#pagan parenthood




I read (and added these additions) to thisreally lovely post by @withcraftandwitches . I wanted to add few extra tips/ideas from a physician and witch who is currently working in a hospital to help deliver babies:

  • Many hospitals/birthing centers allow you to use an essential oil diffuser that doesn’t have an open flame; some may even have oils available for you to use, but I wouldn’t count on it. You can use lavender or another scent that makes you feel calm and happy or fits the associations you want to maintain during labor
  • You can also bring crystalsto be in the room with you or the baby - Ive even seen a mom leave behind a small cluster of rose quartz and amethyst with her infant in the NICU. Live plants are generally not an option in that environment, but a few stones are generally OK
  • It’s also usually easy to bring some musicfor yourself while you rest or while you’re in earlier stages of labor.
  • Many hospitals have chaplain services - while many of these are Christian I know even my Catholic hospital has chaplains who know about pagan traditions and would possibly be able to sit and pray with you even if it’s not to their personal religious beliefs if you find yourself in need of spiritual reassurance.
  • Avoid supplements that you haven’t discussed with your physician or midwife managing the pregnancy. Some even common and normally harmless herbs can affect things, everything from milk production to blood clotting to baby’s development.
  • Try not to be too focused on the perfect “birth plan” - things change rapidly and everyone wants to do the best for you and your baby - but these things may not be as “natural” or something you wanted initially.
  • Additionally don’t feel as though you cannot be legitimate or “real” in your labor experience if you need interventions such as an epidural or C-section. Bringing life into the world is a difficult and sometimes dangerous thing, and there is no good reason to reject modern medicine - your gods and spiritual beings care most about you and your baby being healthy and it is OK if you need help with the process. Natural birth does not define motherhood/parenthood.