#pilot dib

eeeyyyy, concepts for the zim and dib variantseeeyyyy, concepts for the zim and dib variants

eeeyyyy, concepts for the zim and dib variants

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This DTIYS was drawn for [afi-senpai] (Instagram).

I don’t know why, but it seems to me that if you want to use the services of ghosts, then you have to pay them back in some way. It doesn’t matter what. His life, his mind, and maybe something more…

Thanks to the author of DTIYS for the inspiration! :3


The author tried to type the text on newspaper clippings until the last moment. And then the author realized that this would spoilerize the entire second chapter of" The Happiest Halloween, Zim “ completely. It was this fact, coupled with laziness, that stopped me.

Plus, I still haven’t decided on the color palette :D
