” “Ha! You’re fucking funny.” John B remained quiet for a second before coming up with something. “Have you tried just hooking up with someone? You know, like a friends with benefits type thing." 

Your head snapped up from it’s spot as you stared at the boy with a dumbfounded look. "I’m sorry?” “Well it’s just, if you need to release tension, shit like that helps a lot.” John B said as he suddenly felt idiotic for bringing the idea up. You sat there for a moment, trying to process his words. “Okay but even if I wanted to I don’t know who would even want to." 

John B’s index finger pointed to his face as you observed his gesture. "Really?and why would you want to be friends with benefits?” “I get stressed too, I help you out, you help me out.” You considered his offer for a moment before agreeing on his idea.

“Okay. But we have to make a guideline.” You negotiated, ripping out a piece of paper from the notebook. Now it was John B’s turn to roll his eyes. 

“First rule, we do not tell a single soul about this.” You said, grabbing your pen and scribbling the words down. “Okay, okay. Second rule, we call each other whenever we need a release. Whenever and wherever.” “No hooking up with anyone else unless either of us get

a boyfriend/girlfriend.” He thought aloud.

You nodded your head, writing his words down quickly. “And the last one,” you two looked at each other as you spoke in unison, “no feelings.” You held the pen out towards him, giving you a questioning look. “What? We gotta make this shit official." 

John B let out a chuckle as he took the pen from your hand and scribbled his name. Returning the pen to you, he adjusted himself so he was resting against the headboard. You quickly signed it, closing the notebook shut.

John B sighed softly before looking at youm "You stressed?” You quickly rose up from your spot, your legs resting on both sides of him as you straddled his lap. “You have no idea.” His hands trailed up your back, one hand staying on your thigh and gently rubbing it. The other was wrapped tightly around your waist.

Your lips met halfway, he sighed in relief at the feeling of someone else’s lips. The kiss was fierce and rushed, both of you wasting no time in getting your stress out.


You guys had this ‘relationship’ going for the last 5 months. Almost every other day you called each other. It was an odd thing for you to do. You had done it before in the past, but sex with John B was something else. There were nights where the type would change, he would take control for most of the time. Angry sex, sex in the living room, car sex, anything he wanted to do, you two did.

However, as time went on the feelings John B had began to change. He wanted to spend more time with you, and not just hook up. He wanted to find out more things about you, watch movies with you, be able to kiss you in public whenever he wanted. The at first sloppy sex slowly morphed into passionate sex. He noticed and it scared him shitless. He loved every moment he spent with you and he didn’t want that to change.

He was mad at himself. That was the third rule and he broke it. He never expected it to happen, but when it did it slapped him right across the face.

You two were lying there naked, sheets covering your bare chests. You were fast asleep, your body facing him. He took in the tiny details about you, everything that he could. How sometimes your eyelashes flutter. How you’ll snore sometimes. How he rests his hand on your cheek and you unknowingly lean into his touch. He buried this hole too deep and he can’t get out.

You both were currently at your friend Angela’s party, drunk teens were horribly dancing in the living room, couples were hooking up in the bedrooms and bathrooms. John B was drinking a shot of vodka as he saw you walk by, a red plastic solo cup in your hand. “Hey Routledge!” You winked at the boy who shyly drank from his cup.

A classmate of his walked up to John B, “Hey, what’s with you and that Y/L/N chick?” The boy asked, nudging John B’s shoulders. He smirked at his classmate leaning closer to him, “we’re friends with benefits!” John B exclaimed, clearly tipsy and not knowing the words that are spilling out of his mouth. 

The classmate smirked at the intoxicated teen, giving JB a high five, congratulating him. You were out in the backyard enjoying the night sky with Sarah Cameron.you two were laughing after watching someone run and fall into the pool.

The fun was quickly ruined as the classmate stood in front of you guys. “So Y/N, I heard you help release stress from my good old friend John B. How about you help me out?” Your face dropped in shock, the cup falling from your hand. “I’m sorry?” You asked, pretending not to understand what he was talking about.

“Oh yeah. But real shit, whenever I need something I’ll give you a call.” The boy sent you a wink before licking his lower lip and walking away. You stared at the ground in shock. “Are you okay?” “I don’t know how to answer that.” You admitted.

You stomped out of the backyard and out of the house. Stares, comments and giggles were all you noticed as you made your way through the crowded rooms. Making way to your car, you opened the door and slammed it shut. Your fists pounded down onto the steering wheel, accidentally punching the horn. You crossed your arms and leaned against the wheel. Your head fell against your arms as tears stung your eyes. You were furious at John B, but you were also angry with yourself. 

During the time you had been sleeping with John B, you also began to realize how your heart would race a mile a minute with him, even before the physical contact. You had been trying to deny the feelings, 'it’s just sex’ you repeated to yourself over and over after every session. But to you it was something else, and that scared you.

You sped down down the road, the lights blurring from the tears, your cheeks and nose a shade of pink. Your breathing was uneven as you hicupped every now and then. Returning home, you quickly changed out of your clothes into pajamas and laid in bed. That night was the last time you and John B had an interaction for a whole month.

He would call you, but you’d let the answering machine pick up. You’d swerve him when you walked by him in the halls, catching his eye then turning around to walk the other way. 

You wanted to distance yourself as much as you could. John B tried his best to apologize after his classmate reminded him that he told your secret that night at the party. He felt absolutely destroyed hearing the rumors that were spreading about you, about you both, he hated it.

Your eyes were sealed shut as you attempted to let sleep overtake your body. It was finally Friday and you just wanted to sleep for 12 hours. The sound of rain hitting your window sounded like heaven to your ears, just pure silence except for that one noise. 

A soft tapping sound echoed off the  window. Knowing it wasn’t rain, you hesitantly opened your eyes to see John Booker Routledge holding himself as he stood in your backyard, in the pouring rain. His hair was plastered down onto his face. His clothes clung to his body. His eyes were squinted shut in hopes to not get too much water in them.

You quickly got up and pulled him through the window harshly, making him fall to the ground. His skin made a loud slapping noise as he made contact with the hardwood floor. You sighed, rubbing your forehead with the palm of your hand. “Hold on.” You quickly went out of the room and walked back in with a towel. You handed it to him as you sat on the bad, John B standing there as he attempted to dry off.

“Look this isn’t a guilt-trip. I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.” He started, the towel running through his hair, drops of water flying everywhere. You sighed loudly and pitched the bridge of your nose. “I don’t hate or dislike you. I hate that you spilled what we were to what’s his face at the party. Do you know how many phone calls I’ve gotten of guys asking me to hook up with them? 24." 

"What we were?” John B asked softly. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.” You huffed, your eyes not leaving the floor. “It was just a fling.” He lied, not only to you but to himself. “Not to me it wasn’t.” Your voice was just above a whisper.


"Throughout the last few months things felt different. It was really fucking weird to think about, but my heart would always just… race when we spent time together. I wanted things to just be more than a fling. But I figured you just wanted it to be just that thing since you came up with the idea.” you admitted. He lightly chuckled as he bent down to be face to face with you.

“Princess. I walked here to you in the rain. This is how much I love you. This,” he pointed his finger between you two, “I want more than a fling. I want to be able to just walk around with you on my arm and just give you all the fucking affection I can give. And I’m sorry about the calls. I’ll make sure people get the notice to-” you cut him off by quickly pressing your lips against his.

He exhaled loudly, your skin suddenly felt as if it were burning. “God I missed you.” He mumbled against your lips as his thumb stroked your cheek. “Show me how much you missed me.” You whispered, pulling the boy onto the bed.

The Book of You & I- Rafe Cameron

Summary: Based on The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin

The Book of You & I- Rafe Cameron x fem reader

Summary: Based on

Word count: 2,900

Warnings: Angst, brief nudity mentioned, is kissing a warning?? all together sadness

Disclaimer: The female pronouns have been changed to male since this will be from a girls pov

Flashback in italics

Well, it all began in the back of his car

I was just sixteen, but I fell so hard

You and Rafe Cameron sat in the trunk of his jeep. Rafe had asked you on a date a few days before this, quickly realizing he was falling for you hard and fast. 

He drove you two up to the look-out hill, which gave you a beautiful view of the Outer Banks. He decorated the trunk with pillows and small fairy lights, playing music in the background. You were resting your head on his chest, feeling at peace as you listened to his calm heart beat.

It was when he kissed your forehead did you realize you were falling for him just as hard. Every moment you spent with him then you fell harder and harder. He never failed to make you smile and feel loved when you needed it most which you greatly appreciated.

Well, the years went by and he held my heart, but his love ran dry and we fell apart

You and Rafe had been dating for 3 years now. 3 years of going on dates, surprising each other with gifts, going to parties together, mind blowing sex, spending nights together. You thought everything was going beautifully.

However, as time went by everytime you tried to hang out with your boyfriend, he said he was always busy, coming up with excuses on why he couldn’t go out when in reality he was partying with his friends and snorting coke.

I felt him growing distant, I knew his love was shifting

“Why are you constantly up my ass what the fuck is that about lately?!” Rafe screamed in your face. You two were in the middle of an argument after you asked him why he hasn’t been around lately. He snapped at you as soon as you asked.

