

reminder to the people who need reminding: joking about abuse is not funny. i had a friend recently tell me a long story about how his girlfriend abused him only for me to find out it was an elaborate joke to him that did not happen. that really upset me, because it takes away from valid experiences and domestic abuse is extremely serious.

i find the bright side more often than i expect to, find moments that make life worthwhile. but still i can’t remember the last time i felt truly whole or content for longer than a few days. there are people and things i miss i can never return to. there are parts of myself i have outgrown. i feel stranded in many ways. i know this is temporary. i just don’t know how long it will be.

my therapist said if i had a support system this post op recovery would be just fine… do not have the support system or the just fine part…

i never realized how much i subconsciously base my value off our my quality and quantity of friendships until i lost most of them


I am officially the kind of person who prints out text posts and puts them on my wall

In my defense this gave me helped me a lot believing I can make things better now and don’t have to wait for the world to fix itself for me

Post by @wholeheartedsuggestions

i can’t tell you how happy this made me, how much this improved my night

weird seeing my friends partying at college and i’m sitting in a rental hospital bed in my living room with three broken leg bones and some cheese and crackers… we all have different paths

i am very out of it and very in pain and i did end up throwing up :/

yes, i still miss them sometimes

where did my cat reblog collection go

my surgery is tomorrow. tell me something good or give me a cute gif or bad meme. i am not freaking out too much but i am freaking out.
