#witch mom

I know the saying is spirituality isn’t cheap, but it doesn’t mean it has to be inaccessible. I reme

I know the saying is spirituality isn’t cheap, but it doesn’t mean it has to be inaccessible. I remember how difficult it was starting my practice and wanting to get all the things that cost all the money and having neither. One of my favorite go-to places from way back then (and still is)  was the dollar store. If you really look up and down the isles, you’ll find so many things you can use in your practice on the cheap.

My advice to baby witches just starting their collection of craft items is be patient. Set a budget of a few things and make sure they are the items you need to use on the reg. Once you’ve picked up your first couple of things, plan out the next few pieces you will need to help expand your craft. Don’t worry about getting everything you need at once. More than likely you won’t need everything you think you do in the beginning anyway. 

Make sure you are purchasing à la carte items one at a time as needed, and stay away from Etsy and spiritual shops that tend to overcharge. Instead, use them to pick up special items like crystals or blended oils that you can’t get at a discount store. And always keep your eyes open at garage sales, thrift shops and your grandmas house.

*Each local dollar store will have different inventory, so your dollar store might vary in what they have available. Take note of what they have but check back every few months when they rotate their stock. 

Notebooks, Pens/Pencils - Note books, pens and pencils will be at every dollar store. You can even pick up markets or colored pencils. 

Journals - Journals are sometimes stocked with the book isle. So I usually check that area to see if there are any blank journals I want to use for spell books or craft journals. 

Candles - Dollar stores are the jackpot for candles. You can get pillar candles, tea lights or votives in glass.

Offering Plates - They typically have clear glass bowls you can use for offering plates or even small dishes. 

Bottles (Glass or plastic) - I’ve found colorful glass bottles with cork tops at one time or another, this might be a seasonal item. 

Mirrors - Mirrors are always good for reflecting spells so pick up a few for protection/reflection magic. 

Olive Oil - You can use olive oil to anoint and bless. Grab a bottle if they have it in stock. 

Essential Oil - Your dollar store may carry a limited amount of essential oils, if they do you know you’ve scored big. No doubt these aren’t real essential oils and probably more like fragrance oil, so I wouldn’t put directly on my skin, but you can still use them in candles and just in general. 

Boxes/Bins/Storage - Any dollar store will have loads of bins, and storage to hold all your witch crafty items in. 

Incense/Incense holders - My dollar store always stocks incense cones, so I know they will be there, but I’ve seen sticks and some too. 

Jars - Grab some canning jars! You will definitely need them to make spell jars and hold items in. 

Yardley Soap - In my opinion, this soup is so overlooked. This original recipe dates back to the 1700s and is made in London. Use it for cleansing and ritual work. 

Clay - Clay can be used to make small pentacles and even painted with paint from the dollar store. You can use clay to create other alter items as well like candleholders, beads and jewelry. 

Calendars/Planners - Most calendars and planners will have the moon phases written on them, and if not you can always go in month to month and write it in yourself. Planners are a great way to track moon phases and spells that are coming up.

Drawstring Bags - Perfect to house herbs, crystals or anything you want to carry around with you in a little pouch. 

Chalk - Chalk can be used to draw on doors, windows and porches for protection symbols. You can also use it to draw your circle around you when you cast spells. 

String - String can be bought for tying up bags, knot spells or cord spells so definitely something handy to have around. 

Felt - Not every dollar store will have felt, but it’s worth a mention. Use for making poppets and dolls. If your dollar store doesn’t carry felt, craft stores usually carry it for a dollar a sheet.

A small stool or shelf - If you’re looking for a small alter space you might be able t find a shelf or small stool/table. 

Table cloth - Dollar stores will generally have this item either in the party section or in the household items. Typically they come in white but if you go during Halloween season you might be able to score a black one. 

Seasonal decorations - Always head over to the dollar store for any seasonal items. Think Yule décor, Halloween decorations and so much more. 

Lighter/Matches - A regular find at any dollar store and super useful. 

Paper - Loose leaf lined paper or computer paper is always good to have on hand aside from notebooks.

Spices (Garlic/Salt/Cinnamon) - They won’t carry all the spices, but a dollar store will have a small selection. Look for cinnamon, garlic, salt and sugar. 

Honey - Perfect for making honey jars and sweetening up spells. 

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This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorit

This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorite!) It’s also just super useful to help manifest what you want while visualizing your goals each month. 

If you have a side hustle or small business then you know how much effort and energy it is to grow. You’re working all hours of the night, posting on social media, coming up with a strategy and even paying for ads to help bring in new sales. With that being said it’s always a good idea to back up so much mundane work with the energy of a spell for your business. 

This is a working spell, meaning it’s never really ‘complete’. You can continue to add components to it and keep the energy active as you grow your business with the spell. It also works really well for online shops and e-commerce businesses as you don’t really need a physical location to perform the spell successfully. 