“Why are you yelling at me?” You raised your voice back, genuinely confused as to why he was acting so hostile towards you. “Because I’m not happy in our relationship anymore!” He screamed, red in the face. Your mouth fell open at his confession, a strong tension filling the room. Your eyes stung with tears, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

“What?” Your voice was barely audible as he kept his stare at the floor, rubbing his hands through his hair.

“I’m not happy anymore. I just- I don’t know I’m not… in love with you anymore.” A sob escaped your lips as you took in his words. You didn’t say anything else to him as you walked out of his bedroom, slamming his door shut. You attempted to collect yourself at least until you were back in your car.

Accidentally bumping into Sarah, your head hung low as you apologized. “Y/N, you okay?” Your eyes met Sarah who softly gasped at your red eyes. Quickly shaking your head, you left the Cameron household, and entered your car. Your fingers gripped your steering wheel until your knuckles turned white. 

You inhaled sharply, wiping the tears out of your eyes you sped out of the driveway, your grip never ending up on the wheel.

And all that I could say was, don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of you and I. Now you’ve scribbled out my name and you’ve erased my favorite lines

You cried into your pillows for days on end, avoiding your friends calls and texts, not going to the dinner table to eat with your family, not leaving your bed in general. You sent countless nights, playing back memories in your head of the two of you. You questioned yourself so many times, wondering what you did wrong that made him fall out of love with you.

For the first time in a week you checked your social media. Your thumb hovered over Rafe’s instagram account. Before you could stop yourself you scrolled through his posts, your grip tightening on your phone you saw all of his posts with you were deleted. Biting your tongue, you didn’t hesitate to archive the pictures of you two on your account. Throwing your phone on the end of the bed, you sniffled before clutching onto your pillow.

There were so many chapters that we never got to write, like cereal for dinner and staying up all night. 

For your 1 year anniversary, Rafe had bought you tickets to see your favorite band, getting you front row seats. You were forever grateful that Rafe had done that for you, even when you told him he didn’t have to do anything so big.

You and Rafe stood side by side, his arm around your shoulder, your hand resting on his chest. Chills were sent down your spine as the crowd screamed and cheered as the band appeared on stage. Rafe shifted you so you were in front of him, your back against his chest. 

You shut your eyes in happiness, listening to the crowd sing along to the lyrics. Letting the feeling of euphoria take over your body, you rested your head on his shoulder, holding his hands in place on your waist. 

The concert lasted almost 2 hours, making it 3 a.m. when you two returned back to his house. As soon as the both entered your house, Rafe threw himself on your couch, his body exhausted from all the adrenaline. You giggled at your boyfriend, entering the kitchen to make bowls of cereal. Pouring Fruit loops into two bowls, you added the milk and grabbed two spoons. 

Plopping yourself next to Rafe’s head, you shook the cereal box, his head snapping up to look at which one you grabbed. A dorky grin appeared on his face, sitting up and tucking his legs underneath. “You know what to do.” You handed him the remote. He shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth before turning the TV onto Spongebob.

I remember where we started, I remember how you looked

Before Rafe asked you on your first date, he asked you to senior prom. He knew you were a sucker for surprises so he gathered his friends to help lead you to the outside bus dock. There Rafe stood with a glass jar in his hands. You walked up to him and read the sign, ‘be a smartie and take this dum dum to prom!’ In the glass vase was the smarties candies on the bottom, and dum dumb lollipops on top.

Not being able to hold back your smile, you happily said yes to him, earning cheers and whoops from everyone around you. 

Once prom actually came around, you never forgot what he looked like. He showed up at your door in a light blue tux, a corsage the color of your dress in his hands. You could easily tell he was nervous, but as soon as he saw you all of his nerves left. “You look… stunning.” He exhaled, truly at a loss for words.

“Thank you! You clean up well.” You joked, your hand skimming across the hems of his tux. His hand delicately cupped the side of your waist. “You truly do look like a princess.”

But now I’m missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took. You didn’t give a reason, I’ll forever wonder why, we never got to finish the book of you and I.

You snuggled into your blankets, letting out a loud sigh. A soft knock echoed from the outside of your door. “Go away mom.” You called out, only to hear another knock and the door opening. You flipped around to see Sarah Cameron standing at the foot of your bed with a box of pizza and plate of cookies. 

After you thought you were out of tears, more tears swelled in your eyes at the sight of her. She joined next to you in your bed, holding you in her arms as you sobbed into her chest. Resting her chin on the top of your head, Sarah held you, her heartbreaking to hear your distressed sobs. “Shhh. It’s okay, I got you.” She mumbled. 

“He never told me why,” you started as you pulled away from her, wiping your tears on your blankets. “I don’t know what I did wrong.” You mumbled, picking at your fingernails. “Y/N, you did nothing wrong. Rafe is just an asshole, and I am so, so sorry for everything he’s put you through recently." 

Sarah slid the box of pizza towards you, a small smile on your face you took a slice and nibbled on the end. "Before I hug you more, I need you to take a shower.” Sarah admitted before grabbing a slice for herself. You immediately dropped the pizza, apologizing before running into the bathroom.

 Well, I bought a pen and I turned the page. Then I wrote about how I wish you’d stayed. I said all the things that I never got to say. Maybe when it’s done, I will feel okay.

You sat at your desk, you thumb anxiously clicking the top of the pen. Your mom had bought you a journal to write down everything that you had going on in your mind. She said it would help you at least organize some thoughts instead of having them jumbled together in your head.

You sighed loudly before writing a letter that you knew you’d never send.

Dear Rafe,

God, I never thought I’d be writing this letter. I never thought we would break up. I never expected you to fall out of love with me. Everything just feels… out of place. You were my safe zone, out of everything that was changing in my life you constantly stayed by my side through everything and  I loved that about you. I wish you were still with me. I don’t know why after everything you’ve done to me recently, but I miss your touch. I miss the smell of your cologne. I miss your cute nicknames for me. I miss watching Disney movies with you. I miss staying up with you. I miss all of you. I never told you this, but I always pictured us getting married. I pictured you proposing to me after like our 5 year anniversary. We would have two kids, you would get to pick where we’d live. I’d get to change my name to Y/N Cameron. My bed feels empty without you. You were my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first time, my first love, and as much as this hurts now, I am forever grateful you taught me how to love. I love you Rafe Cameron. No matter what.



That he had grown so distant and that his love had shifted. I wish he felt the same.

Sarah finally convinced you to go to the beach with her due to you staying inside for nearly 3 months. You were about to meet Sarah’s boyfriend and his friends for the first time. At first Sarah told you that she could cancel on John B, but you refused and insisted on meeting everyone.

You sat next to her on your towel, letting the sun hit your skin. You couldn’t help but softly grin at the warm feeling. “Guys! Over here!” Sarah called out. A group of teens walked over to you two, welcoming smiles on everyone’s faces. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N this is JJ, Kiara, Pope, and my boyfriend John B." 

You stood up from your spot and welcomed Sarah’s friends with a smile. Kiara on the other hand pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a surprised laugh, hugging the girl back. Sarah had explained to them that you had just had a rough break up and to stay away from the topic. 

"You give really good hugs.” You admitted, releasing the girl.

The day was going beautifully, everyone was swimming or surfing. You finally felt relaxed, like everything is okay. “Hey! Y/N look at this!” John B randomly shouted. Your head snapped towards him, looking at the shell he had in his hands. You observed it before a familiar voice echoed from further down the beach. Your hands dug into the sand, John B looking down at you with pity in his eyes.

“It’s him isn’t it?” He softly nodded his head. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. JJ appeared by your side, “you want me to teach you how to surf?” Your heart felt warm at his offer. Nodding your head, you followed JJ into the ocean, your eyes not daring to look at Rafe.

Don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of you and I. Now you’ve scribbled out my name and you’ve erased my favorite lines.

After a long day of JJ teaching you how to surf, everybody agreed to get dinner at The Wreck. You jumped out of John B’s van, holding the front door to the restaurant open for your friends. You stepped foot into the dining room, only to pause in your steps. 

You didn’t care that you saw Rafe, you cared that you saw some girl under his arm. Your friends saw the color leave your face, all of them shoving back out the front door. You inhaled and exhaled harshly to prevent yourself from crying. “Hey. hey, come here.” Sarah comforted you in her arms, trying your best to maintain your composure. You quickly stepped away from her, “no, no it’s okay. I’m okay,” you lied, shaking your hands out, “I think I just need to go home." 

Kiara nodded her head, "I’ll take you home if you want.” You shook your head, “no it’s okay. I’m just gonna walk home.” Sarah’s eyebrows raised up. “Y/N that’s like an 8 mile walk.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I just want to be alone and walking is good. I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” Everyone gave you a hug before watching you walk away from them. 

The moment you had your back turned on them, you broke down. How could he have moved on so quickly? Was she just a fling or a new relationship? So many questions in your mind, you knew could not be answered.

There were so many chapters that we never got to write, like cereal for dinner and staying up all night.

Rafe gently nudged your body, “psst. Baby, are you awake?” He whispered. You flipped around and faced him. “I haven’t been able to sleep at all.” You said, your hand immediately finding its place on the side of his face. “Wanna go skinny dipping?” He suggested. You jumped out of his bed as soon as he finished his sentence. He knew you had always wanted to try that, and since his parents were renovating a house that was 6 hours away staying a hotel, he knew this was a perfect time to do it.

