#pedro pascal photo set




Pedro Pascal Aging Like a Fine Wine Series

This is a series of photo and gif sets that I have compiled of Pedro Pascal. Commonalities I have noticed in following his career for many years. An appreciation of the finer details! A homage to the things that make him, him! It’s amazing the many gestures, looks, and mannerisms that are so totally him that appear character to character. And his specific features that just get even better with age! LIKE WINE! I hope you enjoy!

Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|Part Five|Part Six|Part Seven|Part Eight|Part Nine|Part Ten|

Part Eleven |Part Twelve|Part Thirteen|Part Fourteen|Part Fifteen|Part Sixteen|Part Seventeen|Part Eighteen|Part Nineteen|Part 20|

Part 21 |Part 22|Part 23|Part 24|Part 25|Part 26|Part 27|Part 28|Part 29|Part 30|

Part 31 |Part 32|Part 33|Part 34|Part 35|Part 36|Part 37|Part 38|Part 39|Part 40|

Part 41 |Part 42|Part 43|Part 44

Always more too come!

You the real mvp
