#plated to perfection

This is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet the last two members of the tThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet the last two members of the tThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet the last two members of the t

This is not a real interactive game

Plated to Perfection: Part Two!

Meet the last two members of the top eight! These seasoned chefs may prove to be some of your toughest competition yet! Meet the brash chef owner from Chennai, Sai and the underdog, silent chef from Wuhan, Meilin

Competitor Chef Bhasin

  • Name: Sai Bhasin

  • Gender: Man

  • Age: 28

  • Ethnicity: Indian

  • Specialty: Flavor

  • Competition Style: Trash Talk

Sai is the chef owner of his own restaurant in Los Angeles and easily made the top eight with his hot flavors and aromatic spices. He’s using the competition to both promote and win the prize for his small but popular restaurant. Be careful around him and show him no weakness or he will hurt your feelings; Sai’s tongue is as hot as his food

Competitor Chef Yang

  • Name: Meilin Yang
  • Gender: Woman
  • Age: 24
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Specialty: Balanced
  • Competition Style: Professional
  • Extra: MC may potentially have a fling with her, is hard of hearing and has an interpreter

Perhaps the most controversial competitor of the season, Meilin was written off early by some viewers and competitors alike but her careful eye and lightning fast hands carried her to the top eight. She proved herself to be unflappable in the face of adversity and her food does all the talking for her. No one can distract her, no one can disrupt her flow and it looks like no one is going to get in her way

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This is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two more members of the top eThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two more members of the top eThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two more members of the top e

This is not a real interactive game

Plated to Perfection: Part Two!

Meet two more members of the top eight! Can you surpass them or will you be a speedbump on their path to victory? Say hello to the shy high school senior from Milan, Karmelo and the food vlogging patisserie from Manchester, Theresa

Competitor Chef Bianchi

  • Name: Karmelo Bianchi
  • Gender: Man
  • Age: 18
  • Ethnicity: Italian
  • Specialty: Presentation
  • Competition Style: Professional
  • Extra: Child prodigy

Karmelo is the youngest competitor in the top eight but to everyone’s surprise, he took an early lead in the preliminary rounds and is being watched as the one to beat. Don’t let his shy, earnest nature fool you; he cooks like he’s been in the kitchen for years and his palette is impeccable. He’s fast, attentive and he’s always looking for new ways to improve

Competitor Chef Faye

  • Name: Theresa Faye
  • Gender: Woman
  • Age: 25
  • Ethnicity: Senegalese (British)
  • Specialty: Balanced 
  • Competition Style: Trash Talk

Theresa shocked no one when she made the top eight; she has the highest follower count in the top eight as she runs a successful food vlog, Feast With Faye. Flair, attitude and a diverse wealth of culinary knowledge goes a long way to making her both popular and a strong competitor. She can cook, she can bake and she really knows how to work a crowd

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This is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two of the other members of tThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two of the other members of tThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet two of the other members of t

This is not a real interactive game

Plated to Perfection: Part Two!

Meet two of the other members of the top eight! Who do you think you can knock out of the competition first? The humble farmer from Louisiana, Ashton or the silver tongue sushi chef from Okinawa, Kasumi? 

Competitor Chef Brady

  • Name: Ashton Brady
  • Gender: Man
  • Age: 35
  • Ethnicity: English (American South)
  • Specialty: Flavor
  • Competition Style: Professional

Ashton is a simple man whose easy demeanor won the judges over just as easily as his talent for down home southern cooking. He’s big, a little clumsy and he can make quite a mess but no one can argue with his results. One bite of his food is guaranteed to put a smile on your face

Competitor Chef Takagi

  • Name: Kasumi Takagi
  • Gender: Woman
  • Age: 27
  • Ethnicity: Japanese
  • Specialty: Presentation
  • Competition Style: Trash Talk
  • Extra: Yuki Ogawa’s younger cousin

Kasumi is no stranger to the upper echelon of the culinary world, having been born into the Ogawa family. But even though she’s accustomed to wealth, the spotlight and all the privileges that come with it, she’s not banking on her name or suspected favoritism from her cousin to win the competition. She can cook and she knows it; she has a loud bark but don’t underestimate her because she willbite

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This is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet your rival’s sous chef! WhethThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet your rival’s sous chef! WhethThis is not a real interactive gamePlated to Perfection: Part Two!Meet your rival’s sous chef! Wheth

This is not a real interactive game

Plated to Perfection: Part Two!

Meet your rival’s sous chef! Whether you choose to face off against Marie Esther or Hasan, Mateo will be there to support them

Rival Sous Chef Fernandez

  • Name: Mateo Fernandez
  • Gender: Man
  • Age: 23
  • Ethnicity: Spanish
  • Education: Culinary Arts Institution
  • Specialty: Opposite of Rival 
  • Competition Style: Same as Rival
  • Extra: MC may potentially have a fling with him, trans man

Mateo is charming, adaptable and very disciplined and he may just be the ace in the hole that can boost his chef to victory. Alongside Chef Demir, Mateo is as quick with his stinging retorts as he is with his knife. Together, he and his chef will say just about anything to shake you and the other competitors to the core

Alongside Chef St. Joseph, Mateo’s deep understanding of Spanish flavors flourishes as he helps to keep her eyes on the prize. Together, he and his chef may just tag team their way past you to the very top

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