You raced him down the stairwell and into his backyard. Quickly stripping, you were left in nothing. You jumped into the water, thankful that the pool lights were off. Rafe jumped in, joining you. You leaned your head back, letting the water sweep through your hair. 

Rafe swam up to you, his hands finding your butt as you wrapped your legs around his waist. “I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner.” You joked, pressing your chest against his. He swiped a stray piece of wet hair away from your eyes, his thumb shifting down to your lips. “Because we both know where this would lead.” His thumb skimmed across your bottom lip, allowing you to open your mouth to kiss it. 

I remember where we started, I remember how you looked, but now I’m missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took. You never gave a reason, I’ll forever wonder why, we never got to finish the book of you and I. Don’t tell me, tell me that you’re leaving me. My belly hurts and my heart is hardly beating right, I hate to beg, but I’ll try one last time.

Dear Rafe,

It’s been exactly one year since we broke up. I became friends with some Pogues. I know you’d flip on me if I told you that and we were still together, but they’re treating me better than you have towards the end of our relationship. I’m not gonna lie, I still miss you sometimes, most of the time actually. I’m still confused on why things ended the way they did. You’ve avoided me the entire time, leaving me without a clue and I hate it. I picked at every flaw about myself, trying to figure out if that’s why you left. Do you know how mentally draining that is? God, it fucking sucks. I stopped crying over you though. Yeah it hurts my heart when I see you, but I think I wasted all my tears on you. I really don’t know why I’m even writing to you anymore, I feel like I told you everything I needed to. I used to beg every day and pray every single night to get you back, and it hasn’t happened. But I get it now. You finished our story before I got the chance to finish it myself, and that’s just how love works sometimes. I’ll never forget you Rafe Cameron, but I’ll also never forgive you.



Sunshine- JJ Maybank

( not my gif!)

hi girl i was hoping you’d be interested in doing another jj x reader? Where JJ finds her hidden, having a panic attack and it takes a little bit to calm her down? 52, 84, 92, 125 , 152 were the numbers I picked but if there’s too many or you can’t make them all work, you can pick whichever.

Word count: 1,552 

Summary: JJ finds you having a panic attack and is right by your side to help you calm down.


52. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

84. “Take your medicine.”

92. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”

125. “Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you.”

152. “It happened again.”

17 years. 17 years of constant arguments between your parents that ended with screaming and cussing. 17 years of flinching everytime a door slammed. 17 years of wondering if it would end with violence or a drunk mother and/or father. 

There was one person who stayed by your side those entire 17 years, your best friend JJ Maybank. JJ was your neighbor since you two were in diapers, becoming his best friend after he asked you if you would like to go to the local playground to go collect bugs for his insect tank. He was always there for you no matter what the issue was, whether it be a boy who broke your heart, your parents arguing, hell even if you had cramps he would be over in a minute with snacks and medicine for the pain.

JJ knew you more than you knew yourself; he knew when you were stressed, he knew when you haven’t eaten, he knew if you needed to leave a situation, he always knew if you didn’t take your medication. He was always on top of you with your medication for your anxiety. Everyday at 3 p.m. and he wasn’t with you, he would call or text you to make sure you took the pills.

He was the reason you were still alive and functioning, the reason you were still smiling even with everything you were facing. He was there right by your side holding your hand when you went to your first therapy session. He was there for you when you had your first panic attack. JJ was the ray of sunshine in the tunnel of darkness that suffocated you.

It was 5 in the morning when you first heard the shouts of your parents. Their screams echoed through the halls, slamming against the sound of the closed bathroom door. You sat in the bathtub, knees pulled up to your chest as you rested your head on your arms. You rocked back and forth softly trying to catch your breath as it felt like the walls were closing in.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you clamped your hands over your ears as you heard a harsh slapping sound and a broken cry escape your mother’s lips. The feeling of a cement block slowly felt like it was pushing on your chest, making it feel like your throat closed up with each breath you took. “It’s okay, I’m okay.” You quietly repeated to yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing it.

You opened your eyes, quickly shutting them again when you saw black splotches in the air; like when you rub your eyes too hard and you see the white spots in the back of your mind. You were too focused on trying to calm yourself down, you didn’t notice the door slamming twice signaling that both your parents left you alone in the house. 

JJ was out in his backyard hearing the whole thing, eyes trained on your house praying that you were okay. As soon as he saw your parents storm out the front door he hopped over his fence and ran straight  into your house. Panic was written on his face as he checked every room in the house, not seeing any sign of you. He checked your bedroom to see messed up sheets and your prescription medication on your night stand. 

He ran to the bathroom directly across the hall to hear your broken whimpers coming from inside. He didn’t want to burst into the room, knowing that would only make your panic attack worse. He gently knocked on the door, feeling panicked when you didn’t answer in any way. He opened the door to see an empty bathroom, but he quickly realized you were sitting in the bathtub. Pulling the curtain back, his heart shattered seeing you in such a distressed state.

You popped your head up at the sound of the curtain moving, afraid your parents found you there. You instantly felt a wave of relief rush through your body, but you still felt like you were frozen in fear. “I feel like I can’t breathe.” You stuttered, still feeling the crushing weight on your chest. He quickly got down on his knees to become face to face with you. He slowly reached his hand out and held onto your shoulders, waiting for you to allow him to hug you. 

You turned your body towards him and that’s when he knew he could hug you. He wrapped his arm around your waist, the other holding the back of your head; entangling itself in your hair. Tucking your face into the crook of your neck, you felt as if you could slowly start to breathe again. “It happened again.” You mumbled, attempting to stop your body from shaking. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before slowly pulling back. 

Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.“ He pressed his forehead against yours, placing your hand on his chest, right on top of his heart. "Follow my breathing, okay? In… out… in… out… there we go, sunshine.” You repeated his actions, feeling your lungs inhale the air properly. The heavy weight was no longer on your chest, leaving a small aching feeling.

Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you,“ he said, "I’ll be right back.” You swallowed harshly, realizing how dry your mouth had gotten. You wiped away the stray tears with the back of your hand and blew your nose with toilet paper before JJ came back with your pill bottle and a glass of water.

Take your medicine.” He instructed, passing you a pill into your hand. You sighed loudly before looking up at JJ. He gave you a look you knew all too well. It was the ‘Please take this before I have to forcefully cram it down your throat’ look that he’s been giving you since you first got the prescription. You tossed the pill into your mouth, quickly chugging the glass of water. You fanned yourself with your hands, body feeling hot from feeling so claustrophobic.

“Hot?” He asked, sitting on the lid of the toilet. You nodded your head, running your hand through your hair to push it out of your face. “You trust me?” He asked you as he stood up. You nodded your head, “of course.” “Okay, just sit there but scoot forwards.” You obeyed him as scooted towards the front of the tub, your eyelids feeling heavy. 

JJ slowly turned the faucet on and plugged the tub, allowing it to begin to fill with cold water. You instantly relaxed at the cool touch, softly grinning as you saw JJ take his shoes off before stepping into the tub behind you. You reached forward and shut the water off once it reached up to your thighs. JJ rested against the back wall, allowing you to lay yourself between his legs, your back pressed against his chest. His arms reached around your front as he looped his fingers on top of yours. Your body shivered as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” He started softly singing, earning a soft giggle from you. “You make me happy when skies are gray.” You sang with him, letting the feeling of happiness overcome your emotions. “You never know dear, how much I love you.” You tilted your head back against his chest, fluttering your eyes shut as he pecked your forehead. “Please don’t take my sunshine away." 

You could feel your heartbeat find a steady pace once again as you surrounded yourself in JJ’s touch. He rested his cheek on the top of your head, smiling to himself as he heard you sigh in relief. "You okay princess?” He whispered into your ear, triggering a patch of goosebumps to appear on your arms. 

“Is it okay if I go get us some dry clothes?” You nodded your head as JJ carefully exited the tub, grabbing a towel to dry his lower half off. You stretched your body out in the tub, letting the cool water splash against your torso. JJ went to your closet, immediately taking his extra clothes he leaves there for nights like this one. He picked out shorts and a shirt for you to sleep in, hoping it would be comfortable enough for you. 

He walked back towards the bathroom, passing you a towel and your dry clothes. You two faced away from each other as you both quickly changed out of your clothes. You giggled as JJ almost fell over trying to put his shorts on, hearing him grunt in annoyance at his action. 

Being too lazy to put your clothes in the washer, you left your clothes in the bathtub along with JJ’s. You led him to your room, closing the door before you threw yourself onto your bed. JJ turned the bedroom lights off before joining you in bed, carefully tucking the sheets around your body. You faced him, your eyes slowly shutting as JJ held the side of your face, his thumb delicately skimming your cheek. 

“Goodnight, sunshine.” You mumbled, angling your head to kiss the palm of his hand. He smiled at you with an adoring look in his eyes, “goodnight, princess.”

If The World Was Ending- John B

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

A/n: I’VE MISSED YOU GUYS! I broke my phone and I had to wait the whole month before my new phone got shipped in. But I’m back and I’m so excited to keep writing!

Summary: Inspired by If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michael’s + Laying On My Porch While We Watch The World End by Powfu.

