#peace of heart


you don’t immediately realize things have gotten better because happiness doesn’t overwhelm you all at once; you’d think it would but it trickles in like a small stream in a quiet place save for the chirping of the birds and the gentle sway of the water. and when the water starts to fill up, the feeling gets heavier, and that’s when you realize it’s there–the peace that slowly sinks in.

i think quiet folks are often the best people you’ll ever find. they always seem unassuming, demure, uninteresting even — but if you dig deep enough into the soil, you’ll find the treasure buried underneath. quiet people don’t need to be loud, they don’t need lights and action and noise to prop them up. they’re waiting to be found, like diamonds in the rough, and they’ll shine through the cracks if you give them a chance. quiet people are the best.
