#team tutberidze


“What on earth are those weird choreos. that Sambo-70 does in its dance classes??? Now I understand why Shoma didn’t want to stay with Eteri when he went there for a camp (during the time he was coachless, before the start of the 2019-2020 season). Sure, he was like: Nope after going to those dance classes, lol they look ridiculous.”

“Nowadays, unless they are A.) Team Tutberidze, B.) a Russian, C.) a Japanese, or D.) an American, no one talks about them! There are so many lovely skaters that I would love to hear more about, but I never hear about them unless they fit in one of those boxed-up categories.”

“I know I will get killed by everyone, but I am not a fan of any of the Eteri students’ jump entries, they always look and feel so labored, like it’s taking them every ounce of their body’s strength, and I feel as though some of their transitions into jumps can be smoother, so you won’t ‘know’ that they are preparing for a jump.”

“Is there a reason that all of the Eteri girls’ are this lean and quite skinny at this age when the other ladies from Japan or Korean are not as skinny and labeled the ‘skinny type?’ Sure, it could be genetics, but it’s also such an odd coincidence that literally almost all of her female students are known as the really small and thin as a rail type.”

“It confuses me because it seems that Team Tutberidze and Team Hamada use a very similar technique, but it doesn’t sustain the cases of the Eteri’s girls, whereas for the Hamada’s girls, it seems more sustainable.”

“What sucks for Evgenia is that due to 3A being so strong, Kamila Valieva being the next star, and Alina coming back from her break, Evgenia has almost no chance at the Olympics because Eteri’s students get the ‘Eteri political bonus’ from the judges and the benefit of winning the slots from RusFed. I think she is screwed and that sucks.”

tutberidze.eteriВирус очень быстро вводит поправки в нашу жизнь. Нам всем нужно перестроиться к треб


Вирус очень быстро вводит поправки в нашу жизнь. Нам всем нужно перестроиться к требованиям, которые необходимы для нашего здоровья и возврату к привычной жизни.

Мир охвачен вирусом и сейчас абсолютно не имеет значения в какой точке Мира ты живёшь.

Нам нужна некая временная самоизоляция, ношение масок, придерживаться дистанции, если это возможно и гигиена рук, чтобы вирус прекратил молниеносно географически распространяться. Это несложные требования, но они необходимы. Не нужно паниковать, но и нельзя недооценивать ситуацию. Взрослый обязан объяснить это ребёнку.

Всем нам желаю здоровья, нашей планете скорейшего выздоровления. Пожалуйста, берегите себя и окружающих.




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