Word count: 1,510

Warnings: cursing

John B sat in his van as he let out a string of curse words from his lips. His entire life living in the Outer Banks he had never seen so much traffic in front of his eyes. It was a one way street with about 20 cars in front of him going 10 miles under the speed limit. He reached over and hovered his hand over the passenger’s seat before it fell limp onto the cushion.

He felt the small impact of the fabric, sighing as he shook his head to clear his thoughts. It seemed as if it were yesterday when you were in the passenger’s seat, his hand placed on your thigh; tracing the letters of the alphabet onto your skin. His eyes fell onto the empty seat as he let out a loud sigh, running his hand through his hair.

You two were high school sweethearts, started dating in 9th grade but split up after high school graduation. You two had a conversation about your future together, whether you guys would want marriage and kids. You had told him you weren’t ready for marriage and you weren’t sure if you ever would be. His heart was crushed by your words, wondering if you were ever really in love with him. You had always loved him, but you knew you weren’t ready to spend forever with him. You both said you two would stay in touch; that was one year ago.

He was too caught up in his thoughts and memories to process the road underneath his car began to shake and rumble. The only thing that snapped him out of his trance was hearing quite a few screams of fear. Only then did he realize that there was an earthquake happening. He sat in the driver’s seat, frozen in fear as he immediately thought of you. 

He wondered where you were and if you were safe. Maybe you were out at the bar drinking, maybe you were in your house watching television in the living room. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he felt his van shake fiercely, wishing you were there to calm him down; and that’s when he realized something. If the world was ending, he would want to be with you. 

He would want you in his arms, talking with you as if nothing was happening. He wouldn’t be afraid to tell you he loves you, he wouldn’t be terrified to tell you that he never stopped. Everything he feared, he didn’t care about as long as he was with you. He wouldn’t even dare to say goodbye to you in the final minute, knowing he would wake up on the other side with you in his arms. 

He was hesitant while wondering if the world ended, would you want to be with him as well? 


You sat on the edge of your couch watching as ‘breaking news’ was written across your television. The earthquake didn’t frighten you, it didn’t make you run for cover. You sat on your couch with your head in your hands, your thoughts immediately finding their way to think about John B. You wondered if he was scared, worried, or unbothered like you were.

You turned your head to the empty spot on the couch next to you. Trying to fight back, you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the memory of John B laying upside down with his feet dangling in the air as his face turned a beet red. You could have your eyes closed in a room full of a thousand people; yet still be able to pick out his laugh, reminiscing on the amount of times you caused it. 

Recalling a memory from one night, the sound of your drunken laughter mixed with his echoed in your head. 

You drunkenly thanked the uber driver, complimenting her hair before exiting the car. John B joined your side, apologizing to her for having to drive the drunken couple home. She offered a warm goodbye before driving out of your driveway. 

You shoved your hand into your purse, fingers pushing objects around until you found your house keys. John B giggled loudly before you held your index finger up to your lips, “shh! My neighbors hate me enough as it is.” You mumbled, biting your lip to hold back your laughter. “Y/n, how much shit do you have in your purse,” he started, “seriously! You shove your hand in there and it’s like a trip to Narnia!" 

You cackled at his words, immediately covering your mouth with your hand as you pulled your keys out. Fiddling with the item you tried inserting the key into the lock, missing it 3 times before you were able to insert it. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, nearly stumbling over as you forced the door.

Turning around you flipped the lights on in your kitchen, both of you groaning out in pain as the bright lights blinded you both. He covered both your eyes and his with his hands as you quickly switched them back off. John B pulled out a chair at the kitchen table, aiming to sit down in the seat only to miss it completely as he fell to the floor.

You covered your mouth as you began cackling at your boyfriend’s mishap. Doubling over from laughter, your face turned red as you couldn’t catch your breath. "Are-are you-you ok-” you couldn’t finish your sentence as his laughter got louder than yours. You fell to your knees and joined his side, cupping the side of his face. Your laughter slowly died down with his as his eyes looked into yours. “You’re so beautiful.” He slurred, gently holding the bottom of your chin as he kissed you.

Returning the action, you sighed in content at the feelings of his lips against yours. He released you which allowed you to snuggle into his chest. Your eyes slowly fell shut as you quietly fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat on your kitchen floor. 


You smiled softly to yourself, shutting off the TV before leaning back against the cushion. You sat there in silence for a few minutes before a rapid knock echoed from your front door. Slowly getting up you headed towards the sound before unlocking the door and opening it. You could barely process who was in front of you before he tackled you in a hug.

The smell of his cologne immediately made your eyes water, not realizing how much you missed him. Your eyes watered as you felt him hold the back of your head as your fingers clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. The sound of him sniffling made your heart ache with pain. You felt like you were frozen in place, like your body turned cold. “You’re safe.” He spoke to himself, thanking the Lord that you were okay. Slowly pulling himself away from you, his brown eyes searched into your E/C ones. You got lost in his for a moment before inviting him inside.

He sat next to you on the couch turning his body to face you. “I miss you.” You let the words glide off your tongue before you could stop yourself. His eyes widened at your confession, his tongue swiped across his bottom lip; a habit he had when he got nervous. “When I felt the earthquake, I realized something. I realized that if the world was ending I would want you to come over. I’d want you to stay the night, even if you fell out of love with me I just want to be with you. You made me feel alive, and that’s all I’d be able to focus on even if we were about to die." 

Exhaling loudly, you caught your breath as his eyes filled with tears. "I’m sorry if that was too much or didn’t make sense-” John B quickly reached forward and held the side of your face, kissing you passionately as you held his wrist in place. The feeling of euphoria ran through your body, goosebumps appeared on your arms as you felt him grin into the kiss. You pulled back from him to catch your breath, resting your forehead against his.

“I could be falling to my doom but I would be smiling because you have made me the happiest person. There could be meteors flying across the sky, buildings could be falling down and on fire, chaos could be everywhere but I wouldn’t give a single care in the world because I’m safe with you. I know you said you weren’t ready for marriage, but that never stopped me from loving you even after we broke up.” He whispered, his breath fanning over your lips.

“I never stopped loving you either, and this whole thing showed me that I am ready for marriage. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you.” You muttered, a wide grin appeared on his lips. “Really?” Your grin mirrored his, “really.”

Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head)- Rafe Cameron

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe

Word count: 3,181

Warnings: (Lung) Cancer, hospitalization, cursing, sadness, mentions of death, death.

I sobbed writing this I’m not gonna lie

Don’t stay awake for too long, don’t go to bed. I’ll make a cup of coffee for your head, I’ll get you up and going out of bed.

Rafe Cameron sat there in the doctor’s office, his eyes glazed over and his jaw slacked as the doctor stared at him with a pitied look. Six words repeated in his mind, ‘you have stage four lung cancer’. He was only 22, how did this happen so soon? 

He rubbed his hands over his face vigorously, cracking his knuckles after he stopped. “How long do I have?” “Some people don’t survive more than 12 months, and if you’re lucky, the latest I’ve seen is 5 years but that’s with every single treatment."  He flared his nostrils as he held back his tears, he wanted to be around one person and one person only; you. 

Rafe showed up at your door after his appointment, a bouquet of rose’s in his hand and a card in the other. You grinned at his kind gesture, your heart swelling with joy. He thought he would have to plaster a smile on his face, but the moment he saw you, a genuine smile appeared on his face. For the slightest moment, he forgot that he was dying.

You two spent the night together, cuddling and watching movies. Rafe held you close to him, his fingers skimming every part of your body, wanting to relish the feeling of you under his fingers. He checked the time and realized it was 3 in the morning and he was still awake. 

You shifted in your spot before turning your body to face his, your hand reaching up and combing his blonde locks out of his face. "Don’t stay awake for too long baby, you need rest.” You mumbled, half asleep. “I know, I know. I just have a bad headache.” He lied. Truth is, he wanted to stay awake and just admire how you looked next to him, curled up in his chest, allowing him to see your natural beauty.

“I’ll make you a cup of coffee in the morning and I have plenty of ibuprofen to share.” You grinned, pressing a delicate kiss to his neck. “Goodnight, my love.” He whispered as he kissed your forehead in return, watching you fall back into your sleep.

I don’t wanna fall asleep, I don’t wanna pass away. I’ve been thinking of our future 'cause I’ll never see those days.

Rafe rubbed his eyes with his hands as he yawned, today was his third day without sleeping. He told you that he just kept waking up in the middle of the night but eventually he did go back to sleep. You believed him, offering any help to find resolutions but he politely denied them.

Truth was, everytime he fell asleep he had dreams about your future with him. The most recent one he had was of you two, married with two children. You two had moved out of the Outer Banks, wanting a new start. In this dream, he survived the cancer so he wanted a fresh start. Away from the toxic memories he had from that town.

It pained him every time he had a thought about your future, at least what he wanted your future with him to be. He wanted to make you so happy, he wanted to be the reason you woke up every morning and vice versa. You were his everything, and it killed him to know that soon it would come to an end.

I don’t know why this has happened but I probably deserve it. I tried to do my best but you know that I’m not perfect.

You sat down on the couch, legs criss crossed as Rafe paced back and forth in front of you. He was mumbling to himself as you sat there confused, trying to calm down the nerves you knew he had. You didn’t know what was going on which only worried you.

