#ash tyler



Star Trek Discovery Icons, S1. Pt. 2/?

This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)

Soft quarters - still version[Image Description: an illustration of Michael Burnham and Ash Tyler si

Soft quarters - still version

[Image Description: an illustration of Michael Burnham and Ash Tyler sitting in Michael’s quarters with the stars at the windows. Pressing against Ash’s back, Michael leans in and rests her chin on his shoulder. PADD in hand, Ash is glancing at her, smiling. Michael wears a dark tank top and her uniform trousers. Ash’s sweater is dark. End Image Description]

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for all you “my kingdom for Ash in his Section 31 clothes“ folks[ID: a portrait from the chest up of

for all you “my kingdom for Ash in his Section 31 clothes“ folks

[ID: a portrait from the chest up of Ash Tyler in his black Section 31 leather on a purple background. He looks contemplative, lips slightly parted. His hair is pulled back and reflecting a soft purple and orange light. The black badge is shining on his chest. End ID]

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There’s a lot I’m hoping for out of season two of Star Trek Discovery but near the top of my list is that Michael and Tyler get back together. Why? Well, other than that I think they’re a great couple, I need them to reach that stage in their relationship where she takes him home to meet her family.

I mean, he’s gonna start out nervous anyway. Her father is a freaking Vulcan Ambassador. He only sort of met him once and he was very, very intimidating, seeing him in a domestic setting alone would be odd but especially since he’s dating his daughter. Michael keeps telling him not to worry, that it’s no big deal, and pointing out that he’s not going to make him angry, he’s Vulcan. It doesn’t really help.

So when this, say family dinner, begins Tyler gets seated right next to Sarek and across from Amanda. Amanda is so warm and charming, very easy to be around. Problem is, every time he feels a little relaxed Sarek has some serious question he poses without any warning.

After Sarek abruptly interrupts the laughter of Michael and Tyler after Amanda told them some amusing story with yet another question, Amanda kindly tells him that she would like him to accompany her to the kitchen to check on dessert, Michael volunteers to go as well. There they inform him that they invited Tyler over for dinner, not an interrogation, Sarek gives them some sort of speech about how it’s “the Vulcan way”. 

So with Sarek gone from beside him Tyler finally feels like he can breathe a little. He starts thinking about just how much longer this night can be when he hears a voice from across the table. It’s Spock who is informing him in a very vague yet threatening manor of what might befall him should any harm ever come to his sister. He had been so quiet before Tyler nearly forgot he was there. He tells Spock he understands and promises that he’ll never have to worry about that and then the two resume sitting in silence. It’s a little uncomfortable.

When the others come back Amanda and Michael are all smiles. Sarek is not. The rest of the evening is just like that. Amanda and Michael cheerful with infectious laughter, Sarek and Spock unsettlingly somber and quiet, save a few more of Sarek’s mood killing questions. This is a weirdfamily.

After they leave dinner Michael is thrilled. Tyler can’t imagine why. Yeah, Amanda seemed to like him well enough but he’s pretty sure Sarek hates him and as for Spock, well he has no idea what Spock thinks of him. He’s shocked when Michael tells him that the whole thing went really well and she believes Sarek finds him to be “sufficient” and even Spock considers him to be “adequate”. That’s supposed to be taken as a compliment apparently… Good to know. Weird family? Absolutely, but Tyler thinks maybe, just maybe, he can fit in.

I forgot to post this here! I wrote a Piler AU, because ALL pairings deserve proper AU love!

This grew from a scene that didn’t even end up in the fic, and it was so much fun to write a fic where they’re pretty much just two ordinary modern day guys, falling into each other through happenstance. I still managed to nudge some seriousness in there, like hinting at Ash’s previous relationship, but it was a treat to write their rapport with each other, it just flows so naturally when writing them. They find each other so much fun to be around, it’s sickening :)

Who doesn’t like characters being stuck together and being forced to know each other? This is mostly set in San Francisco and I realized that having an elevator stop due to a quake isn’t completely outside the realm of plausability, so I went with it. But I apologize to anyone who has been in a quake, no matter the size of it, if it looks like I treat it too callously. I tried to be respectful of what is a serious situation, even if for this fic it serves mostly as backdrop.

Anyway, hope you like. IDK why the word count doesn’t show up on AO3, but it’s around 8k words. And the title is from that song, ‘cos it felt too on the nose to go with the song title.

Shazad Latif is an English actor who was born in London England, where he also grew up. He starred as Tariq Masood in the BBC TV series Spooks, Clem Fandango on Toast of London, and Dr.Jekyll ~ Mr.Hyde in Penny Dreadful. Later he was cast as Chief of Security Ash Tyler in the tv-series Star Trek: Discovery.

Sorted caps for characters from Star Trek: Discovery season 1 can be found HERE.  Includes: Admiral Cornwell #3,600, Amanda Grayson #270, Ash Tyler #11,000, Ellen Landry #1,100, Gabriel Lorca #13,000, Gen Rhys #400, Henry Mudd #3,000, Hugh Culber #2,300, Joanna Owosekun #800, Keyla Detmer #1,880, L’Rell #200, Michael Burnham #37,000, Paul Stamets #7,700, Phillippa Georgiou #8,100, R. A. Bryce #300, Sarek #2,600, Saru #700 and Sylvia Tilly #8,000.  Some of these have a lot less than others but if you need more of a certain character or for a character not listed you can always poke me and let me know.

This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!).


Rittenhouse Discovery Season Two trading card number 74, “Such Sweet Sorrow,” 2020.
