


Artemis is a virgin Godesses and i’ve always associated her with my menstruatal cycle because it’s reflecting how i’m not pregnant etc. During my period this month, i decided to dedicate it to her.

On the first day, i light her a candle and put some walnuts and fresh blackberries in a bowl for her. she seemed to really like it!

Throughout the week i kept wearing my necklace that’s dedicated to her! I also thought about her and prayed to her quite a bit!

On the last day, i put all the remaining walnuts into a jar and placed them on my alter for her

Thank you Artemis for everything you do for me behind the scenes Blessed be


Slay tip #1:

Make sure to slay the day by listening to MATERIAL GWORL

As a Marketer & Host, when I hear different commercials and/or PSAs it makes me think in depth of what message they, that brand, are trying to put out there. Now as a Veteran & Critical Critic about what I hear, it saddens me and makes me laugh at the same time because, if I have ever experienced your brand one way or another and YOUUUUU decide to do OTHER than what was said on the commercial… You got it all wrong.
Deception in Social Media, Commercials & Quality while marketing is HUGE. And the followers… Psychologically confused. At least that is how I have seen the transition thru time.

To me, as of right now, I’m the Era of Chump, I would recommend those who have a loved one entering, serving or have served in this Country of America to take caution. The scandal has and always has been in the Military too. Pray for those who serve this country proud. Like I did. Before it was taken away. I was hurt & it gave me a different perspective about “Men” in uniform & what is said to me. Yeah, I take that with me considering my vast experience in the Military world.
Integrity. A word many still need to possess. Why promote it if you ain’t it? Period.

#marketing #audios #commercials #host #events #thinkofwhatyouaresaying #marketingpsychology #thepsychologyofmarketing #myexperiencevsyours #corporatemarketing #suchalie #militaryhistory #showsit #immaneedyoutoredothatcommercial #period (at Signal Hill, California)


idk. yesterday was a slow day and at the end of it, I still stared into a cash drawer, one of three, that had more than my rent in it, even if you only count the 20s. I spent a lot of that day trying to calculate in my head how many hours of work equal one pair of pants, let alone how many hours of work equals the fun thing I want to do next month.

I feel a cough coming on, because I work in a drug store, and all of my customers are sick. I always feel a little bit sick, now. I can’t afford to eat well enough to keep my body healthy. Cough medicine is worth two hours and 20 minutes of work. Our store probably bought a case of cough medicine for they price we’re selling one box. If this cough gets worse, I might have to call out, which will cost me more than the medicine in the long run- but that doesn’t give me the money to buy the medicine right now. I stock a case onto the shelf. I don’t buy any.

A mom wrangling three crying, sick kids enters my line and sets two types of children’s medicine down, says they’re both on sale and thank god for that. I ring her up, and she gets very quiet, because she misread the sign, and her total is twice as high as she was expecting. Her youngest screams in the cart, because she’s burning up with fever. Her mother very quietly asks, please, she’s so sorry, if I could please take the more expensive one off her total.

I agree, I move the box below the counter, and when she’s not looking, I slip it into her bag. I pray as hard as I can that if she notices the “mistake” she says nothing, because I so desperately want her to have that medicine. The store has lost profit at the cost of a child’s health. I don’t bat an eye. This is a terminable offense. If I’m presented with the same situation tonight, I’ll do it in a heartbeat.

The myth of evil employees stealing from the company falls apart the second you realize the company would shoot you dead to make a profit. This isn’t two equal players, one of whom is stealing from the other. This is someone fighting for survival versus someone fighting to make an extra million. It’s not equal.

Employees should be able to steal, actually.


employees should be allowed to steal, actually









You are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. That’s it. Aces aren’t LGBT.

I mean for one your forgetting a bit of that. Like the Q+.

Mod Bethany

The full acronym is LGBT.

