#pencil sketches


Episode II AU in which Padme’s costume survives the arena battle intact, but the boys’ tunics take some battle damage.

*casually* oh just… Obi-Wan taking off his armor… for Satine…

continuing to aggressively draw sexy Qui-Gon Jinn sketches to cause Suffering to Cherished Mutuals

Qui-Gon sketch for @amour-de-tous

(Probably how he shows up in the archives to see Tahl when he gets home to the Temple after a long mission)

doodle of Obi-Wan with some boglings for @hawkeykirsah

(I can imagine the Council sending Obi-Wan to check on Master Cordova and Obi-Wan accidentally getting really into Zeffo archaeology)

A little scene with Kanan and Hera from early days in their partnership, as imagined by @blackberrycreek and me.

Includes Hera reminiscing about accidentally walking in on Kanan getting ready to do his laundry:

Doodling the Big Jedi Mullet because it’s “mistaking Obi-Wan for Jesus” season

That thing pet birds do where they preen their people’s hair, except with Boga and Obi-Wan

(I think I drew her feet way too small though)

More of the Jedi Ventress AU for @oh-great-authoress

“Since I won our last sparring match, does that mean I should get your Council seat?” Asajj teased, giving Obi-Wan a playful shove.

“I don’t recall conceding that fight,” Obi-Wan argued. “We just had to give up the practice hall to Cin’s class,” he reminded her.

She rolled her eyes. “Please. I disarmed you and had your saber under my heel. What tactic were you going to try, charm?”

“Would it have worked?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Kenobi.”

He paused for a moment, stroking his beard as if seriously considering the situation. “All right, then, yes. You won, you deserve my place.”

“You agreed to that much too quickly.”

“Incidentally, there’s a meeting in half an hour. It won’t be long – four hours at most,” he continued cheerfully. “Since I’m free now, I suppose I’ll get a cup of tea and spend the afternoon in the Archives…”


“I know you’re kidding,” Ky interjected, putting a hand warmly on Asajj’s shoulder. “But you’d be a great asset to the Council. You are clever and wise, and you know more about life on the Rim than most Knights twice your age. I hope you’ll give it due thought when the offer comes up.”

“Ky, you are embarrassing me,” she deflected, laughing lightly. “And what do you mean, when?”

a dramatic Satine Kryze sketch

I love how, in The Force Unleashed, Juno Eclipse looks at the Sith apprentice and goes, “Is this a boyfriend?”

and she’s right.

How Obi-Wan might’ve looked between Ep I and Ep II, growing out the Padawan buzz but not yet fully committed to the beard.

(redraw of a very old piece, so, *softly weeping* maybe people will stop reblogging the old one please)

The bestie is back on her The Force Unleashed bullshit, so here’s another attempted Starkiller sketch

Royal guard Protector walking in on this scene and being like…

“Your Grace,” pausing for a long suffering sigh, “we heard a thud.”

Satine, sprawled on the floor, having absolutely not just rolled off of General Kenobi, flushed and disheveled, but coolly replying. “Yes, perhaps you’d better run a diagnostic on the inertial dampeners in this part of the Coronet.”

“The… inertial dampeners, my lady?”

“… Dismissed.”

Enfys Nest because @worriedaboutmyfern reminded me I hadn’t attempted to draw her in a while

“Tell me you don’t think that’s a disguise.”

Best enemies who are definitely not friends at all meeting on the down low for @oh-great-authoress

cheek kiss but make it overly intense, featuring Padawan Kenobi and the young Duchess

little doodle of Padawan Kenobi in his undertunic

Anakin and Padme fluff (for the previous anon)

a soft Kenobi not unlike many other soft Kenobis I have drawn but this one is for @caffineandsugar

Little Quinlan and Ventress doodle for @allatariel

(I don’t think I’ve ever drawn Ventress not at least a little angry before and I feel a bit weird about it)

Obi-Wan with some space bats (baby pygmy chirodactyls from Dathomir) for @mytardisisparked

(ficlet below the cut - that unexpectedly got really unnecessarilyangsty - set near the end of the Clone Wars, guest-starring Ventress, ~800 words)

“What are they?”

The creature wrapped its taloned feet around Kenobi’s gauntlet. His beard did not entirely conceal the quirk of a smile. It yawned, showing tiny white teeth, and his expression turned positively saccharine.

She’d known he was soft, vulnerable to the plight of the young, the weak, the simple, but the degree to which he was susceptible to creatures that were all three was really absurd. She had called the right person.

