


“I have no doubt of your ability, my lord,” she said, throwing his own words back at him. “I am sure you are an excellent rider.”

Panville Royal Medieval AU

ongoing twt fic here: link


Pansy and Neville answer a kink questionnaire. Things happen. And then more things. And then, you know… more things.

Sowing Seeds Part 2

A Panville Breeding Kink AU
With, you know, Magical Consequences
Word Count:6064

Pansy could do nothing but stare at Neville as he laughed. He laughed so hard, in fact, that he pulled away from her, and despite the warmth of her laugh, she suddenly felt cold.

Why was he laughing? Did he think this was a joke? She would never joke about something like this. This was… this was serious. This was a big deal. This was life changing.

Laughing. He was… laughing. She was terrified of losing him, heartbroken at the prospect, in fear that he might not want the same thing… and he thought it was a joke.

He only just managed to catch his breath, and Pansy was ready to eviscerate him. How dare he-

“Marry me,” he said, a grin clear across his face. And then, it dropped. “Shit, I mean-”

“What?” she asked, taking a step back in shock. She had expected him to be honorable and offer to do the right thing, but she hadn’t expected him to say it so fast. And… well, not with a smile on his face.

“I did not mean to say that,” he said, his face going grey. “I meant to say-”

“You can’t ask me to marry you just because I’m pregnant!” she gasped out, taking a step away from him. This was just as she feared, and yet, worse. Worse, because now he was already trying to get out of it, not even ten seconds after asking her.


Pansy and Neville answer a kink questionnaire. Things happen. And then more things. And then, you know… more things.

Sowing Seeds Part 1

A Panville Breeding Kink AU
With, you know, Magical Consequences
Word Count:8421

Hermionesaid this was a good list?” Neville asked again, as though she had not already said it fifteen times. And she had. Said it, that is. She had told him repeatedly.

“It’s the exact list that she and Draco are using,” Pansy agreed, not looking up from the bathroom sink, where she was washing her face.

She could practically sense Neville’s disbelief, but really…

Well, she doubted it was a joke, and upon looking at the list, reading it… She could see why Hermione was so proud of it. The list was very thorough.

And, apparently, it had more than spiced up Hermione and Draco’s love life.

Not that they were in need of spicing up, of course. If any couple was going to be caught in a linen closet or sneaking off to the loo, it would always be the pair of them. They seemed unable to keep their hands off of one another.

Pansy could only surmise that the reason for assembling the list was a mixture of curiosity and a desire for research. When it had first been mentioned, she had no interest in the matter-

After all, whatever Draco and Hermione were doing in the bedroom, that was no business of hers.


The lavender hedge was filled with heliotrope blooms, stalks bending under the weight of coin-sized bumblebees, their furred black and yellow bodies shrouded in veils of pollen. (Chapter 4 of A Dress with Pocketsby@pacific-rimbaud)


Everyone says bad things come in threes.

If two unfortunate occurrences already happened—for example: having to travel to bumfuck nowhere with a colleague she has a crush on (a colleague who, to add insult to injury, barely acknowledges her presence) and then having to share the room with said colleague—a third one is likely to take place.

Pansy doesn’t give weight to the nature of those ridiculous notions until they enter their room only to find the third bad thing.

There’s only one bed.

TOOTHPASTE KISSESby@tumblintofufor@artofcrumbsbirthday!

had so much collabing w u, tofu. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Pansy Parkinson: Babysitter Extraordinaire (Social Media AU Pt. 2)

Did i mention this is panville too? (He’s the only person she’ll send emojis to)

Previous socmed aus (in order):

Ginny’s POV

Pansy’s POV

Pansy Parkinson: Babysitter Extraordinaire (Social Media AU Pt. 1)

Spring Babies

Pansy flowercrowns handmade by Mummy Pansy and Ollie, from Daddy Nev’s garden Of course Trevor gets a crown too

Ollie and Trevor Jr. (my OCs)

It’s intimate moments like this that makes their love grow stronger. When Pansy and Neville can just hold each other after being so passionate together. when they can be skin to skin, whispering sweet nothings to each other

Commission and caption by MysticWrites on twitter


Panville POV ThirstTok just dropped

on p@treon

Panville POV ThirstTok just dropped

on p@treon


Pansy and Neville’s baby Ollie goes nom nom nom

Pansy and Neville

Hogwarts era ☺️


Panville POV ThirstTok just dropped

on p@treon


Panville ❤️

Cat Pansy and Fireman Neville


“It’s not the best but—“

“Best birthday ever.”

Happy Birthday Neville! ♥️


✨Explosive Chemistry✨

Potions Prof. Parkinson and Herbology Prof. Longbottom

✨Explosive Chemistry✨

Potions Prof. Parkinson and Herbology Prof. Longbottom



May Flowers! Today’s theme is the language of flowers.

Check out last week’s post on Hanahaki Disease here! Have a rec you think belongs in this series? Send me a DM! Drarry unless otherwise noted.

An Idiot’s Guide to Wooing Your Husbandby@toxik-angel // E // 45K // the softest, sweetest accidental bonding fic EVER. I had read this a while back and absolutely adored it the second time around.

“Peppy, he’s been telling me he loves me all this time. The apple blossoms, the tulips, the Austrian roses…”

Midwinter Mysteries by @prinzessineilis // E // 19K // Draco/Neville // pureblood courting rituals !!!! secret admirers, gifts and mystery, Hogwarts professors?! ALL THE YES.

Except, it was an arrangement of camellias, three by three. Three white as a sign that the sender thought he was attractive. Three in pink to show longing. Three in red for ardour. It was a perfectly ordinary, perfectly organised, perfectly traditional courting gift. A declaration of intention in the language of flowers.

A Love Languageby@signifiquint // M // 8K // Wolfstar // ugh I get all sappy when these two get the life and love they deserved, and this fic hit the nail on the head. so sweet, their little family is so perfect.

“Phlox. Ahem.” He paused, a blush spreading over his cheeks, despite Remus being unable to see his face. “ Our souls are united.” Sirius grasped around for Remus’ hand, twisting the bands he found on his ring finger around and around.

More recs (including some art & podfics) below the cut!

Keep reading


Chapter 35 - Thursday, July 5, 2007

A letter from St Mungos gives Neville a terrible feeling…

Hope you enjoy it!

I know I said in the past two chapters that it was a year in their life, but I couldn’t postpone this chapter any longer…

Come say Hello to Frank Sr and Alice Longbottom


In first place, yes, I know I’m crazy, but I’m absolutely in love with this little universe I created, so here is one more story, I mean not really in the MSB Universe. These are the ‘What If’ Stores

Sensation Sky Blue - Chapter 1 : What if Pansy knocked on his door while she was pregnant?