What you need

  • A small box (decorated however you want)
  • A print out of your products 
  • Cinnamon oil
  • One green candle
  • 4 coins

What you’ll do

Print out your products on one piece of paper. You can make them small if you have several products, or just print out your best sellers. Anoint your candle and coins in cinnamon oil. Light the candle and place the coins around the candle. Visualize your business growth with whatever that means to you. Either acquiring more sales, clients, or shop visits. Let the candle burn down all the way. Fold up your piece of paper and place it in the box. Place the coins and any wax remnants on top of the paper, in your box. 

Keep your box on display on your altar, or in a prominent place. Add items to it as you see fit, and light a green candle next to it anointed in cinnamon oil to repeat the spell every waxing moon. 

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 I saw a TikTok the other day that said to manifest during the waxing phase and not the full moon ph

I saw a TikTok the other day that said to manifest during the waxing phase and not the full moon phase. Sometimes in witchcraft there is ALOT of conflicting information. And I’m not saying anyone is wrong, but I am saying it can be confusing for a baby witch to figure out. Here’s the thing thought. There are no rules in witchcraft. Sure there are “guidelines” but nothing really specific that says YOU HAVE TO bla bla blah. I’ve sure as shit done an spell in a pinch that was probably more of a manifesting spell during the waiting moon phase because I’m pretty much a hot mess at all times. So just to clarify here’s what I do in manifesting during moon phases.

The Waxing Moon is all about growth and making more. What more? Well that depends on you. Money, jobs, business growth, however you want to translate that into you me life. These spells are best done during the waxing moon phase. 

The Full Moon is the most potent so sometimes I do spells during that time even though they kinda fall under the “waxing moon phase” ones because I want that hyped up energy that I get from the full moon. I also do a lot of recharging during the full moon and reconnecting bc stress. 

‍♀️ So in the end the best moon phases to manifest to are The Waxing Moon bc of its powerful growth energy and The Full Moon bc she’s just a boss all around.

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 MY LAZY WITCH CONFESSIONS Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon ritua


Being a practicing witch is no easy pursuit. From monthly full moon rituals, spells, and loads of inner work to create a better manifested life takes an endless amount of time. And sometimes life is messy, gets in the way, or damnit you just need to take a break from all of it. So sometimes I’m a lazy witch. (shrugs) Not that I can’t be bothered with proper ingredients of a spell, but just because sometimes it is so complicated I just need to move on. 

(Quick note, no-lazy witchcraft is not really a thing, mostly this post is just for fun.)

1 I don’t always charge my crystals 

In my defense my crystal collection has grown over the years and I don’t like to drag them all outside and let the full moon do it’s thing. I have done it. And yes I did get weird looks from my neighbors who were all watching me drag tons of Pyrex dishes outside with crystals on them. 

2 Full moon rituals are a maybe

I love a full moon ritual bath. It’s cleansing and relaxing and I can decompress from the past month while preparing myself for the month ahead. Does that always happen? No. Usually if it doesn’t it’s because something got in the way like massive loads of laundry or some other mom-type crises that can’t be avoided. (Where are my other witchy moms at?)

3 Tarot readings on the fly

I LOVE getting out all the things to do a tarot reading. Candles, crystals, Hand Of Glory (kidding!) but for real getting prepped, it makes a big difference in how my connection is and ultimately how my reading goes. No matter how much I love this, most of the time my readings are done on the fly at my desk when I’m getting pissed off at someone. 

4 I don’t have a Book Of Shadows or Spellbook

I used to keep a better record, used to being the commemorative word here. After some time IDK what happened by my leather bound journals became Dollar Tree notebooks and then nothing at all. I should write everything down before I die, I know this but will I, IDK. 

5 Sabbath celebrations are a nope

I used to do these too but with Halloween and Christmas celebrations with the fam I don’t have any time to add an additional Sabbath so I flicked it off the calendar and never looked back. (Sorry ancestors) 

6 My witchy at home aesthetic pajamas

I’m completely jealous of the witches who have their look down with the black robes and completely decorated spaces to celebrate and work their magic in. I’m in the kitchen next to stacks of papers and a doggie chew toy.

7 Substitutions are a hit or miss

Spell substitutions, we all do it, the question is do they work? Sometimes they do, and sometimes the spell goes wonky. I’m just as guilty of subbing out things as the next witch but I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do!

8 Kitchen witch means making Uncrustables 

Cooking is the bane of my existence. I used to love it. But after making dinner for 4 millionth time in a row I can never make a meal again. So if I have to have an edible item in my spell you best believe it’s a frozen waffle or something on that same line. 

9 Cleansing before spells is just wiping Cheeto dust off my fingers

It just takes too long. There I said it. I try to meditate to make sure my mind is clear, and I swear I used to have this ‘witchy soap’ I would make for pre-ritual washing but I haven’t come across that recipe in years so here we are.

10 My ‘circles’ are all imaginary 

I’ve seen all the fancy circles laid out with crystals, flowers and candles and I LOVE them. But am I doing them at home? Nope. Mostly I’m just imagining a fiery white light around me because that’s all the time I’ve got. 

Do you have a funny or lazy witch tip you want to share? Comment below and let me know your go-to witchy time saver!