“Some kind of pygmy chirodactyls. Juveniles, I think.”

“From Dathomir,” he supplied, glancing up at her.

She didn’t care to have that look of pity turned on her, even for a moment. He was right, so there was no need to make a reply. She crossed her arms.

“What do you want me to do with them?” he asked, as the creature began to shift towards a more comfortable perch, its little feet hesitantly searching for holds along his greaves.

“A reputable menagerie or a wildlife rehabilitation center. I don’t particularly care which,” she replied with a shrug.

“How did they come into your care?” he asked, eyes back on the creature and stupid smile back on his stupid face.

“One of my bounties was a trader in exotic fauna. They were earmarked for a Trandoshan larder.”

“That wouldn’t do,” he said as the second creature reached a foot out of the basket, grasping his hand. “Hello, little friend,” he greeted, softly. She rolled her eyes. “Why not take them back to Dathomir yourself?” He glanced up at her, clear eyes seeming to look through her soul, the way Ky’s used to.

Because I don’t know if they’re old enough to survive alone. Because I’m not ready to go back there. Because I can’t leave Dathomirian orphans of any kind uncared for in the cold, heartless galaxy, but I know I’m not the nurturing type.

“It’s out of my way. Can’t afford to waste fuel.”

“What do they eat?” he asked, extending his free hand to let the second creature sniff his glove before he caressed the crop of fluff on its misshapen little head.

“Whatever they want to.”

“Carnivores?” he pressed.


“One last question, if I can strain your patience more than I already have…”

She favored him with a long suffering sigh, then granted her assent with a gesture.

“How did you get my comm codes?”

“How do you think?”

“Ahsoka,” he said softly, his voice a little rough.

“Don’t bother asking for hers.”

He shook his head, keeping his eyes on the small monstrosities crawling up his arm. “I wouldn’t ask you to violate her trust. I’m glad to know she has allies. And that she could call on me, if she needed to.”

“Are we finished?” she asked, crossing her arms again.

“Once you help me get them back into the basket,” he said.

She bundled up the one that had crawled its way up his bicep and dunked it rather unceremoniously back into the basket. He gave her a reproachful look as he tenderly disengaged the feet tenaciously gripping his gauntlet.

She hesitated for an instant, but in the end the old combat instincts were too strong; she couldn’t see a weak point in an enemy’s defense and not at least attempt to strike a blow.

“I heard what happened to the Mandalorian woman.” She said it as casually as she could, lest he think she was expressing sympathy.

His body went rigid, his expression stony.

“I don’t care to discuss it,” he said stiffly.

He was grieving, so deeply and profoundly that for a moment she caught a whiff of it, that torrid sea of sorrow, raging like a storm below a thick layer of clouds.

Absolutely pathetic.

But. Intriguing.

She’d been there. Not grieving a lover, but a beloved mentor. Letting despair fester into hate, its darkness swallowing up the weak flickering light within her.

She’d wanted to see if it was doing the same to him, if the self-righteous and stainless Knight would follow the same path she’d trodden as a child who’d been foolish enough to let another person touch her heart.

It wasn’t.

She breathed it in a little deeper to search for any hint of the dark, but his light was as blinding as it had ever been, even his sorrow like a cold wind of clean air off of some sea, not like the bubble of diseased miasma still buried deep in her own soul.

“Ventress,” he chided, a note of warning in his voice, that there would be consequences if she continued to paw clumsily at him with the Force, trying to know more of that private sorrow.

But it was still gentle, as though, to him, she was akin to the baby chirodactyls in the basket, pitiful and pitied.

And that chased her off more firmly than anger might have. If she’d succeeded in making him angry, she couldn’t have helped but press her advantage. But his mercy always managed to surprise her; she never had learned how to react when he gave quarter.

Anakin and Padme in a Tam Lin AU for @the-far-bright-center

(because sometimes you just really wish RotS ended with Padme breaking the Wicked Spell on her Enchanted Knight)


Thrawn with a white tooka (so the fur doesn’t show up on his uniform jacket) that is blocking his datapad while he tries to scroll his favorite art tags on space tumblr

(Thrawn is absolutely a cat person, I don’t make the rules.)

My traditional Obi-Wan and Satine making out (as the mistletoe dictates) picture for this year. (graphite, colored pencil, silver and rose gold gel pen)

The young Duchess and Padawan Kenobi (referenced from a Moulin Rouge promo photo)

So in our last D&D session, a few of the players (including Bog) got train conductor hats. His….didn’t quite fit. But he was pretty jazzed about it.

You better run, girlie….
