#piler fic


I forgot to post this here! I wrote a Piler AU, because ALL pairings deserve proper AU love!

This grew from a scene that didn’t even end up in the fic, and it was so much fun to write a fic where they’re pretty much just two ordinary modern day guys, falling into each other through happenstance. I still managed to nudge some seriousness in there, like hinting at Ash’s previous relationship, but it was a treat to write their rapport with each other, it just flows so naturally when writing them. They find each other so much fun to be around, it’s sickening :)

Who doesn’t like characters being stuck together and being forced to know each other? This is mostly set in San Francisco and I realized that having an elevator stop due to a quake isn’t completely outside the realm of plausability, so I went with it. But I apologize to anyone who has been in a quake, no matter the size of it, if it looks like I treat it too callously. I tried to be respectful of what is a serious situation, even if for this fic it serves mostly as backdrop.

Anyway, hope you like. IDK why the word count doesn’t show up on AO3, but it’s around 8k words. And the title is from that song, ‘cos it felt too on the nose to go with the song title.