I love me some ahistorical bullshit

The “full” acronym at one point was “GL”, after lesbians fought against male homosexuality being the “face” of the movement (i.e., the Alliance for Gay Artists (AGA), founded in 1982, was renamed the Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Artists shortly thereafter; and the Gay Activists Alliance never included “Lesbian” in their title).

The “full” acronym at another point was “LGB”, only after bisexual activists campaigned fiercely to be included, and is often still not even included in acronyms

The “full” acronym at yet another point was “LGBT”, only after trans activists campaigned fiercely to be included

Queer was added to the acronym after it was reclaimed and re-politicized by ACT UP off-shoot Queer Nation in the early 1990s. LGBTQ has been a thing since the 90s.

ONE Archives, which is the largest repository of LGBTQIA+ materials in the world and was founded by some of the principle members of the early (1950s-60s) homophile movement, which led to the gay rights movement post-Stonewall, uses the full acronym LGBTQ on their website and also freely uses the word “Queer” interchangeably.

As of 2014, NOW (National Organization for Women) agreed to switch to use of the full LGBTQIA acronym, and it likely isn’t the only large social rights organization to have done so

Many LGBTQ+ magazines use LGBTQ, including One(which has existed in some form since the 1950s) and The Advocate, use LGBTQ or LGBTQIA as the full acronym and regularly use “queer” as a phrase (and, in fact, some articles have welcomed asexual people and their narratives as part of the queer experience).

The acronym is constantly evolving. It’s not static. To claim otherwise is blatant ignorance. The modern-day LGBTQ+ community is a result of decades of political activism, social inclusion, and community outreach. It’s nota rigid structure that operates by a strict set of rules about who can and cannot join.

The full acronym is LGBT. Cishets don’t belong in the community. Aces aren’t inherently lgbt. We don’t want our oppressors in our community.

“we don’t want our oppressors in our community” 

as if trans people don’t already have to deal with their oppressors (cis people) being in their community

as if LGBTQIA+ people of color don’t have to deal with LGBTQIA+ white people in the community

as if LBTQIA+ women don’t have to deal with GBTQIA+ men in the community

as if disabled LGBTQIA+ people don’t have to deal with able-bodied LGBTQIA+ people in the community

the LGBTQIA+ community is huge and consists of people with multiply-overlapping identities and privileges. we all (unless you’re a cis, able-bodied, wealthy, white gay man) have to deal with a member of our oppressing class in the LGBTQIA+ community

Even cis, able bodied, wealthy, white gay men occasionally have oppressors in the restricted lgbt community if straight trans people are included (although this is more rare; the only example of a homophobic trans person I can pull up is Caitlyn Jenner, my point is just that intersectionality means this is possible all along in a number of ways and accepting another dimension of intersectionality to the acronym isn’t anything new)

Reblogging for the historical smackdown.

and this fool is STILL going off in the notes about how “aces aren’t inherently lgbtpn no matter what you type on the internet lmao”

well by that logic, aces ARE inherently LGBTQIA+/MOGAI no matter what you type on the internet lmao :) and there’s really nothing you can do about it except cry about the cishets on your tumblr. like please

still no research or facts, just plugging one’s ears and repeating the same old, tired, INCORRECT notion that aces don’t belong in the community despite tons of evidence and research being presented. i think OP intended to go back and forth forever on this, but it’s pretty clear they’re not shit if all they can say is “well they’re not cuz I say so, SO THERE lalalala” in the face of well thought-out responses. 

edit: my comments may be “bullshit” but at least i’m not a bigoted aphobe LOL. this may come as a huge surprise for some of you, but criteria for belonging in the LGBTQIA+/MOGAI community isn’t limited to “opposite” gender identity and sexual orientation??? gasp!! “opposite gender” LMAO okay you just keep on with your bad binary self and we’ll be over here supporting actual inclusion and intersectionality and not being terrific assholes about it.



Cops use ‘I’m afraid’ as they turn off their body cams and execute someone. #ACAB

Supposed to have - intent, opportunity, and capability. All three. Period.