“Rafe, baby just sit next to me and talk to me.” He sat down next to you, his elbows resting on his knees, terrified to look you in the eyes. You scooted closer to him and grabbed one of his hands, “breathe.” Was all you said before he closed his eyes, deeply inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds before turning and looking at you.

You could finally see how scared he was, he looked like he hadn’t slept, his eyes were pink and watery, the bags under his eyes were a light purple. You turned your body to face him, “Rafe, what’s wrong?” He turned to you, mirroring the way you were sitting. “I have stage four lung cancer." 

His words felt like you fell face first in cement from a fifty foot drop. "W-what?” You stuttered, your voice just above a whisper. He nodded his head as he watched your eyes release tears. Your mouth fell open but you quickly covered it with your hand. You tried to speak but the only sound you could make was a gasping sound, like a fish out of water.

“I have maybe 12 months to live.” Your mouth was dry, your heart felt like it was somehow racing and stopping at the same time. Your world felt like it fell out of space and shattered. You wanted to know how long he knew, but it didn’t matter. Moral of the story was that you wanted him to live a good life for as long as he lived, and that’s what you were gonna do. 

You didn’t say anything, you simply crawled to him and straddled his lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held your waist, allowing you two to cry into each other’s necks. He held you like if he were to let go, you would disappear forever.

“I got you Rafe, I got you.“ Your hand reached up and entangled itself in his hair, gently massaging it. "Why did this have to happen? Right when I was finally feeling happy.” He screamed into your neck. 

“I don’t hunny. I don’t know.” You whispered.

I’ve been praying for forgiveness, you’ve been praying for my health. When I leave this Earth, hoping you’ll find someone else.

Rafe turned his head to look at you, making sure you were fast asleep before he slowly got out of bed. Replacing his body with a pillow, he snuck out of the room and outside of your house.

He made his way to the backyard and sat down on the grass, laying back as he looked up at the stars. He took a deep breath before speaking out loud. “Hi, uh- God. I don’t know how this works, I don’t know how to pray or even if you’re up there, but if you are I need you to hear what I have to say.”

A star above him shined brighter for a split second before disappearing behind a cloud. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for the disrespectful and disgusting teenager I was. I’m sorry for all the horrible things I did to my body. I’m sorry for the crimes I committed and never got caught. I admit to everything I have done wrong, I understand why you’re taking it out on me. But please, leave Y/N out of this. She is the light of my life, the reason I was able to find happiness. Please don’t take my actions out on her, make her fall out of love with me or something. Just…just something to ease her pain. Please.”

Rafe was out at the grocery store, leaving you plenty of time to head over to the neighborhood church. You walked out of your car with sunglasses on so people couldn’t see your red and watery eyes. You excused yourself as you shimmied through a small group of people.

You walked into the chapel and sat down in one of the pews. You removed your sunglasses before looking up at the front of the room. You let out a puff of air before speaking out loud. “Hi, God. I really don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m even trying to talk to you. But I just, I’m so desperate and I just need your help. Please, please help Rafe. Help him at least live longer than a year, he wasn’t the best person when he was a teenager, you know that. But he’s changed into a whole new person, he knows how he was before and he hates it now. Please help him recover through this, help him pull through because I need him here. He was the one I was supposed to marry, the one who would be the father of my children, the one to help give me my happy ending. Please.”

When I leave this Earth hoping you’ll find someone else, 'cause yeah, we’re still young there’s so much we haven’t done.

You shook your head at Rafe’s words as you wiped your tears away with your hands. “No, there’s no way.” You cried out. He grabbed both your wrists and made you look at him. “Y/N, you have to listen to me. I don’t want you to grieve or mourn, I want you to keep going. Find a new love, I don’t want you to be alone. You need to find a new love, start a new story with them. Please baby, I beg you." 

You squeezed your eyes closed, your throat felt like it was slowly shutting. Your heart felt like it had been stabbed after hearing his words. You knew he had a point, you knew you couldn’t mourn over him the rest of your life, but just hearing it so soon pained you more than you could ever imagine. 

Getting married, start a family, watch your husband with his son. I wish it could be me but I won’t make it off this bed.

Another night where Rafe couldn’t sleep, this being his 6th one in a row. He looked at you while you slept and admired the way the moonlight entered the window. The way the light cascaded down your face, highlighting some of your facial features. 

He slept maybe an hour, however he had a dream that woke him up. He dreamed that you got married to another man, watching as he took care of your son. He felt his heart pang with pain knowing that would be the harsh reality they would soon have to face. 

It felt like his body was there, he knew he was there, but it felt like his soul was floating out of him as he watched you be happy with a random stranger. He watched as you scooped your son up in your arms, spinning around as he let out cheerful giggles.

Rafe watched your husband who looked just as happy as you did. He hated that you were happy with someone else, but he knew you would be in good hands with your husband. He just had to pray that you’ll meet someone who loves you just as much as he did.

I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again. My life was kinda short but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it’s all ending.

Rafe had spent the next few months trying to make up for some of the shitty things he did in his teen years. He’s been donating to the pour, volunteering at local shelters and soup kitchens, randomly picking garbage up from the highway. He was trying to do anything and everything to make sure he could go to heaven.

He had no clue if heaven or hell were real, but if they do exist he would do anything he could to make sure he got into heaven. After he dies, he knew that was his one chance to see you again. He knew one day he would wake up on the other side and you would be there, running to him to give him the hug both of you had been desperately craving.

I’m happy that you’re here with me, I’m sorry if I tear up. When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up.

You softly knocked on the hospital room door, walking through the doorway with a tray of cafeteria food. "Hey baby, I brought you a sandwich and blue jello.” He smiled at you, “my favorite.” He subtly laughed before coughing harshly. You rushed over to his side and placed the tray down, grabbing one of the napkins to wipe away the small drops of blood that escaped his mouth.

“I got you baby, it’s okay.” You mumbled, passing him a glass of water as his coughing died down. You sat down in the seat next to him, watching him poke his sandwich before taking a small bite out of it. He sighed before dropping the sandwich back onto the plate, his eyes already crying. He sniffled as he covered his face with his hands, ashamed to be in the spot he was in right now.

You reached forward and grabbed onto his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb as he tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered. You shook your head trying to fight back your tears. “Don’t apologize baby, I’m right here.” “And I’m so fucking happy you are." 

You held his hand, looking down at his fingers as you played with them. "Remember back in 8th grade when I got into a really bad argument with my dad after he married Rose? I was so angry and upset, and I ran right to your house. But you were right there to help me, you cheered me up in a matter of seconds of me being with you. That was one of the first times I truly knew how happy you made me.” He recalled the memory, thinking about it like it was yesterday.

Taking goofy videos while walking through the park. You would jump into my arms every time you heard a bark.

You pulled up your snapchat and pressed record. You and Rafe decided to go to the local park to just go on the playground equipment. There was nobody around, even if there was when you were with him you felt like you two were the only ones there.

You recorded the video as Rafe pushed you on the swing set, you turned the camera to face you, zooming in on the large smile on his face. You pumped your legs up, accidentally kicking him in the stomach. The video got the whole thing and his reaction. You jumped off the swing and turned around to see him hunched over and groaning. 

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” You quickly apologized, trying to help him stand up straight. He laughed loudly, his bright smile never left his face. “That was so fucking funny!” You joined him in laughing, enjoying the moment. He held you closely by the waist as you held his elbows. “God, I am so in love with you.” He muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 

Okay shut up that was one time and it was a dare!” You defended yourself, jokingly pushing his shoulder. He brought up the story about how you ran down the block fully naked one night in senior year. Your laugh stopped the moment you heard a loud bark echoing in the distance. 

Your hand quickly reached down to grab his as your head turned in different directions to see where the sound came from. Rafe stopped walking and stood in front of you. “Hey, hey it’s okay. It was just a dog.” You nodded your head before letting out a shaky breath.

His free hand reached up and held the side of your face, “I got you Y/N. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

Cuddle in your sheets, sing me sound asleep. And sneak out through your kitchen at exactly 1:03. 

You hushed Rafe as he whispered to you. Rafe had been your boyfriend for the last 2 months, however you hadn’t told your parents about him yet which meant sneaking around if you wanted to be with him. You figured out a way to sneak him into your house without your parents knowing.

He tiptoed into your room before flinging himself onto your bed. He wasted no time in wrapping himself in your sheets, his arms wide open waiting for you to join him. You laid down next to him, watching as he looked at you with puppy eyes and his bottom lip pouting. “Which song tonight?” He thought for a minute, “Fix You by Coldplay." 

You shifted in your spot so Rafe could rest his head on your chest, your hand reached yo to play with his hair. "When you try your best but you don’t succeed…” you quietly sang to him. You continued until you heard his soft snores escape his lips. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to fall asleep with him.

You were woken up by the feeling of his lips against yours, mumbling 'wake up’ against them. “I’m awake.” You muttered, rubbing your eyes. “I gotta head home."  You nodded before flinging the sheets off of your body. You held his hand in yours before quietly opening your bedroom door. You led him down the halls and to your garage door. 

He spun you around so you could face him, his hands finding your waist as you roped your arms around his neck. "See you tomorrow?” He questioned, “absolutely.” You leaned forwards and kissed him softly, your lips hovering over his for a second. 

