#pack dad derek


I wonder how many people assumed the betas were actually Derek’s kids?

Like, they don’t know him, he’s not ~Derek Hale~ he’s just a call-in regular who’s always polite on the phone, a servers fave, but still, there’s some assumptions to be made. Everyone does it, makes guesses about the person who goes with the voice on the phone. The experienced ones can identify a Karen by word one. And it’s fun, something to lighten the mood. So, he’s calling in a takeout order (the delivery guys love him, always tips over 20) and the server writing down the honestly staggering amount of food can hear noise in the background, laughter and yelling, and Derek stops mid-order, his voice taking on the tone of every parent dealing with an unruly kid.

“Hold on a second - Erica, I swear to God if you jump off there one more time, you will survive the fall, you will not survive me, understand? Yeah, that’s what I thought - okay, sorry, where was I?”

And this time he says he’ll come pick it up himself, and everyone is expecting a Mark Sloane-type dilf with at least two small kids, based on the background noise alone, and then he shows up, he’s just like….a college dude. He’s got three teenagers with him. He calls the blonde babe Erica. He tells them they better help carry the bags or they won’t get any of the lemon bars Stiles is making (what the hell is a Stiles?) and they listen. He leaves a thirty dollar tip.

Derek: *shows up at the clinic with the pack*

Deaton: How many children are you friends with?