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For me, pride month has a really special meaning. Not only do I feel like everyone should love who

For me, pride month has a really special meaning. Not only do I feel like everyone should love who they love and be who they should be without holding back, but it’s about living your truth. And as a witch, occultist and mom, there isn’t a bigger message that I would like to spread than being who you are. If you aren’t living your truth, then you can’t reach your highest potential as a person. So if you are struggling with yourself, know that you are loved, you are valued and that most of all YOU MATTER.

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Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone els

Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone else’s shit garbage vibes and let it effect me. And afterwards I would need so much time to decompress from even the smallest ‘peopley’ interaction. I would lay in bed and not want to get up for dayyyyyys. Of course I had to. I had to work and do all the things. But it was so overwhelming and exhausting that sometimes I felt myself dragging through the minutes just waiting to get back home. 

Then someone told me I was a collector of energy and that I needed to be a curator instead. Keep the good things, the positive feelings and interactions but trash the rest. 

That small tiny crumb of advice changed my life. Shitty things will always happen and there’s nothing you can do to change that. But don’t collect other people’s shit energy. Don’t bring it into you space and most importantly don’t let it effect you. 

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Full Moon Bath Sachet


  • Coffee filter, square of cheesecloth or plain cotton cloth or small plain natural fiber bag
  • Non-toxic pants/markers/dye
  • Bath safe herbs, flowers, crystals (calendula, rosemary, citrus peels, dandelion, oatmeal, mint, lavender, rose, violet, thyme, etc.)
  • String, ribbon, yarn or twine to tie off the bag
  • A cup or bottle of water (the kind safe to drink)

I wrote this for my daughter and some other kiddos that will be celebrating the full moon tomorrow night. It is made to be friendly to younger persons but is something any age can do!

Tonight you are going to be creating a full moon bath sachet and charging moon water with your cohorts!

Set out your supplies before the moon peeks out. Take your filter/bag/cloth and decorate it. Have your cohorts use the non-toxic the markers and paints. Choose symbols and colors that are meaningful to what you need to gather to you from this moon. You might want to sketch out some simple examples on a sheet of paper to inspire the younger persons. Do you need more prosperity? More health? More love? Focus on those things as you decorate your bag. Let it dry if needed before adding the sachet fillings.

Choose herbs and flowers that strike your fancy (if you are more experienced/older you can go for ones that match the attributes you need but let the young ones go based on their love of certain colors, or scents, or shapes!). When you selected the herbs and flowers to put out, it helps to remember if it’s safe to eat or season food with, it’s likely safe for a bath. You may add a water safe crystal or two if you like. I like to add a spoonful of oatmeal to soothe the skin and bind the magic. Tie your bag shut, and help your cohorts if needed with tying theirs.

Offer it to the moon to be charged with her light and power that the fullness brings. Include a cup or bottle of water to also add to the future bath. This is also a good time to have refreshment (moon cookies!) in celebration of the moon! You may leave the items to out to charge in her beams as long as you feel necessary- up to the whole night! Make sure it is safe from any critters though if it’s outside since some of the plant matter inside might be intriguing.

Soak it in a special bath, explaining to your cohorts how the full has given power and purpose to the sachet just for them. Have them pour the moon water in, perhaps encouraging them to swirl their finger or hand clockwise in the water. Ask them about any scents or color bleeding they might notice from the sachet in the water. How do they feel? How do you feel?

I would dispose of most of the sachet after the bath, but you may keep the crystals! Perhaps your cohorts might like to have them in their room? In an age appropriate spot of course (up high if they’re not ready for small delicate objects).




I read (and added these additions) to thisreally lovely post by @withcraftandwitches . I wanted to add few extra tips/ideas from a physician and witch who is currently working in a hospital to help deliver babies:

  • Many hospitals/birthing centers allow you to use an essential oil diffuser that doesn’t have an open flame; some may even have oils available for you to use, but I wouldn’t count on it. You can use lavender or another scent that makes you feel calm and happy or fits the associations you want to maintain during labor
  • You can also bring crystalsto be in the room with you or the baby - Ive even seen a mom leave behind a small cluster of rose quartz and amethyst with her infant in the NICU. Live plants are generally not an option in that environment, but a few stones are generally OK
  • It’s also usually easy to bring some musicfor yourself while you rest or while you’re in earlier stages of labor.
  • Many hospitals have chaplain services - while many of these are Christian I know even my Catholic hospital has chaplains who know about pagan traditions and would possibly be able to sit and pray with you even if it’s not to their personal religious beliefs if you find yourself in need of spiritual reassurance.
  • Avoid supplements that you haven’t discussed with your physician or midwife managing the pregnancy. Some even common and normally harmless herbs can affect things, everything from milk production to blood clotting to baby’s development.
  • Try not to be too focused on the perfect “birth plan” - things change rapidly and everyone wants to do the best for you and your baby - but these things may not be as “natural” or something you wanted initially.
  • Additionally don’t feel as though you cannot be legitimate or “real” in your labor experience if you need interventions such as an epidural or C-section. Bringing life into the world is a difficult and sometimes dangerous thing, and there is no good reason to reject modern medicine - your gods and spiritual beings care most about you and your baby being healthy and it is OK if you need help with the process. Natural birth does not define motherhood/parenthood.