

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from athleticbrutality.tumblr.com.

Brainless and Possessed.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from baldandbrainless.tumblr.com.

An injured Tarzan, Ron Ely, is captured by hostile tribesmen and held at spear point. Exhibiting the erotic musculature of The Ape Man. Even a glimpse of the package beneath his loincloth.

Reframed And Retouched By MuscleSavage from photos on pinterest.com.

Prostrate And Pay Homage To Satan!

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from pornohound.tumblr.com.

A muscle jock slowly pulls off his “Obey” wifebeater. Revealing his erotically hewn hard body. He pauses for a moment, allowing you to take in his magnificent physique. Then he moves toward you. His pungent musk fills the room. You don’t know where to look. Every aspect of his hot bod is perfect. But as he nears you can’t take your eyes off his sculpted pecs. Massive slabs of muscle crowned with tantalizing man tit. Each nipple like a large nub of flesh; hard and protruding. So mesmerizing it’s impossible to look away. Until the musclebeast lets out a low, angry growl. You look up. His eyes have grown dark, vacant, menacing. Instantly pleasure turns to terror.

Photo Composite and Text By MuscleSavage with freeze frames captured from a gif posted on marinemachinejock.tumblr.com.

Paul Charles, The Gay Comic Geek, awoke in a strange laboratory. Tied naked to a gurney under a sheet. Not knowing who or what he was.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from gaycomicgeek.tumblr.com.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from caltxzwei.newtumbl.com

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from sonofthelust.tumblr.com.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from marriedfag4satan666.tumblr.com.

Alex Drastal, Cosplayer Extraordinaire, Possesses The Sculpted Physique A Man Must Have To Portray Tarzan, The Lord Of The Jungle.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with elements from facebook.com and instagram.com.

For some rites a mature male must be procured. An excellent, erotically muscled, specimen. Possessing the strength and stamina to endure the long hours of torturous ceremonial ritual to pay proper homage to The Lord of Darkness. Able to supply a bountiful offering from his prodigous endowment and potent virility.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with a freeze frame from a gif posted on titmaster.tumblr.com.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from gags-hoods-bondage.tumblr.com.

Color Treatment By MuscleSavage with element from paganmuscleviking.tumblr.com.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with elements from vallentiro14.tumblr.com.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from mexlammer.tumblr.com.

Giovanni Bonamy Is Barely Visible Shrouded In Blue Light. But The Reason Why Is Soon Revealed.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from trophysports.tumblr.com.

The Massive Back Of Jake Nikolopoulos.

Color Treatment By MuscleSavage with element from muscleslave46.tumblr.com.

Cowled Leather Demon.

Photo Composite By MuscleSavage with element from bottomsearchrealssadist.tumblr.com.

“I know I will get killed by everyone, but I am not a fan of any of the Eteri students’ jump entries, they always look and feel so labored, like it’s taking them every ounce of their body’s strength, and I feel as though some of their transitions into jumps can be smoother, so you won’t ‘know’ that they are preparing for a jump.”