“Goodnight handsome.”

Soon you’ll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me.

It’s been 12 months, Rafe was admitted into the hospital at the beginning of month 11. It happened when Rafe broke into a coughing spit that ended up with him spitting up splatters of blood. You weren’t ready when that happened, you knew that that was the beginning of his end and that terrified you.

“Y/N?” He whispered, you sat up from your seat and stood next to him. “Yeah baby?” “Can you kiss me?” Your heart clenched at how soft his voice was. “It would be my honor.” You grinned as he let out a weak laugh. Leaning down you cupped the side of his face and passionately kissed him. 

You pulled away from him, not even knowing about the tears that rolled down your face. “My eyelids feel heavy.” He admitted, knowing this might be his last day. You held the side of his face, watching as his eyes slowly fell shut and his heart monitor slowed down. “No no, Rafe look at me. Keep your eyes open.” You begged.

“I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N, forever and always.” He whispered before his eyes fell shut. The room went silent except for the sound of the monitor flat lining, fear running through your veins. “Doctor!”

Magic Touch- JJ Maybank

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: After JJ finds out a secret you’ve been keeping for a long time, he’s right by your side to help take care of you. 

Word count: 1,822

Warnings: verbal and physical abuse/violence, mentions of blood, cursing.

You tiptoed through your bedroom window, not trying to attract your mother as you packed your bag to spend the week at John B’s. Your mother was just like JJ’s father, always smuggling or doing drugs, drinking until they’re unconscious, or just passed out on the couch for days on end.

Your mother was never supportive of you, you worked everyday and your mother didn’t even have a job. She would take her anger out on you everytime she remembered your dad wasn’t in the picture. If you said or did something she didn’t like, she would verbally and physically tell you how she felt about it.

No one in the Pogue friend group knew about your struggles at home. Every time you showed up with a new cut or bruise, you always managed to find a new excuse on what happened. You figured you would have to tell them at some point, you just didn’t know it would have to be so soon.

You snuck around in your room, packing bathing suits and clothes. Bagging some more essentials you would need just in case. Scanning your room, you quietly zipped your bag shut before opening and closing your bedroom door. Turning around you froze in your tracks to see your mother standing there with her arms crossed.

“Are you staying at that Josh B’s house?” Her mother slurred, nearly falling over from just standing there. “His name is John B, and yes I am.” You stated, your tone firm even though your legs were shaking. You threw your backpack over your shoulders and walked by your mom

“Is that JJ boy going to be there too?” You ignored her question as you kept your focus on the front door. You had your hand on the doorknob before she shouted at you, “he’s just gonna use you!”

Your jaw clenched as you bit your tongue. Turning around to face her you felt anger bubbling from the center of your chest. “JJ is not going to ‘use’ me. You don’t even know him so keep his name out of your mouth.” You stepped back after you spoke, not knowing just how harsh your tone sounded.

“Your father would be ashamed of you,” she started, “you look just like him. And I fucking hate that, you know why? Because he should be here, and not you. Everytime I look at you, you make me wanna scream!” She spat, her voice was laced with venom and pure hatred.

“I wish you were the one who left and not him.” You raised your voice back at your mother whose eyes were widened with fury. Before you could even process what happened, your mother grabbed the nearest empty beer bottle and chucked it at you.

You let out a cry of pain as you felt a sharp blow right above your right eyebrow. You stood there in fear as your fingers reached up to touch the area that had been hit. You lowered your hand to see a small drop of blood on your finger. You flicked the drop of blood away as you quickly swung the front door open. The moment you stepped out of the house, you slammed the door shut and just ran as fast as you could to John B’s

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, feeling mentally drained from those 5 minutes near your mother. You were tired, tired of both the physical and emotional pain every time you were in that house. You wanted to get as far away from there as possible. Your wound went numb as the summer breeze hit it. You were too focused on your legs running to focus on the pain.

Finally running up the driveway to John B’s house, you stopped at the front door as you bent over to catch your breath. Calming yourself down, you walked inside to find it was empty. You threw your bag onto the couch and headed into the backyard to see your friends fishing. “Hi guys!” You greeted them with a forced smile as you walked up to them.

“Hey Y/N! Wait, what happened?” Kie asked from the spot she was sitting in. You immediately turned back around and headed back into the house, only to be followed by JJ who dropped his fishing rod. You picked up your pace, knowing he was following you to find out what happened. You ran into the bathroom with him close behind you. Closing the bathroom door on him, you took a look at the small gash on your face.

“Y/N, if you don’t open this door right now I will break it down, and you know I will.” JJ demanded from the other side of the door. You sighed as you slowly opened the door, watching his face drop in horror and sadness as he saw the wound. “Y/N…” he stepped forward, entering the bathroom with you.

He quickly closed the door behind them as you stared at the cut in the mirror once more. A mixture of sadness and anger bubbled in his veins as he took in the sight of your wound, along with the look of sadness on your face. “Let’s get you cleaned up, buttercup.” JJ said, pushing his feelings away as to not upset you anymore then you already were. 

Before you could protest, he easily picked you up by the waist and sat you down on the sink counter. He stood between your legs, his arm reaching behind your head to grab a washcloth and a bar of soap.

Your eyes watched his hands as he lathered the washcloth with soap and water before carefully rubbing the cut. You flinched at the painful tingling sensation, backing away from his hand for a moment. “I know, I know, I’m sorry.” JJ whispered, his heart aching as she held onto his non busy hand. 

“Who did this to you?” He knew the answer since you had explained to him that you had to go home, but he didn’t want to believe it. You took a deep breath, your eyes focused on the bathroom floor. “It was your mom, wasn’t it?” He whispered after a moment of silence. You flickered your eyes up to meet his, and that’s when he knew his assumptions were correct.

“Y/N, princess… How long has this been going on for?” He asked, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. “Pretty much since we moved here. After my dad just left, she always got mad and constantly told me I reminded her of him. How she wants him here instead of me. It started out verbal but then things just kind of… escalated.” You opened up, your voice just above a whisper.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Why didn’t you tell me?” He was hurt that you had known him your entire life, but never told him about it. “I don’t want people thinking I’m asking for attention or lying. And I didn’t want to be a burden, I mean you guys have your own issues to deal with, I didn’t want to add onto it.”

He gently held the bottom of your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Princess, listen to me. You aren’t and never will be a burden or any of us, and you never will be. Especially with stuff like this. I mean, I would’ve let you stay over more often if I knew. I know for a fucking fact John B or Kie would. And Pope will always be there for you, whether a shoulder to cry on or someone who will make you laugh. We’re your family, Y/n, we’re here for you.” JJ couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite for saying these words when he was going through the same things with his father.

“I don’t want to talk about it with them right now, especially with John B’s dad still possibly out there. I just want us to focus on him.” You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to control your shaky breath.

You had always been a tough girl in JJ’s eyes. You could take a joke, you weren’t afraid to fight your own battles, you knew how to stand up for yourself and your friends. It broke his heart to see you so beaten up, both mentally and physically.

JJ entangled his hand through your hair and pulled you towards him, resting your head on his chest. You inhaled deeply before breaking down into tears, your body trembling against his. His other hand held your back, tracing small shapes onto your skin in an attempt to calm you down.

“Shh. It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” He softly hummed a soft tune in your ear as you clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. “You’re okay. I’m right here.” He held you tightly in his arms as he heard you slowly calm down. You slowly pulled away from him, wiping your nose with a tissue.

“There we go, princess.” He held your face in his hands and gently wiped away the trails of tears with his thumbs. You placed your hands on top of his and held them in their position. His eyes trailed down to your lips, wondering what they would feel like pressed against his.

He softly cleared his throat, his eyes dropping to the ground as he released you. “Let’s get you patched up.” Your cheeks turned a light pink as you shyly grinned as his back was turned. He reached behind you again to grab a box of bandaids. He quickly ripped one open and placed it on your wound, gently pressing the sides down to make it stay in place. He leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to the covered up wound, pulling back to see a soft grin on your lips.

You hopped off the counter and stood on your tiptoes, one hand using his shoulder to keep balance the other placed on the side of his cheek. You pressed a kiss to the left cheek, both of their heartbeats picking up speed. You got back onto your feet, your face warming up as he returned the kind gesture to you. 

As he pulled away, you two made eye contact realizing both of you wanted the same thing. “Can I-” he started, “kiss me.” You mumbled. His hands snaked their way around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. His lips gently and carefully danced with yours, as if you were a glass doll and one wrong move would break you.

Pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours. “It feels better already.” You grinned, pressing your lips against his one more time. He opened the bathroom door, his arm still around your waist. “I got the magic touch. That’s not the only thing I could touch though.”


Falling For U- John B

Request: hi! Can u do an imagine based on Falling for U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon with prompts 8, 10, and 19? Tysm!!!

Summary: based on Falling For U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon

Word count: 2,371


8. “You make me feel safe.”

10. “You’ve always felt like home.”

19. “I just want this. I want you.”

I was hangin’ with you and then I realized. I didn’t think it was true, I was surprised, when I found out I’ve fallen for you.

John B had invited you over for a private surf lesson after you had told him you’ve never been. You had just moved to the Outer Banks last year, only recently meeting the Pogue and the rest of his friends. From the moment you met him you were drawn to him. Not for his attractive looks, but for his personality.

