#owlin comics

First comic of the new year! Welter Hitch is available to read on @slipshine. An intimate conversati

First comic of the new year! Welter Hitch is available to read on @slipshine. An intimate conversation about BDSM relationships with Avi and Harold. Will be three parts.

Owlin comics is made up of myself and @sayunclecomics

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I picked up this edutainment comic about cannabis called How Do You Smoke A Weed? a little while bac

I picked up this edutainment comic about cannabis called How Do You Smoke A Weed? a little while back, and I keep rereading it lately - partly because it’s full of interesting info, but also because of these two characters!!

VeeVee and Gigi… weed lesbians in love… they’re perfect ;_;

(as a note - HDYSAW is 18+, don’t go googling it all willy-nilly!)

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