You had just met him, but he was always right by your side and ready to help you out through anything you were going through. He had a heart of gold and you adored the boy for that.

You first practiced your movements in the sand, rowing your arms front and back as if you were paddling to a wave. “And… jump up!” John B instructed. He stood by the side of the board, ready to catch you if you slipped. You lifted yourself up and jumped into position, John B’s hand holding yours to help you catch your balance.

“Nicely done Y/L/N. Now let’s see if you can actually do it in the water.” JB led you to the waves, guiding you on how far to go out. He scanned the waves trying to find one for you. He pointed his index finger to an incoming wave as it slowly began to rise, you looked at him with a look of fear.“You got this. I’ll be right here to help you out.” He reassured you. 

You exhaled, “if I drown it’s your fault.” He sent you a sly grin before saying, “don’t worry I know CPR.” You jokingly rolled your eyes while ignoring the butterflies you got in your stomach. You faced the wave as you paddled towards it, a tint of pink covered your cheeks as John B whooped and cheered from behind you. “And… jump!” You immediately popped up into position, almost surfing the whole wave before falling into the water.

You popped your head back above water to John B paddling towards you with your board next to him. “You okay?” He asked, pulling you back up onto your board. You wiped the water off of your face before nodding, getting ready to paddle again to a slightly larger wave. “Y/n/n you don’t have to surf today, this was just supposed to be a practice.” He reminded you. You were absolutely determined to get this. “I got this.” You winked at him before paddling to the wave.

JB let you take this one, watching you jump up into position in time. “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” You laughed as you skimmed through the wave. John B applauded you as the wave died down revealing pure shock on your face. “And the Pogue princess has done it ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled into his cupped hands as you made it to shore. 

You waited for him to get to you before jumping into his arms. You wrapped yours around his neck as he held you by the waist, spinning you around in glee. “You fucking did it! Holy shit!” He grinned as he put you down. You jumped up and down in excitement. “I know! JJ better watch his back I’m coming up to him.” You mumbled, earning a chuckle from him.

“I believe this calls for a celebratory drink.” JB held his hand out for you to grab, you gave him a weary look. His glance dropped to his extended hand, his fingers slightly wiggling. You giggled quietly before intertwining your hands together. This time the butterflies were stronger than ever. You slowly pieced together that you were developing feelings for your best friend, which you were not ready to admit. 

I didn’t wanna believe my feelings for you. I didn’t wanna believe that I could lose you if I told you just how I felt.

“I’m really scared Kie.” You admitted, clutching onto one of her pillows on her bed. She sat in front of you and held both of your shoulders, “don’t be Y/N! John B won’t be phased if he finds out you like him. Plus even if he knows that’s not gonna change anything.” “That’s not what JJ told me.” Kie furrowed her eyebrows at you before remembering past events.

JJ told you about the time John B dated a close friend of 5 years for a while but once they broke up they never spoke again. You refused to tell John B how you felt because you were terrified of rejection. You were terrified of him not feeling the same way, or pitying you for not feeling the same way. Then things become awkward and the whole friendship is ruined.

“That was years ago! He’s matured a lot now and from the way he looks at you I’m guessing he feels the same as you.” You buried your face into the pillow and groaned into the cushion. “Don’t do that. Don’t give me that.” You sighed, clutching onto the pillow. “Don’t give you what?” She asked. “Don’t give me hope.” Kie reassuringly rubbed your back, “It’ll all fall into place soon hun, just try to give it time.”

“Dude when you see her your face turns pink. You’re all like, "oh Y/N! Let me show you what true love is!” JJ exaggerated, putting his hand on his forehead before dramatically flipping his hair. “Shut up man.” John B grumbled from behind the steering wheel.

“Honestly dude I don’t know what’s got you so afraid. Just tell her and don’t be a pussy.” JJ said to him. “Okay well what if I tell her and she’s like, ‘what the fuck I just became friends with this dude.’ And she like, never talks to me again. What happens then?" 

JJ rolled his eyes at his over dramatic friend, "JB I love you, you know this but either man up and tell her or watch her fall in love with someone else. Your choice man.” John B slouched in his seat, realizing his friend had a point. 

But I can’t help it, I’m falling for you. And I can’t quit it 'cause I’m stuck on you. 

John B covered your eyes with his hands as he led you into the backyard. Today was your birthday and while the rest of the Pogues took you out for dinner, John b stayed at his house to set up his backyard with festive lights and decorations. He remembered the first time you met him, you had gone on and on about how you wanted to go to a paper lantern festival. Since there were none at the time, he managed to find a lantern to give to you. He had set up the hammocks with a soft blanket and comfortable pillows. He saved up to buy cute fairy lights girls used to decorate their rooms. 

“And… surprise!” JB uncovered your eyes and watched your face contort into pure joy. “John B…” you trailed off, getting teary eyed. “Is it too cliche? Damn it I shouldn’t have listened to Kie.” He muttered under his breath. You quickly turned to him and hugged him, shaking your head. “No, no it’s beautiful.” He held you in his arms before excusing himself.

He walked inside and returned with the lantern, a lighter, and a sharpie. You covered your mouth with your hands, watching him walk up to you with a dorky smile. “I know this isn’t a festival, but it’s the closest thing I could find.” He handed you the marker allowing you to write whatever you want. This was your chance to slowly start to tell him how you feel.

 You effortlessly wrote, 'JB+(your first and last initials)’ you looked back up to him to see his smile even wider than before. “Is this okay?” He nodded his head, “it’s perfect."  He held the other side of the lantern as you lit the bottom. "One, two, three.” You two sent it off into the air, watching it slowly rise into the night sky.

John B wrapped his arms around your frame, resting his chin on your shoulder as you watched the lantern float above them. Your heart felt like it skipped beats constantly whenever he was near you. You got butterflies in your stomach whenever your name left his mouth. Everything you did with him just felt comfortable and safe.

And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical but I just want to be with you.

You unknowingly cuddled yourself into John B’s chest. You two were laying on the couch, you were fast asleep in his arms. He couldn’t help but admire you as you slept. How your eyelashes just looked naturally long when they were shut. How every now and then your nose would twitch. Your eyes would sometimes flutter when you dreamed. Today was a day where you had a dream about John B.

He furrowed his eyebrows as a quiet, “John B.” and a giggle escaped your lips. You were dreaming about you two traveling the world together after finding the gold. He took you everywhere you wanted to see, always looking at you when you were looking at the view. 

John B didn’t move for a minute, afraid that he would wake you. He watched as your nose twitched nestling your head onto his chest. He held you in his arms, his thumb gently rubbing up and down on your arm. Hesitating for a moment, he tipped his head down and kissed your forehead. He couldn’t hold his smile back as you grinned at the feeling. Your mind was telling you that happened in the dream, but in reality John B was slowly realizing just how strong his feelings are for you.

Please tell me, boy can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you.

“No, JJ you don’t get it. I try to give him a hint that I like him but it just flies over his head.” You vented, hitting your head on the steering wheel. JJ lifted your head up off the wheel and against the headrest. “Y/N, John B is the most oblivious person all of us know. If you want to tell him you like him, you have to just say it.” He emphasized the 'have’. 

You groaned and turned your head to him. “Can’t you just do it for me?” You covered your face. “Sorry buttercup, it’s better if it comes from you. I’ll help keep Kie and Pope away from you guys but you have to be the one to tell him.” You exhaled loudly, nodding your head.

I’m scared of telling you how I feel. Maybe it’s better if I just try to conceal the truth. For me and for you. But I’m still stuck on you. I’m still falling for you, for you.

You paced in your room, waiting for John B to arrive at your house. Tonight was the night you were gonna admit how you felt about him. You stopped in your tracks as you heard a delicate tapping outside your window. Unlatching the lock, you let him step through the opening before closing it again.

He stood there as you paced back and forth again, making him sit down on the edge of the house bed. “Okay. Okay so, I have to say something and I just need you to wait until I’m done before you say anything.” You instructed him, earning a nod as a response.

“I like you. I like you a lot and it genuinely scares me. To the point where I went to JJ for advice because I couldn’t figure out what to do. I was scared because my brain just tells me there’s no possible way you would like me back. That if I told you how I felt you would think it’s weird or you would look at me differently and I don’t want that, I don’t want things to change in a bad way. But I wanted to say this because you just, you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I’m worth it. You give me these butterflies that leave the hair on my body standing up. I’m always with you because you’ve always felt like home. I could be skydiving with no parachute but I wouldn’t care because as long as I’m with you, I’m happy. Okay, now I’m just rambling but that’s it." 

You stopped panting, biting your nails as John B sat there trying to process everything you said. He had a dumb smile on his face as he looked up at you. "What? What? Was that too much? Did I just mess everything between us up?” You panicked.

He stood up from his spot and walked towards you. You couldn’t help but feel small and vulnerable as you slowly backed away from him. He cornered you against the wall, his breath fanning your lips. “You like me?” He quietly whispered, trying to make sure he heard that right before he made the next move.

“I really do.” You mumbled, your chest heaving from your heart rate picking up. His hand raised up and cupped the side of your face. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut, melting into his touch. “I won’t do anything until you tell me it’s okay." 

You opened your eyes to look at his brown ones. "Kiss me.” You reassured him. He dipped his head down and connected your lips to his. He exhaled in relief as he was finally able to kiss you. Something he’s been wanting to do for a while now. Now he was the one with butterflies. The pad of his thumb rubbed your cheek bone as you pulled away from him. “Do you want this?” You asked, pointing your finger between you two

“I’m falling for you, I’ve been falling for you. I just want this. I want you.” He whispered, pushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. Your face turned a light pink as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

Lazy Day- Topper Thorton

Request:Hiii, could i request a topper x reader with prompt 30 and 51? Thanks babes :)

Summary: You and Topper decide to spend some more time together after a lazy day. 

Word count: 1,895

Warnings: SMUT! oral sex (male and female), thigh riding, tiny choking kink, un protected sex (wrap it before you tap it fellas!)

Topper Thornton held you close in his arms as the sunlight entered through your curtains, blinding his sight. It was only 3 in the afternoon but you two decided to stay in and cuddle with each other. He groaned in pain as you woke up to his noises. As soon as you opened your eyes, you yelped in pain as the brightness took over your vision. 

“Here.” Topper clamped his hand over your eyes, shielding the light. “Is this okay?” He asked as he held his hand in place. “It would’ve been okay if you didn’t poke me in the eye.” You laughed as you removed his hand to rub your eye.

You sat up in the bed and stretched, your bones emitting a loud popping sound. Topper went into the bathroom as you changed into normal clothes. Instead of finding a normal pair of shorts, you grabbed a clean pair of your boyfriend’s boxers and lazily threw them on. You slid on a large plain grey t-shirt that fell loose around your thighs.

Walking to the kitchen, you began grabbing bowls to eat cereal. Standing on your tip-toes, you reached your arm up high in an attempt to grab hold of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “Is that my underwear?” Topper spoke from behind you, pressing against you to reach up for the box of cereal.

He helped you get it down, but still stood behind you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

“Today was such an easy day but I feel like I’ve been awake since 2 a.m.” you mumbled, your body shivering as Topper pressed delicate kisses to the side of your neck. His hands lifted up under your shirt, his fingertips skimming your skin. 

 He nipped at your neck, “You know I never got to tell you this, but you look hot in my boxers and shirt.” Topper smirked at you. “Alright Thorton, keep it in your pants.” Laughing you stepped away from him and headed into the bathroom leaving him missing your touch. 

You did what you had to do and stood in front of the mirror. Your fingers ran through your hair to smooth down any fly aways. You and Topper had been dating for exactly 1 year.  But no matter how long you two were together, you would do little things to try to fix your appearance. Whether it was to fix your hair or maybe even applying mascara, you wanted to look good mostly for yourself. Topper was always by your side hyping you up. He would always tap your hands when he saw you fixing something, always telling you that you look perfect in every way.

You walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. The two resumed their cuddles, Topper spooning your body. Everything was quiet, the only sound heard was the audio coming from the TV. You sighed in content as you slowly shut your eyes. “I feel like I should be tired, but I also feel like I could run a marathon. Okay that’s a lie I can’t run for shit but you get the idea.” Topper mumbled in your ear as he held you closer to him.

“You know, if you can’t sleep we could have sex.” You joked to the boy, who actually took it seriously. As soon as those words left your mouth he released you and began to pull his pants down. He flung the article of clothing across the floor, pulling you into his lap. His hands found their place on your ass, gently rubbing your skin. 

“You know I was joking, right?” You grinned as he started to guide you to grind on his clothes cock. You threw your head back only for Topper to grab the bottom of your chin to kiss you. Your lips danced together, practically molding the moment they touched. The kiss got heated quickly as his tongue slid across your bottom lip before trying to fight for dominance with yours. 

The pupils in his blue eyes grew as he watched you grind against him, his eyes staying locked on your facial expressions. His hands slid up from your ass to the hem of your shirt. He wasted no time in nearly ripping it off of your body. He froze in his spot as his eyes scanned over the navy blue lace bra you were wearing. “Wanna take this upstairs?” He asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

You exhaled while nodding your head. He jumped to his feet, wrapping his arms around you as you linked your legs around his waist. He easily carried you up into his bedroom, carefully placing you down onto your feet. He sat up against the headboard, patting his thigh signaling you to come over to him. 

You straddled his thigh, feeling him lightly tense under your touch. Wrapping your arms around his neck, his hand found the small of your back, tracing small circles on your skin. You slowly began to rock your hips back and forth against his thigh, “there we go, princess. You like getting off on my thigh?” He smugly asked, his hands finding your ass once again.

You nodded your head, not being able to trust your voice. You knew if you spoke, a moan would slip out. Topper knew this was a weakness you had so he wanted to use it to his advantage. “Use your words, princess.” You bit your lip harshly, “I love it.” You let out a quiet moan, feeling the fabric of his boxers rub your clit. 

“Don’t stop baby, you’re almost there."he mumbled, his hands reaching up and undoing your bra. He immediately cupped your breasts, his mouth finding your left nipple. You couldn’t hold back your moan as his tongue swirled around your nipple. You spend up the rate of your grinding, your hands entangling themselves in his hair. In a swift motion, Topper was hovering over you. "If you’re gonna cum, it’s either gonna be on my tongue, my fingers, or my cock.”

He peppered kisses on your stomach, teasingly pulling his boxers off of you. He gently blew on your core, watching you squirm under the feeling. His tongue laid flat on your folds before diving in quickly. His hands quickly pinned your thighs down knowing you would wanna shut your legs.

Your eyes fluttered shut, “Topper.” You moaned, grinding your core against his tongue. He moaned against you, the vibrations sending a new sensation up your spine. He pulled away from you, his thumb collecting your juices. He leaned forward towards your face, “taste yourself.” You held onto his wrist as your lips wrapped around his digit. His mouth fell open as he watched you swirl your tongue around it. “Good girl.” He praised.

You tugged on his boxers, signaling you wanted them off. He quickly slid them off, sitting back in his position against the headrest. You positioned yourself between his legs watching as his cock sprang up, a shade of red with precum leaking from the tip.

Wrapped your hand around the base, he thrusted into your touch. “Hey, hey, easy tiger.” You giggled as your thumb swirled on his tip. You smeared the precum around, dragging it down the base. You watched entertained as Topper nearly crumbled underneath your touch. 

“Princess, you should put that pretty little mouth to another use instead of talking.” Topper panted, one of his hands collecting your hair in a fist. Obeying his subtle words, you took him into your mouth. “Oh shit Y/N, your tongue feels so good.” He groaned.

You flattened your tongue on his shaft, bobbing your head up and down. Your hand pumped the area where your mouth couldn’t reach. You moaned against him as you heard him mutter a string of curse words. Topper bunched your hair in his hand, trying to resist the urge of pushing your head down onto him. 

“If you keep going I’m gonna cum.” Your eyes watered as you forced your head all the way down, your nose touching his pelvis. He let out an almost pornographic moan as you repeated the action over and over. He lifted your head up, watching as strings of saliva reached from your mouth to his cock. Giving his tip one last lick, he leaned forward, his hand wrapping around your throat.

“I know what I said before, but I want you to cum on my dick before anything else.” Topper ordered, pulling you into a passionate kiss. He tasted himself on your lips, which for some reason turned him on even more. He positioned you onto your back, his tip teasing your folds as he rubbed himself against you. “Jesus, Top can you just-” he silenced you as he harshly slammed himself into your entrance without warning. You let out a loud moan as you bit your lip, your mouth falling open at the impact. 

“Fuck Topper!” You cried out, watching his facial expressions as he hovered over you. Your nails raked down Topper’s back, no doubt leaving bright red scratch marks. Topper pulled all the way out before slamming himself back into you, the sounds of your skins slapping together being the only sound in the room. To Topper, the sound of their actions and your moans were music to his. Hearing you praise him, telling him his cock feels so good made him feel like he was on top of the world when really he was just on top of you. 

“You’re so fucking tight. You feel so good.” He groaned, his head dipping down to kiss your lips. Your mouth fell open in bliss allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. “You’re all mine Y/N. No one can fuck you like I can.” He grunted in your ear. Your legs started to shake as your eyes fluttered shut. Not only was the physical touch a turn on for you, but hearing Topper be dominant made your core ache. 

His one free hand latched onto your throat, giving it a squeeze before he ran his thumb across your bottom lip. “That’s my good girl. Taking my cock like a champion, feeling every single inch of me.” His hands roamed your body, pinching your nipple between his fingers as you became a moaning mess. One of his hands intertwined your fingers as he pinned one of your hands above your head. 

“I’m almost there baby.” You said. Topper’s thrusts became quick and sloppy. “Cum in me.” Topper moaned into your ear as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling you closer to him. “Together?” He asked, resting his forehead against yours. “Together.” You arched your back as you released yourself around him. You felt Topper’s member stop moving as he released himself in you. Topper hissed loudly as you clenched around him, drawing the sinful pleasure to an end. 

He slowly pulled himself out of you, watching his cum drop from your core. A shiver was sent through your body from the loss of touch. Topper fell to your side, bringing you into his arms. You rested your forehead against his chest as the two of you caught your breaths. “I love you, Y/N.” You peppered soft kisses to his neck, “I love you too, Top.”
